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  • 8/6/2019 How Memory Doubles


    How to Double (2x) Your Memory Permanently

    If you have a kid in school, or are in college or grad-school, this baby-easy strategy

    is guaranteed to raise your class rank - one-full-grade. Your exam scores will improve

    up to 37%, and your opportunity for a scholarship doubles. Works for executives too.

    Why? Its because Memory is Everything. Its the secret to academic success, right?


    V stands for Vision, you have to see what you want to remember.

    A stands for Auditory, you must hear the word or phrase you want to recall.

    K stands for Kinesthetic, a fancy name for your sense of touch, (feeling, tactile).

    When you use a pen or type with your word-processor, you activate your sense of

    touch to double your memory, you must feel the word or phrase.

    Handy-Hand Strategy

    1. If you are a lefty, use the index-finger of your left-hand to trace the word orphrase you want to permanently remember in the palm of your right-hand.

    For righties, use your right-index-finger to trace in the palm of your left-hand.

    2. Before we start we must mentally announce our memory intention,and get the cooperation of your Inner-Child. Who is he/she? Another name is your

    Self-Talk, Stream-of-Consciousness, Internal-Dialogue, and Subvocalization.

    Your Inner-Child is the still, small voice within - that you hear mentally when you

    are reading. When you ask yourself, Should I take an umbrella?, who are you

    talking to? Its your Inner-Child that sends you an answer (intuition).

    3. Heres what you do. Close your eyes and instantly go into Alpha (relaxation).I want to talk to my Inner-Child (call it by your nick-name or Kiddo). We are going

    to play a little game. Help me. I want to permanently remember this word (phrase).

    Please play with me. Thats all there is to it.

    You have created Attention-Interest-Desire in your own brain. Now we use V-A-K

    to make Handy-Hand work. You have the strength of your three-power senses for

    long-term memory.

    4. Example: Occums RazorI just cannot remember the phrase Occums Razor, the law of parsimony. It refers

    to using the simplest approach Keep-It-Simple-Stupid. We have the help of our

    Inner-Child, but he/she needs clues to remember. It comes from using multi-senses.

  • 8/6/2019 How Memory Doubles


    a. Mentally say in your mind, Occums Razor three-times (3x). If you are aloneyou can say the two-words out-loud 3x. Repeat the words with feeling, like you intend

    to learn them permanently. Your intention to remember - is everything.


    Notice that whether you repeat the two-words mentally or aloud, you involveYour sense of hearing Auditory sense. You hear - Occums Razor (3x).

    c. Trace the two-words, Occums Razor in the palm of your passive hand usingyour dominant index-finger. So What? You are using your Visual Sense by seeing the

    words asyou trace them. You see them in your minds eye and with your physical

    Visual Cortex.

    d. Tracing the words Occums Razor in you other hand is a physical act thattriggers your powerful sense of touch (kinesthetic). You feel yourself tracing the

    words to be memorized. Thats Kinesthetic.

    e. Ask yourself (Inner-Child), Kiddo, what does Occums Razor remind me of?What does it sound like? What pictures (mental-images) come into my mind when I

    think of the two-words Occums Razor?

    Wait two-seconds for an answer, it will come immediately. I get a mental-image of

    of my Gillette Fusion Razor. I use it daily, and see myself shaving with the Razor.

    Thats all I need because I am linking something new, Occums Razor, with

    Something old in my long-term memory. Gillette Razor to Occums Razor, right?

    What about a rhyme for Occum? Dock-em, Hock-em, Lock-em, and Sock-Em.

    The last one is very visual, I see a prize-fight and a lot of Rock-Em and Sock-Em.

    Okay, I repeat 3x the rhythm reminder for Occum. Sock-Em, Sock-Em, Sock-Em.

    Thats baby-easy, I can visualize-mentally, and even feel Sock-Em. Now I link

    them together, Sock-Em, Occum!. Now I add Razor, my own Gillette razor,

    the one I shave with daily. Fact: I will never forget the two-words, Occums Razor.

    f. Last thing, I must show my appreciation to my Inner-Child. Thanks forplaying the word-game with me. Is there anything I can do for you? A picture of

    a Hershey candy-bar comes to mind. How about a diet Pepsi, or a sweet fruit,

    I want to lose five-pounds? I hear the still, small voice echo, OK.


    Your Inner-Child wants to play games all the time. He/she is available 24/7 to

    to help you learn, remember or discover creative ways to improving. Just ask

    in a nice way, and he/she will play with you.

    Want a new relationship, a promotion/raise in your career, lose-five-pounds?

  • 8/6/2019 How Memory Doubles


    Its doable, just ask him/her for help by playing a game. Here, you have an

    excellent memory strategy. It will get you better grades, and career success.

    Ask your Inner-Child, and use Handy-Hand-Memory to permanently

    Learn new vocabulary, phrases or creative ideas. Memory: Use-it-or-Lose-it.

    See ya,

    Copyright 2011, H. Bernard Wechsler

