
How to Add a False Wrap

to Your Horse's Tail

You may need to add a false wrap tail to

your horse's tail. It’s for a horse that really

has no tail. It’s a long flat piece of braided

hair. You start off at the bottom of your

dock, you start sectioning off, picking up

small bits of hair and plaiting it in. You

always need an assistant. If you haven’t

got someone to help you, it is nearly be-

because you need to hold the hair out. The

hair has to go over the top of the false

piece. You plait that about an inch and a

half. Then you rubber band it and you do a

full wrap of the tail again and finish it off.

It is quite time consuming, so don’t think

you can do it in five minutes. It takes atleast

twenty minutes to half an hour to put a tail

in. Then, you pick the tail up, wrap it

around. Your assistant is important because

she holds the hair so I can pick the last bit

to finish it off and you plait it in. But

whatever you do, do not have your plaits

over the top of each other or you will end up

in a big bunch. You must have them one

on top of the other because it will leave a

big lump in your tail. Remember you have a

horse with a chewed up tail, not a very

good tail, so you try to camouflage the fact

that you’re putting on a false tail.

They are very good in Arabs and so on,

horses which need extra length on the tail.

They naturally don’t grow great tails but

there are also very good in show horses

that have had them chewed off. Pick up a

little bit of hair and you pick a bit of the dock

up. You pick up a bit of the wrap, and as

you get to the top, try to get your plaits a bit

finer. That’s where your hair is going to be

thinner and you plait down. You don’t have

plait down very far, about an inch and a

half. Try to keep your hair lying flat and

don’t make your plaits too big.

Rubber band it off at the end and I’ll brush it

down. Pull the hair out and then we’ll cut it

off at the pony's right length. We get a hook

or a comb and pull some hair out, so then

you can camouflage your wrap on the side.

This hook is very good for it because it just

gets bits and pieces out. If you go through

and have a look and it starts to show a little

bit, just go under it and pull some more hair

out. It may need a little bit more pulled out

on top. We can bandage that down and cut

it off.

Then once again, you hold the hair of your

tail really flat to the length you want it and

you cut it off. The scissors must be sharp.

We do one cut to get the hair off. Then get

your hair flat and see if it has come out

level You just trim that underneath side a

fraction shorter and the corners off it. The

corners underneath fall shorter than the top.

To show you that you can’t see it, you fan it

out, and a judge can pick it up and they

cannot even see there’s a wrap in there.

You could see that when you go very close

but, the horse carries it very naturally. It’s

like it’s theirs.
