
Honors Biology 1st quarter Mid-Term Study Guide KEY

Graphing/ Scientific Method

1. Circle the independent variable and underline the dependent variable in the following statement:

A chef hypothesized the temperature at which a cake is baked will determine how high the cake will rise.

Susan is doing an experiment where she is measuring the effect of fertilizer on plant growth. She measures the

growth (height) of tomato plants over a week. She has one group of 5 plants which she waters with a Miracle

Grow fertilizer solution. The other group of 5 plants just gets water. All of the plants started from the same seed

package. They are all in the same size of pots and have the same amount of soil and sunlight. The only thing

different is the fertilizer she is adding.

2. What is the independent variable in Susan’s experiment? Fertilizer

3. What is the dependent variable? Plant Growth

4. What is the control group in the experiment? The plant with just water.

5. What are the constants she used? Same seeds, same size pots, same amount of soil and sunlight

6. Why is it important for Susan to have constants for her experiment? To ensure that there is consistency and

you are only changing and measuring one thing at a time.

Here is the data Susan collected from her experiment:

Time/Days Plants with fertilizer Plants without fertilizer

1 30 cm 30 cm

2 32 cm 31 cm

3 35 cm 32 cm

4 37 cm 33 cm

5 39 cm 35 cm

6 43 cm 37 cm

7 47 cm 39 cm

7. What type of graph should Susan use to show her data? Line or bar graph

8. Draw a graph to represent Susan’s data here:

9. What is the mean height of plants with fertilizer? 37.5 cm



10. What is the mean height of the plants without fertilizer? 33.8 cm

11. What is the range of height for plants with fertilizer? 17 cm

12. What is the difference between a hypothesis, theory, and law in science? A hypothesis is a prediction you make

before completing an experiment. A theory is explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is

acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and

experimentation. A law is a theory that has been tested and is believed to be true.

13. What is the dependent variable in the experiment above? Heart rate (beats/min)

14. What is the independent variable in the experiment above? Oxygen Uptake (L/min)

15. What is the effect on heartrate as more oxygen is consumed? The heart rate increases

16. What correlation is seen between oxygen uptake and heart rate? (positive, negative, or none) positive


17. What is biology the study of? The study of life

18. Label the atom below.

19. Describe what is unique about the density of water in its solid form compared to its liquid form. Water is one of

the only elements that is less dense in its solid form that its liquid form.

20. Define and provide an example of adhesion. Water’s ability to stick to other polar substances ex: water

“climbing up” a paper towel

This particle has a positive






21. Define and provide an example of cohesion. Cohesion: Water’s ability to stick to itself ex: rain

22. Water has many unique properties. List them below (there should be 6).

a. High Specific Heat

b. Density

c. Polarity

d. Cohesion – surface tension

e. Adhesion – capillary action

f. Universal Solvent

23. Draw and label the charges on a water molecule. Hydrogens are + and oxygen are -

24. Define polarity. A property of a bond where one element pulls the electrons towards itself causing different

charges or poles at opposite ends (+ or -)

25. What two bonds are found in a water molecule? Hydrogen and covalent bonds

26. Define hydrophilic and hydrophobic.

a. Hydrophilic – a polar molecule that dissolves in water

b. Hydrophobic - a non-polar molecule that dos not dissolve in water

27. Complete the biomolecule chart below:

Biomolecule Elements Building Blocks (monomer)

Function Example

CARBOHYDRATES C, H, O Monosaccharide Quick Energy Glucose

LIPIDS C, H, O Glycerol Head and Fatty Acid Tails


Oils and Fats



28. You must be able to identify the following biomolecules:



29. Define the following:

a. Activation Energy – The minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur.

b. Substrate – The substance that binds to the active site

c. Enzyme – a special type of protein that acts like a catalyst to speed up reactions. Ends in -ase

d. Active site – The pocket-like structure on the enzyme where the substrate binds

30. Label the following (use the following terms: energy, activation energy with enzyme, activation energy without

enzyme, reactants, products, energy released)

A. Activation energy without enzyme

B. Activation energy with enzyme

C. Energy released

Fatty Acids/lipids




D. Reactants

E. Products

31. Label the following: enzyme, substrate, active site, products:

Cell Theory/Discovery

32. State the 3 components of the cell theory.

a. All organisms are composed of 1 or more cells

b. The cell is the basic functional unit of organisms

c. All cells come from preexisting cells

33. Explain the following scientist’s contributions to the cell theory:

a. Robert Hooke

i. Observed a cork, coined the term “cell”

b. Anton Van Leeuenhoek

i. Observed first living organism (protest)

c. Theodor Schwann

i. Discovered animals and plants were composed of cells


34. Compare and contrast Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Give an example of each.

Eukaryotic Cell example: Plants/Animals Prokaryotic Cell Example: Bacteria (E.Coli)



Active Site


35. Compare and contrast Plant and Animal cells.

36. What is the function of flagella in a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell?

Flagella- Motility/Movement

37. Complete the cell organelle chart below.

Organelle Function Plant Animal Both

Cell Membrane Barrier in animal cell and maintains homeostasis, by allowing or not allowing materials in or out of a cell.


Cell Wall Hard rigid barrier in plants and bacteria cells that provide support and protection


Cytoplasm Gel like fluid between nucleus and plasma membrane that provides an environment for organelles


Mitochondria “powerhouse” of the cell, where cellular respiration occurs and sugar is converted to energy (heat)


Lysosomes Organelle containing digestive enzymes that break down old and warn out cells and waste


Vacuoles Large fluid-filled sac that stores sugars and other molecules in a plant cell (absent or very small in animal cells)


Golgi Bodies Responsible for sorting, modifying, and packaging proteins into transport vesicles


Chloroplasts Turns light into chemical energy in plant cells X

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Responsible for the production and metabolism of fats and steroid hormones. It is considered “smooth” because it is not studded with ribosomes


Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Involved in some protein production, protein folding, quality control and dispatch. It is considered “rough” because it is studded with ribosomes


Ribosomes Produces Proteins (attached or free floating) X

Nucleus Contains cell’s genetic material and controls the cells function X

Centrosome Helps with cell division by pushing and pulling organelles especially chromosomes


Chromatin/Chromosome Genetic material inside the nucleus that provides instructions for the cells function


38. Label the Plant and animal cell below.

Transport (Osmosis/Diffusion)

39. Define hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic.

Hypertonic: When the concentration of solutes in one solution is higher than the other solution

Hypotonic: When the concentration of solutes in one solution is lower than the other solution

Isotonic: When the concentration of solutes in one solution is equal to the other solution

40. The diagram shows cells with different types of solutions surrounding them. In each diagram, indicate

whether the solution outside the cell is hypertonic, hypotonic or isotonic and which direction the water

molecules will move across the membrane (show with arrows).

Hypotonic Solution: Water will move in the cell

Isotonic Solution: They are at equilibrium but solutions will still be moving in and out of the cell at a similar rate

Hypertonic Solution: Water will move out of the cell

41. What is meant by the cell membrane being selectively permeable?

Selectively Permeable: Some molecules are allowed to pass through the plasma membrane at any time, other

molecules are only allowed at certain times or in limited amounts and some molecules are never allowed.

42. Label each type of cell transport below and explain the difference in each type of transport, then state whether

or not it requires energy.

Simple Diffusion: Movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration and does not require


Facilitated Diffusion: Movement of molecules from high to low concentration using a protein channel and does

require energy

Osmosis: Movement of water from a high concentration to a low concentration and does not require energy

Active transport: Movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration. This is unnatural and

requires energy

43. What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis?

Endocytosis: the process of capturing a substance or particle from outside the cell by engulfing it with the cell

membrane- it goes IN the cell

Exocytosis: the process of vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane and releasing their contents outside of

the cell- it EXITS the cell
