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Disclaimer: You have rights to freely share this with anyone you want to. It is highly recommended that you send this to those

who are in the military, outdoors, campers, hikers, emergency power agencies, survivalists, small and large home owners and

anyone who would benefit from owning solar power. Choosing to read and take action on these tips won’t guarantee that you

will get the results you are looking for. This report is the basic outline for consumers who are looking to get into solar power for

their needs and this guide will help those to know what points are needed when choosing. This should not be considered as the

only point of research when choosing solar power kits due to the nature of different situations for different consumers.

LivEcoFriendly, LLC and and its partners, affiliates and outside relationships take no responsibility for those

who use this information. Please read all product specifications and information before making any purchases and do your own

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How to Choose Solar Power Kits Easily and Without Hassle

Table of Contents



Who Is This Report For……………………………..2

Why Purchase…………………………………………..3

How to Choose………………………………………….4

What Kits Are Available……………………………..7


Unadvertised Bonus……………………………………16

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Introduction Hi and thank you for reading this report however you received it. A little about our company,

we are and its pronounced “live eco friendly dot com” We are stating this

because some consumers understand how to say it while others are unsure, just remember like

“live your life”, it is “live eco friendly.” Now that we have that cleared up, real quick who is


LivEcoFriendly, is a web based retailer that started back in 2009 by Jordan Eske. Jordan Eske

realized his potential for online technology and his passion for business and his goal to provide

the best green and solar products after he went through some pretty hard times in his life and

then finally realized what he wanted to do with his life. He has now established his company as

a go to company for those seeking solar power kits and other portable solar chargers as well as

their green product line. mission statement is:

“Provide Quality Solar & Green Products To Consumers Around The World.”

Well, now you know a little about us and now it’s time you start learning about solar power kits

and how you can easily choose and purchase the right one for you. Remember to do your own

due diligence when choosing because not all solar power kits are the same.

In this report, assuming you read all the way through it, will have you more knowledgeable than

most of the online shoppers who are only realizing solar power but not sure how to choose and

which ones are the best. They are still searching day and night trying to find the best ones but

still having no luck. You have received this report because you either signed up for it or

someone loves you enough to send it your way.

Who Is This Report For? This report is for consumers who are interested in solar power and how to choose the right one

for themselves. It’s also for those who just want to learn about solar power so they can be

more educated when it’s brought up in conversation.

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Why Purchase Solar Kits? Many consumers are in demand of portable power when they want it and not always having to

go to an outlet.

Increase demand in a better value exchange long term than a quick fix.

Earthquakes, disasters, emergency situations are increasing and people want something to

keep themselves and their families safe and secure.

Outdoor adventures, recreational usage.

Professionals require power but are limited to their environment that doesn’t provide


Countries where there is no electricity at all.

Much more affordable than purchasing solar panel kits for their homes for the average


Mobile smart phones and cell phones are requiring more power and consumers want that

power while on the go.

Laptops owners require power while out and about especially when camping.

Military personal have been in situations where solar power could have saved them during a

serious threat to their well being.

Citizens want alternatives to batteries.

Rv owners are realizing the possibilities with solar power kits for their equipment.

These are only some of the main reasons that consumers are purchasing solar power kits. There

are many more but that would fill this entire report. From medical professionals to

construction workers to beach goers, solar power kits are penetrating just about every niche


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How To Choose Solar Power Kits? Are you thinking about buying a solar power kit but not sure how to choose? With all the companies

that offer solar systems for consumers it can be a bit overwhelming, especially when they don’t supply

you with the answers you want before you purchase. In this article, we will list the factors to consider

before buying a solar kit.

1) The first factor to consider when purchasing your solar power kit is the actual need you

have. Don’t get tricked into just buying any solar kit. Some consumers have purchased for many reasons from camping trips to emergency backup units to portable mobile demands to their outdoor adventures. There are a lot of different uses a solar kit can bring from just one unit alone. Consumers enjoy taking their portable solar kit with them while camping and then when their finished with their camping trips, they simply charge it one last time and store it until they camp again or if an emergency happens. While there are other consumers who prefer using their solar power kit as their backup unit for their entire family and will purchase a big solar unit. And their decision also is to purchase many solar kits. They will purchase a solar generator and then purchase other smaller solar kits for when they are on vacation or during work travels as well as camping trips for certain families. Remember your needs when purchasing a solar power kits because every consumer has and requires different needs.

2) The second factor to consider is understanding your power capacity needs. If your

planning a camping trip and only need power for laptops and cell phones, then of course a 1800 watt solar generator might be too much unless you bring an RV and want power for that as well. However, you certainly will need more than 10 watts of power like some chargers claim that can do it all. Most camping consumers will purchase a 120 watt solar kit if they want to charge cell phones, cameras, laptops and other appliances. Some customers are even purchasing a 150 watt solar kit for their sleep apnea machines. Be sure you know how much power you need and for what items before your out in the wilderness or wherever you end up without a power source.

3) The third factor to consider when purchasing a portable solar kit is portability. If you’re

looking for a survival kit, then making sure that you can lift and carry a kit is something that you should remember before you purchase. Now for those looking for a portable kits that provides lots of power like 1500 watts or more, then make sure you have someone who can lift it, because the more power you require, usually the heavier the units become. Most solar kits are portable already however the weight might make it seem like its not meant to be moved, this is not true just a misunderstanding.

4) The fourth factor to consider when buying is making sure that its waterproof. This is

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mostly for the outdoor adventurer type. Knowing that the gear you purchase can withstand cold, heat, rain and even snow are serious factors that should not be overlooked. It would be very upsetting to know that you purchased a solar system only to find out that it can’t withstand a little sprinkle or extreme heat. This of course means that you are not to submerge your electronics into water, because that would be foolish. You have to remember that solar power should be treated like your mobile cell phone. You don’t drop your iphone into water however if it’s raining and your going to your vehicle and are on the phone, once your inside your vehicle, you usually dry your iphone with your shirt or cloth. That is the same thing with solar kits, you can let them be in the rain, but taking care of them will results in better future uses.

5) The fifth factor to consider when purchasing a solar kit is the warranty thats offered.

Make sure that the manufacturer offers some kind of warranty. Most manufacturers offer a 1 year or even 2 year warranty to ensure that customers will be taken care of ftheir solar panel or solar system is not charging correctly.

6) The sixth factor to consider when purchasing a solar power kit is if it includes a battery

bank. You will find many solar chargers that are cheap and can truly charge your device. However, they might not include a battery bank to store your power. They usually will hook directly into your device and charge it, but once the sun goes down and your device is dead. You are back to square one which is with no power. Be sure that your kit has some kind of battery system in place to store that extra energy once your device is powered up so when the sun goes down or your device is dead, you can power from the battery system and not wait up to 8 hours for more power.

7) The seventh factor to know about when choosing a solar product for your cell phone or

other mobile device is the milla amps. (mAh). Most places won’t tell you this but having a 1500 or higher mAh helps you to have more power when you’re not relying on the sun. For example, if your cell phone requires 1000 mahs and you have a solar charger that is 1200 or less, you would be able to charge your device about 1.5 times than being able to charge it lets say about 2-12 times with higher mAh rating solar chargers. The higher the mAh rating the more charges you will get from one full battery solar charger. If you can find a solar charger that is about 2200mAh or more then you’re on the right track.

Charge Times

When you're thinking about charge times, you must remember that you are using solar energy directly from the sun, so the charge times will be longer. However, as the demand increases so does the manufacturers who create these solar systems, because they come with newer inventions and technologies. Another key point to remember is the size of the solar panel. The

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bigger the solar panel, the faster the charge time. When your charging your mobile or other devices from a battery that is completely dead and you don't have a battery bank hooked up or the battery bank is dead as well then the charge time will be longer, but if you just want some power to make an emergency call, then your charge time should be no longer than 2 hours in direct sunlight. But remember that charge time will be able to get your phone power and make a call, however if your trying to charge a cell phone to full battery, it could take up to 8-11 hours. Most of LivEcoFriendly's solar power kits have a charge time for cell phones and laptops in the 2-11 hour range, it really depends on what your looking to charge.

Can I Charge Anything?

The simple answer to this is, yes! You can honestly charge anything you want with a solar

power kit. It is exactly like electricity, but be sure you purchase something with an inverter for

quick plug and play action. Also, if you don't purchase something with an inverter, make sure it

has a somewhat easy assembly. You don't want to connect plugs here and there and then blow

a fuse or blow a circuit in your device or the solar charger. The hard part that people are

realizing is the charge times and watts. In order to determine what you can charge with certain

solar kits, you have to read on your device what the wattage and volts are. The number of watts

are the indication of how much power is needed to power your device at best performance. It is

best practice to purchase more power than what your device requires however you can of

course have a smaller solar kit that sends power to your laptop or other device, but remember

that the charge time will increase and that is one of the reasons that our customers purchase a

bigger systems. Also because they realize they can use it in emergencies and charge more items

as time goes on.

This is how you choose solar power kits, knowing this will help you be more educated for future

solar purchases. Most consumers don't know about this, so now you will be ahead of your

friends and family when they are thinking about buying a solar kit. Just be sure to recommend for their purchasing location. The next page will present to you what solar

power kits are available:

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What Solar Kits Are Available? Like mentioned above you will find many solar power kits but not all are the same, here are

some the solar power kits that have received awesome responses from our customers as well

as other good reviews we from consumers. Remember to consider your needs and wants when

choosing your own solar power kit.

Powersource 1800 Solar Generator

What Is It: The Powersource 1800 Solar Generator is a backup solar power kit for those who

seek emergency back up power. It provides up to 1800 watts of power and has 4 outlets for

easy plug and play action.

Usage: Emergency backup power, survivalists, outdoor professionals, areas where there is no


Side Note: This solar generator has received good points from customers however from the do

it yourself stand point, they believe it can be done for less. It technically can be done for less,

but the time spent and the risk associated is not what most consumers want. I mean I could be

a solar panel installer myself if I wanted to go to the training, do it on test houses, take the

certification and just about anything else so I can do it myself, but most folks do not have that

sort of time or money. Also, most consumers want something they know will work during

emergencies and not have to be worried if they set it up correctly.

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Powermonkey Extreme Solar Charger

What Is It: The Powermonkey Extreme Solar Charger is a portable foldable solar charging kit for

mobile devices. It provides up to 5volts of power which charges just about every mobile device


Usage: Hikers, Bikers, Campers, All Mobile Users

Side Note: The Powermonkey Extreme was released based from 5 years of development from

their previous Powermonkey models.

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Sherpa 50 Adventure Kit and Sherpa 120 Explorer Kit

What Is It: The Sherpa 50 or 120 Explorer Kit is a portable solar power kit for adventurers that

require mobile power for their laptops and other devices like cameras and gps units. The 50

unit kit provides up to 50 watts of power and that one does not include the inverter unless you

choose to add it. And the 120 Sherpa Explorer Kit includes the inverter which makes this system

truly plug into and play and it provides up to 120 watts of power.

Usage: Adventurers, Campers, Outdoor Professionals, Survivalists, Emergency Gear

Side Note: All of our customers love these units and always end up coming back to purchase

the inverter because they realize how much simpler it is with it than without it.

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Scout 150 Explorer Kit

What Is It: The Scout 150 Explorer Kit is a camper’s best friend. When it comes to strong long

lasting power, the Scout provides. It provides up to 150 watts of power and comes with the 30

watt folding solar panel briefcase.

Usage: Adventurers, Campers, Outdoor Professionals, Survivalists, Laptop Owners, Beach Goers

Side Note: Campers like this unit simply because it provides more overall power. Also

customers who have a sleep apnea machines are purchasing these as well.

Base Camp Solar Kit

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What Is It: The Base Camp Solar Kit is perfect for serious outdoor adventurers and professionals

as well as those who need serious survival power with portability. It provides over 600 watts of

power and has a lighting system to light your entire camp site or emergency area.

Usage: Adventurers, Campers, Outdoor Professionals, Survivalists, Emergency Situations,


Side Note: One of the best features that customers like about this unit is they can take what

they need and what they don’t need because the system is set up with individual panels,

batteries and lights for custom solar power.

K3 Solar Wind Charger

What Is It: The K3 Solar Wind Charger is one of a kind solar solution for the mobile consumer.

It has one of the largest internal battery packs as well as solar panel in its class.

Usage: Adventurers, Campers, Hikers, Bikers, Travelers

Side Note: Customers like this unit because it also has the built in wind turbine feature, though

it takes much longer it is something that no other solar charger has whatsoever.

Revolve Solar Charger

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What Is It: The Revolve Solar Charger is a multi mobile friendly solar charger. It can charge up

to 3,000 devices and if you have two devices, you can charge them at the same time.

Usage: Business men and women, Traveler, Hiker, Biker, Camper

Side Note: Many people like this for its slick design and eco friendly materials.

Guide 10 Adventure Kit

What Is It: The Guide 10 Adventure Kit another powerful solar kit for those who require mobile

power. It has a built in usb port so you can easily plug in play your usb enabled devices and

start charging. It’s also perfect for those who hike and ride the trails because it can be fixed to

the outside of your bag easily.

Usage: Hiker, Biker, Camper

Side Note: This is an upgrade from their Nomad 7 Solar Panel system which is more impressive,

customers like this because it includes the battery power pack for charging at night time.

Solar 2 Go Panel Lighting Kit

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What Is It: The Solar 2 Go Panel Lighting Kit is a all in one solar and lighting solution for rv,

boaters and campers.

Usage: Boaters, Rv Owners, Campers

Side Note: Many consumers find this light which is included to be very bright for their boating

and camping needs.

Scout 150 Adventure Kit

What Is It: The Scout 150 Adventure Kit are for those who are still looking for monster power

but less weight while traveling. The solar panel folds up and is less in solar panel wattage but

also less in weight than it’s brother solar kit.

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Usage: Campers, Mobile Users, Laptop Owners, Beach Goers, Adventurers

Side Note: Having a lightweight folding solar kit truly helps those who want to reduce their

weight but still have sufficient power.

Powerfold Solar Charger Kits

What Is It: The Powerfold Solar Chargers are your direct power to your device type of charging

solar system. It’s smart to understand solar power specifications before just plugging in your

mobile devices, unless you purchase the correct wattage solar panel.

Usage: Military, Mobile Users, Laptop Owners, Boat Owners, Campers

Side Note: These units have a higher efficiency than some of the solar chargers that you will

find which allows for better charge times.

Solstice 2.5 Solar Charger

What Is It: The Solstice 2.5 Solar Charger has been called the Solstice 2 or 2.5. It has a powerful

2500 mAh battery system in place and folds for compactness. Perfect for businessmen and

women who want a solar kit for their on the go travels or even at conferences.

Usage: Mobile Users, Campers, Hikers

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Side Note: This fits perfectly in your laptop bag, pocket, purse or cargo pocket. It even has the

enabled usb port for those devices that only take usb to charge.

Ranger 350 Adventure Kit

What Is It: The Ranger 350 Adventure Kit is a powerful yet affordable complete solar kit. It

provides a 30 watt solar panel and 350 watt battery pack with an inverter.

Usage: Outdoor Adventurers, Campers, Hikers, Photographers, Military, Survivalists

Side Note: When your taking shots all day long whether for your company or just for fun,

cameras die quickly especially for those who take about 5000+ shots per session as well having

a good lighting background. Photographers are realizing the power of solar for their nature and

other outdoor shooting needs.

There are many more kits and with the rise and demand of solar consumers and manufacturers

their will be a huge increase. As that happens, will be there to provide you

with solutions to make your solar experience pleasurable.

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We would first like to personally say thank you for reading this report. You are more educated

than your neighbor when it comes to choosing solar power kits. You now know what to look

for when you are choosing, some of the top solar kits as well as some inside information that

can truly make your solar shopping more pleasurable and easy.

When you’re ready to purchase solar power kits, please let one of our specialists know by

emailing them at [email protected] Or you can simply click here to shop at

We also encourage our customers and subscribers to live a eco friendly life but preserving their

down times and relaxing. Taking a moment to reflect and just enjoy life, this can do wonders

for those of you who stress often, just let go and relax for a while, possibly a walk or just

meditation helps.

Below you will find the unadvertised bonus to help you relax even


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Unadvertised Bonus *We have included discounts that you probably won’t find anywhere online unless our partners

have already published them. Find what items you are interested from our website and use

these codes to purchase. Please email support if one of them do not work at

[email protected]

SolarGear987 $2.50 Off Any Solar Product

BambooLife $2.00 Off Any Bamboo Clothing Item

Scout150Kit $7.75 Off Scout 150 Explorer Kit

LivEco10 10% Off Orders Above $60.00 or more

SolarPowerNow Free Shipping on Powersource 1800 Solar Generator

SolarPowerNow Free Shipping on Ranger 350 Adventure Kit

*There is a special surprise for all of our customers that we’ll be offering for all of our customers who

have signed up so just be ready to take action when that email comes in.
