Page 1: How to increase your hip implant’s lifespan

As Published on the DePuy Pinnacle Lawsuit Website

Page 2: How to increase your hip implant’s lifespan

Hip implants are becoming a more common occurrence among the elderly, medical industry reports say.

And with the FDA advising that metal-on-metal implants have little benefit, many are left wondering how to get the most of the current hip implant they have received.

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The average lifespan of many hip implants on the market today is around 15 years at most. To ensure a long lifespan of an artificial hip joint, high-impact activities should be avoided.

Activities such as running, jogging, jumping, and all other forms of high-impact exercise should be avoided as much as possible by hip implant patients.

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This is due to the tremendous strain on an artificial hip joint these activities cause which can lead to implant loosening, implant wear, and implant failure.

Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, cycling, weight-lifting, and doubles tennis are great forms of exercise that are well-tolerated by artificial hip replacement recipients. There are several other ways to help maintain a healthy hip implant.

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Keep a normal weight:

The weight that you carry puts a certain amount of strain on one’s hip implant just like it would a normal hip. Being overweight or obese can cause unwanted wear on the implant itself as it would have to work harder to move. Patients can consult with their physician to help maintain a healthy routine of diet and exercise to avoid unnecessary strain on the hip implant.

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Avoid unnecessary motions:

Every motion you do puts a certain amount of stress on your implant, some motions place more stress on it than others. Motions such as squatting and kneeling place the most stress on your implant, and can potentially cause the implant to dislocate. While occasionally squatting and kneeling is required for everyday life, it is recommended that you avoid these motions as much as possible.

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Keep leg muscles strong:

The muscles of the legs act as shock absorbers for the knees and hips when a person walks. Every time a person’s foot hits the ground, the hips and knees are subject to tremendous bodyweight force.

Strong leg muscles, both the rear leg muscles (hamstrings) and the front leg muscles (quadriceps) absorb a great deal of this bodyweight force and lessen the impact on the knees and hips. The stronger and more conditioned the leg muscles are, the greater their shock absorbing capacity.

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Leg lifts, machine leg curls and extensions, partial squats, and various Yoga poses are great ways to keep the leg muscles strong.

Experts say that it is inevitable that your implant will need replacing after a certain amount of time due to wear and tear. However, if you keep good care of your implant, you can expect to extend that time.

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