
How Lemon Helps in Reducing Acne Scars

How Lemon Helps in Reducing Acne Scars

Using expensive products and cosmetics are wastage if they do not work on your skin. These cosmetics are a total waste of money and time. We are blessed with so many natural remedies that will help in lowering the acne and pimples and its scars. Lemon is one of those cheap and effective remedies that can works amazing on your skin.

How Lemon Juice Treats Acne/Pimples?

•Lemon is a one of the best remedy for acne. Lemon consists of citric acid and thus it is very beneficial in curing acne. Presence of vitamin C in citrus fruits is vital for healthy and glowing skin.

• Moreover its alkaline nature kills various types of bacteria that are known to cause acne and pimples.

• Lemon juice also act as natural bleaching agent that can efficiently reduces the appearance of blemishes on the skin and soften acne scars in just few weeks.

•The acid in lemon has an astringent action and thus it constrict the body tissues and push oil out of your skin.

How Lemon Juice Helps in Treating Acne/Pimple Scars?


Face mask:

Face mask prepared by using lemon and other ingredients can be very effective for treating acne and pimples and their scars. In order to make a face mask, beat the egg white and when you get stiff peaks, add the teaspoon of lemon and continue beating until you get a homogeneous mixture. Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it on for at 10 minutes. Was it off with cold water and then apply the facial moisturizer. Repeat this treatment once a week and enjoy clear skin.

Drink Lemon Juice:

Drinking lemon juice is also very beneficial on your skin. Its anti-inflammatory acts both inside and outside. It is enriched in vitamin C, also called as L-Ascorbic acid, which is powerful antioxidant and thus helps protect tissues and skin cells from free radicals. Due to its extreme acidic nature, it can cause acidity, so avoid drinking it too much. Drink a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon one time a day. Drink it on empty stomach.

Application of Lemon Juice for Acne/Pimples Treatment

Here are the some of the application of lemon for acne and pimple treatment as mentioned below:

1. LEMON FOR OVERNIGHT:• Take a fresh lemon and then squeeze it in order to extract its juice.• Rinse your face by using mild soap and warm water prior applying the lemon juice.•Take a cotton ball and then dip it in the lemon juice and wring out the excess liquid•Now directly apply this cotton ball on the affected part of the skin.•Repeat the process until it covers the whole affected area.•Allow it to get dry overnight and wash the area with cold water and pat dry using towel.•Regularly with process two times a day in order to lower the acne or acne scars.•You can also rub the half cut lemon piece directly on the acne affected area of the skin.

Application of Lemon Juice for Acne/Pimples Treatment


•Wash your face using mild soap and water and pat dry.•Add equal amount of lemon juice and rose water in a container and mix it well.• Rose water contains antibacterial action and skin lightening property.•Take a cotton ball and dip it in the mixture and squeeze out the excess liquid.•Apply it on the affected part and allow it to remain it for at least 15-30 minutes.•Wash you face with cold water and pat dry using clean and dry towel.•Repeat the procedure once or twice a day in order to get rid of acne.

How Lemon Helps in Reducing Acne Scars

Which kind of Lemon is best for Acne Treatment?

Now here is the question what type of lemon juice is considered perfect to cure acne. So for that one should always go for a fresh juicy lemon in the treatment of acne because it consists of all the fresh powerful properties which are very important in treating the acne. It is always preferred that use fresh lemon but not the lime that too much juicy.

Does Lemon Water is helpful for the Treatment of Acne?

Now the another good question arises in your mind that does lemon water helpful in curing the acne. The answer is yes . Drinking lemon water will be effective in treating the acne as wells as its marks and scars. Vitamin C is the main ingredient in lemon (also known as L-ascorbic acid) which acts as a powerful anti-oxidant that helps in protecting the cells and tissues from free radicals of your skin and body.

These free radicals are usually unstable oxygen molecules that damage cells and tissues and cause inflammation and finally causes acne. So in order to prevent yourself from this disease then one should have to include the lemon to get rid of acne scars.

Precautions Taken Before Using Lemon to Treat Acne

There are several precautions which one should have to take care before using lemon to treat acne:• Make sure not to apply lemon directly on the affected part if you are first timer.•Firstly dilute it properly and have a skin test and then apply this on your acne affected part.•For sensitive skin just dilute the lemon juice with any other ingredients as mentioned above in 1:1 ratio.•Make sure to avoid lemon juice around your eyes and anything happens like that, then quickly rinse your eyes with cool water.•Lemon juice makes the skin sensitive to sunlight so in order to prevent from sunburn problem always take precautions.•If you have a stringing sensation that causes redness and inflammation then quickly wash it off with cold water.•At last Consult dermatologist or Skin care provider if you did not find any improvement for advice and treatment.

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