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Extremely strong of an experiment of several years at the head of an export department in

the food industry in west of France, we noted the difficulty of making us known to the

foreign purchasers: so gravitational Brittany is well known for tourism, but far from

everything as business is concerned.

Horizons International Exploration was born in 2005, to consolidate, instigate and develop

the sales out of France

The advantage is double :

The Breton manufacturer automatically widened his customers

The foreign purchaser has accessed to multiple products in only one return,

Follow up various activities with only one contact

Save costs by grouping all its shipments

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Today, 7 manufacturers joined HORIZONS International Exploration




L.C.M Les Druettes

Le Jardin des Senteurs


Range of seaweeds with two local producers

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• For more than 20 years, this company has found for you anywhere in the world, frozen fish.

• We select the fisheries according to quality, of the cutting of fish or whole fish, the price and

the packaging for which your customers will have needs.

• The networks : we distribute to the food industry, the retail and the food service & catering

• Our range of product is not exhaustive, since we adapt to your needs. We have a list to

suggest you, but especially do not hesitate to ask us to find your product..

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BELDISFor more than 30 years , Beldis has produced processed turkey products with its own raw

material. All the process is fully integrated, from the breeding to the slaughterhouse, as well

as in the factory.

The strengh of the company is to adapt the production to its clients’ needs, to produce high

quality products at an attractive price.

All our products are cooked and available for the retail in nice design bags of 750 g to 800 g

and for the food-service, on required size.

We have a total Hallal certification with an inspector everyday in the slaughterhouse and the


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• The crepidula arrived on our Breton coasts with the American vessels during World War 2.

This shellfish is very well known in Chile, where it has been eaten in its raw state for years

as well as in Japan, in the bay of Ariake.

• Britexa, helped by a team of fishermen and scientists, worked out a revolutionary industrial

process which allows the very fine flesh to be easily removed from the shell. It has already

been selected by some of the best Star Chefs in The Michelin Guide.

• The crepidula has a iodized taste, and develops subtle flavours of mushrooms and

hazelnuts. The flesh is firm, ideally adapted to all types of cooking, its texture remaining

tender. Crepidula is rich in proteins and in essential fatty acids (omega-3)

• This shellfish can be served simply fried, or cooked in meals based on shellfish such as «

cassolette » and gratins, or served in risottos or salads…

Crepidula Crepidula cooked like


Crepidula Cassolette

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L.C.M Conserverie• Founded in 1989, the company launches natural soupes without conservators nor coloring,

wine jellies and chutneys with plants.

• These products are original and innovating

• The company is able to adapt the recipes to the taste of each country.

• There are several soup recipes, each with different properties : Winter strengh soup, Natural

defences soup, Draining soup, Antioxidant soup

• The wine jelly range offers different recipes : red wine with cinnamon, Bergerac wine and

green tea, white wine and spices, cognac, champagne…

• New jellies: flowers wine jellies and wine jellies free of alcohol.

• A range of chutneys : cranberry chutney with orange and ginger, chutney with figs, ginger &

nutmeg, confit of shalots with raspberry vinegar…

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Le jardin des senteurs

• The vegetable oyster was a plant that grew on the French Atlantic South West coast in the 1930’s, until it nearly disappeared, because of an excessive consumption by the tourists whodiscovered the first day off. A few years ago, we found some seeds that we traditionallycultivate, without any fertilizer or pesticide.

• This amazing plant can be served raw, in mixed salads, chopped to be spread on a toast, or marinated to prepare an ice cream of oyster, or a sauce…

• Besides the vegetable oyster plant, Le Jardin des Senteurs develops a whole range of surprising plants with amazing natural flavours :

mint & English chocolate leaf icy mint drink leaf,

mint & basil leaf, mint chewing-gum leaf,

nasturtium flower stevia : leaf of natural sugar with a slight flavour of liquorice

Stevia Vegetable

oyster leaves

Mint & basil

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Minerve• Minerve has perpetuated for more than 30 years its tradition of quality by adapting itself to

the requirements of its customers, on such products :

» Chetsnuts

» Chestnuts cream

» Sprout beans cultivated, harvested and packed in France, without GMO

» Sprout beans salads

» Sauces : soya, oyster,...

» Chinese Truffles

» Frozen Fruits…

• Our products are available in glasses or cans, and we are very flexible in terms of labelling

Peeled Chestnuts MushroomsGreek Style

Mini tomatoes

& GarlicSoya Sauce Sprout beans

Chinese salad

Chestnuts cream :

coco, vanilla, coffee…

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Seaweeds range• The fresh salted seaweeds are the oldest plants of our planet. They have been used in Asia

for several centuries. Rich in minerals and vitamins, the seaweeds are recognized for their

nutritive and gustative qualities.

• Horizons International Exploration works with two fishermen. All the seaweeds come from

the Atlantic Ocean, and are harvested in controled seawater.

• Today, the processed seaweeds are the spearhead of the new tendencies of consumption,

and the European greatest Chefs use our products, as well as the delicatessen shops. By

having them in catalogue or in your outlets, you will surprise your consumers and convince

them to be faithful customers. To test them is to adopt them.

• Here are some of the products range :• The seaweeds sesonings : mustard with seaweeds, fleur de sel with seaweeds…

• Organic pastas with seaweeds

• Organic tartares with seaweeds

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Natural soaps with seaweeds

• Having a strong experience in the field of food made from seaweeds, Horizons International

Exploration now offers an original range of natural soaps with seaweeds.

• Each soap is unique thanks to its design, the incorporation of a seaweed and its ingredients.

These soaps are very soft.

• Our range includes several types of soaps, which have different properties : moisturizing

soaps, exfoliating soaps, erasing soaps.

• Besides seaweeds, our soaps contain argan oil, which is recognized for its nutritive and

moisturizing properties, loofah, which is ideal for a very soft peeling, and lithothamne, a

chalky seaweed.

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We hope to have enticed you to taste and to market our products .

For all these companies, we remain fully at your disposal to communicate

to you:


Price lists

Our terms of sales

Some samples

You will contact us with

TEL : +33 (0)9 62 20 25 82

FAX : +33(0)2 97 88 39 42

E-mail :[email protected]