Page 1: How to improve your leadership training programs

How to Improve Your Leadership Training Programs

Almost every organization seems to have leadership training programs these days. Unfortunately not all of these programs work or succeed. Fortunately there are many ways that you can improve leadership training programs without spending a lot of money.

Some methods of improving leadership training and development programs:

Have a specific goal such as a smart goal in mind when you start the program. For example: we will train six new managers in the next year. Or we will devise a new strategy for employee retention.

Link the leadership training programs to your company’s overall goals. For example we will use the program to train the leaders who will be in charge of our expansion efforts.

Have the people in the leadership training program involved in the organization’s strategy and planning. One of the candidates’ goals could be to devise a strategy for employee retention or a new sales campaign.

Have existing leaders and managers attend the leadership training program. Even experienced managers need new skills and ideas. The best leaders are those who are always learning.

Have each candidate for leadership training mentored by an existing leader or manager. Mentorship is the best way to develop skills and show somebody the organization.

Have a project for the leadership candidates to undertake. An excellent project could be to conduct an employee survey, identify a problem at the organization and write and implement a strategy for dealing with the problem.

Follow up the leadership training program with a comprehensive leadership development effort. This could include a mentorship program and ongoing training for leadership development.

Conduct an employee survey to see what the candidates think of the leadership program and if it could be improved.

Page 2: How to improve your leadership training programs

These are just a few of the basic steps that can be taken to implement a leadership development program.
