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How to Develop a Project Plan

Facilitated by

Radhia Benalia, PhDc, [email protected]

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The Project Management Institute, Becoming a Business-Focused PM Leader, Project

Management Institute, Inc., 2012.

Where it All Starts:

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What is a Project?

“A Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result”.-PMI It is usually progressively elaborated.

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This is how it usually works:

Starting the project

Organizing and preparing

Carrying out the project work (With Monitoring and Controlling)

Closing the project

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Why is a Project Plan Essential?

Planning is essential to save money, time, duplicate effort, and avoid or mitigate risks.

Also,Ensure You understand what the objectives of

the project are.

Identify who your project sponsor is and whether they are engaged and available.

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What is a Project Plan?

The Project Plan is...Where all of the pieces of the puzzle come together!





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What is Project Management?

The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements- The Project Management Body of Knowledge

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The Triple Constraint




Enhanced Triple Constraint

Triple ConstraintAlso known as the IRON


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Is the project chartered?

Who are the key stakeholders of my project?

What are the high-level risks?

Who will be the members of my team?

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Essential Elements

Governance Structure: Points of Decision Making. Who calls the shots,

and on what?




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So now, what do I do?

Identify your stakeholders and their degree of interest and impact.

Collect their requirements.

Define your scope. Identify a list of things that need to be delivered to meet the defined goals. What needs to be done to have the project completed?

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Stakeholders! Make sure they know you and your project!According to Dilbert,

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Start with the Work Breakdown StructureThink in terms of work packages for deliverables

When you reach the action level, Identify a list of tasks that need to be carried out for each deliverable . E.g.: Paint the door

Identify the amount of effort needed (hours or days)

Identify the resources (Who?) (What?)

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It needs to be done thoroughly, but it’s not written in stone.

Start with the deadline in mind.

Leave a buffer, especially for dependencies.

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What if it doesn’t work?

Renegotiate the deadline (project delay)Employ additional resources (additional

money)Reduce the scope of the project (less

deliverables)Do not over commit. You will be held


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What do I include in the Project Plan?

1- Human Resources Plan:

Identify roles & responsibilities; -Who will do what?

Number of People

Keep a bird view on that.

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Other Elements:

Communications Plan:

Who do I talk to and How?

The “How” includes frequency of communications.

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Risk Plan: What are my risks?


What are potential risks of an evening bake sale?

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I know my risks. What do I do?

Avoid. You decide: “Nah…too risky”. Not with these constraints.

Mitigate. Find a way to lessen the impact

Transfer. Let someone else deal with it!


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Risk Template

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What do I need to be aware of?

Keep close tabs on your baseline.

Communicate well with your stakeholders.

Change Management requests need to have a defined process and need to be documented. Don’t just make changes because you’re asked to! Think restraints.

Keep objective in mind. Why are we doing this project?

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What makes a good PM?

Good Communication Skills: Listen, Listen, then Speak!

Leadership Skills

Integration Skills

Good Delegation Skills