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How to complete an MBA application

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Too many times we find that applicants are too busy working on their

resume, the essays, getting the recommendations, and at times

preparing for the GMAT.

So much so that they leave out an important part of the application to the last minute.

And that is:

FILLING OUT THE ONLINE APPLICATION at the school’s application portal!

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And this practice can often be detrimental to your chances.

It is a myth that the schools do not need all this information and hence would not spend too much

time on it.

If that was the case, they might have well saved some time and completely removed all those short-answer


Like always, there are a few rules (or tips, if that sounds better!)

that you must follow in order to maximize your chances.

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Rule #1:

Start early…There is absolutely no substitute for this. Fill the form

when you are away from all the stress of getting your application within the deadline.

So, do this step as soon as you have decided to apply to that particular school.

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Rule #2: Complement…

Make sure that the answers here complement your entire application.

For example, some schools might ask for the top-five accomplishments after college here and then maybe

the most significant accomplishment in the essay. Make sure that the accomplishment you describe in

the essay is also present in your answer here.

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Rule #3: Accuracy and honesty…

Do not boast or lie.

Be honest and accurate in what you tell.

If, for instance, you only volunteered in one of the

events for the regional club,

do not say that you conceptualized and

organized that event.

It can be easily spotted from the other components of your application (e.g.. resume)

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Rule #4: Use it…

Seriously, the schools are doing you a favour by providing additional space to address any significant

drawbacks or challenges in your application.

So be prudent enough to utilize this space and provide a new side of yours to the admissions committee.

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Trust us.

• It is worth spending good quality time on the application portal in order to boost your chances at your dream schools.

• Writing excellent

• mind-blowing essays with sub-par answers in this section can raise serious questions on your candidature.

• So, start early, take time and re-visit your answers after a few days to make sure you got them right!

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