
HOW TO OPEN AN ALREADY MADE EVENT THAT’S CLOSED Within any given event, there may be one or more registration forms attached to it. The forms denote a registration category inside the general registration event that can be opened or closed. You can tell how many forms are attached to an event by the number of tabs that appear when the event is selected. The number of forms determines how many registration categories should be opened.

All events either created by Ohio South or are reporting information for carding/reporting purposes will have multiple forms – usually just two; registrants (players) and coach/volunteer. You will need to open both. To Open:

1. Click on the event you want to open. 2. Select the Registrants tab. 3. Select Edit Individual Categories.

4. Scroll all the way down past the age groups and click Open All Categories.

5. This is a Bulk Open, so it will open all your age groups. To open only select ones, click the blue button with the Edit Pencil correlating to the age group you want.

6. You will need to repeat Steps 2-4, but select the Coach/Volunteer tab, to open registration for your coaches.

Keep in mind that both your ‘Open’ and ‘Open Date’ columns need to say ‘Yes’ and have either today’s date or a backdate respectively in order for your registration to open.

To Place on Your .osysalive Site (when an existing Registration Widget from last season is still on your site):

1. Click the purple Website Builder link in the top sub-menu.

2. You should see a widget box on the main area of your site (not in the sidebar) where your

18/19 registrations were placed. In this box will be an edit pencil button. Click it.

3. In the box that pops up, there are two boxes; Open Registration Events on the left, Selected Registration Events on the right.

a. To get an Open Registration event placed on your site, you need to drag and drop it from the Open Registration Events box into the Selected Registration Events box. In other words, drag it from the left to the right. Hit Update.

b. If your 18/19 events are in the Selected Registration Events (right box), then you will probably want to move them from there into the Open Registration Events (left box). If your event has expired (date) or you already closed it, they will not show here (and that’s ok).

4. In the sidebar on the left hand side, you’ll notice that the page you just edited is showing in red. This means there are unsaved changes, which makes sense since you just added new registration buttons. Find the blue Publish button, click it, and hit OK. You may now close this window.
