Page 1: How to Get Women - Tips to Attract Girls

How to Get Women - Tips to Attract Girls!

When you are trying to become a successful pickup artist, it is really easy to become overzealous in your efforts to do so. If you go to extremes in trying to attract women, those extremes are going to hurt your level of success in terms of attracting women. Trying too hard at anything exerts way too much energy, and, most times, ends up tarnishing the attempts one is making to successfully attract a woman.

Being eager when you are first learning how to pickup women is one thing; being fanatical in your efforts will get you in a bind. Over eagerness can look just like desperation, and women do not find desperation attractive. An overzealous pickup artist can sometimes be

identified by the rehearsed, cheesy sounding pick up lines he uses; by his nature to be overly accommodating and overly agreeable, and can even be identified in his very actions. An overly enthusiastic pick up artist is easy to identify because he is constantly trying to pick up women all the time, and he is always trying to make conversation with every woman he meets, even if he really is not even interested in picking up the woman in the first place!

The winner takes all, conquer all mentality takes over and an overzealous pick up artist will find that he is always pushing issues, forever pushing forward, but never really getting anywhere. The act of trying to attract women is out the window because the overzealous pickup artist becomes are person that is a repellent, not an attractant! When someone tries to accomplish something by any means necessary, the original intent of the individual's actions are lost! The art of attracting women is not really the consideration anymore and the man finds that, at least for him, a successful pick up is an all or nothing situation!

If you really want to attract women, you have to be comfortable with who you are and what you stand for. Now, what I mean by this is that you should really take a step back and relax! As a pickup artist, you can attract women when you show them that you are not afraid to voice your opinion about things that matter to you, that you are not willingly going to acquiesce or agree to everything that everyone says or believes, and that you are your own unique individual. When you are comfortable with yourself and who you are, you can then make women more comfortable with you when they are interacting. Women find confident, poised men far more attractive than a man that is willing to do anything in order to successfully pick up women.

Stop trying so hard in your efforts to pick up women, and be cool, calm, and collected. Your inner poise will shine through and reveal you as a person comfortable within their own skin so to speak. When you are out and about trying to attract women, you should be having a good time, not stressing out and wondering if your pick up tactics are going to work or not. When you are having a good time, it is far easier for others to feel comfortable around you, and they, in turn, have a good time as well. The positive energies shared between people that are having a good time together set the stage for potential, more intimate interactions later!

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