
How many people believe DNA testing is reliable


What is DNA?DNA is also known

as “deoxyribonucleic acid”

•every person's DNA is the same in every cell

•deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic building block for an individual's entire “genetic makeup”

DNA Molecule

relatively a recent discovery! DNA was discovered back in 1969

however it was first accepted into U.S courtrooms in the year 1985

in November 1987, Orlando prosecutors scored the first conviction in the U.S

since 1987 DNA has played an important part in many important cases

several factors effect DNA !





Poor attempts !The handling and care of DNA testing is very important

Getting DNA from a suspect is easy

however, getting DNA from crime scene can be much more challenging

A poor attempt at removal can end up destroying the evidence altogether

Freed because of DNA test ! Convicts have been freed of violent crimes

using DNA test

Murder, rape, and many other violent crimes.

In recent years, dozens of people were jailed or scheduled for execution because of DNA evidence


Prime example ! In 1974, James Bain was

sent to prison for life

He was accused of raping a 9 yr. Old boy.

Bain provided an alibi, but was charged anyway

He spent 35 yrs. In prison before being released

DNA showed that he was the wrong man

The evidence in this trial was largely circumstantial.

Wrongly Accused

No one compares ! 245 convicts in the

U.S. were convicted by DNA evidence since 1989

Of them 245 convicts not 1 has come close to spending as much time in prison as James Bain

James Bain a FREE MAN

At trial ! FBI analyst was a witness

The semen on the underpants came from a person with blood group B

Bain’s blood group was tested to be AB

Bain could not be ruled out as the suspect

Court House

100 % reliable Despite evidence many people believe DNA testing

is 100 % reliable

Supporters say that they have strong support in the innocence protection act

Which would increase prisoner access to post conviction DNA testing

Death penalty opponents account for many of the people that support post conviction

Supporters believe!DNA test can clear the wrongly accused

DNA evidence can be used to establish identity to a high degree of certainty

such as rapes, homicides to armed robberies

Armed Robbery

The other side ! Non’ supporters say that DNA testing is not

one hundred percent accurate

They believe that there are many problems facing DNA

Some argue that granting requests for DNA tests in cases where it might be enough to prove innocence can also harm victims

Faking DNA evidence! Scientists have demonstrated

that it is possible to fake DNA evidence

They fabricated blood and saliva samples contained from a person other than donor

Also shown if access to a DNA profile database they could construct a sample of DNA to match without any tissue from that person

Ways to fake DNA ! Scientist showed 2

ways that they were able to fake DNA

One requires a very small DNA sample, possibly from a string of hair or a cup

Scientists amplified the tiny sample into a large number of DNA using a standard method called whole genome amplification

Very Costly !Many people are not opposed to testing

on a limited basis

They also warn such test would

crowd the court system with “frivolous” requests

They argue that post conviction tests would only waste a lot of money

Public Survey !





Q. 1 Q. 2 Q. 3



Q.1- should DNA test be allowed in the courtroom

Q. 2- do you believe DNA evidence is reliable

Q. 3- do you think people that are already incarcerated should have the right to DNA testing

Conclusion !

DNA should not be allowed in the courtroom

It is not 100 % reliable at all

Conclusion Cont.! most compelling research- The strongest

argument against DNA evidence in the courtroom is that it is not accurate

most interesting idea – Its very interesting an undergraduate student, not even a doctor, can fake DNA evidence.

That means a smart criminal could do it too.

Benefits ! Satisfaction with work – I think my senior

project will benefit me because I am planning on going to college to study the field forensic science.

future research on knowledge attained – I plan to go into forensic science in college and I will definitely study this topic many times.

Audience ! I want you to pay attention more when

you hear about DNA testing and don’t automatically assume someone is guilty because there DNA was found at a crime scene.
