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How to Create Your OWN Stable, Google Safe Blog


Giving You Free Powerful Backlinks and High Search Engine


By: Rik Seddon –

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Table Of Contents

Chapter 1… Why Should You Create a Blog Network… What I Do Differently to Create Long Lasting Powerful Networks

Chapter 2… How to Get the Right Domain Names

That Will Give Your Network a Huge Head Start!

Chapter 3… Hosting…The Glue That Holds Your

Network Together Chapter 4… Setting Everything Up Correctly Chapter 5… Posting Your Content To Your Blogs

Without Going Insane! The Fast and Easy Way!

Chapter 6… Conclusion…

The Easiest Way Ever to Get the Benefits of a Blog Network

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Chapter 1

Why Should You Create a Blog Network? So with all the madness surrounding blog networks lately, with networks getting de-indexed like crazy after the Panda and Penguin updates… you’re probably wondering WHY in the heck you’d want to take the time to even start your own. That’s a great question, and one that I want to answer before we get too involved here. Let’s start with the first main fact… The truth is that those blog networks that got de-indexed were not set up correctly. It’s really as simple and easy as that. These networks were obvious to Google as being networks set up to game the system. Of course when you’re the master of the game like Google is, you don’t want the system being gamed right? So those networks were punished accordingly by Google, de-indexed, and therefore sunk off into oblivion. But there were some blog networks that didn’t get de-indexed. More importantly ALL of mine stayed fine and dandy with Google simply because I did things right. What I Do Differently… The truth is that Google doesn’t care if you have multiple blogs. In fact they like it because you’re creating content for their own network. They just want you to follow their rules. Therefore the trick to it all is to simply give Google what they want. Of course, the whole point of a blog network is for getting powerful long lasting backlinks that will give your main or “money” sites great authority in Google and therefore get ranked high. But you’ve got to do things right for this to remain stable and safe from Google’s algorithm changes. If you build a home on a weak or shaky foundation it’s going to fall down very easily. You’ll always be walking on eggshells just to keep it standing. You don’t

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want that with your home or with your blog network.

You want to build something that will last through the storms of Google and their algorithm changes, and whatever else they’ve got up their sleeves to shake things up. Basically here’s what you need in a nutshell, and of course we’ll go over how to do it all in fine detail throughout this report.

1. A Source of High Quality Domain Names – these need to be aged, with good and safe backlinks… and some authority within Google. 2. Web Hosting – you’ll need multiple A, B, and C class IP addresses for your domains (you’ll learn exactly what that means further down in the report.) 3. A System to Manage Your Blogs – you’ll need to setup, create your blogs and/or websites on your hosting! 4. A Reliable Way to Post Content to Your Blogs – Having all of these blogs can be tiring, tedious, and time consuming without a way to sort of automate the process. I’ll show you exactly how to do just that.

Quick Side Note: A final word before we get started… This is NOT going to be cheap or easy to do well. It’s important that you realize that YOU will have to put some time in to learning about best practices in the areas mentioned above, as well as come up with your own ways of doing things. I assure you that this is all stuff that you can do on your own if you’re willing to put in the work. However, if it already seems like it’s going to be too much for you, but you’d still like a way to benefit from high quality back links from a stable and safe blog network that Google actually likes, then you can find out exactly how to get that…without any work on your part by clicking here now.

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Chapter 2

How to Get the Right Domain Names That Will Give Your Network a Huge Head Start!

Domain names are a crucial part of creating your blog network. To be honest, this is the area that most people will struggle with early on. Finding a good, regular source for quality domains isn’t easy. The good news for you, if you stick to it, and do things correctly…is that your competition will be very small. Where to Buy Your Domains… The Domain after-market and auction sites are where you’ll want to begin your search. Why Not New Domains? The answer is simple actually… When you create your blog network, are you going to want to have to wait around for years for your blogs to gain authority and be valuable for backlinks are you? Of course not! The reason to start a blog network of your own is so that you can start getting high powered backlinks raising the authority of your money sites fast. You can’t do that with a new domain name. New domains have no authority in Google whatsoever. A new domain isn’t even indexed in Google. While there are ways of getting a domain indexed quickly, even sometimes on the front page, that still doesn’t lend much value to their backlinking power. So you’ll want to focus your efforts on getting:

• Domains with Pagerank… • Domains that are at least a year old… • Domains that hold some sort of keyword reference to your money site if

possible. While this is useful…and becoming more so each and everyday…it’s not exactly essential. But since the Panda and Penguin updates, keyword relevancy is on the trend to becoming essential.

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There are a number of browser plug-ins and other services available that can help here with your domain search, but we’re going to go with what I’ve found to be the best place to start with…

Godaddy Auctions

Warning: It’s a Numbers Game! It’s important that you realize something right off the bat so that you don’t get frustrated and quit. The fact is that this is a numbers game when it comes to domain auctions,


Google have recently pushed an update which penalizes EMD (Exact Match Domains) with low quality content. Although I’ve personally not seen any negative impact since this update, there are many people out there that have. My advice – If an EMD is available, still go for it, but do some additional checks to make sure it’s not been penalized already. So long as you’re adding good quality, relevant content to your blog, you shouldn’t see any penalties.

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especially one as popular and busy as GoDaddy auctions. You need to remember that 100’s if not 1000’s of other people are already buying these types of domains at Godaddy, and you will miss many, many more than you’ll win. That’s ok, because again…it’s a numbers game…and so long as you win the domains you’re trying for occasionally, you’re doing it right! How to Get the Best Results at the GoDaddy Auction Site… Ok so when you’re at the Godaddy auctions page – – take a look at the search options on the right side of the page. Here’s how you’re going to want to set those for the best results of your search… 1. Predefined – Leave as it is 2. Number of Bids – Change to ‘More Than’ 0 (zero) – you can search all auctions with zero bids, but why bother? As mentioned above, 100’s if not 1000’s of other people are already doing this, so why waste time when you know someone else will have already searched and bid… Your goal is to swoop in and win the auction at the end. 3. Keywords – If you’re looking for specific keyword domains, add the keywords here, otherwise leave it blank 4. Characters – Leave Blank (Unless you have a specific requirement for your domains) 5. Price – I usually set a minimum and maximum price here, something like $11 minimum (to avoid all the closeouts and bargain bin domains), and a maximum of around $100 (But obviously much higher if I’m trying to buy PR5+ Domains) 6. Attributes – Leave Blank 7. Traffic – Leave Blank (results are useless anyway) 8. Domain Age – Leave Blank (again, results aren’t reliable) 9. Ending in – I usually search 0 days first, then 1 day – it really depends on the time of day you’re searching, so experiment here for a few days at different times to see the type of results you get. Ideally, you want to find auctions that are ending soon, so you can hopefully swoop in and win! 10. Type – Leave Blank

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11. Extensions – .COM, .NET, or .ORG only (unless you need something else) 12. Click Search! Now it’s time to go through the domains, trying to find those auctions which are finishing soon. Take note of which auctions you’d like to bid on. You may want to create an excel sheet so that you can keep track easily. Or a simple notebook on your desk, or notepad document even will do just fine. You need to check your domains all out, and make sure they’d be worthy of a place in your blog network. I won’t go in to too much detail here as there are already many guides on what to look for in a domain, but here are the basics that you’ll want to look for. Basics of Worthy Domains… 1: Check the Page Rank – Check that the Page Rank is genuine. There are no surefire ways to do this. However most people posting fake PR domains don’t really know what they’re doing, and will make amateur mistakes that give themselves away. The easiest way to check for the PageRank of a website is using tools to do it. These aren’t always 100% accurate, but for the most part they’ll show you if there’s page rank. If you use both of these tools in combination, then you should get a pretty good idea whether or not the seller is being genuine. The tools are the page rank tool which can be found at:

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Next… You can use the Page Rank tool at:

2: Check the Way Back Machine – Use the ‘Way Back Machine’ at – visit the site and pop your domain name in to the way back search box.

What you’re looking to check here are the pages that have previously recorded for the domain. If you see anything there that looks out of the ordinary (for instance the wrong website or another domain redirected), steer clear and move on to the next.

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If you don’t see any results, it doesn’t mean the domain is fake or redirected, but I’d still steer clear anyway. If this is a real domain with Page Rank, there should be something that shows that this domain has been around for a while to earn that Page Rank. No info is simply a red flag. So then if both of those searches look okay, it’s 75-80% likely that the PR is genuine. It’s still a risk though, and I’m sure there are other methods to check with, but for me those numbers work ok. 3: Verify Domain Age – Domain age is very important to Google and how they lend authority to your website. Checking domain age is a bit easier. You can go again and use sometimes to get domain age results. However most often a ‘WhoIs’ search will give you all you need. Here’s the URL.

Once you type in the name of the website (e.g. then you’ll come to a screen that gives you all the info you need. Once there click the “Registration” icon, and it will give you the date that the domain was first registered. 4: Confirming the Backlinks to the Domain – I shouldn’t have to tell you how important backlinks are for a website. You know this.

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But it’s also essential to take a look and confirm the backlinks, because people selling a domain name may not be 100% honest… or being less intentionally dishonest… they might not be 100% accurate when it comes to backlinks. So it’s good to check for yourself before you go bidding on a domain name. It’s better to do the little bit of work beforehand, than to do find out later that the domain name that you’ve just won and spent money on actually didn’t have many backlinks, or any at all…or worse…wasn’t actually even indexed itself in Google. Your best bet is to use services such as …

...or… for this, as they’ll give you most of the info you need far more quickly than searching yourself.

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Now you should have a few domains that you like, and that have stood up to the tests that you’ve put them through. Now it’s time to start bidding!! Bidding for Your Domains in the Auctions… Of course there’s really no way to say beforehand how an auction is going to goor what you should be bidding… but I do have a bit of a rough guideline of how to bid on your domains as far as a PR perspective goes...

PR1 Domains – From $10-$20 PR2 Domains – From $10-$25 PR3 Domains – From $30-$70 PR4 Domains – From $50-$150 PR5 Domains – From $150+ PR6 Domains – From $500+

Of course there will be other things that will affect the price as well, but this should give you a general idea of what ballpark that you want to be in.

Note: Don’t forget that there will be some other fees once you’ve bought the domain in the auction. You’ll still have to pay for your…

1. Domain Registration Fee with GoDaddy… 2. Domain Privacy (This is optional of course, but I would highly recommend that you add this to your domains to keep peering eyes from your network ;)

You can save a bit of money for yourself here if you’ll look around the internet for coupons and discounts. Just do a search on Google for “Godaddy coupons” or “Godaddy promotions” or “Godaddy discount”…you get the idea.

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Chapter 3

Hosting – The Glue That Holds Your Entire Network Together!

Okay, so now is where we start building our network. Now that we’ve got our domains, we have to begin hosting them. When it comes to setting up a blog network, the way it’s actually hosted is crucial for a few reasons… First… and most important, is that each blog is hosted on a separate A, B, or C-Class IP address. How Important are IP Addresses…and WHY? When search engines look at the links pointing back to your money site, they’ll also be recording details of how the website is hosted. If your backlinks are hosted on the same IP addresses, they’ll quickly be seen as low value or trying to game the system. So what you want is hosting that provides you with individual IP Addresses for each of your blogs. These IP addresses also need to be of a certain caliber too, again, to prevent search engines finding footprints between your blog network and your money sites. Again, we call the types of IP addresses we need A-Class, B-Class or C-Class, and these signify the number sections of the addresses themselves. Here’s what the different IP’s look like…

• A Class – • B Class – • C Class –

Now, don’t let this bit of info scare you. It’s like driving a car. You really don’t need to know how the motor works, you just need to know that you need a motor

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in the car, and you need to add fuel to it if you’re going to get anywhere. I could explain more about IP addresses for you here and put you right to sleep, but I won’t do that to you. If you DO want to learn more about how IP addressing works then by all means do a search on Google. Also here’s an article that may help explain things a bit in a more simple way… But for the sake of getting you started quickly, the truth is that by using a minimum of C-Class IP Addresses for your web hosting, you’ll get the IP diversity you need to keep your blog network off the radar of search engines. Ok So How Do You Go About Getting These Different IP Addresses? There are a number of ways you can go about getting your hosting with the required IP addresses – I’ll go through some of them below, and highlight the pros and cons of each different method. Individual Hosting This would probably be the best scenario, but it’s also the most costly and most difficult to maintain. Using this method, you’ll subscribe to multiple web hosting accounts…only they’.. all be from different companies. You’ll then use each individual host for each separate blog in your network. If you shop around, you can get hosting for as little as $1 a year with some companies, but if you’re making a network of any size you’ll quickly burn through these cheap hosts, and on average you’ll pay at least $10 a year per hosting account.

The Pros to This Method – It will give you very diverse IP addresses which are shared with existing websites usually. This therefore will provide a good haven for the blogs and websites in your network. The Cons to This Method – This can obviously get quite expensive once your network expands (which is essentially the idea). It will also become difficult to manage all of your separate subscriptions, setups, uptime, etc. with the multiple hosting companies. This can add up quite extensively as you’re continuously adding new blogs to your network.

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SEO Hosting with Shared IP Addresses… This is a much easier path to take. SEO hosts usually provide a single web hosting account only with multiple IP addresses, for a much lower fee than regular single hosting accounts can manage. In other words you could use the same hosting company, and then simply use add-on domains, only directing those to a separate IP address. This is actually very convenient since it means that the setup and management is a breeze and easy to maintain. But on the downside you’ll be hosting alongside other people doing exactly the same thing as you, so eventually there will be a small footprint.

SEO Hosting with Private IP Addresses This is definitely a much better option than the shared IP SEO Hosting, but much more expensive. It still provides the same ease of setup and management as the shared IP SEO Hosting, however the cost of Private IP addresses brings the costs much closer to the Individual Hosting mentioned above. If you can afford it, this is a very good option to choose.

The Pros of This Method – It’s still simple to manage and maintain, and footprints are practically invisible to search engines… The Cons of This Method – It’s expensive, both for small and large blog networks.

The Pros of This Method – It’s convenient, cheap, and much easier to maintain and manage The Cons of This Method – It’s not exactly invisible, as other people will be doing the same as you on the shared IP addresses

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Where I Recommend You Start… The good thing is that you can start this process smaller, and work your way up as your income increases, and more importantly…as you get more confidence in what you’re doing. There may be a bit of a learning curve for you. If you’re just getting started with your own blog network, then you’ll want to practice setting up and getting used to the procedures of setting things up, maintaining, and posting content first. For that you only need a couple of sites operational. So initially, you can just buy some cheap Individual Hosting packages from a couple of different hosting companies, and start setting things up. Once you’re confident in what you’re doing and ready to scale up, you can then take a look at adding either a few more Individual Hosting packages… or even a small shared SEO Hosting plan. Eventually though, if you’re serious about the ongoing health of your blog network, you’ll want to look at Private IP addresses for your SEO Hosting, or even your own Server with lots of IP addresses. Just take it all a step at a time, and remember that even with just a small blog network, you can do amazing things with your ranking! Important Side Note: Whichever hosting package that you choose, make sure that it includes CPanel, which is the control panel of the hosting itself.

The reason is that this is the most simple control panel to use, as well as the fact that if you’re not using CPanel, some of the software that I’m about to mention below will not work. Also, be sure that within that CPanel account is either Fantastico or Scriptaculous. This makes creating blogs infinitely easier.

It’s the difference pushing a car up a hill, or driving it up.

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Chapter 4

Setting Everything Up Correctly

Now we’re going to go over how to set up your network correctly using a system. You’ve got a few options in the way you can approach this area. It really depends on how involved you want to get, how confident you are with setting up and maintaining websites (via CPanel or other web hosting systems), and how much time you’ve got to spend on this. Of course no matter which of the options you choose that I’m about to present to you, or combination thereof, there are two things that you’re going to HAVE to do. Those two things are… 1. Setup a hosting account for your domain… 2. Change the DNS settings of the domain to point to that hosting… Don’t worry this is not hard at all. Godaddy has tutorials on this in their help section, and there are tons and tons of videos on that will help you figure this out as well. While you can outsource this, personally I wouldn’t trust anyone with this level of access to either my domain or hosting account. At the very least you’ll want to manage setting up the domains and the hosting yourself. The first time might give you a little trouble, but once you’ve done it once it becomes easy as pie. Alright so let’s get started… How to Set Up, Manage, and Maintain Your Blogs… I’m going to go over 3 of the most straight forward ways to set everything up, and keep it running smoothly. Though I’ll talk about each method separately, any of the three can be combined. It truly just depends on how much time you have to put into your blog network, how big you want to make your network, as well as your skill level at this type of stuff. . It’s as simple as that.

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The 3 Options for Setting up Your Network… Option #1…The Do-It-Yourself Option Obviously this is going to be the cheapest route as far as money goes, but will also be the most time consuming on your part. If you’re doing it all yourself, this is where the aforementioned CPanel comes in with either Fantastico or Scriptaculous. Either one of these makes installing your blog brain-dead simple! Basically you’ll simply click the icon within CPanel and it will take you to a page to install Wordpress instantly.

Most likely you’ll have Fantastico, as I believe it’s the more popular software. Okay, now that that’s out of the way, I don’t want you to become overwhelmed with everything during the DIY period. So… Here are some tips for keeping things running smoothly… 1) Don’t Confuse Yourself With a Ton of Usernames and Passwords… Since you’ll be doing this all yourself, make your life infinitely easier by choosing the same Wordpress administrative username and password for each blog you set up. This might not sound very secure, but as long as you choose a solid and unique username (tip… DON’T use admin!), and a long alphanumeric password, you shouldn’t have any reason to worry. Doing this will make managing your network much easier down the line! On the flipside, it’s totally up to you. Feel free to create unique usernames and

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passwords if you feel a little uneasy about it. 2) Add a Full and Proper Title and Tagline for the Blog… Your Title is the text you see in the blue area at the top of your website or any website that you’re visiting online. The best thing to add here is your main keyword, and you could even add a supporting keyword or keyphrase as well. For instance: Your Keyword | Supporting Keyword This lets the search engines know right away that this is what your website is about. The Tagline is a quick little description of your site. This is what will usually appear in the listings within the search engines, so you’ll want to be sure to add keywords within this text making sure you add your main keyword very near the beginning. You change this within the “General Settings” tab within your blog’s Wordpress Dashboard. 3) Use the Correct Type of Admin Email Address… Don’t use a free search engine email address for the administrator (For instance…gmail, hotmail, aol etc.) Your best bet is to set up an email address for your domain name. Most provide multiple or unlimited email addresses. It will look something like this [email protected]. Here’s the reasoning for this… Most of your trackback links and other admin emails for the website will be sent to the email chosen for your admin email address obviously. But the problem lies in the fact that even if they don't do it often now, search engines will eventually use mail results to eliminate spam sites and connect the dots with domains that are linking to one another. In fact, Gmail already uses spam to do this, so ideally you don't want anything from your blog network touching any other search engine related service including Google Analytics in fact. (awstats or are great alternatives). In fact with your blog network sites, you don’t even want any Adsense ads (however, Openx is an alternative). So again, hosted website domains are just better, and will keep your blog network safe from Google’s red flags.

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Option #2: Outsourcing the Installation and Setup of Your Blogs… Okay, so you may not feel comfortable doing all of this. Or perhaps you simply don’t have the time. So your next option is to outsource the work and have other people do it for you. Personally I don’t feel all that comfortable doing this with my blog networks because I feel it simply gives too much access in important and sensitive areas to third parties. Unless you have total trust in these people, they really could be doing anything they want with your blogs. If you have someone you trust, then go for it, or if not, remember to at least change all the passwords yourself after they’ve finished their work. But this IS definitely an alternative if you’re not quite as paranoid as I am. If you’re not sure where to find people to do such work, a few places would be…

• In the Warrior Forum, ‘Warriors for Hire’ section… • Elance… • Scriptlance… • Your kids, nieces, nephews, neighbor kids, etc (show them once, pay

them a few bucks, and you’ve got some good cheap labor ;)…

So while outsourcing is a smart business move on most occasions, when it comes to your blog network it could get a little bit scary with allowing other people access to your websites. Not to mention that it could get a bit expensive. Just be very careful and make sure that you hire people with a solid reputation or people that you know already and trust.

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Option #3: Using Software for Your Installations and Setup of Your Blogs… The final option is using paid or custom software to do the blog installations for you. The only piece of software I know of ‘off the shelf’ is something called WPDesktop.

I’ve used this software and it does work fairly well. Setting up blogs with this software is really very simple, and you can quickly roll out 10 or 20 with a few clicks. This will serve you well as your network grows. The software is good for the non-technical blog builder, and they do have great tutorials and support over at their website, so I won’t go into any finer details here. But if you can afford it, and it fits into your budget and your plan to make more than a few blogs for your network, it will save you time. If you do choose to use this software, here are a few things that you’ll have to keep in mind for both this software, and for the software I’ll talk about in the next section for posting content… 1. XML-RPC Publishing must be turned ON – You’ll find this under ‘Settings’, and then the ‘Writing’ tab in your Wordpress Dashboard. It will be found under the “Remote Publishing” heading.

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2. Change Your Permalinks to “/%postname%/” – This is so that the search engines can find your post by your keywords and your post title. Otherwise it will be or something similar. That’s no good because it gives the search engines NO indication of what your blog post is about. You can change this by clicking on ‘Settings’ in your Wordpress dashboard under ‘Settings’, then ‘Permalinks’, and then under the choice for ‘Custom Structure’. Here’s how it looks in the Wordpress Dashboard.

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3. Install a Different Theme on Each Blog – This is again to ensure that you don’t leave a footprint from your blog network. If you’ve got the same theme for each blog, then it becomes obvious to Google and other search engines that this is a network because of the same coding that goes along with each theme. These are the simple little intricacies that most blog networks don’t take care to do, which eventually gets them red flagged and eventually de-indexed by Google. Remember, Google has an endless fund of money to pour into finding all of these little things, and they do search it out. One little thing that seems so mundane to you can send up red flags and render all of your hard work and backlinks useless. 4. Make Sure Privacy is OFF on Each Blog, So Search Engines Can Index It – this should already be set to “off” by default, but you’ll just want to check it to make sure, or else all of your work will be for nothing.

You’ll be wondering why you’re not getting indexed. 5. Turn OFF Comment Emails and Notifications – This is simply to reduce incoming emails. Imagine as your network grows to having 100’s of blogs, and you’re getting email notifications every time someone comments on one of them. You’d be inundated with email to a point where you couldn’t take it. Most people learn this the hard way. Now you won’t have to.

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Chapter 5

Posting Your Content To Your Blogs Without Going Insane! The Fast and Easy Way!

Alright so your blogs are set up and ready to go. But the problem is that they’re empty. Blogs need content and lots of it. You’re going to have to find a reliable and easy way to post content to all of these blogs, or you’re going to go crazy…and worse…not do it! So for this task I’m going to make it easy on you and recommend just one piece of software that’s going to be the single most simple method for posting content. Not having this software I found out is a headache. Getting it was like the ultimate headache cure for me. The software is called Blogsense. This wonderful piece of Wordpress software can do so many fantastic things for your blog network, but for now we’ll focus simply on how it will help you maintain your blogs and manage your posting. First of all, you’ll need to buy it and get it installed somewhere – you can either use one of the existing blogs you’ve created in your network, a completely separate Wordpress installation, or even a local (on your own pc) installation of Wordpress. The URL for the software is

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Personally, I’d probably recommend doing a local installation… this way you can manage the posting separately from your own PC. However that installation is a bit advanced. You’d need to install some webserver software on your PC to run it all. If you’re comfortable doing that, install Wordpress and then Blogsense, and skip to the end of this section! If you DON’T feel comfortable going that route… then you’ll need to use one of the existing Wordpress installations within your blog network. You can also setup a separate domain, hosting, and Wordpress blog just for using Blogsense. This blog could then sort of be your main hub for controlling your network. Once you have your Blogsense software all set up, go ahead and log into Blogsense, and visit the ‘Automation’ section. Here we want to look at setting up the ‘Drop Posting / CSV Importing’ Area. Here’s where all of your content generation happens, and it’s incredibly easy to run once you’ve gotten the hang of it!

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1. Select Import Type – Here you choose ‘Text Import’… 2. Select Folder – Just keep this at its default for now, we’ll come back and change this shortly… 3. Post Title – Choose ‘First Line of Text’… 4. Update Old Posts – Choose OFF… 5. Limit Feed Results – Leave at 0… 6. Post Frequency – This really depends on how many articles you’re working with – leave it at default for now as we’ll revisit this later… 7. Start Date – Leave as is… 8. Backdating – Leave as is… 9. Post Type – Post… 10. Post Status – Publish (although during initial testing you will want to use DRAFT) 11. Link Options – Leave Intact… 12. Strip Images – OFF… 13. Language – No Translation…

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14. Spin Text – OFF… 15. Post Author – Random Author… 16. Category – General (Or whichever you need!)… Now moving over to the right side… Most of the initial part should already be set by default) 1. Title Template - %title% 2. Body Template - %postbody% 3. Keyword Filtering – Leave as is 4. Auto Tagging – Up to you 5. Auto Categorization – Up to you 6. Custom Fields – Leave as is 7. Bookmarking – Leave as is 8. Regex Replacements – Leave as is 9. Remote Publishing – Alright this one’s got a bit more to it but it’s still easy Here we go...

• First…Scroll down to the section called XML-RPC, and click the green+ button

• Second…Add each of your blogs as the example shows, clicking the green+ button to add a new one each time

• Third…Add a weight to each of the blogs (depending on how many blogs you have, divide the number of blogs by 100, and use the result as the weight).

Once you’ve added your blogs you’re almost all finished. You just have to click ‘CREATE CAMPAIN’ to save it. Now you’ll need to go and find the article folder, as this is where you add the articles to be posted to the network.

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Now that you’ve got the folder, edit the campaign you’ve just created in Blogsense, and revisit Step 2. Select Folder – choose the folder that you’ve just created, and save the campaign again. Now all we need to do is get some articles together to post, test it, and then set it to run automatically! Posting the Articles What you need are articles written in text files. The first line of the file should be the articles title, with everything below being the content. The content should be written in HTML format, with proper HTML formatted links. Take one of the articles in text file format, and drop it into the folder you just created. Next, go back to Blogsense. You should see the campaign name you’ve been creating, and next to it several icons. We want to try a ‘Solo Run’, to test that the network is working and receiving your posts properly. At this point, you may also want to go back in and edit the campaign slightly as mentioned in step 10. What you’ll want to do is change from ‘Publish’ to ‘Draft’, because you don’t want to actually publish this post yet. You just want to see if things run smoothly first. Once you click on ‘Solo Run’ you should be greeted with a status progress page. On this page you’ll see where your post was submitted, and can check that it arrived in one piece onto the actual blog. If all looks good, you should be able to add more articles to the folder and begin running things automatically. This is achieved with a ‘Cron Job’, and the setup is explained fully within the Blogsense

If you’ve done a local install onto your equipment, find the Blog Sense ‘auto” folder and the ‘my articles’ folder inside – in here create a new folder – call it ‘blognetwork’.

If you’ve installed Blogsense on one of your blogs or on a separate domain, do exactly the same thing but via FTP.

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support pages. In fact the whole process can be found within their support, and as well they have a great support team. Also they have videos over at YouTube to help with a lot of this stuff as well. Great work! Now you’re done and ready to start building a very powerful blog network.

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Chapter 6


So what I’ve just explained are the exact steps to build a safe and reliable blog network that you don’t have to worry about Google basically rendering useless by de-indexing. Setting up your blog network this way, without the footprints will keep you safe when there’s another Google algorithm update. While everyone else with a blog network will be biting their nails and worrying about what affect the next zoo animal Google update will have on their network… you can just continue building links and rankings for your money sites. There is huge power in having a network like this, especially one that you’ve set up correctly from the get-go. But admittedly there is a downside to running a blog network of your own. It’s a Ton of Work! I know this because I’ve been building these networks for a long time, and I’ve built some huge ones. And like I said before, I built them the right way. While other people were losing their rankings like crazy within Google during the Panda and Penguin updates, and even before and after those events, my blog networks continued and still continue to gain ground and rankings. Why? Because I’ve taken the time to do things the right way, just like I’ve explained here. But the fact is that it’s still a lot of work, especially if you’ve never done it before. Finding and bidding for the domain names, setting everything up, keeping up with the blogs, and posting the material and keeping them all up-to-date! It’s a full-time job and then some.

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Fortunately there is a better way for you to get all of the same benefits of a powerful blog network, while not having to do all the work yourself. And it actually just got even better…

The Easiest Way Ever to Get the Benefits of a Blog Network While I’ve built large blog networks for my own personal use, I’ve also been building extensive blog networks for others to benefit from as well. Of course, I and my professional team build these with the ultimate safety in mind, and with all of the precautions that I’ve just told you about…and then some. I’ve been helping people for quite some time get better rankings for their websites, and powerful backlinks, and more traffic. This was from my personal blog network where we do things so precisely that Google actually loves our content. That’s because we don’t try to trick them, but rather give them what they want…which is strong content on well built and relevant websites. Simple and easy in theory…but as you’ve been able to see as you’ve read this report…not as simple and easy in practice. That’s why I’d like to invite you to come and checkout how you can get powerful backlinks from our blog network pointing to your websites.

But It Just Got Better Actually… I know you downloaded this report because you want your OWN blog network right. So perhaps thinking about getting backlinks from our blog network isn’t appealing to you. I understand, even though you’ll still benefit hugely just by using our own personal blog network.

You can check out our blog network and see how you can get extremely powerful backlinks and higher rankings by clicking the link below…

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Yet you might be the type of person that likes to be in control. So now what we’re doing is giving you the option to have...

YOUR OWN Blog Network… Only We’ll Simply Do ALL of the

Hard Work That We Just Spoke About Above for You…And Then Some!

No work on your part. Basically you’re getting exactly the same thing that you would have if you were to build this network yourself. Everything will be yours, only we’ll set it all up for you…including providing you with the domains. This is about as beneficial as it can get for you. It’s like having your kid brother or sister clean your room for you when you were a kid, when Mom and Dad weren’t watching, and then getting all the credit for it.

It’s like having the guy in the cubicle next to you build an amazing presentation, only you get to take all of the credit for it…including the promotion and pay raise. And YOU get to reap all of this reward without having to feel guilty. Again, I completely understand that this is a huge undertaking, it’s a pain in the butt,

and you simply don’t have the time, patience, or maybe even the confidence to do it yourself. So why not let us do it for you? It’s what WE do. It what we LOVE to do. It’s what we do very well, and our results have proven that. We’re not only still standing, but we’re thriving with our blog networks, and you can get that same thing, from us…but it’s YOUR blog network. If this sounds good to you, and you’re ready to start benefiting without all the headache, heartache, and confusion, then just click the link below to see what this is all about and get started.

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If you feel like you want to still try this on your own, and you’d like to have your own network, built by you, then I totally admire and respect you for that. I’m glad to see there are some real go-getters out there in the world, and that you’re one of them. I wish you the best of luck with your blog network. We’re here if you need us. Rik Seddon

Get YOUR OWN Blog Network, With Everything Done By US, by clicking here now!