  • 7/27/2019 How Employers See Candidates NACE2010


    National Association of Colleges and Employers62 Highland Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18017-9085 800/544-5272FAX: 610/868-0208

    Copyright November 2009 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers

    NOVEMBER 2009


    Job Outlook 2010

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    Job Outook 2010ReseaRch

    2003-04 Job Market: eMployer perspectives

    Copyright 2009 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). No part of this publication may beused, adapted, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of NACE. Electronicreproduction is prohibited. NACE college and employer members have the permission of NACE, copyright holder, todownload and photocopy this report for internal purposes only. Photocopies must include this copyright notice. Thosewho do not hold NACE membership or who wish to use this report for other purposes should contact Claudia Allen,[email protected], 800/544-5272, ext.

    TaBlE O cONTENTsABOUT THE SURVEY..............................................................................5

    COLLEGE HIRING CONTINUES ITS DECLINE, SLIDES 7 PERCENT ....................6igure 1: Empoyer hiring projetion ( 2002 to 2010)igure 2: Empoyer hiring projetionigure 3: Empoyer ree their hiring need

    Job Mrket Get ir Rting rom Empoyer

    igure 4: Empoyer over job mrket rtingspring 2010 On-cmpu Reruitingigure 5: Empoyer intention or on-mpu reruiting during pring,

    by perent o repondent

    ANALYSIS BY INDUSTRY ........................................................................9igure 6: Tot hnge in hiring, by indutryigure 7: spring 2010 reruiting pn, by indutryigure 8: Empoyer job mrket rting, pei to their indutrieigure 9: Empoyer with pn to inree trting rie to

    bheor degree grdute, by indutry

    ANALYSIS BY REGION .........................................................................11Northetigure 10: spring reruiting pn Northetigure 11: Top ve undergrdute mjor NorthetMidwetigure 12: spring reruiting pn Midwetigure 13: Top ve undergrdute mjor Midwetsouthetigure 14: spring reruiting pn southetigure 15: Top ve undergrdute mjor southetWetigure 16: spring reruiting pn Wetigure 17: Top ve undergrdute mjor Wet

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    WHOS IN DEMAND? ...........................................................................15igure 18: Top degree in demnd (bheor degree eve)igure 19: Top degree in demnd (mter degree eve)igure 20: Top degree in demnd (dotorte degree eve)igure 21: Who hiring (bheor degree eve), by indutryigure 22: Who hiring (bheor degree eve), by regionPoor Outook or Interntion studentigure 23: Interntion hiring pn, 2005-2010igure 24: Interntion hiring pn, by indutryigure 25: Interntion hiring pn, by regionaoite Degree Hiring at ive-Yer low

    igure 26: aoite degree hiring, 2005-2010igure 27: aoite degree hiring, by indutryigure 28: aoite degree hiring, by region

    HOW EMPLOYERS VIEW CANDIDATES ........................................................21

    igure 29: Empoyer tht reen ndidte by GPa, by perent o repondentigure 30: Empoyer tht reen ndidte by GPa, by indutryand the job goe toigure 31: Empoyer rte the infuene o ttribute when deiding on two equy

    quied ndidteExperiene Rok!igure 32: Empoyer hiring preerene retive to experiene, by perent o

    repondentigure 33: Empoyer preerene or work experiene, by perent o repondentKey ski nd Quitie or cndidteigure 34: Empoyer rte the importne o ndidte ki/quitieigure 35: Empoyer rnk the top ve ndidte ki/quitieWhere cndidte shortigure 36: ski king in new oege grdute

    COMPENSATION ........................................................................................25ew Oer sry Inree or 2009-10 Grduteigure 37: Empoyer with pn to inree trting rie to bheor degree


    signing Bonueigure 38: Empoyer oering igning bonueFigure 39: Percent of employers offering signing bonuses to 2009-10 graduates,

    by industry

    Figure 40: Percent of employers offering signing bonuses to 2009-10 graduates,

    by region

    Figure 41: Average signing bonuses by major (bachelors degree)

    Figure 42: Average signing bonuses by major (masters degree)

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    SOCIAL NETWORKING IN COLLEGE RECRUITING ....................................29igure 43: Empoyer pn or uing oi networking web ite prt o

    their reruiting o 2009-10 grdute, by perent o repondentMnner o Ue or soi Networking Web siteigure 44: Mnner in whih empoyer wi ue oi networking web iteigure 45: soi networking ite to be ued in reruitingigure 46: Empoyer pn or Twitter

    SURVEY RESPONDENTS .......................................................................31igure 47: Repondent by indutryigure 48: Repondent by ize o deprtment/buine unit

    survey Repondent

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    aBOUT THEJOB OUTLOOK2010sURVEYTheJob Outlookurvey i oret o hiring intention o empoyer they rete to new oegegrdute. Eh yer, the Ntion aoition o coege nd Empoyer (NacE) urvey it empoyermember bout their hiring pn nd other empoyment-reted iue in order to projet the mrket ornew oege grdute or the urrent nd to e vriety o ondition tht my infuene thtmrket.

    To dte, two etion o theJob Outlook2010urvey hve been onduted. The rt prt, theJob

    Outlook 2010 Fll Prviw, w onduted Juy 13 through augut 14, 2009, nd w ent to 940NacE empoyer member. Repone were reeived rom 219 member, 23.3 perent repone rte.Reut were reeed to member vi NacE spotight Onine newetter on september 16, 2009.Member n e the ompete Fll Prviwreport on NacEWeb.

    rom mid-augut through Otober 9, 2009, NacE oeted dt or the eond prt o theJob Outlook2010urvey. a tot o 201 urvey were returned 21.4 perent repone rte. Thi report ouergey on the reut o tht urvey.

    O thoe reponding, 29.4 perent o repondent were rom the Wet, 26.9 perent were rom theMidwet, 26.4 perent were rom the Northet, nd 17.4 perent were rom the southet. or ito repondent by indutry nd ize, nd prti it o orgniztion tht uppied dt or thi report,ee pge 31.

    Totals throughout the report may not equal 100 percent due to rounding.

    NacE expet to provide orm updte o job mrket inormtion one more in the 2009-10 demiyer: TheJob Outlook 2010 spring Updt(dt oeted in Mrh) wi give NacE member nupdte on hiring or 2009-10 grdute. Reut wi be vibe in ery apri.

    In ddition, NacE pn to ondut quik po to provide more requent nphot o the job mrket onew oege grdute throughout 2009-10. Reut o thee po wi be vibe through NacE webite,, nd newetter, spotight Onine.

    RESEARCH:Diretor o strtegi & oundtion Reerh: Edwin KoEmpoyment Inormtion Mnger: andre Konz

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    Unti reenty, new oege grdute enjoyed job mrket tht gve them the dvntge: Empoyer om-peted with eh other to hire the bet ndidte.

    With the c o 2008, the job mrket begn to ftten out. In t, the c o 2008 w the t to truy ee poitive job outook, with empoyer rt projeting 16 perent inree in oege hire

    nd then, ter, jut n 8 perent inree.

    The c o 2009 enjoyed no uh poitive outook. Whie empoyer initiy projeted mintining theiroege hiring t 2008 eve, tht quiky hnged the eonomy noe dived in Otober 2008. In theend, empoyer reported tht their oege hiring e o 22 perent.

    or the c o 2010, hiring ontinue to ide: Empoyer expet to hire bout 7 perent ewer grdu-te during 2009-10 thn they did in 2008-09. (see igure 1.)

    ao hiting in the negtive diretion i the perentge o empoyer who expet to inree hiring, whie greter perentge o empoyer expet to deree hiring. (see igure 2.) The group o empoyerwho pn to mintin hiring remin retivey onitent.

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    lt , when theJob Outlook 2009urvey w onduted, the eonomy w beginning it downwrd tht time, i iutrted in igure 3, the rget group o empoyer were reeing their oege hiringneed on monthy bi, but nery mny reviewed their oege hiring one yer.

    Tht hnged: among empoyer reponding to the urrent urvey, the rget group (50 perent) re review-ing their oege hiring need on qurtery bi, nd more thn one-qurter review monthy. le thn 10perent now y they review on n yery bi. (see igure 3.)

    Job Market Gets Fair Rating From EmployersNot urpriingy, empoyer gve ukewrm rting to the over job mrket or c o 2010 new oegegrdute, with more thn two out o three repondent rting the over job mrket jut ir; in ompri-

    on, t yer t thi time, jut over one-qurter gve the job mrket uh rting. (see igure 4.)

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    In ddition, the perentge o empoyer giving rting o poor h grown tremendouy over t yer.Where e thn 1 perent rted the job mrket or the c o 2009 poor, nery 16 perent hrter-ize the job mrket or the c o 2010 poor.

    Spring 2010 On-Campus RecruitingIn exmining empoyer pn or pring on-mpu reruiting over the pt ever yer, it i evident tht the

    yer 2010 wi be dierent: Empoyer pper to be very utiou in their ery pn or pring 2010 on-m-pu reruiting. (see igure 5.)

    le thn one-third o empoyer hve rm pn in pe or on-mpu reruiting during pring 2010, nd,

    ompred to t yer t thi time, more empoyer re hedging their bet with tenttive pn or pring reruiting.Wort o , the perentge o empoyer tht re not hiring nd wi not be on mpu or pring reruiting it it highet eve ine theJob Outlook 2005report, when NacE begn oeting thi inormtion.

    Figure 5: Employers intentions or on-campus recruiting during spring, by percent o respondents

    Plans Spring 2010 Spring 2009 Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006

    irm pn in pe 29.9% 52.0% 48.5% 55.7% 53.7%

    Tenttive pn in pe 28.4% 21.8% 20.2% 15.5% 22.8%

    a reruiting in 19.4% 15.1% 15.4% 14.9% 12.6%

    Unure 15.9% 8.4% 14.7% 12.4% 9.8%

    Not hiring 6.5% 2.7% 1.1% 1.5% 1.2%

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    aNalYsIs BY INDUsTRYReut o the NacEJob Outlook 2010 Fll Prviwurvey howed tht ony three indutrie expet to in-ree hiring or 2009-10 oege grdute. Empoyer in the ontrution, trde, nd government indu-trie pn to hire ighty more new oege grdute in 2009-10 thn they did in 2008-09. (see igure 6.)

    Thee empoyer o report iry oid pn or pring 2010 reruiting. In t, though the number orepondent in the government tegory i imited, report rm or tenttive pn or pring 2010 re-ruiting, inditing tht government empoyer my be one o the bet bet or c o 2010 grdute.(see igure 7.) In term o pring reruiting pn, empoyer in the trde indutry oow governmentempoyer, with nery 80 perent reporting rm or tenttive pn to reruit. H o ontrution empoyer hve rm or tenttive reruiting pn or pring 2010, but nery 17 perent re not hiring ny co 2010 grd.

    Figure 6: Total change in hiring, by industry

    IndustryNumber o 2009

    Actual Hires

    Number o 2010

    Projected Hires



    Number o

    Respondentscontrution 126 129 2.4% 12

    Mnuturing 4,813 4,171 -13.3% 74

    Ditribution/Trnporttion/Utiitie 1,157 839 -27.5% 14

    Trde 8,698 9,425 8.4% 12

    inne 2,209 2,012 -8.9% 23

    Buine servie 1,367 1,246 -8.9% 27

    Proeion servie 3,075 2,080 -32.3% 28

    Government 2,108 2,114 0.3% 13

    Figure 7: Spring 2010 on-campus recruiting plans, by industry

    IndustryFirm Plansin Place


    All Recruitingin Fall 2009

    Not Hiring UnsureNumber o


    contrution 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 16.7% 8.3% 12Mnuturing 27.1% 20.0% 25.7% 7.1% 20.0% 70

    Trnporttion/ Utiitie/Ditribution 28.6% 35.7% 7.1% 14.3% 14.3% 14

    Trde 50.0% 27.8% 0.0% 11.1% 11.1% 18

    inne 16.7% 33.3% 33.3% 8.3% 8.3% 24

    Buine servie 25.9% 33.3% 14.8% 0.0% 25.9% 27

    Proeion Org. 38.5% 30.8% 15.4% 0.0% 15.4% 26

    Government 44.4% 55.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9

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    In term o their view o the job mrket, ony government empoyer hrterize it good. (see igure 8).Nery other empoyer type gve verge rting o ir or jut bove ir to their pei indutrie.( a word bout the jut bove ir rting: Trde, nne, nd buine ervie empoyer into the jutbove ir tegory, but thi rting refet n verging out o exeent rting given by ew repondentwith poor rting given by ew other repondent.)

    a r pn or ry inree to 2009-10 grdute, the government one gin top the it. More thnh o thi m group o repondent hve pn to inree trting rie to bheor degree grdute.(see igure 9.)

    Figure 8: Employers job market ratings, specic to their industries

    Industry Average Rating* Number o Respondents

    Government 3.1 9

    Trde 2.7 18inne 2.5 24

    Buine servie 2.4 27

    Mnuturing 2.3 68

    Proeion Orgniztion 2.3 26

    contrution 2.0 12

    Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 2.0 14

    *(5-point e, where 1=poor; 2=ir; 3=good; 4=very good; 5=exeent)

    Figure 9: Employers with plans to increase starting salaries to bachelors degree graduates, by industry

    IndustryNumber o RespondentsWith Plans to Increase

    Bachelors Salaries

    Number o TotalIndustry Respondents

    Percent o Total IndustryRespondents

    Government 5 9 55.6%

    contrution 5 12 41.7%

    Trnporttion/Utiitie/ Ditribution 5 14 35.7%

    Mnuturing 16 70 22.9%

    Trde 4 18 22.2%

    inne 5 24 20.8%

    Proeion Orgniztion 5 26 19.2%

    Buine servie 3 27 11.1%

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    aNalYsIs BY REGIONNortheastReut rom theJob Outlook 2010 Fll Prviwurvey howed tht empoyer in the Northet expet toinree their new oege hiring in 2009-10 by 5.6 perent over 2008-09.

    In ddition, in omprion to the other three region, the Northet bot the highet perentge orepondent with rm pn or pring 2010 reruiting35.8 perent. (see igure 10.)

    Jut over one-qurter o empoyer in the Northet re pnning to inree trting rie to bheordegree grdute. The verge pnned inree or thee empoyer i 4.3 perent; however, thi inudeone empoyer who i pnning n exeptiony rge inree o 25 perent. Without tht repone, theverge t jut 2.7 perent, whih i muh oer to the medin nd mode or thi groupboth 2 perent.

    Figure 11: Top ve undergraduate majors Northeast

    Major% o Northeast Employers

    Who Will Hire% o Total Employers

    Who Will Hire

    aounting 49% 46%

    inne 45% 48%

    Buine adminitrtion/Mgmt. 38% 42%

    Eonomi 38% 26%

    Mehni Engineering 36% 45%

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    Figure 13: Top ve undergraduate majors Midwest

    Major% o Midwest Employers

    Who Will Hire% o Total Employers

    Who Will Hire

    inne 56% 48%aounting 54% 46%

    Buine adminitrtion/Mgmt. 50% 42%

    Mehni Engineering 43% 45%

    computer siene 39% 38%

    Midwesta group, empoyer in the Midwet pn to hire 3.2 perent ewer grdute in 2009-10, though thtpnned ut i retivey m.

    On the poitive ide, more thn h o the repondent rom thi region hve rm or tenttive pn or pring2010 on-mpu reruiting.

    By region, empoyer in Midwet re et ikey to inree trting ry oer to bheor degree grdu-te. Jut over 16 perent id they pn to rie rie; however, mong thoe inreing rie, theinree i hethy 4.1 perent, with both the medin nd mode ing jut beow tht verge t 4 perent.

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    Figure 15: Top ve undergraduate majors Southeast

    Major% o Southeast Employers

    Who Will Hire% o Total Employers

    Who Will Hire

    Eetri Engineering 46% 39%

    Mehni Engineering 46% 45%

    computer Engineering 43% 30%

    computer siene 43% 38%

    inne 43% 48%

    Southeastlike their ounterprt in the Midwet, empoyer In the southet pn to ut bk on oege hiring in 2009-10, but their deree i muh deeper: On verge, empoyer in thi region expet to trim oege hiring by9.9 perent.

    In ddition, the pring reruiting outook or thee empoyer refet unertinty, with more thn 40 perent y-ing they re tenttive or unure bout their pn.

    Jut over one-qurter o reponding empoyer in the southet region hve pn to inree trting rie tobheor degree grdute. The verge inree pnned or thi group i 2.4 perent, but nery h o therepondent re pnning n inree o jut 2 perent.

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    Figure 17: Top ve undergraduate majors WestMajor

    % o Western EmployersWho Will Hire

    % o Total EmployersWho Will Hire

    Mehni Engineering 54% 45%

    inne 47% 48%

    Eetri Engineering 46% 39%

    aounting 44% 46%

    Buine adminitrtion/Mgmt. 44% 42%

    WestBy region, the outook i wort in the Wet, where empoyer expet to ut oege hiring by pproximtey 37perent.

    a omprion o Wetern repondent reruiting pn or pring 2010 to their pring 2009 provide more evi-dene o the downwrd hit. le thn one-qurter o repondent in thi region hve rm pn or on-mpureruiting in pring 2010, ompred to mot 58 perent who hd rm pn t the me time t yer. Thebright ide my be tht o our region, the Wet h the met perentge o empoyer who re not hir-ing t nd wi not be on mpu in pring 2010 or reruiting.

    athough the Wet h the beket hiring outook o the region, it o h the rget perentge o empoy-er pnning to inree trting rie: Nery 29 perent o Wetern repondent expet to inree theirrie; the verge inree i 3.9 perent, whie the medin nd mode re 3 perent. More thn one-thirdo Wetern empoyer who pn to inree bheor degree trting rie pn to rie them by 3 perent.

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    Figure 18: Top degrees in demand (bachelors degree level)

    Major Number o Respondents Who Will Hire % o Total Respondents Who Will Hire

    inne 97 48.3%

    aounting 93 46.3%

    Mehni Engineering 90 44.8%

    Buine adminitrtion/Mgmt. 85 42.3%

    Eetri Engineering 79 39.3%

    computer siene 76 37.8%

    Inormtion siene & sytem 68 33.8%

    Mrketing/Mrketing Mgmt. 63 31.3%

    computer Engineering 61 30.3%

    chemi Engineering 55 27.4%

    Mngement Inormtion sytem 55 27.4%

    Figure 19: Top degrees in demand (masters degree level)

    MajorNumber o Respondents Hiring Masters

    Degree Candidates Who Will Hire% o Respondents Hiring MastersDegree Candidates Who Will Hire

    M.B.a. 82 62.6%

    Mehni Engineering 49 37.4%

    Eetri Engineering 47 35.9%

    computer siene 43 32.8%

    aounting 41 31.3%

    WHOs IN DEMaNDBuine mjor top the it o degree in demnd t the bheor eve thi yer, but the engineeringnd tehni mjor o ontinue to dominte the it.

    or the rt time, nne mjor re mot in demnd t the bheor eve, whie M.B.a. degreeremin the mot in demnd mjor t the mter degree eve. (see igure 18 nd 19.) Driving thehigh demnd or nne mjor thi yer my be the hiring projetion or empoyer in the nni

    indutry, prtiury in the Northet. Thi ditint group o repondent pn to hire 6.2 perentmore new oege grdute or the c o 2010.

    at the dotorte eve, engineering nd omputer iene degree re the mot ought-ter mjor, w the e t yer. (see igure 20.)

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    Figure 21: Whos hiring (bachelors degree level), by industry

    Major Most Interested Industries Percentage o Respondents

    inne inne 88%

    Trde 67%

    Government 56%

    aounting Government 78%

    inne 71%

    Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 57%

    Mehni Engineering Mnuturing 70%

    Proeion Orgniztion 62%

    Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 57%

    Buine adminitrtion/Mgmt. inne 67%

    Trde 56%

    Mnuturing 50%

    Eetri Engineering Government 67%Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 64%

    Proeion Orgniztion 58%

    Figure 20: Top degrees in demand (doctorate degree level)

    MajorNumber o Respondents Hiring Doctoral

    Degree Candidates Who Will Hire% o Respondents Hiring DoctoralDegree Candidates Who Will Hire

    Eetri Engineering 22 38.6%

    Mehni Engineering 21 36.8%

    computer siene 21 36.8%

    computer Engineering 20 35.1%

    chemi Engineering 17 29.8%

    Driving interet in the ve mjor tht re mot in demnd re empoyer in the government nd nneindutrie. (see igure 21.) By region, Midwetern empoyer hve the mot interet in the top buinedegree, whie Wetern empoyer re mot intereted in the top engineering degree. (see igure 22.)

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    Figure 22: Whos hiring (bachelors degree level), by region

    Major Most Interested Regions Percentage o Respondents

    inne Midwet 56%

    Wet 48%

    Northet 45%

    southet 43%

    aounting Midwet 54%

    Northet 49%

    Wet 44%southet 34%

    Mehni Engineering Wet 54%

    southet 46%

    Midwet 43%

    Northet 36%

    Buine adminitrtion/Mgmt. Midwet 50%

    Wet 44%

    Northet 38%

    southet 34%

    Eetri Engineering Wet 46%

    southet 46%

    Northet 34%

    Midwet 33%

    Poor Outlook or International StudentsWhie hiring i down or new oege grdute, the hiring piture or interntion tudent iepeiy poor. Jut 19 perent o reponding empoyer expet to hire interntion tudent rom thec o 2010the owet eve in the pt ve yer. (see igure 23.)

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    Figure 24: International hiring plans, by industry

    Industry Percent o Respondents Who Will Hire

    Buine servie 42.3%

    Proeion Orgniztion 23.1%

    Government 22.2%

    Mnuturing 19.1%

    contrution 8.3%

    inne 8.3%Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 7.7%

    Trde 5.6%

    Bet bet or interntion tudent re empoyer in the buine ervie indutry. Thee empoyer expreedthe gretet mount o interet in interntion tudent omewht urpriing turn o event when ompredto t yer, when mnuturer hed the gretet hope or interntion tudent. In t, t yer t thi time,nery one-third o mnuturer id they woud hire interntion tudent; urrenty, jut 19 perent hve

    uh intention. (see igure 24.)

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    Not urpriingy, the interntion tudent mot ikey to prk interet mong empoyer re thoe in theengineering nd omputer iene ed.

    Interntion tudent hiring i down in region, but h tken the bigget hit in the Northet. The Northethed the gretet promie or interntion tudent jut yer go, when 35 perent o empoyer thereexpeted to hire thee tudent. currenty, jut 19 perent hve uh pn. (see igure 25.)

    Associate Degree Hiring At Five-Year LowThe outook or oite degree grdute i o t it owet eve o the pt ve yer. Jut under 19 perento reponding empoyer pn to hire oite degree grdute rom the c o 2010. (see igure 26.)

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    Job Outook 2010ReseaRch

    Figure 27: Associate degree hiring, by industry

    Industry Percent o Respondents Who Will Hire

    Trde 38.9%

    Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 38.5%

    Government 37.5%

    contrution 25.0%

    Proeion Orgniztion 25.0%

    inne 12.5%Mnuturing 11.9%

    Buine servie 4.0%

    Empoyer in the trde indutry, e.g. reti nd whoee empoyer, pper to be the bet bet or oitedegree grdute, with nery 40 perent hving pn to hire them. coe behind re empoyer in the trn-porttion/utiitie/ditribution indutry, o with nery 40 perent o repondent who pn to hire oitedegree grd. (see igure 27.)

    aoite degree hiring by region h o hited ger or 2009-10, with the Wetern region hving the rg-et perentge o repondent pnning to hire thee grdute. a hown in igure 28, one-third o repond-ing Midwetern empoyer hd pnned to hire oite degree tudent t yer, but or the c o 2010,they re et ikey to do o.

    aoite degree grdute who re mot ikey to ee interet rom empoyer re thoe in buine,

    engineering tehnoogy, nd omputer inormtion tehnoogy (peiy caD).

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    Job Outook 2010 ReseaRch

    Figure 30: Employers that screen candidates by GPA, by industry

    Industry Percent o Respondents GPA Cuto (reported mode)Proeion Orgniztion 84.0% 3.0

    Mnuturing 81.2% 3.0

    Government 71.4% 2.5

    Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 71.4% 2.8

    inne 70.8% 3.0

    Buine servie 65.4% 3.0

    Trde 61.1% 3.0

    contrution 58.3% 3.0

    HOW EMPlOYERs VIEW caNDIDaTEsWht re empoyer ook-ing or in ndidte?

    Given the tte o the jobmrket, it not urpri-ing tht empoyer hve

    ried the br in term otheir expettion. or ex-mpe, there i inreedemphi on GPa, withmore empoyer reeningndidte on GPa thnh been the e overthe pt ve yer. (seeigure 29.)

    currenty, nery three outo our y they reen onGPa. approximtey 95

    perent o thoe who ue GPa reported their uto, nd 63 perent ited 3.0 their utothe meuto point ine 2003 when NacE rt oeted the inormtion.

    By indutry, proeion orgniztion nd mnuturing rm re mot ikey to reen ndidte byGPa. In ddition, exept or government nd trnporttion/utiitie empoyerwhih report ightyower uto, the GPa uto reported or eh indutry t 3.0 ro the bord. (see igure 30.)

    And the Job Goes toIn uh ompetitive job mrket or tudent, it i ery importnt or grdute to hve deirbeGPa. a high GPa, however, my jut be the rt tep in being onidered or new poition.

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    Job Outook 2010ReseaRch

    How do empoyer hooe between equy quied ndidte, epeiy with ewer job to ? Bed onthe ttribute ited in igure 31, it pper tht tudent ederhip experiene h ight edge over othertor, though, obviouy, tudent mjor i key or poition tht require pei ki/knowedge et.

    Repondent were invited to dd to the it o t-tribute ikey to infuene them to hire one ndi-dte over nother, nd more thn one-qurter dido. In exmining the other write-in ttribute, it ievident tht empoyer ee tremendou vue inthe experiene tht ndidte poee. orexmpe, tot o 25 repondent indited

    tht ndidte previou internhip experienewoud infuene their hiring deiion, nd whenuting the orreponding rting, the vergew whopping 4.96n ttribute o extremeinfuene.

    Experience Rocks!Not ony do empoy-er preer ndidtewith experiene, butthey o preer n-didte with reevnt

    work experiene.(see igure 32.)When ked boutthe preerred oureo tht experiene,more thn h itedinternhip nd o-op. (see igure 33.)

    It importnt to tre tht empoyerpreerene or reevnt work experienepper to be independent o the tte o

    the job mrket.

    In 2008, with nery h o empoyerrting the job mrket very good, ndover hiring w up, nery n identiperentge o repondent ti preerredto hire ndidte with reevnt workexperiene.

    Figure 31: Employers rate the infuence o attributes whendeciding on two equally qualied candidates

    H hed ederhip poition 4.0

    Mjor 3.9

    High GPa (3.0 or bove) 3.6

    H been invoved in extrurriur tivitie(ub, port, tudent government, et.)


    shoo ttended 3.0

    H done vounteer work 3.0

    Figure 32: Employers hiring preerences relative to experience,by percent o respondents

    Hiring preerence 2010 2009 2008

    I preer to hire ndidte with reevnt work experiene 76.6% 76.3% 76.2%

    I preer to hire ndidte with ny type o work

    experiene (doent mtter i it reevnt or not, jutome type o experiene)

    15.9% 18.9% 18.2%

    Work experiene typiy doent tor into mydeiion when hiring new oege grdute

    2.5% 2.6% 4.8%

    Other 5.0%* 2.2% 0.7%* The 5 perent o empoyer who indited other hiring preerene urther dened the pei type oreevnt work experiene tht they preer. In gener, thee repondent ited internhip or o-op theirpreerred type o reevnt work experiene.

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    Job Outook 2010 ReseaRch

    Figure 34: Employers rate the importance o candidate skills/qualities

    communition ki 4.7

    strong work ethi 4.6

    Inititive 4.5

    Interperon ki (rete we to other) 4.5

    Probem-oving ki 4.5Temwork ki (work we with other) 4.5

    anyti ki 4.4

    exibiity/dptbiity 4.3

    computer ki 4.2

    Deti-oriented 4.1

    lederhip ki 4.1

    Tehni ki 4.1

    Orgniztion ki 4.0

    se-ondene 3.9

    Ttune 3.8

    riendy/outgoing peronity 3.7

    cretivity 3.6

    strtegi pnning ki 3.3

    Entrepreneuri ki/rik-tker 3.2

    sene o humor 3.0

    (5-point e, where 1=not importnt; 2=not very importnt; 3=omewht importnt; 4=veryimportnt; nd 5=extremey importnt)

    Figure 35: Employers rank the top ve candidate skills/qualities1 communition ki

    2 anyti ki

    3 Temwork ki (work we with other)

    4 Tehni ki

    5 strong work ethi

    Key Skills and Qualities or CandidatesYer ter yer, regrde o the job mrket ondition, empoyer hve the me wih it or ndidte kind quitie, with ommunition ki onitenty topping the it. (see igure 34.)

    In thi yer urvey, empoyerwere o ked to rnk order thetop ve ndidte ki/quitietht they woud ike new oegegrdute to poe. (see igure35.)

    communition ki w toppedbot itrting ndrnking.However, the two it did dier.or exmpe, trong work ethit 4.6, w rted more highythn temwork (4.5), nyti(4.4) , nd tehni ki (4.1),but e beow three on thernking. Thi ugget ony thtempoyer eek we-roundedndidte who hve numbero ki nd quitie.

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    Job Outook 2010ReseaRch

    Figure 36: Skills Lacking in new college graduatesSkill/Quality Percent o Respondents Who Said Skill/Quality Is Lacking

    communition ski 49.7%

    exibiity/dptbiity 37.0%

    Ttune 35.8%

    Inititive 28.9%

    Temwork ki 27.2%

    Orgniztion 22.5%

    strong work ethi 20.8%

    se-ondene 17.3%

    Probem-oving ki 15.6%Deti-oriented 14.5%

    sene o humor 12.7%

    lederhip ki 11.6%

    anyti ki 11.0%

    Entrepreneuri ki/rik-tker 11.0%

    cretivity 9.2%

    Tehni ki 8.7%

    strtegi-pnning ki 4.0%

    riendy/outgoing peronity 2.9%

    computer ki 2.3%

    Where Candidates Fall ShortEmpoyer were ked whih ki nd quitie they nd new oege grdute to be king. Unortuntey,the ki nd quity tht they rte the highet nd rnk mot importnt i the me quity tht they thinki mot kingommunition ki. (see igure 36.) amot h o reponding empoyer think tht newoege grdute k both verb nd written ommunition ki.

    In ddition, more thn one-third o empoyer ited fexibiity/dptbiity nd ttune in hort uppymong ndidte.

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    Job Outook 2010 ReseaRch

    cOMPENsaTIONFew Oer Salary Increases or 2009-10 Graduatesathough ome pet o oege hiring remin unhnged regrde o whether hiring i up or downuh empoyer ou on reevnt work experiene in ndidtewhie other re grety etedby the tte o the job mrket.

    srie into the tter group: currenty, e thn 30 perent o empoyer pn to inree trting

    rie to bheor degree grdute. In omprion, in the reent pt, 70 to 80 perent o repon-dent ried rie; even t yer, when hiring e o, nery 60 perent o empoyer reported pnto inree rie. (see igure 37.)

    among empoyer who expet to inree rie, the verge inree to bheor degree grdute i3.8 perent, but tht number i ikey kewed by ew repondent igninty rtheting up their oer (one,or exmpe, ntiipte 25 perent inree). In t, nery one-third o thoe who wi rie rie repnning 2 perent inree. More to the point, the buk o empoyer wont be riing rie. (Moreover, the c o 2009 erned, even when empoyer intndto rie rie, tht n hnge: aording toNacE Fll 2009 slry survy, the c o 2009 ended the yer with n over verge trting ryoer tht w 1.2 perent lowrthn the verge oer to the c o 2008depite the t tht nery 60perent o empoyer ntiipted riing rie n verge o 3.6 perent.)

    or thoe erning mter degree, the ry new i even more grim. currenty, e thn one-qurter orepondent pn to rie trting rie to c o 2010 mter degree grdute; in omprion, t yernery 90 perent reported uh pn. among thoe pnning inree, the verge inree i 3.9 perent,but the mode i 2 perent, with one-third o repondent iting tht their pnned inree.

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    Job Outook 2010ReseaRch

    Figure 39: Percent o employers oering signing bonuses to 2009-10 graduates, by industry*

    Industry Percent Oering Signing Bonuses Number o Respondents

    Mnuturing 54.4% 68

    Buine servie 40.7% 27

    Trde 38.9% 18inne 34.8% 23

    contrution 33.3% 12

    Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 30.8% 13

    Proeion Orgniztion 28.0% 25

    Government 22.2% 9*ony tegorie with ve or more repondent re inuded.

    Signing BonusesNot urpriingy, the number o empoyer pnning to oer igning bonue to c o 2010 grd hdropped thi yer: le thn 41 perent hve pn to do o. In t, in omprion to the previou our yer,the perentge o empoyer with pn to oer igning bonue to new grdute i t it owet eve. (seeigure 38.) O the empoyer with pn to oer igning bonue to c o 2010 grdute, nery 58 perenpn to oer them ony to eeted grdute, nd not llgrdute.

    a w the e t yer, empoyer in the mnuturing indutry re mot ikey to oer igning bonue to2009-10 grdute. Nery 55 perent o reponding mnuturing empoyer hve pn to oer them om-pred to jut 22 perent o reponding government empoyer, who re et ikey to do o. (see igure 39.)

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    Job Outook 2010 ReseaRch

    Figure 40: Percent o employers oering signing bonuses to 2009-10 graduates, by region

    RegionPercent Oering Signing

    Bonuses in 2009-10Percent Who Planned to Oer Signing

    Bonuses in 2008-09

    Northet 38% 61%

    Midwet 37% 65%southet 34% 47%

    Wet 48% 56%

    Empoyer were ked not ony bout their pn or the c o 2010, but o were ked to providedt on the igning bonue they tuy gve to the c o 2009. Interetingy, though 58.4 perento empoyer hd pnned to give bonue to c o 2009 grd, jut 52.8 perent did o. Thi rtrom 2006, when NacE begn trking thi inormtion, up unti now, the perent o empoyer tuygiving igning bonue h wy outweighed the perent who intended to do ond ugget tht thec o 2010 my re wore with igning bonue thn projetion indite.

    Empoyer in the Wet re mot ikey to oer igning bonue to the c o 2010, with mot 48 perent orepondent hving pn to do o. On the other hnd, empoyer in the southet ontinue to hve the m-et group o repondent with pn to oer igning bonue to new grdute. (see igure 40.) Regrde othe region, e thn one in two empoyer hve pn to oer igning bonue to 2009-10 grdute.

    among thoe who pn to oer bonue to grdute, jut 30 repondent provided inormtion boutthe mount o the verge bonue. among thee repondent, the over verge bonu to bheordegree grdute i $4,411up rom n verge o $3,934 t yer. However, the medin bonumount t jut $3,000.

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    Job Outook 2010ReseaRch

    Figure 42: Average signing bonuses by major Masters degree*Major 2009-10 Average Bonus (projected) Number o Respondents

    MBa $8,333 6

    Eetri Engineering $5,200 5

    *where 5 or more dt point were provided

    Figure 41: Average signing bonuses by major bachelors degree*

    Major 2009-10 AverageBonus (projected)

    Number oRespondents 2009-10

    2008-09 AverageBonus (projected)

    Number oRespondents 2008-09

    computer Engineering $6,500 5 * *

    computer siene $5,056 9 $2,825 10

    Mehni Engineering $4,688 8 $3,250 8

    aounting $4,358 12 $2,813 8

    inne $4,250 10 * *

    Eetri Engineering $4,167 9 $3,136 11

    Engineering not peied $3,165 7 * **where 5 or more dt point were provided

    Dt on verge igning bonue by mjor re extremey imited thi yer, but re provided in igure 41 (orbheor degree grdute) nd igure 42 (or mter degree grdute). (Pee note: It i importnt tokeep in mind, tht the imited number o repondent providing tu dor mount my be repreenttive othoe orgniztion tht hve the biity to oer rge igning bonu mount. Thoe empoyer tht oer eubtnti bonue my not be uy repreented in the group o repondent.)

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    Job Outook 2010 ReseaRch

    Figure 43: Employers plans or using social networking web sites as a part o their recruiting o 2009-10graduates, by percent o respondents

    Plans or Using Social Networking Web Sites Percent o Respondents

    We expet to inrour ue o oi networking web ite 22.9%

    We wi ontinuto ue oi networking web ite t the me eve 24.4%

    We wi dropthe ue o oi networking web ite 1.5%

    We v nvr nd will notue oi networking web ite 32.3%

    Unure 13.9%

    Other 5.0%

    Figure 44: Manner in which employers will use social networking web sites

    Manner o Use Percent o Respondents With Denite Plans to Use Social Networking Web Sites

    advertie 59.6%

    chek proe o potenti hire 23.6%

    Network with poibe job ndidte 77.5%

    Other 18.9%

    * Other repone rnged rom brnding to poting job to ommuniting event. a ew indited they woud et up n pge or ndidteintereted in erning bout their orgniztion.

    sOcIal NETWORKING IN cOllEGE REcRUITINGThe popurity o oi networking web ite pper to be growing mong empoyer.

    When empoyer were t poed bout their ue o oi networking ite (in 2007), more thn65 perent o reponding empoyer id they hd no pn to ue oi networking ite prt o theirreruiting eort; nother 18 perent were unure i they woud ue them.

    In ontrt, ony bout one-third o urrent repondent rejet the ide o uing thee ite in reruiting,nd 14 perent re unure, whie the reminder wi either inree, ontinue, or expore uing oinetworking ite. (see igure 43.)

    Empoyer in nne (63 perent) nd trde (61 perent) re mot ikey to inorporte oi networkinginto their reruiting mix, whie ontrution nd government empoyer re et ikey. Nery 60 perent oontrution empoyer nd 45 perent o government empoyer reported no pn to ue oi networkingite or 2009-10 reruiting.

    Manner o Use or Social Networking Sitesamong thoe with denite pn to ue oi networking ite, mot wi ue them or their primrypurpoenetworking. More thn three-qurter expet to ue the ite to network with potenti ndidte,whie nery 60 perent ee them n dvertiing option. (see igure 44.)

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    Job Outook 2010ReseaRch

    Figure 46: Employers plans or Twitter

    Plans Percent o Respondents

    Ye, we wi ue Twitter to ommunitedirety with tudent


    No, we wi not ue Twitter to ommunitedirety with tudent


    Unure 20.5%

    Other 3.7%

    Figure 45: Social networking sites to be used in recruiting

    Site Name Percent o Respondents Who Will Use1

    linkedIn 82.7%

    ebook 73.6%

    Other ite 18.2%Myspe 1.8%1Perent o repondent i bed upon ony thoe empoyer who indited tht they wi ue oi net-working web ite or reruiting 2009-10 grdute. Thee gure do NOT repreent perent o TOTalrepondent.

    Among those reporting a preference, most cited LinkedIn and Facebook as the sites they would use. (See

    Figure 45.) While the bulk of respondents dont plan to use Twitter, more than 14 percent expect to use it to

    communicate with students. (See Figure 46.)

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    Job Outook 2010 ReseaRch

    Figure 47: Respondents by industry

    Industry Number o Respondents Percent o Total Respondents

    Mining 1 0.5%

    contrution 12 6.0%

    Mnuturing 70 34.8%

    Trnporttion/Utiitie/Ditribution 14 7.0%

    Trde 18 9.0%

    inne 24 11.9%

    Buine servie 28 13.4%

    Proeion Orgniztion 26 12.9%

    Government 9 4.5%

    Figure 48: Respondents by size o department/business unitNumber o Employees Percent o Total Respondents

    ewer thn 500 14.9%

    500 1,000 13.4%

    1,001 2,500 16.9%

    2,501 5,000 12.4%

    5,001 10,000 13.9%

    More thn 10,000 28.4%


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    aaI corportion

    abbott lbortorieativiion, In.agient Tehnoogie, In.aIGabemre corportionamzon.omamerin axe & Mnuturing, In.amerin Eetri Powerameriprie innianog Devie, In.aon corportionarmtrong Word Indutriearup & Prtner

    Bas corportionBe Heiopter Textron In.Bkbud, In.Bue shied o ciorniBOK inni corportionBrigg & strtton corportionBrode communition sytem, In.Buk conutntcmeroncmeroncrio InterntioncH2M HIllchevron corportioncio sytem, In.omsore, In.conagr ood, In.conoidted Grphicry In.cree, In.cummin In.Diihi snkyo, In.DcP Midtrem Prtner, lPDe In.

    Det Norke Verit

    DewberryDik sporting GoodDiover inni servieE. & J. Go WineryEtmn chemi compnyEdwrd lieieneE Po corportionEmeron Proe Mngement - iher contro DiviionEntergy servie, In.EPcO, In.Equix In.Ernt & Young llP

    eder Energy Regutory commiionINRairt Invetor corportiontiron contrution corp.uor corportionMc Tehnoogie, In.ord Motor compnyoter Wheeer In.Gnnett co., In.GaP In.Gener Eetri compnyGener Mi In.Genworth inni

    Gob Tx Mngement, In.Gret lke Dredge & Dok compnyHnnord Bro. co.HEI Hote & ReortHerbert, Rownd & Grubi, In.Hithi conutingHond R&D ameri, In.Horme ood corportionIBM corportionIMs HethINEOs

    Job Outook 2010ReseaRch

    sURVEY REsPONDENTsBeow i it o the orgniztion tht reponded to theJob Outlook 2010urvey.(Pee note: athough 201 orgniztion reponded, the it beow inude 153, 48 orgniztionpreerred not to be ited.)

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    Job Tehnoogy In.Johnon lmbert & co. llPKennedy & coe llcKeyBnkl-3 communition Integrted sytemlennox Interntion In.liberty Mutu Inurne compnylie Tehnoogie In. - lie Tehnoogielindelink-Bet contrution Equipment co.lowe compnie, In.

    lutron Eetroni co. In.lyondeBe IndutrieM&T Bnk corportionMy, In.Mr snkood UsMttre irmMeijer, In.MererMeer contrution co.Miiken & compnyMurphy Oi Usa, In.Ntion IntrumentNv aquiition creer centerNewe RubbermidNewmont Mining corportionNorok southern corp.Northrop Grummn corportionOpnet Tehnoogie In.Oregon Deprtment o TrnporttionOwen corningPnd Returnt Group, In.PronPepico, In.Primesoure Buiding Produt, In.Proter & Gmbe co.

    PrudentiPsEGQOREQuetr corportionRymond Jme inni servie, In.Rytheon compnyRoger corportionRo-Roye corportionRoux aoite, In.shumbergershoe corportion

    simpon Gumpertz & Heger In.sTV InorportedsWITsymnte corportionsyrue Reerh corp.Tac ameriTenneee Vey authorityTerdt corportionTeoro compnie, In.The Doug stewrt compny, In.The Rynd Group, In.

    The shwn ood compnyThe shw Group In.The Timken compnyThomon Gr VeyTind corportionTot Quity logiti, In.Toy R U, In.Turner contrution compnyTyon ood, In.U.s. comptroer o the currenyU.s. Ptent & Trdemrk OeUnion Bnk o ciorniUnitedHeth GroupVi communition, In.Vovo inni servieW.W. Gringer, In.Wte Mngement, In.Whirpoo corportionWi, Jnney, Etner aoite, In.Woopert llPZs aoite

    Job Outook 2010 ReseaRch

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    National Association of Colleges and Employers
