Page 1: How to develop a selling mobile app pdf orange

How to develop a selling mobile app

The surge in the mobile app development industry is a good sign. Today, it is possible to find

mobile app developers in every corner of the world. Hundreds of mobile apps are developed and

submitted to the app stores. However, not all the mobile apps out there in the app stores generate

equal revenue. It is true that every app submitted to the app stores is developed with utmost care,

but focusing on a few aspects of the app is the way to earn the acceptance of the users. The

following information from Orange949 mobile app consultants can help you improve sales via

mobile app.

Cross platform compatibility

Consumers use a variety of mobile devices that operate on different mobile platforms. This is

why it is important to focus on cross platform compatibility when it comes to developing

consumer-centric mobile applications. In spite of android and iOS dominating the mobile market,

other operating systems, such as Windows and BlackBerry also have considerable users.

However, care should be taken to provide superior user experience in all of the mobile platforms.

One important reason for the users to abandon mobile app after first use is the poor user



Consistent performance across different devices and platforms is the way to make the mobile app

popular. The only way to achieve consistency is testing the app on real mobile devices and

tweaking and fixing bugs until the app delivers excellent user experience across various devices

running on different mobile platforms. The consistency in performance of the app across various

platforms and mobile devices ensures the reliability of the app among the users.

Loading time

Believe it or not, mobile device users are an impatient lot. The very purpose of smart mobile

devices is to help users perform tasks on the move. Expecting mobile users to wait for a long

time is not a wise thing to do. The ideal loading time of a mobile application should be less than

five seconds. In case the mobile app uses highly complex data or graphics and images, keeping

the users informed of the progress using progress bars is the right way to go.

Avoid annoying elements

First of all the user interface should be in line with the tastes of the target audience. For instance,

colors have the ability to shoo away users. Navigation of the app can also annoy app users. Both

color psychology and navigational patterns of the target audience should be carefully

incorporated into the app. One other thing that irritates app users is the interrupting

advertisement in the mobile apps. It is true that app owners consider ads as an important source

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of income; however, ads should be introduced in natural breaks and not break the flow of the


Performance of the app

The app’s performance should be tested under several situations, such as a poor network, low

battery, and limited resources. Developers must make sure that the app efficiently executes the

processes and enables the users to complete the tasks under various circumstances. Users

wouldn’t care about the poor network connectivity or limited resources; all they look for is an

app that can work under any situation.
