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If You See Something, Say Something. Report Suspicious Activity to the Fort Bliss Military Police at 568-2115 or 911 for Emergencies

21 November 2012 The purpose of this product is to increase situational awareness and does not represent a finished intelligence product. It is intended for law enforcement officers, security personnel, antiterrorism officers and intelligence personnel. Further dissemination should be limited to a minimum, consistent with the purpose of supporting effective law enforcement and security of installation personnel, property, information and facilities. It should be disseminated within your organization as

allowed by the distribution notice below. Although some of the incidents may not be occurring locally; tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) are normally imitated by criminals and could eventually emerge in our area. Security planning should

consider emerging TTPs. Articles may be condensed to save space; for full story follow the source link. The proponent for this product is DPTMS, Plans and Operations Division, Fort Bliss, TX. The point of contact is Mr. F. Villalobos at 915 744-6881.


Current FPCON includes measures from BRAVO 7, 10, 12

DHS National Terrorism Advisory System:

No Active Alerts at this Time


(Criminal)(PIR 2) "No Refusal" DWI Policy Officially Enforced Throughout EP County. (Criminal)(PIR 2) New State Dept. Warning Exempts Most Mexico Tourist Spots (OPSEC) Facebook Enabling HTTPS By Default For North American Users. (Cyber)(PIR 7) Will Twitter War Become The New Norm? (Cyber)(PIR 7) Four Ways To Turn Insiders Into Assets (Cyber)(PIR 7) Cyber Criminals Target Skype, Facebook And Windows Users. (Cyber)(PIR 2) Cyber War Rages Behind The Scenes In Conflict Between Israel And Hamas.


(Criminal)(PIR 2) "No Refusal" DWI Policy Officially Enforced Throughout EP County. 20121121. Source:

(U) Suspected drunk drivers will now have to give an involuntary blood sample if they refuse a Breathalyzer test. El Paso County and city law enforcement announced Tuesday they will be adopting a "No Refusal" policy toward Drinking While Under the Influence offenses. Suspected drunk drivers will now have to give an involuntary blood sample if they refuse a Breathalyzer test. (Criminal)(PIR 2) New State Dept. Warning Exempts Most Mexico Tourist Spots 20121121. Source: Department of State

(U) The U.S. State Department has updated its February 2012 travel warning to Mexico, making few essential changes but in an extremely detailed rundown getting even more specific about what to worry about where. The good news for tourists is that, as in the past warning, most popular areas (including Cancun, the Riviera Maya, Mexico City, Los Cabos, Riviera Nayarit, Puerto Vallerta, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Merida, Chicen Itza, Huatulco and Oaxaca) are exempted. Caution is urged at certain places or times outside the tourist zones of Acapulco and Mazatlan, as well as in Cuernavaca. You can read the text of the travel warning on the State Department website. It says it is designed to "consolidate and update information about the security situation." And it places additional restrictions on where government employees can go. The state-by-state summary opens with a calming statement that "millions of U.S. citizens safely visit Mexico each year for study, tourism, and business, including more than 150,000 who cross the border every day. The Mexican government makes a considerable effort to protect U.S. citizens and other visitors to major tourist destinations, and there is no evidence that Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) have targeted U.S. visitors and residents based on their nationality. Resort areas and tourist destinations in Mexico generally do not see the levels of drug-related violence and crime reported in the border region and in areas along major trafficking routes."

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NOTICE HANLDING: For any document bearing the U/ / FOUO handling instruction, certain safeguards must be taken. This means it cannot be discarded in the open trash, made available to the general public, or posted on a public accessible website. It can, however, be shared

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Sensitive (LES) information could seriously jeopardize the conduct of on-going investigations and/ or the safety of law enforcement personnel. This document contains information that may be exempt f rom public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC

552). NOTHING IN THIS DOCUMENT SHALL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEDIA OR GENERAL PUBLIC. Foreign nationals attached or assigned to Fort Bliss are considered members of the general public.

(OPSEC) Facebook Enabling HTTPS By Default For North American Users. 20121119. Source:

(U) Facebook the week of November 19 will begin turning on secure browsing by default for its millions of users in North America. The change will make HTTPS the default connection option for all Facebook sessions for those users, a shift that gives them a good baseline level of security and will help prevent some common attacks. Facebook users have had the option of turning on HTTPS since early 2011 when the company reacted to attention surrounding the Firesheep attacks. However, the technology was not enabled by default and users had to manually make the change in order to get the better protection of HTTPS. Now, users will have to manually turn HTTPS off if they do not want it, a distinction that is a major change, especially for Facebook’s massive user base, which has become a major target for attackers.


(Cyber)(PIR 7) Will Twitter War Become The New Norm? 20121120. Source:

(U) War is not just about bombs and rockets. It's about words. That's been true for centuries, of course. But the public got a rude awakening this week about just how much those words can matter in the digital age when the Israel Defense Force live tweeted its strike that killed a Hamas leader. The military's live spin about the strike, and Hamas' response on a separate Twitter feed, have been called an unprecedented use of social media. BuzzFeed wrote that it "may well be the most meaningful change in our consumption of war in over 20 years." It's raising questions about the ethics and implications of live-tweeting a violent conflict. And it's calling into question the democratic, everyone-has-a-voice nature of Twitter, which is known more for giving a voice to protesters and civilians than military spokespeople. In this case, it seems to be giving a megaphone to the military. "Armies and militaries and governments have done this kind of thing with radio broadcasts and whatever tools they have at their disposal," said Mathew Ingram, a senior writer for the tech site GigaOm. "What changes it is the reach and the speed" of the messages in the social media age. "Twitter and Facebook haven't reinvented communications, but they sure have changed it in some pretty important ways." Amid fears the violence could escalate, Israel has reported three people killed and Hamas says 20 Palestinians are dead. At least 274 rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel, according to the Israeli military. More than 140 strikes have hit Gaza, sources with Hamas say. Both sides say they were retaliating against the other's actions. Tweets from the official @IDFSpokesperson account, which had about 100,000 followers on Thursday, announced an attack on Gaza and reported on its aftermath. "The IDF has begun a widespread campaign on terror sites & operatives in the #Gaza Strip," the feed wrote on Wednesday, "chief among them #Hamas & Islamic Jihad targets."

(Cyber)(PIR 7) Four Ways To Turn Insiders Into Assets 20121119. Source:

(U) Jayson Street has few problems walking into businesses and getting access to sensitive company data. A vice president of information security for a bank by day, Street moonlights as a penetration tester at Stratagem 1 Solutions, a job at which he has yet to fail. At the CyberCrime Symposium in Portsmouth, N.H., earlier this month, Street illustrated all the ways that attackers can gain physical and network access to corporate computers, from tailgating to get physical access to custom USB drives to infect workers' systems, to phishing employees to gain network credentials. He stresses that his success is not due to his skill in social-engineering workers, but the employees' lack of preparedness to handle the strategies used by the bad guys. "This is stuff that anybody can do with any kind of skill level," Street said. Companies need to stop solely focusing on preventing attacks and invest effort in detecting when attackers have breached their systems. A good way to do that is to train employees to better recognize threats and respond to potential security issues in the proper way, turning workers from liabilities into assets. "A determined attacker is going to get into your network. Who is going to report it, how are they going to respond -- those are the questions that you need to ask," Street said. "It's time to think of your

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employees as the biggest human intrusion-detection system." Companies looking to take advantage of that human IDS should start focusing on training their employees. Here are four steps to get you started. 1. Focus on changing user behavior. When it comes to training users, about 70 to 80 percent of companies are driven by compliance requirements and just want to get the box checked for training their employees, says Aaron Cohen, a managing partner at MAD Security, a security training firm. Yet rather than buy a one-size-fits-all series of training videos, companies should focus on changing behaviors, Cohen says. "The status quo doesn't work," he says. "People look at buying hundreds of firewalls, but not spending the appropriate amount of money training their employees or making sure their employees know how to protect their assets." 2. Test and retest. Videos may work for some employees, but testing their reaction to an actual test can give a company an idea of what might happen while giving the worker valuable experience in what to expect in the future. Security training company PhishMe, for example, allows companies to send their employees phishing e-mails. Anyone who clicks on the e-mail link will be brought to a special site to educate them. "Immersing a user in that experience can help immensely," says Scott Greaux, vice president of product management for PhishMe. "Thirty seconds is enough time for someone to learn from a single event like that." Both PhishMe and MAD Security have similar data on the improvement seen after regular education and training. At initial testing, about half of all employees will fall for a phishing attack targeted at the company. After a few training sessions, the number typically falls below 10 percent. "Organizations that commit to the success of a security awareness program can see hard data on its success and a return on their investment," MAD Security's Cohen says. 3. Teach the individual. Periodic testing and video training are not the only ways to solve the training problem, Cohen says. The training should be tailored to the company and the individuals who work there. For one client, for example, MAD Security decided to create a viral video of a cat being electrocuted by a USB memory stick, ending with the tagline, "USB devices can be dangerous." "In an organization, the people in a military uniform learn very differently than those in accounting," says Cohen says. "So you can't get everyone a one-size-fits-all type of training." 4. Even a failure can be a success. If an attacker fools an employee into clicking on a malicious link, submitting his credentials to a phishing site, or holding a door to allow him in the building, a properly trained employee can still act on his suspicions and correctly respond to the threat. An employee who reports any misgivings about an event can help a company respond in minutes or hours, before any damage has happened. "You are reducing what your attack potential is, and users that are susceptible to social engineering will still know what to do to report a potential attacker," Greaux says. "We've seen companies where it's a three-month cycle to detect an attack through technology, where a properly trained employee who voices [his] suspicions can lead to detection in about 10 minutes." Fostering an environment where employees can make mistakes and still use their training to help protect the company is critically important, he says.

(Cyber)(PIR 7) Cyber Criminals Target Skype, Facebook And Windows Users. 20121121. Source:

(U) Cyber criminals targeted users of Skype, Facebook and Windows using multiple Blackhole exploits in October, according to the latest threat report from security firm GFI Software. Researchers uncovered a large number of Blackhole exploits disguised as Windows licences, Facebook account verification emails, Skype voicemail notifications and spam messages. Christopher Boyd, senior threat researcher at GFI Software, said the Blackhole exploit kit is one of the biggest dangers that internet users face. “It is the chameleon of internet threats. It simplifies the process of creating cybercrime campaigns and is easily adapted to take advantage of the buzz surrounding major news events and popular brands,” he said. However, Boyd said these attacks are relatively easy to avoid by incorporating basic internet safety practices into daily browsing. “Users should verify the source and destination of any link before clicking and they should never run executable files unless they are positive that the source is legitimate,” he said. Blackhole exploits require victims to open links to compromised websites hosting a file that must be downloaded and executed to complete the attack. This file contains a JavaScript which scans for unpatched software and other vulnerabilities before deploying the appropriate exploits and infecting a

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NOTICE HANLDING: For any document bearing the U/ / FOUO handling instruction, certain safeguards must be taken. This means it cannot be discarded in the open trash, made available to the general public, or posted on a public accessible website. It can, however, be shared

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Sensitive (LES) information could seriously jeopardize the conduct of on-going investigations and/ or the safety of law enforcement personnel. This document contains information that may be exempt f rom public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC

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machine. The compromised links can be customised to target customers of specific companies, members of various social networking sites, or general internet users seeking information on popular news stories and events. Researchers found that just days before the release of Microsoft’s Windows 8, some users encountered spam emails offering a free “Microsoft Windows License”. Users who clicked the malicious link and downloaded the accompanying file were hit with a Blackhole exploit and infected with a Cridex Trojan. Another spam email campaign targeted Facebook users with a message claiming that their account was locked and needed to be re-verified. The links led to Blackhole exploits and a Zeus Trojan disguised as an Adobe Flash Player download. Skype users were also targeted by multiple campaigns. Some received spam emails containing phony voicemail notifications. Users who clicked on the Blackhole links were infected with a Zeus Trojan. Other users were confronted with spam messages from their Skype contacts containing generic questions about their profile picture and a link to a Trojan which infected their systems, deleted itself and began making DNS requests to various malicious URLs. While many of these sites were quickly taken down, the spam campaign began hijacking victims’ PCs for click fraud and directing them to ransomware messages, demanding payment of fines for illegal file-sharing. (Cyber)(PIR 2) Cyber War Rages Behind The Scenes In Conflict Between Israel And Hamas. 20121121. Source:

(U) According to RT news report "a cyber war" is raging behind the scene in the war between Hamas and Israel. The Israeli government has been hit by cyber-warfare attacks since Operation Pillar of Defense began four days ago. "On Saturday, hacktivist group Anonymous launched a massive attack on over 700 Israeli websites. The country’s finance minister has acknowledged the recent wave of attacks, saying the government is now waging a war on a “second front.” "Over the past four days, Israel has “deflected 44 million cyber-attacks on government websites,” Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz told AP. Steinitz said the government has come up with a backup for “essential websites,” should they be taken down by hackers. "This is an unprecedented attack, and our success has been greater than we anticipated," he said. He did not say who was responsible for the hacking attempts. He also declined to disclose which countries the attacks were coming from", the article said. "His comments come just one day after hacktivist group Anonymous launched a massive attack on almost 700 Israeli websites, calling the campaign #OpIsrael. The group took down the Israeli president’s official website and the blog of the country's Defense Force, The collective posted the news on Twitter using their infamous #TANGO DOWN hashtag. The blog is, in fact still down”. “The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) assault on Gaza – the biggest in more than three years – has been accompanied by an equally aggressive social media offensive with sites like twitter used to publicize and justify the attack on Gaza. The Israeli Defense Force has used Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and other popular platforms to make the case for its campaign in Gaza as well as to issue a warning to Hamas. After taking out Hamas military leader Ahmed Jabari with a precision guided bomb, the IDF tweeted a chilling warning to Hamas: “We recommend that no Hamas operatives, whether low level or senior leaders, show their faces above ground in the days ahead”, source: Twitter.

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