Page 1: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає


August 2 & 9 , 2015


1001 Grant Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 1Y3 Tel: (204) 453-4653 Fax: (204) 475-0928Website: Office Hours Tue-Fri, 9:30 am-400 pm Від вівтірка до п’ятниці - 9:30 рано до 4:00 пополудн

Clergy and Staff - Духовенство й Працівники

Fr. Darren Kawiuk, Parish Priest - 204-453-4653 [email protected]

Joe Kulyk, Office Manager - 204-453-4653 [email protected]

Eucharist - Божественна Літургія Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:00 am-English - по-англійськи 11:00 am-Ukrainian - по-українськи Weekday Divine Liturgy - Будні - Tuesday-Friday: 8:00 am

Repentance (Confession) - Сповідь Sundays during Liturgy & by appointment

Baptisms - Хрещення Notify the Parish Office at least a month before the baby is expected or shortly afterwards. There is a special information class which parent’s must attend before the Sacrament of Baptism & Confirmation can be celebrated.

Weddings - Вінчання Contact the pastor 9-12 months in advance

Parish Hall - Храмовий Зал - 204-452-2332

Parish Pastoral Council Zenon Scraba, Chairperson - 204 - 797-4862

Knights of Columbus Zenon Scraba, Grand Knight - 204-797-4862

UCWLC, President - Vacant after January 2016

Leona Shewchuk, Treasurer - 204-257-4315

Club 55+, Stella Hyska, President - 204-489-6425

Queen of Peace Prayer Group Leonard Terrick, Coordinator - 204-269-4696

Decorating - TBA Altar Guild - Elizabeth Weselowski - 204-477-0030

Catechism Program - Martin Pasieczka - 204-453-4965

Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish Українська Католицька Церква Пресвятої

We warmly welcome all of our visitors!

It’s good to have you with us!

Слава Ісусу Христу! - Glory to Jesus Christ!

Слава на віки! - Glory forever!

Page 2: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

Sunday Envelopes (74) $1,980

Sunday Envelopes (70) $1,790

Loose Cash $45 $45.60

Church Maintenance

Visitors $15 $45

Candle Offering $84.55 $74.70

Vigil Lamps $15


Щиро Вам дякуємо! Thank you for your Generosity!

July 19 July 26

August 2nd - 10th Sunday

after Pentecost

The story of Jesus healing a demon-possessed boy teaches us a lot about having faith in Him. Having faith in Jesus means entrusting everything to Him and His power. Having faith is believing that when all else fails, Jesus won’t. Pause for a while and think of a time when things seemed so hopeless and you couldn’t do anything to change the situation. When the worst is far from over, we tend to doubt Jesus’ power to overturn the situation. Having faith means fixing our eyes on Jesus alone.

those people of our parish

who are in the hospitals,

care homes and those who

are shut-ins, as well as

those who need our


Remember, if you would

like a hospital visit or to

h a v e y o u r n a m e

published in the bulletin,

you or a member of your

family must call the

parish office and let us




ЗДОРОВЯ - Please

remember in your

Please keep in

your prayer the



Sobor” on the

Vibrant Parish that will be held

this summer in the city of

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.

Aug 25-27, 2015.

We are now set up to accept bimonthly

donations (every 2 weeks) for your

convenience! Debit form located in the narthex

Page 3: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

Divine Liturgy Schedule Порядок Богослужінь

Day Date Time Intention

Sun Aug 2 9:00 am

11:00 am


Anniversary blessing for John and Olha Dziadek by Family

Tue Aug 4 8:00 am In Thanksgiving to God for Leonard and Paulette Terrick

Wed Aug 5 8:00 am Birthday blessing for Fr Darren by Elizabeth Weselowski

Thu Aug 6 7:00 pm Feast of Transfiguration - Blessing of Fruit

Fri Aug 7 8:00 am Birthday blessings for Fr Darren by Sandra and William Kawiuk

Sun Aug 9 9:00 am

11:00 am

Michael Maksymetz by Rosalene Maksymetz


Tue Aug 11 8:00 am Birthday blessings for Judy Scraba (60 years) by Zenon, Trevor & Tyler

Wed Aug 12 8:00 am Birthday blessing for Sandra Kawiuk by William and Fr Darren

Thu Aug 13 8:00 am Herve Bourgeois by Martha and family

Fri Aug 14 8:00 am John Furkalo by (niece) Merna Furkalo

Sun Aug 16 9:00 am

11:00 am

Knights of Columbus Members and their families


Успіння -Dormition of the Mother of God—Blessing of Flowers at

both liturgies

Tue Aug 18 8:00 am In thanksgiving to God for Ned and Yvonne Derkach

Wed Aug 19 8:00 am In Thanksgiving to God for Leonard and Paulette Terrick

Thu Aug 20 8:00 am God's blessing and guidance for Mark by Maurice and Stella Kohut

Fri Aug 21 8:00 am Blessing and graces for Coral, Steven, Tyler and Dallas by Leonard and

Paulette Terrick


Tuesday - Friday No liturgies scheduled during the Clergy Retreat

Page 4: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

He led them up to the mountain that He might also reveal to them Who this Son is, and Whose Son is He. For when He asked them: Whom do men say that the Son of man is, they said to Him: some Elias, some others Jeremias, or one of the prophets. And so He led them up into a high mountain, and showed them that He was not Elias, but the God of Elias; that neither was He Jeremias, but He that had sanctified Jeremias in his mother's womb; that neither was He one of the prophets, but the Lord of the prophets, and He that had sent them. And He showed them also that He

was the Creator of heaven and earth

and the Lord of the living and the

dead; for He spoke to the heavens,

and they sent down Elias; He made a

sign to the earth and raised Moses to

life again . . . For God the Word dwelt

in the womb of the Virgin: and the fire

of His Divinity consumed not the

members of the virginal body; and in

that dwelling place she kept watch

over him for the space of nine months.

He dwelt in the womb of the Virgin, not

despising our nature; and from it God

came forth clothed in human flesh,

that He might redeem us.

He took them up into a high

mountain apart, that He might also

show them the glory of His Divinity,

and that He might declare Himself the

Redeemer of Israel, as He had

foretold by the prophets, and so that

they would not be scandalized in Him

when they would see Him in the

Passion He had taken upon Himself;

and which for our sakes He was about

to suffer in His human nature. For they

knew that He was man, hut they knew

not that He was God. They knew Him

as the Son of Mary, and as a man

sharing their daily life in the world. On

the mountain He revealed to them that

He was the Son of God, and Himself

God. St. Ephrern the Syrian

On the Mountain

Volunteers needed to help move tables and chairs onto the stage in

the auditorium. If you are able to help please come on Friday, August 7th at 9:00 am. Professional floor cleaning services by Bee Clean will be stripping, waxing and buffing the auditorium floor as well as cleaning all carpet areas. The work is scheduled to be done over two days , August 10th and 11th.

Page 5: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

Jesus had gone with his disciples Peter, James, and John to Mount Tabor. Christ's appearance was changed while they watched into a glorious radiant figure. There appeared Elijah and Moses, speaking with Jesus. The disciples were amazed and terribly afraid. This event shows forth the divinity of Christ, so that the disciples would understand after his Ascension that He was truly the radiant splendor of the Father, and that his Passion was voluntary (Mark 9:2-9). It also shows the possibility of our own theosis. The Transfiguration of Christ is one of the central events recorded in the Gospels. In the Transfiguration, the apostles see the glory of the Kingdom of God present in majesty in the person of Christ. The blessing of grapes, as well as other fruits and

vegetables on this day, is the most beautiful and adequate sign of the final transfiguration of all things in Christ. Make every effort to attend the Feast Day Liturgy this Thursday at 7:00PM, and bring fruit for blessing and sharing!

6-го Серпня - 6th August Переображення Господа - Transfiguration of Our Lord

Vigil Lamps

Icon of Mary

Icon of Jesus

Aug 2-8 Health and speedy recovery

for George Balacko

Holy Family Knights of Columbus

Health and speedy recovery

for George Balacko

Holy Family Knights of Columbus

Aug 9-15 God’s blessings for Courtney and Chris

God’s blessings for Nicholas and Liz

Icon of the Transfiguration of Our Lord

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Ministry Aug 2 Aug 9 Aug 16 Aug 23



Lawrence Luba

Wally Komonko

Lawrence Luba

Wally Komonko

Lawrence Luba

Wally Komonko

Lawrence Luba

Wally Komonko


Eucharist Myron Musick Myron Musick Myron Musick Myron Musick

Sacristan Peter Tkach Peter Tkach Peter Tkach Peter Tkach

Ministry Aug 2 Aug 9 Aug 16 Aug 23

Rosary Marianne Derkach Paulette Terrick Christine Brezden Leonard Terrick

Greeters Peter and Regan


Carol Nowasad

Jean Uchach

Richard and Shelly


Alice Michalczuk

Marie Stefanik

Epistle Eugene

Statkewich Caroline Pasieczka Danny Schur Irene McVay

Ushers Glen Jensen

Lawrence Grzenda

Rick Duchnycz

Dean Robinson

Peter Yakimoski

Trevor Scraba

Walter Bzovy

Bill Kutchma

Eucharist Richard Pidsadny Kevin Komarnicki Eugene Statkewich Peter Tataryn

Sacristan Leonard Terrick Eugene Statkewich Zenon Scraba Leonard Terrick



Meetings & Events

The Spirit of Ukraine Pavilion, Soul Sanctuary - 2050 Chevrier Blvd

Ukraine - Kyiv Pavilion, Maples Collegiate - 1330 Jefferson Avenue

Immaculate Conception Church 61st Annual Pilgrimage at Cooks Creek Aug 14-16

Aug 2 - 8

Aug 9 - 15

The members of the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League are sad to bid farewell to

Marilyn Daulat, an active member who is the UCWLC Membership Chair, a

member of our choir, and an regular volunteer at our Perogy Fundraiser. The

members will meet at a luncheon on Wednesday to wish Marilyn much success and

God’s blessing as she embarks on a new phase in her life in Kelowna where she will

be close to her daughter Larissa, son-in-law Kent and her lovely grandchildren.

Page 7: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає
Page 8: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

We rejoice with the family of

KASHUS ROMAN TOUPIN who was Baptized and Chrismated at

Our Church on July 4, 2015. May God bless

him with a long and grace-filled life

bringing the joy of Salvation to whomever he meets.

МНОГАЯ ЛІТА! Proud Parents Kyle and Veronika Toupin

We rejoice with the family of

EMILY GRACE ANITA BOURGEOIS who was Baptized and Chrismated at

Our Church on July 26, 2015 May God bless

her with a long and grace-filled life

bringing the joy of Salvation to whomever she meets.

МНОГАЯ ЛІТА! Proud Parents Joel and Alexandra Bourgeois

Please note the Baptism announcement of Kashus Roman Toupin in the July 19 & 26 Church

Bulletin has an error. The correct announcement for date of the Baptism is July 4, 2015. We

apologize for the confusion.

Page 9: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

Here’s the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: if you are alive it isn’t!

~ Richard Bach

Happy Birthday!

З Днем Народження August 7th

Fr Darren Kawiuk May the Good Lord Continue to

Guide You and Shower You with

His Blessings

Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає Вас у Своїй Опіці та Щедро Благословить Вас.


Check Out the Archeparchial Website!

Be informed about parish news, events and pertinent

information regarding the Church in Canada, the Ukrainian

Catholic Church and the Universal Church, as well as

inspiring articles on Faith, Theology, Prayer and Charitable

outreach .

Ukrainian Catholic

Archeparchy of


Page 10: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

An so our sins become greater,

and not oly from this but also from the

benefits and honour which we enjoy

from them. If you want to learn how

our sins against God are like ten

thousand talents, or more in fact, and

even much more, I will try to show

you briefly. But I fear, lest to those

who are inclined to wickedness an

love continually to sin, I should

appear to provide them with still

greater security; or that I might drive

the mecker sort ot despair, and that

theyshould repeat the despairing

question of the disciples: “Who then

can be saved?”

… But nevertheless I will continue

on in the hope that I may make those

who pay attention more secure and

more amenable. For those whosuffer

an incurable disease and feel no pain

are untouched by these words and do

not change from their natural

wickedness and inertia. And even if in

the future they derive from my words

greater occasion for contempt, that

should be attributed not to this kind of

argument but to

their own insensibility. What \i will say

ought to be able to arouse them if only

they attend to it and let it prick their


And so it is necessary that I speak.

In speaking for our sins, I will

distinguish between those we commit

against God and against other

persons. I will set forth not each

person’s own but what are common.

But then I will ask individuals to add

their own sins according to an

examination of their conscience. I will

do this, having first set forth the good

deeds of God to us. What then are

God’s good deeds? He created us

from nothing; He made the whole

visible world for us, the heaven, the

sea, the earth, animals, plants and

seeds…. He gave usa helpmate and

set us over all the brute species, and

He crowned us with glory and honour.

And yet after all this, when

humanity turned out ungrateful

towards its benefactor, He thoufgt us

worthy of an even greater gift -


St John Chrysostom

I Will Pay You

Page 11: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

August 9th - 11th Sunday after Pentecost

The Unforgiving Servant

We find the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant only

in Matthew 18:23-35. The Apostle Peter had asked how

many times one should forgive, "Till seven times?" and

Jesus answered, "Not seven times but seventy times

seven" (Matthew 18:21-22). The context of this passage

is Jesus teaching His disciples about the "kingdom of

heaven." We can take some very important principles

from this parable and apply them to our lives today. The

servant whose lord forgave him much, ten thousand

talents, equivalent to several millions of dollars, was

unwilling to forgive another servant who owed him a

hundred denarii. A denarius was a day's wage and was worth approximately sixteen cents. Therefore,

compared to what the first servant was forgiven, this was a very small amount. The principle here is, "the

one forgiven much should forgive much." In other words, the principle of forgiveness is that grace or

forgiveness to another is without limit. The disciples are not to count the number of times they forgive.

Rather, as the parable teaches, they are to forgive much because God has forgiven much. In the Parable

of the Unforgiving Servant, Jesus is presenting a new principle that is similar to the basis of the

forgiveness command for believers found in Ephesians 4:32, "And be ye kind to one to another,

tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Jesus is teaching

His disciples pre-cross, and therefore in the pre-church age, but the basis for forgiveness is the same.

Because God has forgiven us, we are to forgive each other. Therefore, because we have received much

grace, "while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8), we are commanded to give that

same grace to others. In the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, the first servant's debt was forgiven, and

he was not required to repay until his unforgiving nature was discovered. In contrast, our sin debt was

paid in full by Christ and is the only basis for God's forgiveness. We cannot repay our debt to God or

earn our salvation. It is a gift of grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). Therefore, in the Parable of the Unforgiving /

Unmerciful / Unjust Servant, Jesus is teaching His disciples, and us by extension, that forgiveness should

be in like proportion to the amount forgiven. The first servant had been forgiven all, and he then should

have forgiven all. In like manner, a child of God by faith through Christ has had all sins forgiven.

Therefore, when someone offends or sins against us we should be willing to forgive him from a heart of

gratitude for the grace to which we ourselves are debtors.

Page 12: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

O most holy Mother of God, after heaven and earth were honored by your presence, how is it possible to accept that your departure has left men deprived of your protection? Let it never occur to us to think in this way. For just as you, when living in this world, never felt estranged from a heavenly life, even so, after your departure, you are not spiritually separated from the [earthly] existence of men. If, on the one hand, you were consecrated as the heavenly tabernacle of God, because you held the Son of the Most High within you, your womb being capable of carrying His weight; on the other hand, you have been called the spiritual earth, because you received His body within you. Thus it is right to think that, since you were intimately united with God during all of your earthly sojourn, you never abandoned those who continue to live in this world, when you left this world's life.

We however, accustomed to venerate you faithfully, uselessly say: Why were we not considered worthy to have you stay with us in your bodily presence? Therefore we call thrice blessed those who delighted in the contemplation of your earthly existence, those who helped you, O Mother of life, as your companions in life. In any case, still desiring that you might dwell bodily in our midst, the eyes of our souls are compelled to look toward you daily. Indeed, as you were a fellow citizen of our ancestors, even so you dwell with us spiritually, and your ample protection in our regard is like a sign that you are with us. We all hear your voice, and all our voices reach your ears. Through the protection you offer us, we are known by you. We, in our turn, recognize your ever-wonderful assistance. Nothing, not even death, can come between you and your servants.

St. Germanus of Constantinople

The Dormition

"It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are

ready to change and others are not."

Courtesy of ‘Coffee Break’ ~James Gordon

Page 13: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

The Feast of the Dormition of the

Mother of God

The last of the twelve great feasts in the Church year, the Dormition of the Mother of God, culminates the cycle of feasts and indicates God's ultimate plan for mankind--that having completed this earthly life, the faithful shall be resurrected in body and soul and united with Christ for eternity. The Most Holy Theotokos, whose entire life had been spent in accordance

with God's will, is the most perfect example of humanity, greatest among the saints and "more honourable than the cherubim." Only through such a pure vessel could the Incarnation of God the Word occur, for Jesus Christ, born of the Holy Virgin, was perfect man and perfect God. For this reason she is honoured above all of God's creation and at the close of her earthly life, she was bodily taken to heaven without having to await the Day of Judgment. Thus did God glorify his obedient handmaid having instructed all generations to call her Blessed.

Blessing of Flowers on the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos – Saturday, August 15th . This feast, which is also sometimes called the Assumption, commemorates the death, resurrection and glorification of Christ’s mother. It proclaims that Mary has been “assumed” by God into the heavenly kingdom of Christ in the fullness of her spiritual and bodily existence. It is the custom in our Ukrainian Catholic Church to bless flowers on this Feast. Make every effort to attend the Feast Day Liturgy this Sunday at at both Liturgies, and bring flowers for blessing and sharing!

Page 14: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає

History of the Icon According to popular tradition the Icon was taken from the island of Crete by a merchant who shipped it to Rome in 15th century. It is said that during the voyage a terrible storm threatened the lives of the passengers and that thanks to the intercession of Our Lady all was saved. A short time before his death the merchant decided to entrust the Icon to a friend so that it might be given to a city Church. The friend, however, retained the Icon until he was at the point of death. Then the Virgin appeared in a dream to his daughter and expressed the desire to be venerated in a Church between the Basilicas of St Mary Major and St John Lateran. His wife finally consigned the |Icon to the Church of st Matthew. For three centuries it was the centre of devotion on the Esquiline, but after the destructiomn of the Church of St Matthew by Napoleon’s troops, it was transferred to the Church of St Mary in Posterula (Rome). The Icon remained there for almost seventy years until the Redemptorist came to Rome. They

were building the Church of St Alphonsus on the former site of St Matthew’s and became interested in the Icon. In 1866,

after the Icon had been restored by a Polish artist, Leopold Nowotny, it was entrusted to the Redemptorists by Pope Pius IX. Since the 26th of April 1866, the original Icon has been venerated in the Church of st Alphonsus in Rome, which is today an important Marian Shrine.

Message of the Icon Ikon is from the Greek — eikon — which means image. An Icon is not a simple representation of saints. It is rather a type of portrait which makes present the person represented in a spiritual way. The Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is one of the Passion icons of Our Lady and depicts Our Lady with a Child, with an angel on each side holding the instruments of the Passion. The Child’s hands grasp one of the hands of His Mother as the sandal falls from His foot revealing the sole. The unknown artist of the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help seems to have wished to portray the anguish of Christ as He, contemplating the vision of His future Passion, represented by the instruments carried by the angels, in an abrupt movement lets fall a sandal. These elements of the composition whow the reality of the suffering and the Passion of Christ. At the same time the Icon gives evidence of the triumph of Christ over suffering and death, depicted by the golden background, which is a sign of the Resurrection and in the manner in which the angels hold the instruments of the Passion. These appear not so much as threats of destruction, but rather as the trophies of victory, taken from Calvary on Easter morning. It can therefor be said that the main theme of the Icon is the mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. The focal point of the Icon is to be found in the claspin g of the hands of the Mother and the child. The right hand of the Mother welcomes the Son, thus stressing the humanity of Christ. The reality of the incarnation can be seen, as well, in the gesture of the Child, showing the sole of His foot and clinging to His Mother, as if seeking the comfort of Mary. The hand of the Virgin, indicates at the same time the Son of God, highlighting the divine nature of Jesus. Mary guides us to the Redeemer, to Him who is “the Way the Truth and the Life”.

Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

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Page 16: Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Parish · 2015-07-08 · May the Good Lord Continue to Guide You and Shower You with His Blessings Нехай Добрий Господь Тримає
