Page 1: House music magazine mood boards

House music magazine front covers

Page 2: House music magazine mood boards

• Looking at the front pages of ‘Mix Mag’ which is a House and Dance music magazine, the main similarities of the front page is the vibrant colour schemes which are carried throughout each monthly issue of the magazine. The colours are often bright which attract the reader into buying the magazine, the bright colours also connote the idea of Dance and House music being vibrant bright and loud like the colours used. There is also one dominant main image which is situated in the middle of the front page, the image looks professional and sophisticated connoting the idea that mix magazine is a high end Dance and House music magazine. This dominant main image is also continued throughout each monthly issue of mix magazine, the images are often of beautiful looking women in bikinis whom appear to be enjoying the dance and house music featured in the magazine.

• The differences between each issue of the magazine front pages is that the music artists featured on each issue of the magazine are different therefore giving the audience more choice when it comes to the different genres of music featured in the magazine.

Page 3: House music magazine mood boards

House music magazine contents pages

Page 4: House music magazine mood boards

• Looking at the contents pages of ‘Mix Mag’ which is a house and dance music magazine the main similarities between each contents page is the dull/dark colour scheme. The main colour scheme of the majority of the contents pages is black or grey and occasionally white. This is unusual as there is no synergy relationship between the front page and contents page as the front page is very vibrant and colour and the contents page is so dull and gloomy. However, the splash of colour comes from the main image situated on the contents page. The image is similar to the main images used on the front page being bright and colour full often of beautiful looking women who appear to be dancing to the music featured in the magazine. The layout of the contents pages are all very similar as the same layout is continued through each monthly issue. This same layout creates the sense of familiarity between the magazine and the target audience as the same layout is used each month which is familiar to the target audience. The typography used on the contents page is also the same and continued throughout each monthly issue of the magazine.

• The only real difference amongst the different contents pages of Mix Mag is the type of main image used. The main image is generally a medium close up shot which looks professional and sophisticated connoting the idea of Mix Mag being a high end magazine, however there are other types of images used on the contents pages including long shots and shots with a group of people in them. This has been done as each monthly issue has a different feel to it, therefore needing different images to connote this.

Page 5: House music magazine mood boards

House music magazine double page spreads

Page 6: House music magazine mood boards

• As you can see from the double page spreads which I have gathered are from Mix Mag, the main similarity is the layout of the double page spread. One the majority of the double page spreads there is an image which takes up one entire page with the title situated on the other page, with the text below the title. This layout is generally repeated throughout each monthly issue of the magazine as it creates a recognisable relationship between the audience and the magazine as the audience will be familiar with the double page spread. The style of images tends to be similar on each double page spread, with the use of a professional looking medium or close up shot it connotes the idea that Mix Mag is a high end music magazine.

• The main differences between each double page spread is colour scheme which varies between each different double page spread. Some of the double page spreads have a bright vibrant colour scheme which is simmilar to the front page. However, some of the double page spreads have a far more plain/dull colour scheme which relates to the plain and dull colour schemes seen on the contents page of Mix Mag.