  • 1. ROME 11-12 april 2014ROME 11-12 april 2014 How to execute the performance tests during a build in a Continuous delivery environment [email protected] Andrea Bozzoni

2. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni A few words about me Developer with a special passion for architectures, continuous integration and delivery Fifteen years of experience in the development of applications for the some Italian Public Administrations (INPS, Poste Italiane, Consip, Ministero del Lavoro, etc) Now working for the European Commission in Bruxelles 3. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Un tipico scenario di progetto Continuous Integration Jenkins Perfomance JMeter Gatling Live Demo 4. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Speakers name Scenario alla consegna di un progetto software 5. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Speakers name Quello di cui aveva bisogno 6. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Speakers name Quello che gli abbiamo consegnato 7. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Speakers name 8. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Agile Software Development 9. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Metodi agili Agile Modeling Agile Unified Process Extreme Programming (XP) Feature Driven Development Lean software development Scrum Agile Software Development 10. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Pratiche agili Domain drive design Pair programming Refactoring Test driven development Continuous integration Agile Software Development 11. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Speakers name One shot integration 12. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Speakers name Notevole sforzo 13. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Risultato garantito 14. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Continuous integration Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly. Martin Fowler, 15. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Continuous integration Vantaggi Verifica costante di eventuali problemi di integrazione Verifica costante dei test unitari Verifica costante della qualit del codice Disponibilit costante di una build (test, demo e release) Svantaggi Occorre un investimento iniziale (individuazione degli steps da automatizzare, cambio di cultura nel team) Occorre unottima suite di test 16. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Continuous integration environment 17. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Integrazioni complesse senza sforzo 18. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Continuous integration server open source scritto in java Supporta la maggior parte dei linguaggi (NET, Ruby, Groovy, Grails, PHP, ) Esistono distribuzioni per la maggior parte degli ambienti Ha uninterfaccia semplice ed intuitiva (bassa curva di apprendimento) Architettura estendibie (plugins) Consente di effettuare build distribuite 19. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Project delivery pipeline 20. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Performance In software engineering, performance testing is in general testing performed to determine how a system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability under a particular workload. It can also serve to investigate, measure, validate or verify other quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource usage. Load testing Is the simplest form of performance testing. A load test is usually conducted to understand the behavior of the system under a specific expected load. This load can be the expected concurrent number of users on the application performing a specific number of transactions within the set duration. Stress testing Is normally used to understand the upper limits of capacity within the system. Wikipedia, http:// 21. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Performance - Costi 22. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Performance - Costi 23. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Performance - Development 24. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Performance Definire gli obiettivi Velocit Stabilit Efficienza rispetto alle risorse Verificare laderenza agli obiettivi Acquisizione dati (SO, JVM, Network, Stress tool) 25. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Performance Scenari di business con lutente 26. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Performance Scenari di business con lutente 27. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Stress Tools 28. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Dotato di una semplice GUI Consente in modo semplice di effettuare test su diverse tipologie di server: Web (HTTP/S), Database, SOAP, JMS, Mail Portabile (scritto interamente in java) Recorder scenario (HTTP Recorder) Facilmente estendibile Visualizzazione in tempo reale dei test 29. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni DSL specifico per la scrittura degli scenari di tests Recorder scenario (HTTP Recorder) Consente lesecuzione di pi scenari in un singolo test HTML reports per la visualizzazione dei risultati dei tests Implementato in Scala Usa Async Http Client and Netty for non blocking HTTP Usa Akka for actions (requests, pauses, assertions, etc...) modeling and orchestration 30. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Dotati entrambi di HTTP Recorder 31. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni 32. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni 33. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Jenkins + Jmeter/Gatling Maven plugin JMeter plugin Gatling plugin Jenkins plugin Performance plugin Gatling plugin 34. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Live Demo 35. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Q&A 36. ROME 11-12 april 2014 - Andrea Bozzoni Grazie per lattenzione
