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How To Treat UTI

More and more people every year are choosing to treat their bladder infections with natural

remedies. Some of these remedies are much more effective than the standard antibiotics

regimen that doctors most commonly prescribe. The large drug companies are the major

force behind getting doctors to prescribe these drugs, even though their success rate is far

from 100%. In fact, a quarter of people who take antibiotics for a UTI will get the infection

again soon afterwards. This can happen over and over again to some people even after all

the logical, hygienic precautions are taken. This is because antibiotics have a nasty way of

sabotaging our natural immune system which can usually fight off infections like these with

ease. They may be super-convenient in the short term, but over the long term they are

doing far more damage than good. The way they work is by killing off bacteria. While this

may sound like a good thing, it is in fact, not. There are actually 2 types of bacteria: good

and bad. Good bacteria is vital to our lives. It aids our digestion and makes up a large part

of our immune system. Antibiotics don’t discriminate – they kill them all. So this leaves us

with no bacteria in our gut or urinary tract and both of these are places that we desperately

need our good bacteria. This leaves us wide open to further infection since we have little

defenses left.

The alternative to this is to try natural remedies that do no such damage.

A great one is to drink loads of cranberry juice. This fruit has powerful antioxidants and

vitamins which help flush out any stubborn bacteria and keeps the bladder and urinary tract

clean. Apple cider vinegar is another great way to reintroduce some enzymes into the area

as well as some much-needed potassium. Drink a glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of

apple cider vinegar and add honey to sweeten it if necessary. Stay away from processed

foods, too much sugar, alcohol, candy, sodas, coffee, tea and dairy. This is to help your

body recover and not have to deal with breaking down any challenging foods. Eat plenty

vegetables to get your fiber, drink 6- 10 glasses of water per day and get plenty sleep. You

body needs all the help it can get to fight off the infection. Stick to these simple rules and

you will be feeling great in no time at all. Now you know how to treat UTI.

If you need relief in like 15 minutes, then you need to check out this ebook I wrote. It’s all

about how to get UTI relief in 15 minutes. Get it here:

UTI Relief in 15 Minutes
