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Smiles In Paradise Dental Clinic

Aloha and welcome to our website. Our goal is to provide you with uncompromising dental care with the utmost concern for your comfort and safety. With over 25 years of experience and countless hours of continuing education, Dr. Michael Nishime has a passion for what he does, and he treats and treatment plans every patient in the same manner he or one of his family members would want to be treated. His goal is to keep or return every patient to optimal oral health,function, beauty and comfort.

Dr. Michael L. Nishime, DDS, FAGD, FAAID, FICOI, FADI :-

Dr. Nishime received his B.A. degree from the University of Hawaii in 1978 and his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in 1981. He was inducted into the Tau Kappa Omega dental honor society while in dental school. He has been in the private practice of dentistry in Hawaii since 1981, and his practice is primarily focused on implant, cosmetic and advanced restorative dentistry. He was awarded a Fellowship in the International Congress of Oral Implantolgists in 1995, a Fellowship in the American Academy of Implant Dentistry in 2002, a Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry in 2002 a Fellowship in the /Academy of Dentistry International in 2008 and Diplomate (Board Certification) status by the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry in 1998. He is one of only 350 dentists in the United States that has received this

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designation title, and is currently the first and only board certified dental implantologist in the state of Hawaii. Dr. Nishime has received surgical and restorative training in dental implants at the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and the Alabama Implant Study Group; cosmetic dentistry at the Las Vegas Institute for Cosmetic Dentistry (LVI) and American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry; and TMJ, advanced esthetic dentistry and complex oral rehabilitation from the Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education, Dawson Center for Advanced Dental Study and the Seattle Institute for Advanced Dental Education. He is a past president of the Western District of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and the Oahu Dental Study Club. Dr. Nishime is a mentor for the Hawaii division of the prestigious Terry Tanaka Prosthodontic Study Group, and he mentors other dentists in implant dentistry through his own Hawaii Dental Implant Study Club. Dr. Nishime is listed in “Americas Top Dentists” and “Best Dentists in Hawaii”.


1. General Dentistry:- Technology Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Care Periodontal Care Preventive Care Dental Care for Infants and Children Dentistry for Anxious Patient

2. Endodontics:- Non Surgical Endodontics Endodontics Retreatment Surgical Endodontics

3. Oral and Mixillofacial Surgery:- Bone Grafting Corrective jaw or Orthognathic Surgery Facial Cosmetic Surgery Skin Treatment Dental Implant Temporomandibular joints Wisdom Teeth

4. Orthodontics:- First Appointment Two Phase Treatment Retaining Straight Teeth Tongue Thrust Technology Sterilization

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5. Pediatric Dentistry:- Technology Preventive Care First Dental Visit Restorative Care Emergency Care

6. Periodontics:- Non Surgical Periodontal Treatment Surgical Periodontal Treatment Cosmetic Surgical Procedures Dental Implants Maintenance

1.General Dentistry:-


Smile Select is a state-of-the art facility equipped with the most advanced dental technology available today. We work to constantly optimize the technology in our dental offices to ensure that we can take care of any dental needs our patients may have. We offer Dental Digital X-rays, intra-oral cameras, diagnostic lasers, as well as Zoom!™ Patients often recognize the brand name Zoom!™ from the hit television show Extreme Makeover. The Cosmetic Dentists on Extreme Makeover choose Zoom!™ as the leading teeth whitening procedure available to dentists today. Cosmetic Dentistry:-

In a study completed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, researchers found that 9 out of 10 patients agree that an attractive smile is an important asset. They also found that 75% of Americans agree that an unattractive smile can hurt an applicant’s chance for career success. Having a smile you love can increase your confidence and boost your self-image. If you are unhappy with your smile, you may be surprised to know that modern Cosmetic Dentist Anaheim Hills CA offers many solutions to common aesthetic problems. Our office provides the full spectrum of cosmetic dentistry to our patients. Whether you are seeking Veneers Anaheim Hills CA or simple tooth whitening or to repair crooked or damaged teeth, we can help you to achieve a more attractive smile.

Restorative Care:-

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Tooth Filling: Tooth Colored Filling is One of Dental Restorative Care Services and In the past, cavities could only be treated with unsightly metal fillings that are alloys for silver and mercury. These fillings, especially when close to the front of the mouth, are highly noticeable and unaesthetic. Sometimes, the filling is so large that it causes discoloration of the entire tooth. These fillings (or restorations) often weaken teeth due to the large amount of the original tooth that has to be removed. Also there is a risk of Mercury poisoning that is used in the filling. Modern dentistry has increasingly turned to Tooth colored or composite fillings as a strong, safe and more natural looking alternative. Composite fillings utilize a soft white plastic substance that is hardened with a blue light.

Crown and Bridges: When a tooth is fractured, has a large old filling, or is severely damaged by decay, your dentist may recommend the placement of a crown. Crowns strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure and can improve the appearance of your smile.Types of crowns include the full porcelain crown, the porcelain-fused-to-metal crown (precious & non-precious) and the all-metal crown.

Fitting a crown requires at least two visits to the dentist’s office. Initially, the Dentist removes decay and shapes the tooth; makes an impression and fits a temporary or transitional crown of plastic or metal. In a subsequent visit, the dentist removes the temporary crown, fits and adjusts the final crown and cements the crown into place.

Few incidents have greater impact on dental health and personal appearance than tooth loss. When one or more teeth are missing, the remaining teeth can drift out of position, which can lead to a change in the bite, the loss of additional teeth, decay and gum disease. When tooth loss occurs, your dentist may recommend the placement of a bridge. A bridge is one or more replacement teeth anchored by one or more crowns on each side.

Dental Implant:

When a tooth is lost the specialized bony process that houses the tooth begins to resorb due to lack of stimulation. This causes a decrease in width and height of the bone in the area the tooth is lost. Neighboring teeth and opposing teeth begin to move into the space. This causes food lodgment, subsequent decay, gum disease and abnormal forces being transmitted to teeth leading to fracture of cusps which may necessitate root canal treatment or extraction. Loss of teeth can also cause the cheek and lips to collapse giving an aged look.The consequences of tooth loss can be prevented by replacing the lost tooth in a timely manner. Although there are several options to replace a missing tooth the number one choice for replacing lost teeth are dental implants. Implants are tiny titanium screws or posts that are surgically placed in the bone. Once integrated into bone they act like roots onto which small posts are attached which protrude through the gums. These posts provide stable anchors to the replacement teeth. Implants maintain the bone height by stimulation and prevents unnecessary trimming of adjoining teeth for bridge placement. Since implants are titanium posts there is no chance for decay on implants. Implants can service you for several years with regular professional cleaning and proper home care.


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Over time, people’s teeth tend to naturally deteriorate. When a tooth has deteriorated substantially, it often needs to be extracted; and when multiple teeth are extracted, dentures may be the most appropriate solution. Dentures can create a natural and healthy looking set of teeth. In addition, a properly fitting set of dentures can greatly enhance your smile and sense of self-esteem.Complete and Partial Dentures

Complete dentures are used when few original teeth remain. The dentist begins by removing any remaining teeth so the dentures can be fitted. He or she then makes a mold of the gums and sends it to a dental lab where customized dentures are constructed. Partial dentures are prepared in much the same way as a complete set and are utilized when only a few teeth are missing.

Periodontal Gum Care :- For Americans in their 30s and beyond, the threat of gum disease (periodontal disease) is a very real and potentially dangerous condition. Gum disease is particularly dangerous because the progression of the disease is often painless, going undetected until it creates serious problems. Although genetics may play a small role in its development, doctors agree that gum disease is most often directly related to how well people care for their teeth and gums.

Preventive Care:- Regular Dental Checkup : In order to avoid lengthy procedures & maintain a healthy disease free mouth we recommend recare every 6 months. This allows us to detect early signs of disease & provide appropriate treatment, leading to a favorable prognosis.

Dental Sealants : Sealants protect the occlusal surfaces, inhibiting bacterial growth and providing a smooth surface that increases the probability that the surface will stay clean. The ultimate goal of sealants is penetrating into the pit and fissures of the tooth and sealing them from bacteria.

Space Maintainers : Space maintainers are appliances made to custom fit your child’s mouth to maintain the space intended for the permanent tooth when it decides to come in. They do this by “holding open” the empty space left by a lost tooth by preventing movement in the remaining teeth until the permanent tooth takes its natural position in the child’s mouth. This treatment is much more affordable and much easier on your child than to move them back later with orthodontic procedures. Think of space maintainers as insurance against braces.

Fluoride Treatment : The fluoride ion comes from the element fluorine. Fluoride, either applied topically to erupted teeth, or ingested orally (called systemic fluoride) during tooth development, helps to prevent tooth decay, strengthen tooth enamel, and reduce the harmful effects of plaque. Fluoride also makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay and promotes remineralization, which aids in repairing early decay before the

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damage is even visible.

Dental Care for Infants and Children:-

Most pediatric dentists will agree that regular Dental Care for Infants  should begin by one year of age, with a dental check-up at least twice each consecutive year for most children. Some children may need more frequent evaluations and care. In accordance with this recommendation, the following dental checklist for infants and toddlers has been provided by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry:Birth to 6 months of age:

Clean the infant’s mouth with gauze after feedings and at bedtime. Consult your child’s pediatrician regarding fluoride supplements. Regulate feeding habits (bottle feeding and breastfeeding).

Six to 12 months of age:

During this time, the first tooth should appear. Consult the Pediatric dentist for an examination. Brush teeth after each feeding and at bedtime with a small, soft-bristled brush. As the child begins to walk, stay alert of potential dental and/or facial injuries. Wean the child from breast or bottle by his/her first birthday.

Twelve to 24 months of age:

Follow the schedule of dental examinations and cleanings, as recommended by your child’s pediatric dentist. Generally, dental examinations and cleanings are recommended every 6 months for children and adults.As your child learns to rinse his/her mouth, and as most deciduous (baby) teeth have erupted by this age, brushing with a pea-sized portion of fluoridated toothpaste becomes appropriate.

Dentistry for Anxious Patient:-

Through the modern miracle of sedation dentistry for Anxious Patients, dentists can treat anxious patients and often accomplish dental work in one or two visits that may have required many more visits without it. Nitrous oxide and intravenous (I.V.) sedation are the two conscious sedation techniques most commonly used to help patients relax.

2. Endodontics:- Non Surgical Endodontics:-

In order to understand why you need Non Surgical Endodontic Treatment, you must first learn about the anatomy of the tooth. Teeth are composed of three layers, the outer enamel, the inner dentin, and the innermost layer, the pulp. The enamel is the outer insulating layer of the tooth that has no nerve supply. The next layer, the dentin is innervated and is the sensitive tooth structure. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue and creates the surrounding hard tissues of the tooth during development. The pulp is housed in the canal system within the tooth, which comprises of the pulp chamber in the crown and the root canals in the roots. The pulp connects to the tissues surrounding the root through the tip of the roots.

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Endodontic Retreatment:-

Although initial root canal treatment was successfully completed the tooth may sometimes fail to heal. The tooth may become painful or diseased months or even years after successful treatment due to various reasons:• Narrow or curved or calcified canals that were untreated during the initial procedure

• Complicated canal anatomy went undetected in the first procedure

• The crown or other restoration was not placed soon enough after the procedure causing recontamination of the canal system

• The restoration did not prevent saliva from contaminating the inside of the tooth

• New decay can expose the root canal filling material to bacteria, causing a new infection in the tooth.

• A loose, cracked or broken crown or filling can expose the tooth to new infection.

Surgical Endodontics:-

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Usually, a tooth that has undergone a root canal can last the rest of your life and never need further Surgical Endodontics treatment. But if symptoms persist even after successful non-surgical endodontic treatment your endodontist may advise surgery to save your tooth. Sometimes calcium deposits make a canal too narrow for the instruments used in root canal treatment requiring a surgical procedure to treat an infection or inflammation in the bony area around the end of your tooth. Surgery will aid in diagnosis and treatment. Surgery allows your endodontist to examine the root of your tooth, find the problem, and provide treatment.

3.Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery:-

Bone Grafting:-

Extraction of a tooth causes resorption of the supporting bone. Bone resorption causes a 40-60% decrease in its width during the first three years following extraction. Bone resorption occurs at the expense of the outer plate of bone reducing the width of bone. Then overtime the height of bone is reduced. This becomes critical for anterior implants where ideal esthetics, phonetics and function are desired. In the upper jaw following extraction the sinus floor begins to expand further decreasing the available bone to place implants in the posterior maxilla. In the lower jaw the mandibular nerve runs in the bone limiting the length of the implant placed.

Corrective Jaw or Orthognathic Surgery:-

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Corrective Jaw surgery is performed by an Oral Surgeon to correct misalignment of jaws and teeth that cannot be treated with conventional Orthodontics. It is also referred to as Surgical Orthodontics. Corrective Jaw surgery improves chewing, swallowing, speech, breathing and facial appearance.

Who are candidates for Corrective Surgery?

Jaw growth is a slow and gradual process but in some individuals the upper and lower jaws grow at different rates causing a wide range of jaw and facial irregularities that could lead to any of these problems:

difficulty chewing, or biting fooddifficulty swallowingchronic jaw or jaw joint (TMJ) pain and headacheexcessive wear of the teethopen bite (space between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed)unbalanced facial appearance from the front, or sidereceding chinprotruding jawinability to make the lips meet without strainingchronic mouth breathing and dry mouthsleep apnea (breathing problems when sleeping, including snoring

Facial Cosmetic Surgery :-

Every year thousands of men and women are choosing facial cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance and reduce the signs of aging. There are various cosmetic surgeries that are available to improve your appearance. Some of them are as below:

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)Forehead/Brow LiftGenioplasty (Chin Surgery)Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)Cheekbone Implants (Malar Augmentation)Facelift (Rhytidectomy)Lip EnhancementEar Surgery (Otoplasty)Facial and Neck Liposuction

Skin Treatments :-

Aging causes the gradual development of facial wrinkles, which at first appear as fine surface lines that over time become deeper creases and folds. Wrinkling of the skin may be accelerated by excessive exposure to the sun and other elements, overactive facial expression muscles, the frequent use of tobacco products, poor nutrition, or skin disorders. Persistent facial lines, especially those involved in negative emotional expressions, may mistakenly potray to others, the look of worry, anger, anxiety, disgust or sadness, despite one’s own positive internal feelings. Injecting or implanting substances which either

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temporarily weaken the muscles or act as skin volume fillers serve to soften or eliminate the appearance of wrinkles and produce a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

Dental Implants :-

When a tooth is lost the specialized bony structure that houses the tooth begins to resorb due to lack of stimulation. This causes a decrease in width and height of the bone in the area the tooth is lost. Neighboring teeth and opposing teeth begin to move into the space. This causes food lodgment, subsequent decay, gum disease and abnormal forces being transmitted to teeth leading to fracture of cusps which may necessitate root canal treatment or extraction. Loss of teeth can also cause the cheek and lips to collapse giving an aged look.

Temporomandibular Joint(TMJ) :-

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a small joint formed where the lower part of the skull meets the upper portion of the lower jaw. This joint permits the opening, closing and sideward movement of the jaw. The movement of the joint is controlled by the muscles of mastication that are attached to the lower jaw. As a result patients with temporomandibular joint disorders experience both joint and muscle problems.

TMJ disorders are not uncommon and have a variety of symptoms. Patients may complain of earaches, headaches, and soreness in the joint area upon waking up, intermittent locking episodes and limited ability to open their mouth. They may also complain of clicking, popping or grating sounds in the joint and feel pain when opening and closing their mouth.

Wisdom Teeth :-

Wisdom teeth also referred to as third molars usually erupt between the age of 17 to 25. Anthropological studies show that wisdom teeth erupt in order to compensate for the excessive wear and forward drifting of teeth due to the rough diet of early humans. Modern diets are soft and refined and excessive wear of teeth is not observed. As a result there is no room for wisdom teeth to erupt. This causes the wisdom teeth to get impacted.

What is an impacted tooth?

A tooth becomes impacted when there is a lack of space in the dental arch and its growth and eruption are prevented by overlying gum, bone or another tooth. A tooth may be partially impacted, which means a portion of it has broken through the gum, or totally impacted when it is unable to break through the gum at all.

4. Orthodontics :-

First Appointment :-

At your first appointment, our Doctor will perform a complete examination, digital x-rays may be taken if indicated, and an overview of any necessary treatment will be given. A complete diagnosis and treatment plan will be provided once diagnostic records have been taken. The appointment may take up to one hour in length. The cost of treatment and

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possible financial arrangements will be presented at the first appointment.

Subsequent appointments vary in length depending upon the treatment procedures being provided for the patient. For example, a banding appointment might require two hours but a minor adjustment may take 10 to 15 minutes. Since banding are time-intensive they are scheduled in the morning or early afternoon, while adjustments are normally scheduled in the mid and late afternoon.

Two-Phase Treatment :-

The goal of First Phase Treatment is to develop the arch forms of the upper and lower jaws so that they match one another, as well as to guide the eruption of the permanent teeth, and to maintain or create the space necessary for their eruption. Not all children require First Phase Treatment, however children over the age of seven are candidates for early orthodontic treatment since growth can be a valuable tool in assisting with jaw development. A variety of fixed or removable appliances are available to our Doctor in helping with early intervention.

After first phase treatment has been completed a removable retainer is usually placed to maintain the First Phase correction. Once all of the permanent teeth have erupted, Second Phase Treatment can be started. This requires the placement of braces where each tooth is aligned in harmony with the lips and tongue to create a beautiful smile and achieve facial balance.

Retaining Straight Teeth :-

Once your braces have been removed and you have beautiful, well aligned teeth, you will need to wear Retaining Straight Teeth to keep them that way. At first, you will be asked to wear your retainers all the time, except when eating and brushing your teeth. After one year, when your teeth have had adequate time to stabilize, your will be instructed to wear your retainers at night only.If you do not wear your retainers as instructed your teeth will move. Rotations and tipping of the teeth may occur and spaces may open between the teeth.

Retention is a lifetime commitment. As previous stated, after one year retainer wear will be decreased to night only but it will be your responsibility to continue to wear your retainers indefinitely to maintain the alignment of the teeth.

As a general rule, teeth naturally shift as we age. Very few people have naturally straight teeth. A variety of forces act throughout life to cause the teeth to change position. This includes natural wearing of the teeth from chewing, placement of fillings and crowns, gum disease, removal of teeth and changes in the bones and muscles of the face with age. Although the shifting is usually very slight and gradual, if the front teeth are involved you may not be happy with your appearance.

Please call our office immediately to avoid any shifting of the teeth. If the retainer is bent or broken, a new retainer must be made to maintain the alignment of the teeth. There is a charge for this service. If you wait, your straight teeth may shift to the point where a retainer will not straighten them. If this occurs, retreatment involving the placement of braces will be necessary to realign the teeth.

f we cannot reach you or you do not hear from us periodically, please contact our office. If you have a change of address or telephone number, please let us know.

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Tongue Thrust :-

Tongue thrusting is the habit of placing or “thrusting” the tongue against the teeth or between the upper and lower front teeth when swallowing. It is an infantile swallowing pattern that has been retained by an individual.We swallow between 1,200 to 2,000 times per day. The average force exerted by the tongue against the teeth when swallowing is four pounds. It is this constant pressure exerted by the tongue that forces the teeth out of alignment in a child with a tongue thrust problem.

No one specific cause has been identified. However, any one of the following may be a contributing factor:

1.Thumbsucking2.Allergies, nasal congestion or obstructions leading to mouth breathing3.An abnormally large tongue4.Large tonsils, adenoids, or frequent sore throats which cause difficulty in swallowing5.Hereditary factors within the family, such as a steep jaw line6.Neurological, muscular, or other physiological abnormalities7.Short lingual frenum (tongue tied)

The force of the tongue against the teeth is an important factor in contributing to malocclusions (bad bites). This is manifested by anterior or lateral open bites where the teeth do not meet properly. Many well-treated orthodontic cases have suffered relapse because of the patient’s tongue thrust swallowing pattern. If the tongue is allowed to continue pushing against the teeth, it will tip the teeth forward and alter the orthodontic treatment result.

The most difficult problem of all is correctly diagnosing tongue thrust. In many cases, the tongue thrust may not be detected until the child is under orthodontic care.Diagnosis is usually made when the child exhibits a dental or speech problem that needs correction.

Generally a tongue thrust swallowing pattern is handled in one of two ways:

1.An appliance is placed by the orthodontist to control the tongue thrust2.Correction by oral habit training. This method involves working with a trained speech therapist to retrain the muscles associated with swallowing by changing the swallowing pattern.

With sincere commitment and cooperation of the child, correction is possible in the majority of cases. At the present time, successful correction of tongue thrust is as follows:

1.70% of the treated cases are successful2.25% of the treated cases are unsuccessful due to poor cooperation or lack of commitment on the part of the parent or child3.5% of the treated cases are unsuccessful due to factors that make correction impossible

Technology :-

Our Doctor and our staff provide the latest in orthodontic and computer technology such as:

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1.Digital radiography: Digital x-rays are provided free-of-charge at the initial examination, if necessary, to assist in assessing the needs of the patient. In addition, digital x-rays are taken as part of the comprehensive records needed to accurately diagnose and plan necessary treatment.2.Digital photography with state-of-the-art imaging is used to assist our Doctor in the diagnosing and treatment planning of cases.3.The latest in orthodontic bracket design: The new self-ligating bracket (Innovation™ bracket by GAC) with “super sliding” technology if offered in our practice. This bracket is designed with a gate that secures the wire into the bracket making traditional “tightening” of the braces obsolete. As a result, teeth can be moved with lighter forces. This means greater patient comfort and longer intervals in between appointments. These brackets are offered in both stainless steel and ceramic (clear) designs.4.CD ROM computer system with wireless networking allows for easy storage and retrieval of patient records from our data base. X-rays and photographs, along with progress updates, can be emailed to the family dentist, or other dental specialist, when necessary.5.“House Calls” automatic patient confirmation system calls patients the night before their appointment to confirm appointments.6.Virtual vision glasses are offered for longer appointments to allow for viewing of movies, music videos or listening to music. Children can bring their own DVD’s, ipods, or music to enjoy.

Sterilization :-

Our office uses state-of-the-art sterilization Services or procedures that meet or exceed all OSHA and Texas state law requirements. Our sterilization equipment is monitored weekly by an independent laboratory to ensure that it is functioning properly. When treating patients, gloves and protective eyewear are always worn. Masks are worn when indicated.

Emergencies :-

If a bracket or band comes loose or you or your child is experiencing discomfort due to appliance breakage or a loose or long wire please call our office immediately. Our Doctor or a staff member will be able to determine if something needs to be replaced immediately. Often, instructions can be handled over the phone to alleviate the problem. If there is an “after-hours” emergency please telephone our office and listen to the prerecorded message for instructions.

Changing or canceling an appointment is not an emergency. A message can be left on the answering machine. You will be contacted the next office day to assist you in making a new appointment.

5. Pediatric Dentistry :-Technology :- Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the most advanced technology available. We offer digital X-Rays, intra-oral cameras, diagnostic lasers, and Zoom!™ — the latest tooth whitening technique. Patients may recognize the brand name Zoom!™ as the whitening procedure preferred by cosmetic dentists on ABC’s hit television show Extreme Makeover.

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DentalRadiographsIntraOralCameraDiagnodentSterilization and patient safety

Preventive Care :- Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the most advanced Preventive Care technology. We offer digital X-Rays, intra-oral cameras, diagnostic lasers, and Zoom!™ — the latest tooth whitening technique. Patients may recognize the brand name Zoom!™ as the whitening procedure preferred by cosmetic dentists on ABC’s hit television show Extreme Makeover. All children need to brush their teeth at least two times a day, at night before bedtime, and in the morning after breakfast. By disturbing and removing the plaque formation twice a day, parents can minimize or eliminate their children’s potential for decay. For younger children a parent should brush their teeth using a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. As the child gets older and you see they have the dexterity and patience to properly take care of their teeth, you may give over the task. But do periodically monitor their care. Toothpaste should be approved by the American Dental Association. Toothbrushes should be the proper size, smaller is better than bigger, and always use a soft nylon brush in a circular manner. This will prevent toothbrush abrasion, excessive wear of the enamel at the gum line. Also a toothbrush should be replaced when it is worn, bristles splayed, or after more serious colds, infection, Strep throat, etc. The fluoride ion comes from the element fluorine. Fluoride, either applied topically to erupted teeth, or ingested orally (called systemic fluoride) during tooth development,helps to prevent tooth decay, strengthen tooth enamel, and reduce the harmful effects of plaque. Fluoride also makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay and promotes remineralization, which aids in repairing early decay before the damage is even visible. Sealants protect the occlusal surfaces, inhibiting bacterial growth and providing a smooth surface that increases the probability that the surface will stay clean. The ultimate goal of sealants is penetrating into the pit and fissures of the tooth and sealing them from bacteria.

First Dental Visit :- A child’s first dental visit is an important step towards dental health. A child’s first visit should be between 18 and 24 months old. The first dental visit is to help motivate your child and familiarize him or her to the dental instruments in a playful way. The Dentist /pedodontist will examine your child’s mouth to detect decay, assess tooth development, identify abnormal facial development, teach proper oral hygiene techniques and give guidance regarding oral habits. Depending on your child’s co-operation few x-rays may be taken to help detect hidden cavities.The first tooth usually erupts between 6-9 months of age. However there is a wide range of tooth eruption and it is not unusual for a child to have delayed eruption of teeth. When your child is teething he or she will be restless, may drool, gums may be sensitive, may have a low grade fever and diarrhea. Treatment can include – massaging sore gums with a finger or teething rings, placing ice or frozen rings on gum areas. The best remedy is your child’s pediatric dose of Tylenol or fever reducing medication for pain. Orajel type products may work for a short period of time, but are not recommended.

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Restorative Care :-Baby teeth serve the important function of eating, speech, and esthetics (self image). These teeth not only help form the developing jaws, but they hold space for the permanent teeth so that a normal bite occurs. The last baby tooth falls out at about twelve years of age. A decayed baby tooth can become so badly decayed that it can do damage to the permanent tooth. At times severe infections of the face, head, and neck can be caused by infected baby teeth. So it is important to restore baby teeth as soon as decay is first detected.

Teeth with dental decay can be restored either with amalgam (silver) or tooth colored fillings. If the decay is extensive it will require the restoration with a crown.

Emergency Care :-

Injuries to the face, mouth and teeth are common among children. We are here to help you in the time of an emergency Dental. Do not panic, stay calm and determine the extent of injury. If your child has a facial /head injury assess whether or not you child’s injury caused loss consciousness even for a brief moment. If this is the case, your child should see a physician immediately. Worry about the mouth and teeth later. Stop any bleeding with a clean washcloth or gauze. If there is swelling place cold compression on the area. As you do this, check for broken teeth and/or missing teeth. If there are missing teeth, look for them.

6.Periodontics :-

Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment:-

Anatomy of the tooth supporting structuresTo better understand periodontal diseases and treatment you need to know the anatomy of the tooth supporting structures. They include the periodontal ligament which attaches the

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tooth roots to the interdental bone (socket) and the gum tissue which attaches to the bone and surround the tooth neck like a collar. The word periodontal literally means “around the tooth”. Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth.

Periodontal disease can affect one tooth or many teeth. It begins when the bacteria in plaque (the sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth) releases toxins causing gum inflammation.

Surgical Periodontal Treatment:-

When routine scaling and root planing does not help to restore periodontal health periodontal surgery may be advised. Most common surgical procedures are:• Pocket reduction procedures• Regenerative ProceduresPocket Reduction Procedures

When with routine scaling and root planing deep periodontal pockets cannot be cleaned your periodontist may recommend pocket reduction procedures. During this procedure, your periodontist folds back the gum tissue and removes the disease-causing plaque and tartar. In some cases, irregular surfaces of the damaged bone are smoothened. This allows the gum tissue to better reattach to healthy bone. The gum tissue is then secured at its new position with sutures.

Reducing pocket depth and eliminating existing bacteria are important to prevent damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease and to help you maintain a healthy smile. Eliminating bacteria alone may not be sufficient to prevent disease recurrence. Deeper pockets are more difficult for you and your dental care professional to clean, so it’s important to reduce them. Reduced pockets and a combination of daily oral hygiene and professional maintenance care increase your chances of keeping your natural teeth – and decrease the chance of serious health problems associated with periodontal disease.

Cosmetic Surgical Procedures:-

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Crown Lengthening

This procedure involves the removal of gum tissue (gingiva), bone or both to expose more of a tooth’s structure.

What it’s Used for

Crown lengthening is done when a tooth needs to be restored, but not enough tooth is present to support a crown or a filling

This can happen when a tooth breaks off at the gum line, or a crown or filling falls out of a tooth that has extensive decay underneath. If your dentist wants to repair the tooth using a crown or a large filling, he or she may need to expose more of the tooth by removing some soft tissue and/or bone.

In some cases, a condition called gummy smile, in which an unusually large amount of gum tissue shows around the upper teeth can be treated using crown lengthening.

Dental Implants:-

When a tooth is lost, The specialized bony process that houses the tooth begins to resorb due to lack of stimulation. This causes a decrease in width and height of the bone in the area the tooth is lost. Neighboring teeth and opposing teeth begin to move into the space. This causes food lodgment, subsequent decay, gum disease and abnormal forces being transmitted to teeth leading to fracture of cusps which may necessitate root canal treatment or extraction. Loss of teeth can also cause the cheek and lips to collapse giving an aged look.


Periodontal maintenance (PM) is essential to the ongoing periodontal stability of patients. Optimal periodontal health requires regular follow up care. Your periodontist may advise the frequency of your follow up care based on the severity of your gum problem. Periodontal maintenance care helps eliminate the bacterial plaque on a regular basis and facilitate healing and prevent further destruction of bone.