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Version 9.4 Revision 1.0

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Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1 Features ............................................................................................................................. 1

What's New in Hosted Contact Centre Analytics? ........................................................ 2

Change of Labels ............................................................................................................... 4

How Do I Log in? ................................................................................................................ 4

Know the Interface ........................................................................................................... 6

Know your Dashboards ................................................................................................... 7

Agent Group Queue Service Dashboard ........................................................................ 8

Big Picture Dashboard ..................................................................................................... 9 Inbound Donut Charts ........................................................................................................ 9 Agent Group Queue Performance Table ......................................................................... 10 Time Series Queue Performance Charts ......................................................................... 11 Interactivity ....................................................................................................................... 11 How Do I Filter Data? ....................................................................................................... 11

Agent Comparison Dashboard ...................................................................................... 12

Agents Performance ......................................................................................................... 13

Agent Behavior Scatter Graph ......................................................................................... 13

Queue Dashboard ............................................................................................................ 14

Top Row KPIs: KPI Sparkline ........................................................................................... 15

Volume and Service Bubble Chart ................................................................................... 16

Interaction Volume Table ................................................................................................. 17

Service Heat Maps ........................................................................................................... 17 How do I Filter Data?........................................................................................................ 18

Create a Custom Report ................................................................................................ 20

Example ............................................................................................................................ 22

Schedule Reports ........................................................................................................... 30

For Quick Access ........................................................................................................... 32

Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................... 33

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SaskTel Hosted Contact Centre now offers extensive historical data that helps contact centre supervisors and managers to understand the performance of agents and queues in contact centre.

HCC Analytics is a web-based tool that provides enterprise-level analytics and democratization of information that can be used to make highly informed business decisions. This suite of services delivers easy to use, customizable and rapid insights into the historical and real-time information associated with contact centre agents, queues, and channels. Granular details are available from a highly scalable data platform and can be viewed in a graphical or tabular format on any device. The reports are also exportable into Excel or CSV for further evaluation and archiving.

SaskTel HCC Analytics is a new generation tool that extracts raw contact centre metrics and presents data in easily comprehensible visual charts.


Access user-friendly dashboards with company-wide, department, or agent-level performance metrics at the fingertips.

Get vital canned and ad-hoc reports on desktop as well as mobile devices.

Create custom reports and apply custom filters to extract desired data.

Export report data to CSV or Excel for further evaluation and archiving.

Schedule to run custom reports periodically and send automatic notification to the desired individuals.

Offer work-group managers the ability to monitor contact centre traffic and adjust work force.

Allow managers to monitor agents’ performance.

Important: SaskTel HCC Analytics co-exists with the legacy reporting engine accessed from Agent Console. The detailed reporting is currently available in the legacy engine.

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In this release 1.1.5, we have introduced the following enhancements and changes:

Sharing data from dashboards is now easier. You can now export data from the dashboards to PDF format and share these PDF documents offline with others. They do not need to have access to the Analytics tool. On the dashboard, click Export to PDF link on the top right corner. The data in the dashboard is instantly saved in a printable PDF document.

Getting metrics for a relative date range such as tracking your team's performance for the past day or past two weeks is now simpler. You can select a relative date or customize the date range to meet your requirements.

o Custom Date: Get data on your team's performance during holidays such as Dec 20 to Jan 1.

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o Relative Date: You can check data for relative dates such as yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, this month, and last month. Supervisors can use this data to compare, analyze, understand, and make decisions.

o Advanced Mode: Click Advanced in the calendar to set up advanced relative date such as accessing data for the last week or last two weeks or last quarter.

Ability to save filters: You can filter data in the dashboards as desired and save these preferences for each dashboard. These filters are remembered through login sessions. You can reset to default settings with just a click.

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Scheduling Reports: You can schedule to run a report hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. We have removed the options to run them more frequently.

Change of Labels

In the dashboard, Average Accepted Time is renamed to Average Processing Time.

In the Queue dashboard, Offered is renamed to Entered (Number of calls that entered the queue).

Total Rejected is only applicable to Agent Transactions. We have removed this measure from Queued Transactions.

Metrics on Total Abandoned is applicable to queue transactions only. We have removed this measure from Agent Transactions category. It is now accessible from Queue Transactions category while creating a report.

Total Rejected is only applicable to agent transactions. We have removed this measure from Queued Transactions.

How do I Log in?

1. To access Hosted Contact Centre Analytics, log into Agent Console.

2. Enter your user credentials to log in. The Agent Console launches.

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3. In the control panel, click next to the drop-down menu.

4. Click Business Intelligence to launch the SaskTel Hosted Contact Centre Analytics tool.

5. The dashboard launches in a separate browser window.

6. For a quick start, get to know the application interface.

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HCC Analytics launches opening the Home page. Use the navigation menu on the left to access the desired dashboards and create custom reports.

The dashboard menu is tailored to the Analytics bundle your company subscribes to. SaskTel currently offers:

o HCC Analytics Premier: Offers you the ability to monitor agent productivity and contact centre traffic using detailed dashboards. This also offers the ability to create custom reports and schedule them for automatic and periodic generation.

o HCC Analytics Pro: Provides access to historical data using custom reports and standard reports. You have the ability to schedule reports as well.

o HCC Analytics Basic: Offers access to the legacy reporting engine.

Note: All bundles for HCC Analytics provide access to the legacy reporting engine.

The navigation menu has the following items:

Home: View the available dashboards, list of custom reports, and frequently visited reports from here.

Dashboards: Access dashboards for a quick overview of contact centre performance. The dashboards provide a quick snapshot of agent productivity and queue traffic.

Create Reports: Create custom reports to extract the desired metrics.

Standard Reports: Get a quick access to reports you need most often.

Favorites: Bookmark most frequented reports as your favorites.

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Recents: Quickly access the most recently visited reports.

Schedules: Schedule reports for automatic and periodic generation and notification.

Logout: Logs you out of HCC Analytics.


HCC Analytics offers the following four dashboards to monitor your contact centre performance:

Agent Comparison Dashboard: This gives an overview of metrics for agent productivity by agent group and further by agents. So you can look at the stats and compare the productivity of groups.

Agent Group Queue Service Dashboard: Using this dashboard, you can ensure agents with right skills are allocated to the right queues. If you have agent groups serving multiple queues, you can track the number of interactions the group spends on serving each queue.

Big Picture Dashboard: This dashboard provides a quick overview of contact centre performance by tracking traffic via channels and queues, and by checking productivity of agents servicing these queues.

Queue Dashboard: The Queue dashboard provides an activity summary of each queue during a specified time range. It includes # of calls that entered queues, calls answered, service level, average handled time, max waiting time, and more.

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Using data from this dashboard, you can ensure correct allocation of resources in your contact centre. Track if you allocated agents based on skills. If you have agent groups serving multiple queues, you can access data on the number of interactions and the time spent in handling interactions for each queue. You may want to identify the primary queue for each agent group and make sure if they are spending enough time on their primary queues.

The data in this dashboard focuses on challenging questions in all contact centre operations. What work did the agent teams do? Were they working on their primary tasks? Or did they get pulled into handling non-primary work? Roughly when did this happen?

For example, the primary responsibility of my sales teams is to take interactions from the sales queues. They are my most expensive employees, and I do not want them taking billing calls. But, if we are getting swamped with a spike in billing, they can handle a few calls.

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The Big Picture dashboard provides a snapshot of contact centre performance by relating customer traffic through the queues and media channels to the agent groups who service them. You can track the volume of interactions entering queues segmented by media.

Note: The dashboard does not capture calls that entered IVR and got abandoned before entering the queue.

This dashboard has three data charts that offer desired interactivity:

Inbound Donut Charts

Customer activity and agent productivity is represented by the following donut charts:

Inbound Media: Presents data on the total number of inbound interactions that entered your contact centre queues. Breaks down data by media—phone, chat, email, and voicemail.

Inbound Channels: Presents total number of inbound interactions entered through each inbound channel. The data is segmented by channels and presented visually.

Queue: Number of inbound interactions that entered the inbound queues during the specified date range.

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All these donut charts function as filters (Media Inbound, Channel Inbound, & Queue Inbound). It is possible to use two or three donut filters at the same time. (e.g. Observe only voice and sales queue group performance).

For example, to observe Sales agents group performance for phone media, select the Phone donut slice on Media Inbound donut filtering the entire dashboard to only show voice interactions. This means the Media Inbound donut would be 100% voice only. The Channel Inbound donut would filter out email and chat channels and be 100% voice only data. Similarly, the Queue Group donut shows queues serving voice interactions only. The Agent Productivity bar charts would pertain to voice only performance.

Agent Group Queue Performance Table

Agent productivity is measured by key performance indicators such as # of calls accepted, # calls rejected, total handle time, and processing time. You can track the time taken for post processing and determine the agent productivity.

Note: Post processing time is referred to as Total Wrap Time. The data is cumulative for all


The Agent Group Queue Performance table offers the following metrics by agent group:

Accepted: Number of interactions accepted by the agent group in the specified date range.

Rejected: Number of interactions rejected by the agent group in the specified date range.

Avg Handle Time: Average time taken to handle interactions by an agent group.

Avg Wrap Time: Average post processing time taken to wrap up interactions by an agent group.

Total Handle Time: Total time taken to handle accepted interactions by the agent group.

Total Wrap Time: Total time taken to wrap up (post processing time) the interactions by the agent group

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Time Series Queue Performance Charts

This chart explains volume of interactions, rejections, abandons, and SL% by specific queues over time. This chart supports the Queue Group donut by explaining performance over time as well as showing the specific queues that comprise the queues shown in the Queue Group donut.

Each chart represents a specific queue and measures SL% and interactions/rejections/abandons by time

X-axis – measures time (30 min, hour, day, week, month, year). Default is the past 7 days.

Y1: a stacked bar chart showing # of interactions, # of rejections, # of abandoned calls.

Y2: a line graph represents SL%


You can filter the rest of the dashboard by clicking on a vertical bar of any queue chart. E.g. A user clicks on a bar of the Premium Sales Queue that has a very low SL% and low volume. This action re-filters the rest of the dashboard, and he sees the Agents who were servicing the queue at that specific time. He then sorts on specific KPIs of the agents.

This filter must work in coordination with other filters on the dashboard (the donut filters, the master filter, the agent group filter).

Time - User selects the date range in the filter above. The Date Range default is the past 7 days, shown daily. The date range controls the entire dashboard, but can be most easily seen in the Time Series Queue Performance Charts. The user can view the Time Series in Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly.

How Do I Filter Data?

The entire dashboard is governed by the following drop down filters:

Time – The date range controls the entire dashboard. You can select from hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. The date range default is the past 7 days, shown daily.

Media – By default, data is shown for all media voice, chat, and/or email. You can change it as desired.

Channel – Includes all channels which the media feed.

Queues – By default data is shown for all queues.

Agent Group - By default data is shown for all agent groups. You can filter as desired.

You can filter data in the dashboards as desired and save these preferences for each dashboard. These filters are remembered through login sessions. You can reset to default settings with just a click.

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This dashboard explains performance of agent groups and individual agents with a graphical focus on positive and negative agent behavior. This gives an overview of metrics for agent productivity by agent group and further by agents. So you can look at the stats and compare the productivity of groups and agents.

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Agents Performance

The agents’ performance can be assessed by the metrics indicated in agent group tables. The dashboard provides

KPIs for all agents within a specific agent group.

KPIs for all agent groups for comparison.

Agent Behavior Scatter Graph

The Agent Behavior Scatter graphs explain the pattern of positive agent behavior or negative agent behavior of agents as measured by # of calls handled, total talk time, total hold time, and transfers. This allows the user to focus on the extremes like too few calls handled, too much total talk time, too much hold time, or high % of transfers.

Positive Agent Behavior Scatter Graph

Y-axis (up down): # of calls Handled by each agent

X-axis (left right): # of total talk time by each agent

Color: green (a positive shade of green)

Negative Agent Behavior Scatter Graph

Y-axis (up down): # hold time by agent

X-axis (left right): % of transfers by agent

Color: red (a negative shade of red)

Use Case

A Contact Centre Manager wants to check the performance of some newly hired agents in the Sales Team #2 Agent Group. He is especially concerned about their progress on a recent Marketing campaign in terms of taking sales calls with customers.

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The Manager opens the Agent Comparison dashboard, selects the desired date, Marketing Campaign #1, and chooses the Sales Agent Groups #1, #2, & #3. He has access to the following data:

Top row KPIs explain how everyone is doing and level-sets his general expectations.

He then looks at the Agent Group KPI Table and compares the stats for different agent groups in sales.

He goes to the Agent Table and sorts on Transfers and then on Hold Time.

He looks at the Positive Agent Behavior Scatter Graphs. He uses his cursor to hover over agents-dots on the far right, which indicates high talk time and could indicate trouble. He then goes along the bottom edge, which could indicate agents avoiding taking calls. He does not see a pattern.

He looks at the Negative Agent Behavior Scatter Graphs and does a circle in the upper right – which groups those agents with high % of transfers and high % of total hold time. This action then resets the entire dashboard to be just that group of agents.

He looks at the bottom left Agent Table, sorts, and looks for any of the new agent hires. None are there. The newly hired agents are performing within acceptable boundaries. But, he is aware of another set of agents who need more training to reduce their hold times and transfers.

Queue Dashboard

This dashboard clarifies the customer demand and experience in the queues with an extra focus on traffic volume, SLA%, & queue abandonment. The Queue dashboard provides an activity summary of each queue during a specified time range. It includes # of calls that entered queues, calls answered, SLA%, average handled time, max waiting time, and more.

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A Contact Centre Manager wants to understand and compare performance of a select set of queues based on a standard set of KPIs, with a focus on comparable volume, service level, and good and bad KPI trends.

Top Row KPIs: KPI Sparkline

The Sparkline charts offer easy-to-see measures for the top seven KPIs measuring queue group / queue performance.

The first 3 KPIs – Offered, Handled, and SLA are different colors of blue, since they are shown in the ‘Good’ Heat Map.

The last 4 KPIS – Abandoned %, Max Wait Time, Average Time to Abandon, and Average Speed to Answer are different versions of red, since they are shown in the ‘Bad’ Heat Map.

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The color indicates normal (Blue) and alert (Red), green is above 80%, and yellow is between 60 and 80.

Volume and Service Bubble Chart

This chart visually represents the call volume against the service level. Service level ensures timely attendance of interactions in the queue. The higher the SLA, the better the queue performance and vice versa. Each bubble represents a queue in the chart. The size of the bubble represents the volume of calls that entered the queue.

Using the chart, you can compare the performance of various queues based on interaction volume, SL%, and Abandon %. Bubbles in the bottom right corner indicate the worst service level and highest abandon percentage. The goal is to service queues with less abandon rate and high service level.

X axis (Abandoned Rate%) - Indicates percentage of calls abandoned within the queue.

Y axis (SLA %) - Indicates the service level of the queue.

Hovering over a bubble shows metrics for the specific queue-bubbles.

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Interaction Volume Table

This table breaks down metrics on queue volume and performance for each queue.

The following metrics are available for each queue:

Offered: Number of calls that entered the queue during the specified time range.

Handled: Number of calls that were answered.

SLA%: The SLA% is indicated with colors. Green color shows SLA above 80%, Yellow color shows SLA between 60 to 80%, Red shows a poor SLA below 60%.

Abandon %: The percentage of calls abandoned by the queue. The higher rate of abandonment needs to be checked.

Average Handle Time: Average time needed for handling calls.

Max Wait Time: The longest waiting interaction in the queue.

Average speed of answer: Time taken to answer calls.

Service Heat Maps

The Queue dashboard offers two heat maps that allow a Contact Centre Manager to compare the same set of queues using differing sets of metrics (good and bad metrics), and how the queues trended over time.

Interaction Volume and Service Heat Map: This heat map indicates the good trends and normal behavior for interactions that entered the queue.

Y-axis (up down): queues

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X-Axis (left right): time, with the default being the past 7 days.

Z-axis (color): white (low level) to dark blue (high level)

Metric to select from: Calls Offered, Calls Handled, SL%, Average Handle Time

Delays in Service Heat Map: This heat map indicates the bad trends and serves as an alert for delayed service.

Y-axis (up down): queues

X-Axis (left right): time, with the default being the past 7 days.

Z-axis (color): white (low level) to dark red (high level)

Metrics to select from: Abandon %, Max Wait Time, Average Time to Abandon, Average Speed of Answer

Use Case

A Contact Centre Manager learns that new sales prospects are abandoning calls too quickly. He must verify this information and confirm if this is true. The manager selects the drop down filter menu and chooses the desired time range, and selects the Sales Queue Group and the Web Queue Group to compare.

He looks down at the Call Volume Table, and sorts by Offered, then looks at the SL% and the Abandon %. He sees that Prospects Queue has an alert for Max Wait Time, and the Abandon % is red too. This signals trouble.

He looks to the right at the Volume and Service Bubble Chart to compare the queues within the Sales and Queue Groups in terms of interaction volume, SL% and Abandon %. He is specially focused on which Queues/Bubbles are high and left (great, but perhaps has too much support) vs low and right (Struggling, and needs more help). He circles the bubbles on the charts he cares about, which filters the rest of the dashboard.

The Manager then looks at the Heat Maps for the ‘good’ trends (Handled, AHT, volume, SL%) and the bad trends (Abandon %, Avg time to Abandon, Max Wait Time). He sees that over the past few weeks the Web Queues have great SL% and low volumes, and low abandon %s. Yet, the Premium Queues look to have the reverse trends of more volume, less service, and higher abandon %s.

Based on a specific date he sees in the Heat Map, he goes back to the Bubble Chart and uses a time slider to look at that specific date. The rest of the dashboard readjusts. He hovers and gets specific information (volume, SLA%, and Abandon %) for the queue-bubbles he cares about.

How Do I Filter Data?

You can filter data in the dashboards as desired and save these preferences for each dashboard. These filters are remembered through login sessions. You can reset to default settings with just a click.

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To filter data, click in the Filters bar. Add the desired filter parameters and apply it. The filtering options vary for each dashboard.

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With SaskTel HCC Analytics, you can now generate a report that draws metrics to match your organization’s needs. Whether the need is to supervise the productivity of agents or analyze the traffic for queues, SaskTel Analytics gives you the flexibility to create a custom report and extract the desired metrics. You can create a report, save the query for repeated use. By default, supervisors inherit the ability to track metrics for agent groups and queues they supervise only.

Creating a custom report involves the following steps:

Step 1: Select a category.

A category defines the ability to extract metrics for:

Agent Transactions—Get key performance metrics for agents.

Queue Transactions—Get key performance metrics for queues.

Step 2: Select Measures.

Measures are individual metrics that help you determine performance of queues or agents. Based on the category selected, a set of measures are available to you by default. For agents, you can select measures such as # of interactions accepted, rejected, average handling time and more. For queues, you can select measures such as # of interactions entered, abandoned, and more.

Step 3: Select Dimensions.

Dimensions allow you to apply many filters such as specify the tenant for which you need metrics, select a time range (quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily and hourly), specify agent groups or specific agents or even queues. Add multiple dimensions for extracting granular data. You can drill down to get granular data such as performance of an agent group on a specific day during a specific hour.

Step 4: Run the report.

To run the report, click .

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The data is presented to you in tabular format.

From the navigation menu icons, click drop down menu and select the desired visual format.

Step 5: Save the report.

After defining a query with desired parameters, you can save the report for repeated use.

To save the query:

1. From the top navigation icons, click .

2. Select the destination folder.

3. All report queries you create are by default saved in a custom folder for you. Save it in your folder. If you save it in a public folder, others can view it.

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4. Enter the name of the report in the File box.

5. Click Save.

You can access this report any time.

Note: You can open and edit the report queries you have created. You cannot edit queries generated by other users, you can still view it based on permissions.

Step 6: Schedule the report.

You can schedule to generate and email this report periodically to specified recipients. For details on scheduling a report, see page 31.


Let’s understand how to create a sample custom report by studying the following example.

Objective: As a contact centre manager, you want to review the performance of your agent groups weekly. You would like to receive a weekly report for the past week every Monday morning.

Creating a report to meet this objective involves the following steps:

STEP 1: Create a report to gather performance metrics of agent groups.

1. From the navigation menu, select Create Reports.

2. To create a custom report, you must select:

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a. Category: Select if the report is for agents or queues.

b. Measures: Select the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for the category chosen.

c. Dimensions: Identify the tenant, agent groups, and the time period for the report.

3. For Category, select Agent Transactions.

4. The Measures box shows the available metrics for agents.

5. Select the desired metrics by single clicking, or by dragging and dropping them in the Measures box.

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6. In the Dimensions box, select Relative Week and click Date. The selected dimension shows in Rows box.

7. Click Date to open the date range dialog box.

8. Click Advanced for advanced settings.

9. For custom relative date range, select Weeks ago for Starting and Ending dates.

10. To extract data for the past week, enter 1 for Starting and 1 for Ending.

Note: The date range parameters weeks refer to a calendar week. For a non-calendar week such as Wed-Tue, please use Basic search and select Past 7 days in the date range.

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11. Select the agent groups you wish to supervise by clicking Agent > Agent Groups in the dimensions.

If you wish to filter agent groups, click agent group link, select the desired agent groups by selecting them individually. Note: You can swap the dimensions between rows and columns.

12. The report query is now complete. You are now ready to save or run this query.

13. From the top navigation icons, click to run the query.

14. Save the report quer as described on page 21.

15. After saving the report query, schedule to receive the weekly report for the past week every Monday morning. To schedule the query, follow the instructions explained in step 2.

STEP 2: Schedule to generate this report automatically and notify via email periodically.

To schedule the saved report query:

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1. From the top task menu, click .

2. Enter a Schedule name and click Next. This helps you keep track of scheduled reports.

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3. In the next step indicate how often you want to generate this report. In this example you set the report to run every Monday morning at 8 am.

a. For Recurrence select <Weekly> from the available options.

b. Start Time indicates the time to initiate report generation. Select the time <8 am> and then the day <Monday> of the week you want to run this report every week.

c. Range of Recurrence: Indicate how long you want to run this report by selecting an end date. If you do not choose an end date the report will be generated every Monday until stopped.

Note To schedule a daily report: i) Select <Daily> for Recurrence. ii) Set a start time and select Every <1> day/s.

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iii) In Range of Recurrence, select a start date to begin generating the report. iv) Select No end date to keep generating the daily reports indefinitely.

4. Click Next.

5. Select the report type from the available options. Enter a report name that helps you identify the report for later use.

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6. In Email tab, enter the email IDs of all desired recipients for this report. Add a subject line and message as desired.

7. Click Ok to complete the process of scheduling the report.

Per your schedule, the report gets generated and you will begin to receive it via email.

Once scheduled the report will be generated and notified to the email recipients as configured.

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You can now schedule reports and receive them via email daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. To schedule a report, you must first create a report and save it.

Step 1: Create a custom report as described on page 20.

Step 2: Open a saved report query and schedule it.

1. From the main navigation, select Create Reports.

2. Open a saved report query by clicking and navigating to the desired query.

3. Scheduling a report includes 4 sub steps:

a. Name the schedule: Enter a Schedule name to help you keep track of your scheduled reports. Click Next.

b. Set the recurrence: Indicate the frequency at which you want to generate this report. For example, you can set the report to run every Monday morning at 8 am.

o For Recurrence select <Weekly> from the available options.

o Start Time indicates the time to initiate report generation. Select the time <8 am> and then the day <Monday> of the week you want to run this report every week.

o Range of Recurrence: Indicate how long you want to run this report selecting a start date and an end date. If you do not choose an end date the report continues to generate until stopped.

To generate a daily report, select <Daily> for Recurrence.

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c. Set the parameters: Select the report type from HTML, CSV, or Excel. Enter a report name that helps you identify the report for later use.

d. Identify report recipients: Enter the email IDs of all desired recipients for this report. Add a subject line and message as desired.

These reports are generated at the frequency specified and sent via email to the specified recipients in the chosen format.

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To access most frequented reports quickly, you can bookmark them as your favorites or check out the recently run reports.

To bookmark, click Favorites from the navigation menu.

To view the most recently visited reports, click Recents from the navigation menu.

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How do I create an agent based report?

1. Go to Create Reports from the navigation menu.

2. Click the Category drop down and select Agent Transactions.

3. All the available metrics for agents show up in Measures.

4. Select the desired metrics such as Total Accepted, Total Rejected, Total Processing time etc.

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5. Select the desired agent groups by adding Agent Group in Dimensions.

6. Then select a time range for the report such as a desired day, week, month, quarter, or year in Dimensions.

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7. Click to run the report.

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How do I create a queue based report?

1. Go to Create Reports.

2. Click the Category drop down and select Queue Transactions. All the available metrics for queues show up in Measures.

3. Select the desired metrics such as Total Entered, Accepted, Rejected, Total SLA Met, Max Accept Time etc.

4. Select the desired queues by adding Queues in Dimensions.

5. Then select a time range for the report such as a desired day, week, month, quarter, or year in Dimensions.

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6. Click to run the report.

How do I create a report for a certain year/quarter/month/week/day?

1. To extract metrics for a specific day, week, month, go to Create Reports from the navigation menu.

2. Select a desired category and related measures.

3. In Dimensions, select a desired time frame. For example, to view and compare the productivity of agents during summer months July and August, select Month in Dimensions. The Month link gets added to show up as a row in the report.

4. Click Month in Rows box and in the follow-up dialog box, select the desired months and click Ok as shown here.

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Note: The reports will include data for all years to date. To streamline data for a specific month in a year say Aug of 2014, you must first add Year in Dimensions and select 2014. Then add Month and select August.

How do I create a report for today/yesterday/last-week?

1. To select a relative date range, select one of the relative dimensions such as Relative Date in Dimensions. The dimension gets added in the Rows box.

2. Click Date link in the Rows box. A new dialog box opens for selecting the desired date range.

3. From the available options in the date range, select the desired option.

4. Click Ok and run the report.

How do I schedule a report and be notified periodically via email?

You must begin by opening the desired report. Go to Create Reports and click and open an existing report.

1. From the top task menu, click .

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2. Enter a Schedule name and click Next. This helps you keep track of scheduled reports.

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3. In the next step indicate how often you want to generate this report. In this example you set the report to run every Monday morning at 8 am.

a. For Recurrence, select <Weekly> from the available options.

b. Start Time indicates the time to initiate report generation. Select the time <8 am> and then the day <Monday> of the week you want to run this report every week.

c. Range of Recurrence: Indicate how long you want to run this report by selecting an end date. If you do not choose an end date the report will be generated every Monday until stopped.

Note To schedule a daily report: i) Select <Daily> for Recurrence. ii) Set a start time and select Every <1> day/s.

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iii) In Range of Recurrence, select a start date to begin generating the report. iv) Select No end date to keep generating the daily reports indefinitely.

4. Click Next.

5. Select the report type from the available options. Enter a report name that helps you identify the report for later use.

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6. In Email tab, enter the email IDs of all desired recipients for this report. Add a subject line and message as desired.

7. Click Ok to complete the process of scheduling the report.

Per your schedule, the report gets generated and you will begin to receive it via email.
