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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment Results

These are your Top 5 Leadership Characteristics:

Acting with Honor and CharacterYou know what you stand for. Your actions are rooted in a stable set of values. You can becounted on to act consistently and stay true to your word. Others trust you because yourbeliefs and actions match. People see you walking your talk. They sense your authenticity andyour character.

Creating the New and DifferentYou are able to envision a future that no one else sees and invent things that haven’t beenimagined. You focus a lot of your time on gathering information and asking good questions.Because you value all points of view and look broadly for information, you are able to makeconnections across many fields and use analogies that help you think differently about aproblem. During brainstorming, you value the outlandish and the absurd—which can sparknew thinking. You don’t judge. You don’t hem people in. You believe that many people withdifferent ways of looking at the world will always outperform any one individual’s ideas. Youare not afraid of failure. Fail early, fail often is almost a mantra for you. You expect a result thatwill wow clients and strive to make it a reality.

Managing UpYou relate well with higher management. You manage your career well. You know what youwant in your career. You are proactive in positioning yourself—your career aspirations andinterests—to leaders who will influence your career trajectory. You do not hesitate to takeadvantage of opportunities that showcase your skills to higher management. This requiresconfidence, but gaining support of your boss and senior leaders makes the risk worth it to you.

Focusing on the Bottom Line

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment ResultsFocusing on the Bottom Line: Top 5 Characteristics (Cont'd)

You are achievement oriented. You are eager to take action and see results. Even when youencounter obstacles, your energy and perseverance keep you going. You are motivated andoptimistic. At your best, you ensure that your actions are focused rather than lettingmomentum take over. You attribute much of your strong performance to your sense ofurgency, drive, and resilience.

Understanding the BusinessYou have earned a seat at the table. You have regular interaction with senior executives, andthey see you as a credible partner. You speak the language of business. With your high levelof acumen, you are able to analyze and speak intelligently about customers, competitors, andbusiness strategy. You have a clear point of view. The payoff is that many leaders seek youout to ask your opinion about the potential impact of business decisions.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment Results

Potential Blind SpotsBlind spots are characteristics that you overestimate. You are likely to see yourself as stronger in these skills thanothers see you. A self assessment can give you insight on potential areas for self improvement, however, askingothers for their input by doing a network assessment will give you far greater insight on your blind spots. Here areyour potential blind spots and some ideas for next steps:

Getting Work Done Through OthersOne of the most difficult transitions people face as they move up the ladder is transformingtheir approach to managing others. Direct step-by-step instruction and discipline gives way torelationship building, empowerment, advocacy, and coaching.

Empower – Taking a command-and-control approach to leadership has its advantages,but it also involves a lot of extra stress and expended energy. Delegating work is one of thebest ways to develop and empower others. Add some coaching and support to the mix,and you have a recipe for bringing out the best in people.

Eliminate barriers – Part of your job as a leader is to make sure your team has what itneeds (resources, time, support, information) to get their jobs done efficiently. Listen tofeedback from your team about where the system bogs down and use your influence andadvocacy to clear their path.

Spend your time wisely – It is tempting to continue to do the work that you love—the workthat got you promoted. But once you manage other people, your job responsibilities shift.Spend less time on tasks you have mastered and more time on tasks that only you can do.

Being Organizationally SavvyOrganizations are essentially groups of people organized around a common goal. Thus,successfully navigating organizations requires a high level of social attunement.Understanding how to align with and influence others, form strong networks, and listen actively

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment ResultsBeing Organizationally Savvy: Blind Spots (Cont'd)

to those around you are essential first steps toward finding your feet in your organization.Build alliances – Your mission: Find commonalities with a wide range of people withinyour organization. Sincerity, respect, and active listening will go a long way toward buildingrelationships and learning about the organization through others’ perspectives andexperiences.

Know your advocates – Find the key people in the organization who will work with you tousher your projects through the maze of governance bodies and approvals. These are thepeople who will take a vested interest in your success.

Unwritten signs – Knowing people’s titles and reporting relationships is not the completepicture. An organization has a formal structure and an informal structure. Many times, thereare people who have power and respect without the title and they are able to influence.Read the unwritten title on people’s nameplates.

Communicating EffectivelyWhen everyone around you is bombarded with information, how do you get your messageacross? Start by calling to mind those people who get your attention. Chances are they’reskilled communicators. It is also likely that they draw from these essential strategies:

Keep it simple – Pulling the salient points from a jumble of information, using an analogyto bring to life a complex issue, or using images and stories to illustrate a point are allexamples of simplifying to increase the impact of a message. Brevity is much more difficultthan long explanations, and much more powerful.

Take care – Technology has given us a million ways to communicate and even more waysto goof up communication. Respect the medium you’re using and use good sense whendeciding what you write down and where. Pay attention to etiquette, be mindful of youraudience, and know when it’s time to communicate in person.

Listening is communication – Quieting the thoughts in your head, turning away from the•

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment ResultsCommunicating Effectively: Blind Spots (Cont'd)

handheld, and giving your full attention to another person is a very powerful way ofcommunicating respect, conscientiousness, and interest. People who say less and listenmore are actually very skilled communicators and are able to command the attention ofothers when they do speak.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment Results

Potential Hidden StrengthsHidden strengths are characteristics that you underestimate. You are likely to see yourself as weaker in theseskills than others see you. A self assessment can give you insight on potential areas for self improvement,however, asking others for their input by doing a network assessment will give you far greater insight on yourhidden strengths. Here are your potential hidden strengths:

Caring About OthersPeople matter to you. You take a personal interest in their well-being. You care about others,and you’re willing to help them when they are in trouble. You may be focused on gettingresults, but you make time for people. You take time to check in and see how they are doing.You are not afraid to show kindness and compassion. You recognize that you can be both astrong, respected leader and a caring, compassionate person. It is not a paradox for you. Youbalance caring and confidence as complementary leadership qualities.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment Results

Problem AreasProblem areas can be hard to talk about. However, we want to arm you with as much information as possibleabout the roots of success as well as known causes of derailment. Through studying the career trajectories ofthousands of individual contributors, managers, and executives, we’ve identified the five most common barriersto career success. If you suspect one or more of these areas is a problem for you, the section below will provideinitial steps toward improvement.

Self-CenteredWho can argue with ambitiousness and self-esteem? No one. You have to believe in yourselfand promote yourself to get ahead in this world. But in the absence of real self-awareness,your efforts at self-promotion could be backfiring on you. Bringing self-awareness into the mixmeans paying close attention to your strengths and your weaknesses, opening yourself up tolessons and insights from others, and sharing wins with everyone who contributed along theway. A little humility can help you tone down the potential negative effects of healthy self-confidence. Letting go of your need to impress others will have the paradoxical effect ofincreasing your overall likability. Holding on to a self-centered approach with others can taxyour relationships and ultimately slow or stall your career progress.

Trace the source of your success – It’s easy, in the wake of a big success, to recall theingenious contributions you brought to the table. But the simple reality is that practicallynothing gets accomplished in a vacuum. Think back on all the doors that were opened,thoughts shared, and even extra grunt work done that helped push that ball toward thegoal. Then hand out the thank-yous.

Work on your brand – Who are you to the people around you? Who are you in yourorganization? You might be charismatic and bright and talented and assertive, but unlessyou have the real support of others, your personal brand may be suffering. Try adding

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment ResultsSelf-Centered: Problem Areas (Cont'd)

“good listener, facilitator, collaborator, and encourager” to your repertoire.Team build – Teams form around a sense of shared vision, effort, risk, and reward. Peopleconnect to efforts they feel personally invested and involved in. When someone on theteam is overdriving or dominating the effort, the fabric of the team begins to fray. Hangback, draw people out, and let the synergy begin.

Too NarrowIt was probably your deep level of expertise that got you noticed in school and later at work.People relied on your insights and technical prowess, your patience with complex ideas, andyour ability to get to the root of a problem or see a hidden solution. These skills won you somuch admiration and respect that they eventually got you promoted. Congratulations! Now forthe hard part: in this new role, you’re expected to do things that make little or no use of yourspecialized skills—managing people and projects, collaborating with other departments,hustling for resources, making strategic decisions, and solving operational problems. Nowwhat? Challenge yourself to break away from your comfort zone and focus on broadening yourskill set. Finding ways to continuously learn about things outside your field will give you freshinsights and augment your contribution at work. Holding on too tightly to what you know canmake you seem narrow and rigid and will likely slow or stall your career progress.

Deploy yourself – One of the most marketable experiences you can put on your resume ishaving worked in another country. What this communicates is your ability to functioneffectively in an entirely novel context. If moving out of the country isn’t on your list ofthings to do, reaching across departments or cross-teaming with experts from otherfunctional areas can also stretch and grow you in ways that will pay off across the board.

Trust your instincts – If analysis is your game, you may not be making the most of yourinstincts. One of the rewards for developing true expertise in a particular area is that you’velikely developed a sixth sense for when things feel right, wrong, or where an interesting

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment ResultsToo Narrow: Problem Areas (Cont'd)

solution might be hiding just out of sight. Don’t be afraid to break from the data occasionallyand let your intuition be your guide.Broaden your horizons – Being a good forecaster and strategic thinker requires keepingan eye out for patterns and trends across multiple fronts—science, business, and the arts.Challenge yourself to read journals from outside your area of expertise and watch forinterconnections across systems (culture, demographics, economics, etc.). This will lead tounexpected insights in your own field and help you anticipate what’s coming around thecorner.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment Results

Korn/Ferry InsightsHere’s how you compare to others:

Acting with Honor and CharacterActing with Honor and Character is ranked highest in importance compared to all otherleadership skills. It is the foundation upon which all other leadership skills are built. Mostpeople are highly skilled in Acting with Honor and Character. It is moderately difficult todevelop. Being trustworthy, consistent, and ethical are viewed by most employers as price-of-admission leadership qualities.

Creating the New and DifferentCreating the New and Different is correlated with strong performance at the manager andexecutive levels. Most people’s skill level in Creating the New and Different is low, and it isharder to develop than most leadership skills. For these reasons, it is a good idea to focus ondeveloping this skill as early as possible in your career. Your ability to generate breakthroughswill be noticed, appreciated, and sought after because it is the source of competitiveadvantage that companies seek.

Managing UpManaging Up is a strong skill for most people across all leadership levels. However, it may notbe surprising that the skill improves as leaders move up to the manager and executive levels.Your ability to garner support from senior leaders gives you the opportunity to position yourideas and influence your career trajectory.

Focusing on the Bottom LineFocusing on the Bottom Line is critically important. It is highly correlated with performance and

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment ResultsFocusing on the Bottom Line: Korn/Ferry Insights (Cont'd)

promotion at the individual contributor and manager levels. Most people tend to be good atthis, partially because organizations clearly communicate their desire for people who getresults, and it’s easy to identify and measure this skill in others. Focusing on the Bottom Lineis a non-negotiable for anyone who wants to succeed at work.

Understanding the BusinessUnderstanding the Business is moderately important at all levels of leadership and is linked tosuccess early in your career. The skill level for most people in Understanding the Business isvery high, so you will need to combine it with other skills to pull ahead of the pack. One of thereasons most people have this skill is that it’s easier to learn, compared to other skills. Yourknowledge of how businesses operate and your expertise in your functional area are likely tobe considered price-of-admission qualities.

Caring About OthersMost people are moderately skilled in Caring About Others, and it is moderately difficult todevelop. Leaders who are skilled in Caring About Others also tend to be skilled in ManagingDiverse Relationships and Being Open and Receptive. Taking an interest in others andshowing kindness and concern demonstrate how much you value others and can impact yourability to lead and influence others.

Getting Work Done Through OthersGetting Work Done Through Others is important, particularly at the manager and executivelevels. However, it is an extremely rare skill. For most leaders, this is their lowest-rankedleadership skill, and it is one of the most common blind spots at the executive level. GettingWork Done Through Others is easier to develop, in part, because organizations providecourses, coaching, and other resources to help leaders improve. It is difficult to give up doingthe work yourself, but your ability to direct, coach, delegate, and develop can mean the

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment ResultsGetting Work Done Through Others: Korn/Ferry Insights (Cont'd)

difference between lackluster and stellar results.

Being Organizationally SavvyBeing Organizationally Savvy is moderately important across all leadership levels. It is a rareskill at the individual contributor level, but leaders steadily improve as they rise to the managerand executive levels. Slow but steady improvement is laudable, given that this is one of thehardest leadership skills to develop. Your ability to navigate organizational mazes to get thingsdone can mean the difference between stalled initiatives and moving things forward.

Communicating EffectivelyCommunicating Effectively is particularly important at the individual contributor level. Thenumber of people who are good communicators tends to be lower at the individual contributorlevel but steadily increases among managers and executives. With a little effort, this skill is nothard to develop. The ability to tailor your delivery and clearly articulate your points will buildcredibility for both you and your message.

Self-CenteredSelf-Centered is a staller that can slow your career progress. Compared to other stallers, it isless likely to be a problem for most people. It is somewhat harmful to success, and it is aknown derailer, particularly at the manager level. Being too ambitious, arrogant, oruntrustworthy will be perceived negatively and can derail your career or cause it toprematurely plateau.

Too NarrowToo Narrow is a staller that can slow your career progress. Compared to other stallers, TooNarrow is more likely to be a problem but tends to be least harmful to success. Many leaders,particularly at the individual contributor and executive levels, underestimate this problem tosome degree. This area is a known derailer, especially at the executive level. Over-reliance on

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

Hossam MBA HRDev|Mgt|Operation Professional's Assessment ResultsToo Narrow: Korn/Ferry Insights (Cont'd)

a single skill set or area of expertise can brand you as someone who lacks perspective or isstuck in the past.

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