
How does your media product represent particular social


The two protagonists, who are detectives, represent typical protagonists in films, who stand for law and justice. They are a morally and are trying to stop the antagonist, who may be inflicting danger on innocent people.

The characters are shown to be wearing shirts beneath coats and jeans. As they are under cover they are suppose to not look professional so I have made them look quite normal. Also I wanted to make them relatable because I want my audience to root for them. This reinforces them as being good because most everyday people are morally decent, so it helps for them to be wearing normal clothes

The characters are shown wielding firearms. This implies that they must be very good at their job because it takes a lot of skill and training to be cleared for firearms in Britain. And only certain special divisions use guns, so the work they are doing must be important.

Undercover detectives in ‘The Departed’ and ‘State of Grace’

My character’s performance helps represent that they are good. The fact that one helps another when they are down, shows that they care about one another. This shows that they are loyal, helpful and that they are friends which are all common traits of good guys or protagonists in films.

Kieran is nervous and anxious, and is shown to be less competent than his partner Tom. When Kieran falls over the more dominant character Tom is shown rushing to help Kieran immediately by aiming his gun at the enemy, even if he puts his own life in danger.

Morgan Freeman helping up Brad Pitt in Se7en

The Hooded character of my film represents the evil, criminal or antagonist of the films who aims to upset the balance of justice in my film.Callum is shown to be

wearing a hood. This is to make him seem menacing and unnerving. The fact the hood shrouds his face in darkness invokes the audience to feel threatened by him as they can’t really see who he is which gives him the image of being unpredictable. The element of mystery is seen as negative because a person loses control over a situation when someone who is unknown are added because the unpredictable person could be dangerous and superior. This could be a reason why a lot of villains wear masks or hoods in films.

The clothing is also shown to be wearing dark colours, which usually symbolises negative themes like bad luck, loss and death. This represents evil and antagonists in films as a lot of villains dress in black.

Shrouded or dark villains from the films ‘psycho, The Dark Knight Rises and Apocalypse now

He is shown hitting the ground while groaning, which leaves the audience confused to why he is doing that, adding to the fact he is unpredictable. He also shown to be quite strong as he is shown knocking tom down to the ground with ease.

He is then shown to kill tom with a tree branch. The senseless act of murdering someone is cold and dark itself, but the fact he does it with a branch shows he is a truly violent and heartless individual.

Callum’s performance shows he is a dangerous, volatile and formidable opponent.

A scene from ‘the dark knight’ where the antagonist ‘the joker’ kills someone with a pencil.

I think my film represents male British teenagers and young adults. Teenagers and young adults may be able to relate to my film as they wear are similar ages to my characters and they wear similar clothes. They may be able connect with the antagonist as well because he is shown to be a hooded person who causes trouble. This is linked to the British stereotype of a teenager wearing a hoodie who is anti-social and mischievous. I think my audience social grade would be from B (middle class) to C2 (lower middle class) because they are likely to want to be thrilled by a film with action and suspense.