Page 1: How to Radiate Your Beauty from the Inside Out

How to Be More Radiant Inside & Out

As we age, our skin and lives dull from lack of exfoliation. Flake off the bad and find the good. Add prayer and meditation.

“A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself ” Maya Angelou

Adulthood needs watered with laughter, games, travel, and a curious spirit.


The best makeup is your smile. Whitening your teeth takes years off and is inexpensive.

Exercise and sex brightens your skin and remove toxins. Get moving or under the sheets with your man.

Exfoliation is the easiest way to regain a youthful glow, according to Dr. Oz. Retinol, glycolic, lactic and salicylic acids are ingredients commonly contained in anti-aging skincare used for this purpose.

Show Your Sunny Disposition Year Round (use brighteners and bronzers)

You will radiate outer beauty if you treasure

inner beauty.

Step # 1: Feed Your Soul

Step # 2: Fuel Your Spirit

Step # 4: Sweat, Exercise, Make Love

# 3: Smile

Step # 5: Invest in Your Face
