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A Virtual Day at Roxbury High School

The High School Administration Meets and Greets The New Staff 2007

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A new dawn breaks over Roxbury High School asthe teachers arrive for a new beginning…

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The routine begins

• 7:04 sign-in, main office desk• Check mailbox• Pickup attendance sheets• Get coffee/tea, source of caffeine• Check voice mail• Check email

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Reminder to myself

•Get parking taken care of with the office

•Set up a friendly, professional message for my

voice mail

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Emergency/Substitute Plans

• I am not invincible, I may become ill or need to be away from my classroom.

If I know I will be out, I will

1. Call the sub service 2. Call a colleague 3. Email my plans and any materials needed to fulfill my plans

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Substitute Plans

• I will leave plans that + are clear and complete

+include seating charts +list the rooms that I meet my

classes + leave the name of a colleague that could be of assistance + respect time allowances for preparation ( i.e. copying materials)

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If I cannot plan ahead and life deals a surprise

• I will leave emergency plans in an area designated by the administration.

• These plans will be meaningful and include seating charts and any item that will facilitate a substitute teacher, or a colleague covering my class.

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Sick, Personal, Professional Days

• Contractually you are allotted ten sick days, five personal days, and approved professional days

• Appropriate forms must be filed and approved by the office for personal days.

• A request for professional days must also be pre-approved.

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Parental Contact

• Return calls/emails promptly, or sooner• Keep a log of parental contact• Be professional in tone and demeanor• Remember, you are an adult and you

have bills. This will keep you cool and confident.

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Our Expectations:“Students are expected to be in

attendance over 90% of the school year in order to be

considered to have successfully completed the instructional program requirements…”

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Class Attendance

• Students who accrue more than 12 absences in a full year course;

• 9 absences in a three marking period course (PE);

• 6 absences in a semester course; • 3 absences in a marking period course

(Health) will not receive credit for the course because of excessive absenteeism.

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*Students who report late to class (less than 20 minutes) without an appropriate pass will accrue ½ of a student absence in that class period.

*Students absent from class for 20 minutes or more will be recorded as absent.

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School Dude

School Dude is a computerized location on your computer to submit maintenance requests.

1. Go to myschoolbuilding.com2. You will be asked to type the high school’s

account number which is 765705645 3. Follow prompters for verifying your name,

email address and maintenance request information.

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Guidance Concerns

• Meet the counselors• Schedule Changes• 504 • I & RS

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Special Education

• Meet the case manager as soon as possible

• Read and understand the IEP• FOLLOW THE IEP

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Request forms

• Keys• Maintenance• Technology

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Observation Schedule

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Observation form













OBSERVATION REPORT Lesson Summary:  Reinforcement Objective(s):  Growth Objective(s):  _______________________________________ _________________________________________________Teacher's Signature Date Observer's Signature

Date Staff member's signature acknowledges a discussion of this observation and receipt of this report.FORMS/OBS.REP

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Professional Improvement Plan (PIP)

The PIP can include a• personal professional goal• department goal• school goal• district goal

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As the day draws to a close

• Check your voice messages• Check your email• Reflect on the positive aspects of

the day• Prepare for the next day

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Take care of your needs, refuel for another day…