
We have a lóóóóng tradition of traditions and we definitely want to keep it that way!

So it is, and that's why we offer these seven basic rules for you to memorize and respect!

We're all on the same team!So please keep your opinions to yourself. All you need to do is follow the instructions of your team leader.


We value your integrity!A creative idea coming up in your head? Be wise and keep quiet. You don't want trouble, do you?


Take your responsibility!For tradition's sake, always and instantly assign the colleague who dared to come up with a new idea.


Keep a positive attitude!Many people are counting on you. So don't waste your time on complaining.The only way is forward.


Make time for socializing!Have a little fun now and then. After work of course. And have a great chat about our company's traditions.


Feel safe and protected!Every conversation is carefully monitored. That way you're sure you don't say anything wrong or harmful.


Everyone is equal!It's no good to show your personality and emotions. It can cause complexity and nobody wants that.


Do you agree with Boring&Dull's vision?

We don't.Perhaps it's time to have a talk... / [email protected]
