Page 1: How to pressure clean your roof
Page 2: How to pressure clean your roof

Cleaning your roof

Maintaining your roof will enhance the aesthetic value of your home so keep your roof free of mildew, dirt, mold, algae, and moss. Your roof is exposed daily to harsh environmental conditions such as sunlight, rain, snow, and heat causing it to become discolored overtime. Add into this the growth of mildew, mold, etc and your roof will soon take on an unsightly appearance. This kind of roof will take away from the value of your home should you decide to sell it. Roof cleaning is not an easy job but should be done periodically by you or a professional.

Because some of the chemicals used in roof cleaning are harsh, you should first soak any shrubs close to your home. This will protect them from any cleaning solutions that drip from the roof. Since you will be using a ladder to climb on your roof you should have someone there to make sure you do not fall.

Page 3: How to pressure clean your roof

Cleaning your roof

To do the job properly you will need either a sponge mop or broom to scrub your roof, some type of cleaning solution, and a long garden hose. You will also need a pump sprayer. If you do not want to use the harsh commercial cleaners, you can make one yourself. You need four point five liters of water, a cup of chlorine bleach and a fourth cup of tri-sodium phosphate. Tri-sodium phosphate is a powder that does not cause suds and is used for heavy duty cleaning. If you want to increase its degreasing ability, you can add a cup of detergent powder to the mixture.It is advisable to do this on a cloudy day so the cleaner does not dry too fast. When scrubbing the dirty areas of your roof do it gently because scrubbing it too hard could damage the roof

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Pressure Cleaning your roof

Many experts feel that when you do roof cleaning that you should not use a pressure washer although this is the best and quickest way to get rid of algae and moss. They feel that doing so will damage the shingles on your roof. If you do it gently and follow these tips using pressure cleaning on your roof will not damage the shingles. One of the first things that you need to make sure you are doing is not using the pressure washer at the highest setting. Yes, you will be able to blast all the algae and moss off quicker but you could accidentally blast shingles away too. Use the lowest setting when pressure roof cleaning although it will take a little more time. When doing a roof pressure wash you are pounding your roof with five hundred pounds per square inch of water or lower. Try to hold the wand of the pressure sprayer up but not pointed directly at the roof. Do the roof wash in sections from top to bottom sweeping the pressure wand from side to side. You should use a thirty-five degree spray wand with your pressure washer.

Page 5: How to pressure clean your roof

Pressure Cleaning your roof

You need to remember that your roof shingles are fragile so after pressure washing them be careful walking on your roof. Try to avoid stepping anywhere you have not washed too. When walking on your roof you need to remember that the tiles are wet and can be slippery. Walk only on the support beams of your home. To avoid breaking the roof shingles before and after washing walk lightly. Make sure that you are wearing shoes with a soft, non-slip sole. Make sure that when you use pressure cleaning on your roof that you are not standing on the ladder to do so but standing on the roof instead. If you try to do it from the ladder, it could cause you to become overbalanced and possibly falling from the ladder.

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