
How to Remember the Parts of an essay

How to Remember the Parts of an essayIntroduction- first paragraph, makes reader aware of papers purpose

Attention getter= first sentence: its purpose is to intrigue the audience and encourage them to read more

Background information= basic information given in the first paragraph needed to understand the essay

Thesis= most important sentence of your paper, sentence that tells the three parts the paper will cover

Body- The paragraphs that explain in detail the points of the paper- one point per paragraph

Topic Sentence= a sentence that introduces the topic of the paragraph

Supporting details- examples that provide strong proof and legitimize the topic sentence

Conclusion- the paragraph that wraps up the paper with a restatement of the thesis, review and umph

Restatement of Thesis- The three parts of the most important sentence are renamed conceptually but in a new sentence (NOT word-for-word the same)

thesisRestate thesis

Umph- the final thought, not a new paper, but a new way to look at your topic

REVIEW Word BankIntroductionAttention GetterBackground InformationThesisBodyTopic SentenceSupporting DetailsConclusionUmphRestatement of thesis

Now lets playNAME THAT SYMBOL!

Now, without the picture, can you tell me what the following is?INTRODUCTION

Introductionfirst paragraph, makes reader aware of papers purposeBODY

BodyThe paragraphs that explain in detail the points of the paper- one point per paragraphCONCLUSION

Conclusionthe paragraph that wraps up the paper with a restatement of the thesis, review and umphATTENTION GETTER

Attention Getterfirst sentence: its purpose is to intrigue the audience and encourage them to read moreUMPH

Umphthe final thought, not a new paper, but a new way to look at your topicBACKGROUND INFORMATION

Background Informationbasic information given in the first paragraph needed to understand the essaySUPPORTING DETAILS

Supporting detailsexamples that provide strong proof and legitimize the topic sentenceTHESIS STATEMENT

Thesis Statementmost important sentence of your paper, sentence that tells the three parts the paper will coverRestatement of thesisRestatement of thesisThe three parts of the most important sentence are renamed conceptually but in a new sentence (NOT word-for-word the same)TOPIC SENTENCE


a sentence that introduces the topic of the paragraphAPPLICATIONTake the essay given to you and label the parts you find within it. You should have 20 labels total. Labels word bankIntroductionBody ConclusionThesis statementTopic sentence (3 labeled)Supporting details (9 labeled)Background informationUmphAttention getterRestatement of thesisIntroductionPlaywright Susanna Centlivre helps us all to understand the commonality of cheating when she said, 'Tis my opinion every man cheats in his own way, and he is only honest who is not discovered. Though cheating on an exam or on your spouse is not deemed a strong moral quality by society, knowing the tricks to beat a standardized test is. The distinguishing feature between those who do and do not do well on the writing portion of the standardized test is not who is more knowledgeable about the subject in question, but about who is more knowledgeable about how to write a strong essay. By examining the features of an introduction, body and conclusion, student writers may find an effective means for cheating the system and scoring well.

IntroductionPlaywright Susanna Centlivre helps us all to understand the commonality of cheating when she said, 'Tis my opinion every man cheats in his own way, and he is only honest who is not discovered. Though cheating on an exam or on your spouse is not deemed a strong moral quality by society, knowing the tricks to beat a standardized test is. The distinguishing feature between those who do and do not do well on the writing portion of the standardized test is not who is more knowledgeable about the subject in question, but about who is more knowledgeable about how to write a strong essay. By examining the features of an introduction, body and conclusion, student writers may find an effective means for cheating the system and scoring well.

Attention getterIntroductionPlaywright Susanna Centlivre helps us all to understand the commonality of cheating when she said, 'Tis my opinion every man cheats in his own way, and he is only honest who is not discovered. Though cheating on an exam or on your spouse is not deemed a strong moral quality by society, knowing the tricks to beat a standardized test is. The distinguishing feature between those who do and do not do well on the writing portion of the standardized test is not who is more knowledgeable about the subject in question, but about who is more knowledgeable about how to write a strong essay. By examining the features of an introduction, body and conclusion, student writers may find an effective means for cheating the system and scoring well.

Attention getterBackground informationIntroductionPlaywright Susanna Centlivre helps us all to understand the commonality of cheating when she said, 'Tis my opinion every man cheats in his own way, and he is only honest who is not discovered. Though cheating on an exam or on your spouse is not deemed a strong moral quality by society, knowing the tricks to beat a standardized test is. The distinguishing feature between those who do and do not do well on the writing portion of the standardized test is not who is more knowledgeable about the subject in question, but about who is more knowledgeable about how to write a strong essay. By examining the features of an introduction, body and conclusion, student writers may find an effective means for cheating the system and scoring well.

Attention getterBackground informationThesis statementBody, topic 1An introduction begins a strong essay and helps a writer to score points. All good introductions begin with an attention getter, a comment or sentence that entices the reader to delve further. Quotes, questions, and shocking statements that are pertinent to the writing are all excellent choices for an attention getter. Following the attention getter, a writer will be successful if background information is provided. Background information is not all that a paper will cover but the information that is needed to examine the topic. For example, if a student were to write a paper on the strong history of Bosse High School, background information might include the fact that Bosse became a school in 1929. The last but most definitely not least piece within the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the most important sentence in ones whole paper as it will outline for the reader the topics to be covered. A strong thesis statement will make mention of all topics in parallel order to the paper. This sentence alone should tell the main idea.

Body, topic 1An introduction begins a strong essay and helps a writer to score points. All good introductions begin with an attention getter, a comment or sentence that entices the reader to delve further. Quotes, questions, and shocking statements that are pertinent to the writing are all excellent choices for an attention getter. Following the attention getter, a writer will be successful if background information is provided. Background information is not all that a paper will cover but the information that is needed to examine the topic. For example, if a student were to write a paper on the strong history of Bosse High School, background information might include the fact that Bosse became a school in 1929. The last but most definitely not least piece within the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the most important sentence in ones whole paper as it will outline for the reader the topics to be covered. A strong thesis statement will make mention of all topics in parallel order to the paper. This sentence alone should tell the main idea.

Topic sentenceBody, topic 1An introduction begins a strong essay and helps a writer to score points. All good introductions begin with an attention getter, a comment or sentence that entices the reader to delve further. Quotes, questions, and shocking statements that are pertinent to the writing are all excellent choices for an attention getter. Following the attention getter, a writer will be successful if background information is provided. Background information is not all that a paper will cover but the information that is needed to examine the topic. For example, if a student were to write a paper on the strong history of Bosse High School, background information might include the fact that Bosse became a school in 1929. The last but most definitely not least piece within the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the most important sentence in ones whole paper as it will outline for the reader the topics to be covered. A strong thesis statement will make mention of all topics in parallel order to the paper. This sentence alone should tell the main idea.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailBody, topic 1An introduction begins a strong essay and helps a writer to score points. All good introductions begin with an attention getter, a comment or sentence that entices the reader to delve further. Quotes, questions, and shocking statements that are pertinent to the writing are all excellent choices for an attention getter. Following the attention getter, a writer will be successful if background information is provided. Background information is not all that a paper will cover but the information that is needed to examine the topic. For example, if a student were to write a paper on the strong history of Bosse High School, background information might include the fact that Bosse became a school in 1929. The last but most definitely not least piece within the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the most important sentence in ones whole paper as it will outline for the reader the topics to be covered. A strong thesis statement will make mention of all topics in parallel order to the paper. This sentence alone should tell the main idea.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailSupporting detailBody, topic 1An introduction begins a strong essay and helps a writer to score points. All good introductions begin with an attention getter, a comment or sentence that entices the reader to delve further. Quotes, questions, and shocking statements that are pertinent to the writing are all excellent choices for an attention getter. Following the attention getter, a writer will be successful if background information is provided. Background information is not all that a paper will cover but the information that is needed to examine the topic. For example, if a student were to write a paper on the strong history of Bosse High School, background information might include the fact that Bosse became a school in 1929. The last but most definitely not least piece within the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the most important sentence in ones whole paper as it will outline for the reader the topics to be covered. A strong thesis statement will make mention of all topics in parallel order to the paper. This sentence alone should tell the main idea.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailSupporting detailSupporting detailBody, topic 2Following the introduction is the body of the paper. The purpose of the body is to share the heart of the paper, the details. Each body paragraph (and the number of them) may vary depending on the thesis and will begin with a topic sentence, a sentence that will remind the readers the purpose of that paragraph. A topic sentence is like a miniature thesis: it only covers the topic of that paragraph. Good topic sentences smooth the path between the last paragraph and the new one with a transition, a thought that bridges ideas. The most important elements of the body paragraphs, though, are the supporting details. A good paper will offer strong examples and aspects of the point that is being covered while staying on topic of the paragraph at hand. Each paragraph should have at least three sentences that all connect to that topic sentence.

Body, topic 2Following the introduction is the body of the paper. The purpose of the body is to share the heart of the paper, the details. Each body paragraph (and the number of them) may vary depending on the thesis and will begin with a topic sentence, a sentence that will remind the readers the purpose of that paragraph. A topic sentence is like a miniature thesis: it only covers the topic of that paragraph. Good topic sentences smooth the path between the last paragraph and the new one with a transition, a thought that bridges ideas. The most important elements of the body paragraphs, though, are the supporting details. A good paper will offer strong examples and aspects of the point that is being covered while staying on topic of the paragraph at hand. Each paragraph should have at least three sentences that all connect to that topic sentence.

Topic sentenceBody, topic 2Following the introduction is the body of the paper. The purpose of the body is to share the heart of the paper, the details. Each body paragraph (and the number of them) may vary depending on the thesis and will begin with a topic sentence, a sentence that will remind the readers the purpose of that paragraph. A topic sentence is like a miniature thesis: it only covers the topic of that paragraph. Good topic sentences smooth the path between the last paragraph and the new one with a transition, a thought that bridges ideas. The most important elements of the body paragraphs, though, are the supporting details. A good paper will offer strong examples and aspects of the point that is being covered while staying on topic of the paragraph at hand. Each paragraph should have at least three sentences that all connect to that topic sentence.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailBody, topic 2Following the introduction is the body of the paper. The purpose of the body is to share the heart of the paper, the details. Each body paragraph (and the number of them) may vary depending on the thesis and will begin with a topic sentence, a sentence that will remind the readers the purpose of that paragraph. A topic sentence is like a miniature thesis: it only covers the topic of that paragraph. Good topic sentences smooth the path between the last paragraph and the new one with a transition, a thought that bridges ideas. The most important elements of the body paragraphs, though, are the supporting details. A good paper will offer strong examples and aspects of the point that is being covered while staying on topic of the paragraph at hand. Each paragraph should have at least three sentences that all connect to that topic sentence.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailSupporting detailBody, topic 2Following the introduction is the body of the paper. The purpose of the body is to share the heart of the paper, the details. Each body paragraph (and the number of them) may vary depending on the thesis and will begin with a topic sentence, a sentence that will remind the readers the purpose of that paragraph. A topic sentence is like a miniature thesis: it only covers the topic of that paragraph. Good topic sentences smooth the path between the last paragraph and the new one with a transition, a thought that bridges ideas. The most important elements of the body paragraphs, though, are the supporting details. A good paper will offer strong examples and aspects of the point that is being covered while staying on topic of the paragraph at hand. Each paragraph should have at least three sentences that all connect to that topic sentence.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailSupporting detailSupporting detailBody, topic 3Finally, a good paper will end in a conclusion. A conclusion is an inverted introduction. In a conclusion, the writer begins by restating the thesis conceptually. This means that the restatement of the thesis should NOT be word-for-word the same as the thesis statement itself. Remember, in a conclusion the reader already knows what the paper is in regard to; the writer is just reviewing the points that were made. From that point, a summary sentence should be made for each paragraph as a way to help the forgetful reader who has read 800 essays in one day. The ending sentence of the paper should be umph. This is much like the umph that cheerleaders give when they are at the end of the cheer, or the grunting that is given by an athlete, the umph leaves something for the reader to remember that he/ she will not soon forget. It does not stray from the topic nor does it start a new topic, but it gives the reader a final thought to chew on.

Body, topic 3Finally, a good paper will end in a conclusion. A conclusion is an inverted introduction. In a conclusion, the writer begins by restating the thesis conceptually. This means that the restatement of the thesis should NOT be word-for-word the same as the thesis statement itself. Remember, in a conclusion the reader already knows what the paper is in regard to; the writer is just reviewing the points that were made. From that point, a summary sentence should be made for each paragraph as a way to help the forgetful reader who has read 800 essays in one day. The ending sentence of the paper should be umph. This is much like the umph that cheerleaders give when they are at the end of the cheer, or the grunting that is given by an athlete, the umph leaves something for the reader to remember that he/ she will not soon forget. It does not stray from the topic nor does it start a new topic, but it gives the reader a final thought to chew on.

Topic sentenceBody, topic 3Finally, a good paper will end in a conclusion. A conclusion is an inverted introduction. In a conclusion, the writer begins by restating the thesis conceptually. This means that the restatement of the thesis should NOT be word-for-word the same as the thesis statement itself. Remember, in a conclusion the reader already knows what the paper is in regard to; the writer is just reviewing the points that were made. From that point, a summary sentence should be made for each paragraph as a way to help the forgetful reader who has read 800 essays in one day. The ending sentence of the paper should be umph. This is much like the umph that cheerleaders give when they are at the end of the cheer, or the grunting that is given by an athlete, the umph leaves something for the reader to remember that he/ she will not soon forget. It does not stray from the topic nor does it start a new topic, but it gives the reader a final thought to chew on.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailBody, topic 3Finally, a good paper will end in a conclusion. A conclusion is an inverted introduction. In a conclusion, the writer begins by restating the thesis conceptually. This means that the restatement of the thesis should NOT be word-for-word the same as the thesis statement itself. Remember, in a conclusion the reader already knows what the paper is in regard to; the writer is just reviewing the points that were made. From that point, a summary sentence should be made for each paragraph as a way to help the forgetful reader who has read 800 essays in one day. The ending sentence of the paper should be umph. This is much like the umph that cheerleaders give when they are at the end of the cheer, or the grunting that is given by an athlete, the umph leaves something for the reader to remember that he/ she will not soon forget. It does not stray from the topic nor does it start a new topic, but it gives the reader a final thought to chew on.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailSupporting detailBody, topic 3Finally, a good paper will end in a conclusion. A conclusion is an inverted introduction. In a conclusion, the writer begins by restating the thesis conceptually. This means that the restatement of the thesis should NOT be word-for-word the same as the thesis statement itself. Remember, in a conclusion the reader already knows what the paper is in regard to; the writer is just reviewing the points that were made. From that point, a summary sentence should be made for each paragraph as a way to help the forgetful reader who has read 800 essays in one day. The ending sentence of the paper should be umph. This is much like the umph that cheerleaders give when they are at the end of the cheer, or the grunting that is given by an athlete, the umph leaves something for the reader to remember that he/ she will not soon forget. It does not stray from the topic nor does it start a new topic, but it gives the reader a final thought to chew on.

Topic sentenceSupporting detailSupporting detailSupporting detailConclusionAs the student writer can see, cheating the system is easy by following the basic rules for an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction will start a paper off strong with the most important sentence, the thesis. The body will delve into the supporting details and facts that back up the statement, and the conclusion will review and leave the reader with the everlasting umph. By following these simple techniques, one is sure to get the most points for ones essay and have only one more I-STEP+ to go!

ConclusionAs the student writer can see, cheating the system is easy by following the basic rules for an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction will start a paper off strong with the most important sentence, the thesis. The body will delve into the supporting details and facts that back up the statement, and the conclusion will review and leave the reader with the everlasting umph. By following these simple techniques, one is sure to get the most points for ones essay and have only one more I-STEP+ to go!

Restatement of thesisConclusionAs the student writer can see, cheating the system is easy by following the basic rules for an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction will start a paper off strong with the most important sentence, the thesis. The body will delve into the supporting details and facts that back up the statement, and the conclusion will review and leave the reader with the everlasting umph. By following these simple techniques, one is sure to get the most points for ones essay and have only one more I-STEP+ to go!

umphRestatement of thesis
