
How to Locate Mistakes in your HMIS Data Entry

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Updated: 2016-07-25


1. Use this document to check your data quality at least four times a year.

2. Sign onto your HMIS program with your username and password.

3. One by one, click the links on the following pages. The links are very long and you can click anywhere

on the link.) Some of you may see a message asking you to “Allow” or “Block” – if so, select “Allow”.

4. Each of these links is programmed to locate a particular mistake in your data entry that will screw up

the APR report unless it is fixed. Note: it is crucial that we fix the problems in LINK ONE before fixing

any problems in LINK TWO, OR LINK THREE, etc. But you’ll be doing this with HousingWorks staff, so

don’t start making fixes on your own.

5. Once you click a link, check to see if any client names appear on the page; if names appear, you have

fixes to make – and each link contains a brief explanation of what the mistake is, and how to fix it. If no

names appear, that means that your work is perfect and needs no fixing. Note: one link is unusual in

that it is programmed to create a list of every family, and does not necessary indicate mistakes. That

link is accompanied by special instructions on what to do. If you don’t work with families, you should

skip this link!

6. If clicking a link produces a list of names, you need to set up a Data Quality Session with HousingWorks

ASAP - we can help you make the fixes and also show you the fastest ways to do it. To arrange the

Data Quality Session, scroll down the left hand menu and find this link:

Request Reports/Help/Training:

Click the red link, print out the form, and fax it to HousingWorks (our fax number is on the form. All the

info we need to set up your session is on the one page Help Form - Don’t include a cover page with your

fax, it just wastes our ink to have to print out that second fax page.

How to Locate Mistakes in your HMIS Data Entry

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LINK ONE-A: Locate those clients for whom you failed to get the full, legal name. If no names appear, it means your

names data is perfect. Ideally, no names will show at all, but in practical terms, no clients entered after 2011

should appear.




LINK ONE-B: click the long link below to view a list of clients where there is a mistake in your answers about “significant

disabling conditions”. If no names appear, that means that your work is perfect and needs no fixing. If

names do appear, then you need to make corrections.

The mistake: in the table of names, the column HEC (health/emotional conditions) shows a “Y” and indicates that

there are health/emotional conditions but the column SDC (significant disabling condition) is set to “N” which

means the health condition is not expected to last longer than a week. If a health condition is very short-term, it is

not really a health condition, so change the SDC to a “Y”. Your reports will be rejected by HU D if you don’t fix this.










LINK ONE-C: click the long link below to view a list of clients with the opposite problem: you said there is a long-term

health condition but you didn’t say what it was. If no names appear, that means that your work is

perfect and needs no fixing. If names do appear, then you need to make corrections.

The mistake: when the SDC is set to “Y” it is probably because a client visited another agency before coming to you.

S/he told that the other agency that s/he had a health problem, but did not admit that same health problem to

your agency. So her answers are now inconsistent. We must have the health condition answers be consistent across

all agencies. You will need HousingWorks help to correct this list: schedule a Help Session with us by following the

directions on the first page, in step number 5.






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LINK ONE-CC Produces a list of clients who had DV, but now are lacking the two, new and required supporting

answers: “Recent DV” and “Date of last DV Episode”. Because HUD has recently made it clear that these two new

questions are required, you must answer these two supporting questions now going backwards to at Oct 1 2012. This

link is so long, you will need to copy and paste it. (don’t’ copy the space after the last two characters













LINK ONE-D: A list of clients incorrectly listed as both Adult HoH and Add’l Adult on the same page.


LINK ONE-E: A list of clients incorrectly listed as both Adult HoH and Child on the same page.


LINK ONE-F: A list of clients incorrectly listed as both Add’l Adult and Adult HoH on the same page.


LINK ONE-G: A list of clients incorrectly listed as both Add’l Adult and Child on the same page.


LINK ONE-H: A list of clients incorrectly listed as both Child and Adult HoH on the same page.


LINK ONE-I: A list of clients incorrectly listed as both Child and Add’l Adult on the same page.


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Bad Answers to the three main questions about Income, Benefits, and Assessments include “Data not collected, Client

Refused, and Client Doesn’t Know“- These answers are unacceptable 99.999999% of the time. Click the links below to

identify answers you must change to “yes” or “no”.

LINK ONE-J: Bad Answers to the Income question Note: Children should always have a "no" answer for income. Only adult income gets counted anyway....

LINK ONE-K: Bad Answers to the Benefits question




LINK ONE-L: Bad Answers to the Health question





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LINK ONE-M1: You must create Annual Assessments for every 12 months a client is in your program, and the dates of

these will be set automatically by the HousingWorks site. and

LINK ONE-M2: You also want to see that the information date is the same as the assessment date, no exceptions!






LINK ONE-N1: Use the following link to correct any assessments where your answer to “Funding source” is

incorrect. It is crucial to select the correct funding source because different versions of a question may

appear on the page after you have made this selection. This funding source question gets askes THREE

times on the Assessment page: once under Income, once under Benefits, and once under Health and

Emotional Conditions.

Once you've clicked the link below, find the filter: Income: Federal Funding Source is NOT ...and select

your funding source (your funding source is listed in the grey box at the top left of the left-hand menu:

right under the name of your program, you see the word "Type: and then your funding source is listed,

for example: HUD: Permanent Supportive Housing.) Any row of data that shows up is wrong because

it indicates the wrong funding source. (However, you need only do this for data entered after Oct 1,

2013. Do this by sorting the table so the latest Assessment Date shows at top. You will need to click the

“Edit” link next to each row, select the correct funding source, and then go through the questions in the

INCOME section again to see if you have answered all the questions.

LINK ONE-N2: Now click the same link (just above) and find the filter: Benefits: Federal Funding Source is NOT…

Any row of data that shows up is wrong because it indicates the wrong funding source. (However, you

need only do this for data entered after Oct 1, 2013. You will need to click the “Edit” link next to each

row, select the correct funding source, and then go through the questions in the BENEFITS section again

to see if you have answered all the questions.

LINK ONE-N3: Now click the same link (just above) and find the filter: HEC: Federal Funding Source is NOT ...and

select your funding source. Any row of data that shows up is wrong because it indicates the wrong

funding source. (However, you need only do this for data entered after Oct 1, 2013. You will need to

click the “Edit” link next to each row, select the correct funding source, and then go through the

questions in the BENEFITS section again to see if you have answered all the questions.

Note: You may be able to select all three filters at once and fix every error as one stroke

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LINK TWO-A: locate Unacc. Ind. who may be Chronically Homeless, and who may be lacking supportive answers.

You will see every client ever served in this list. Simple compare the CHI, CHH, and CHE columns to see if the answers disagree. If the client is RECENT and the answers

DISAGREE, fix them by clicking the EDIT link nest to each name.

LINK TWO-B: locate households who may be Chronically Homeless, and who may be lacking supportive answers.

You will see every client ever served in this list. Simple compare the CHI, CHH, and CHE columns to see if the answers disagree. If the client is RECENT and the answers

DISAGREE, fix them by clicking the EDIT link nest to each name.



LINK THREE-A: clicking this link will show you a list of people you said have income – but then you failed to list any



LINK THREE-B: clicking this link will show you a list of people with an unlikely Exit Destination. If your program is

Residential, it may be best to change the Exit Destination, and possibly the Exit Status, for these




LINK THREE-C: clicking this link will show you a list of people who arrived “Category 1 – Homeless” and left with

either a homeless or unknown status: either “Category 1 – Homeless” or “Unknown/Disappeared”.




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Only if you serve families (households of 2 or more). This link does not produce mistakes. Instead, it gives you a way to easily check

for inconsistent answers about Food Stamps and Medicaid across all family members. To check for consistent answers:

1. Click LINK THREE above, and then find the filter

box: “Associated Entry/Exit Records”

2. One by one, pick a family from the list of names,

then click the “Apply” Button. If anyone receives

Food Stamps, then everyone else in the family

must also be listed as receiving Food Stamps as

a non-cash benefit. Also, if anyone is getting

Medicaid or State Health Insurance, then

everyone in the family should generally be listed

as also getting Medicaid or State Health


On the next page, you’ll see two examples: the first example shows the answers when they are inconsistent for family members, and

the second example is what it looks like when the data is entered correctly:

In the BAD PICTURE, one family member is listed as receiving Food Stamps at the time of Program Entry, but other family members

are not. This can’t be! If someone is using food stamps, everyone in the family eats that food so needs to be

listed as a Food Stamp beneficiary.

In the GOOD PICTURE, all family members say “Y” in the Food Stamps column. Note: in the BAD PICTURE, this family has the same

mistake at the time of Program Exit.


HOW TO CHECK EACH FAMILY FAST: Open the Associated Entry/Exit Records drop down menu and visit every name in the list that has an

underscore: “Smith_ John Household” – if you get interrupted in this work, write down the name of the last household you’ve checked.

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LINK THREE-D: List of people NOT receiving State-Health/Medicaid or SCHIP at Exit




LINK THREE-E: List of people NOT receiving Food Stamps



LINK THREE-F: List of women Pregnant at Entry – were they still pregnant at Exit? Check this?





LINK THREE-G1: All Programs - locate programs where the Service Category is not ESG, but the Specific Service is ESG – this is always

incorrect. Only ESG grantees should ever pick an ESG service. SOLUTION: Correct either the Service Type or the Specific










LINK THREE-G2: ESG Programs only – this link (by Date, desc) allows for fixes quarterly reporting - The ESG report will not include a client

unless the services for that client begin with the phrases "FA...." or "HRS...". You will need to check and fix any clients

who are lacking an FA or HRS service. The link is also set up to show you your more recent entries first. (Note that if

you are selecting multiple services for a client, you can select services that are not "FA" or "HRS" - but you must pick at

least HRS Case management for every client.) The link below shows you every non-FA or non-HRS service. You may

need to change services such as "Alcohol Treatment and Testing" to "HRS Case Management, if there is no HRS Case

Management listed, or else create additional services using the " - Add a Service" link in the left-hand menu.

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LINK THREE-G3: ESG Programs only – this fix (by Name) allows for quarterly reporting - The ESG report will not include a client unless the

services for that client begin with the phrases “FA....” or "HRS...” You will need to check and fix any clients who are

lacking an FA or HRS service. The link is also set up to show you the client list alphabetized. If a client received

multiple services, you can easily see if any of them were FA or HRS. However, this list will also include clients who

entered prior to the program receiving ESG funds, so you don't need to fix those. (Note that if you are selecting

multiple services for a client, you can select services that are not "FA" or "HRS" - but you must pick at least HRS Case

management for every client.) The link below shows you every non-FA or non-HRS service. If you want to keep the

services present but add additional FA or HRS ones, use the “- Add a Service" link in the left-hand menu.




LINK THREE-G4: ESG Programs only - locate programs where ESG services are improperly recorded: Service Category is FA (indicating

financial assistance was provided) but the Specific Service you chose is HRS - which is NOT a financial service.

SOLUTION: Either Change the Service Category or else change the Specific Service: ESG FA= ESG FA, ESG HRS=ESG HRS.




LINK THREE-G5: ESG Programs only - locate programs where ESG services are improperly recorded: Service Category is HRS (indicating NO

financial assistance was provided) but the Specific Service you chose is FA - which is a financial service. SOLUTION: Change

one or the other to match.




LINK THREE-G6: ESG Programs only - locate programs where Financial Amounts for ESG services are improperly recorded: Specific

Service is HRS (indicating NO financial) but you gave the client money. SOLUTION: Either remove the financial amount,

or change the HRS to an FA service.



LINK THREE-G7: ESG Programs only - locate programs where Financial Amounts for ESG services lack a Service End date – which makes

it impossible to know what time period the money was for (You need only fix those services at the top of the list that

have NO Service End Date). SOLUTION: Put a Service End Date that relates to the Service State date: If you gave the

client two months security deposit, then the Service End Date must be two months after the Service Start Date.




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LINK FOUR-A: Check the answers for “Income”. This would let you (for example) see how many people’s Job

Income or Child Support had increased or decreased over time. Ideally, your reports should

show that the income has increased for most clients.

1. Click this link:

2. Set the Program Dates to cover the “average length of stay for client”.

(In some programs, this average length of stay could be several years;

in other programs, it could be one month or six months. In the picture

at right, the Program Dates are set to almost a four-year period.) You

could also set the Assessed at field to Exit and the Job Income? field to

“Yes” to see a list of people who had a job at exit.

3. If you only set the Program dates and left everything else blank, you should see a complete list of recent clients.

Scroll down the page to see a list of the clients served during the time period: You can see client “Amal Orange” has

visited the program many times, and that his answers for job income are wildly inconsistent! To fix an answer,

click on the $ amount in the column Job Income and then click the Edit tab.

How to Locate Mistakes in your HMIS Data Entry

LINK FIVE-A: A list of Unaccompanied Individuals who have not yet been exited.

IMPORTANT: before you exit any anyone, first look at the answers you provided on their Entry Assessment. The answers

at Exit should be:

1. the same or better for Cash Income and Non-Cash Benefits – most people gain income and benefits rather than lose them!

2. the same or worse for Health /Emotional Conditions – even if the client is handling the problem better, the problem is still there.

LINK FIVE-B: A list of Households > 1 person who have not yet been exited.

IMPORTANT: before you exit a family, first look at the answers you provided on the Entry Assessments. The answers at

Exit should be:

1. the same or better for Cash Income and Non-Cash Benefits – most people gain income and benefits rather than lose them!

2. the same or worse for Health /Emotional Conditions – even if the client is handling the problem better, the problem is still there.

LINK SIX-A: A list of clients who are still active but need Annual Assessments.

Note: Don’t create any Annual Assessments until all the other links in this document have been fixed – this is

because the Annual Assessments Wizard copies the answers from the Entry Assessment and if the Entry

Assessment still has mistakes, you are just duplicating the mistakes.)

LINK SIX-B: A list of clients who have already been exited but they stayed longer than a year and you haven’t yet

created their Annual Assessments

Note: Don’t create any Annual Assessments until all the other links in this document have been fixed – this is

because the Annual Assessments Wizard copies the answers from the Entry Assessment and if the Entry

Assessment still has mistakes, you are just duplicating the mistakes.)

How to Locate Mistakes in your HMIS Data Entry

LINK SEVEN-A: Fix ‘Number of Times Homeless’

1. Sign on as HP or RRH

2. Click this link:


3. Scroll down and find the column ‘Times Homeless” in the table. Any

blank cell must be answered, even if the answer is zero. For older

clients, you can enter a “0” if you don’t know the answer.

LINK SEVEN-B: Fix “Entered from Street, Emergency Shelter, or Safe Haven”

1. Sign on as HP or RRH

2. Click this link:


Scroll down and find the column “Entered from ES-St-SH” Answer must be either yes or no. I’ve fixed all of

these I think – but you need to always answer this question for EVERY CLIENT from here on out.

LINK SEVEN-C: Fix ‘Exit Destinations’

1. Sign on as HP or RRH

2. Click this link: these are people you need to improve or change an answer: Unknown is not a good answer!




How to Locate Mistakes in your HMIS Data Entry

LINK SEVEN-D: SSVF Grantees only Add in missing VAMC Station #s

1. Sign on as HP or RRH

2. Click this link


3. Scroll down to the table and find the VAMC column: Any blank cell needs

an answer.

4. To put in an answer, click the “Edit” link to the left of each family or

individual name and find the VAMC field. Enter: “518” not “#518” - you

need to include the # sign
