
HSK Level 3 Vocabularies by Frequency

Hanzi Pinyin English

啊 a (particle, showing elation, doubt)

还 hái still, yet, in addition, even

把 bǎ to hold, a grip, a handle, stem

过 guò to pass, to cross, go over

如果 rúguǒ if, in the event that

只 zhǐ only, merely, just, but

被 bèi by

跟 gēn to follow, go with, heel

自己 zìjǐ oneself, self

用 yòng to use

像 xiàng be like, resemble, appear

为 wèi to act(as), become, to mean

需要 xūyào to need, to want, to demand

应该 yīnggāi should, ought to, must

起来 qǐlái to rise, get up

才 cái ability, talent, just now, not until

又 yòu (once)again, also, both

拿 ná in your hand, seize, to catch

更 gèng more, even more

带 dài band, belt, ribbon, carry, bring

然后 ránhòu then, afterwards

一样 yīyàng the same, alike, equal to

当然 dāngrán of course, naturally

相信 xiāngxìn believe(sb.), be convinced of

认为 rènwéi believe, think that

明白 míngbái clear, obvious, understand

一直 yīzhí always, all along, straight

地 de earth, ground

地方 dìfāng place, space, room, part

离开 líkāi leave, depart

一定 yīdìng surely, certainly, necessarily

还是 háishì or, still, certainly, nevertheless

发 fā send out, to issue, to show

发现 fāxiàn discover, to find

而且 érqiě moreover, in addition, as well as

必须 bìxū must, have to

放 fàng put, to place, to release, to free

为了 wèile in order to, for the sake of

向 xiàng direction, towards, to turn, to face

老 lǎo old, aged, tough

位 wèi position, location

先 xiān first, early, before

种 zhǒng type, breed, race, seed

最后 zuìhòu last, final, ultimately

记得 jìdé remember

或者 huòzhě or, possible, maybe, perhaps

过去 guòqù in the past, former

担心 dānxīn to worry, feel anxious

条 tiáo strip

以前 yǐqián before, formerly, previous

长 zhǎng long, length

世界 shìjiè world

重要 zhòngyào important

别人 biérén other people, others

机会 jīhuì opportunity, chance, occasion

张 zhāng to spread out

接 jiē connect, to meet, to pick up

比赛 bǐsài match, competition

关 guān to close, shut, concern

关系 guānxì relation, to concern

马 mǎ horse

马上 mǎshàng at once, immediately

关于 guānyú about, regarding

难 nán difficult

了解 liǎojiě comprehend

站 zhàn stand, a station

结束 jiéshù to end, to finish, conclude

清楚 qīngchǔ clear, distinct, be clear about

愿意 yuànyì be willing, want to, be ready

花 huā flower, blossom

照片 zhàopiàn picture, photograph

欢迎 huānyíng to welcome, greet

总是 zǒng shì always, eventually

嘴 zuǐ mouth

参加 cānjiā participate, join, take part in

办法 bànfǎ method, way(of doing something)

选择 xuǎnzé select, to pick, choose

坏 huài bad, broken

打算 dǎsuàn to plan, intend

试 shì to try, to test, examination

特别 tèbié special, especially, particular

注意 zhùyì pay attention to, take notice of

其实 qíshí actually, in fact

小心 xiǎoxīn be careful

久 jiǔ long(time)

只有 zhǐyǒu only

讲 jiǎng to talk, to lecture, to explain

故事 gùshì story, tale

换 huàn change, to exchange, to barter

结婚 jiéhūn get married

段 duàn paragraph, segment, section

努力 nǔlì to work hard, to strive

害怕 hàipà afraid of, to fear

刚才 gāngcái just now, a moment ago

节目 jiémù program, item

辆 liàng (mw for vehicles)

万 wàn ten thousand

解决 jiějué settle(a dispute), resolve, solve

办公室 bàngōngshì office

奇怪 qíguài strange, odd

同意 tóngyì agree, to consent, approve

游戏 yóuxì game, play, recreation

帮忙 bāngmáng to help

国家 guójiā Country, state, nation

最近 zuìjìn recently, lately, these days

声音 shēngyīn sound, voice

可爱 kě'ài Cute, lovely

分 fēn Divide, part, minute

完成 wánchéng To complete, accomplish

半 bàn Half, incomplete

要求 yāoqiú To request, to demand, requirement

除了 chúle besides, except for, aside from

容易 róngyì easy, likely, liable(to)

教 jiào teach, instruct

脸 liǎn face

简单 jiǎndān simple, not complicated

检查 jiǎnchá to check, examine, inspect

音乐 yīnyuè music

越 yuè even more, the more, exceed

照顾 zhàogù Take care of, look after

聪明 cōngmíng Intelligent, clever, bright, smart

甜 tián sweet

突然 túrán sudden, abrupt

终于 zhōngyú at last, in the end, finally

船 chuán a boat, vessel, ship

口 kǒu mouth

回答 huídá to reply, to answer

礼物 lǐwù gift, present

头发 tóufǎ hair

关心 guānxīn concerned about/with

脚 jiǎo foot

生气 shēngqì angry, mad

哭 kū cry, weep

画 huà draw, picture, painting

年轻 niánqīng young

包 bāo to cover, to wrap, to hold, include

腿 tuǐ leg

忘记 wàngjì forget

搬 bān to move, to transport

楼 lóu story, floor

遇到 yù dào to meet, run into, come across

新闻 xīnwén news

比较 bǐjiào compare, contrast

双 shuāng two, double

见面 jiànmiàn meet, see somebody

经常 jīngcháng often, frequently

城市 chéngshì city or town

一会儿 yīhuǐ'er a while, a moment

附近 fùjìn vicinity, nearby, neighboring

借 jiè lend, borrow, excuse

影响 yǐngxiǎng influence, affect, effect

认真 rènzhēn serious, earnest, take seriously

米 mǐ rice, meter

差 chà differ from, fall short of, inferior

银行 yínháng bank

安静 ānjìng quiet, peaceful, calm

多么 duōme how(wonderful, etc.), what(a great idea)

饿 è hungry

根据 gēnjù according to, based on, basis

几乎 jīhū almost

后来 hòulái afterwards, after, later

动物 dòngwù animal

西 xī west

一边 yībiān one side, on the one hand

舒服 shūfú comfortable, feeling well

一般 yībān general, ordinary, common, same

叔叔 shūshu father’s younger brother, uncle

疼 téng ache, sore, (it)hurts

迟到 chídào arrive late

历史 lìshǐ history

啤酒 píjiǔ beer

短 duǎn short

经过 jīngguò to pass, go through, as a result of

周末 zhōumò weekend

班 bān team, class, squad

习惯 xíguàn habit, be accustomed to

公园 gōngyuán public park

干净 gānjìng clean, neat and tidy

鸟 niǎo bird

健康 jiànkāng health, healthy

树 shù tree

蛋糕 dàngāo cake

元 yuán Chinese monetary unit, dollar

客人 kèrén guest, customer

会议 huìyì meeting,conference

奶奶 nǎinai grandma

裤子 kùzi pants, trousers

邻居 jínjū neighbor

经理 jīnglǐ manager, director

层 céng mw for layers, floors of buildings

灯 dēng lamp, light

练习 liànxí practice, exercise

爷爷 yéyé father’s father, paternal grandfather

蓝 lán blue

难过 nánguò be grieved, be sad, have a hard time

中间 zhōngjiān center, middle, between, among

帽子 màozi hat, cap

司机 sījī driver, chauffeur

旧 jiù old, past, used

满意 mǎnyì satisfied, pleased

骑 qí to ride

太阳 tàiyáng the sun

极 jí an extreme, pole, very

主要 zhǔyào main, principal, major

同事 tóngshì colleague

鼻子 bízi nose

角 jiǎo horn, angle

变化 biànhuà change

东 dōng east

年级 niánjí grade

环境 huánjìng environment, surroundings

胖 pàng fat, plump

地图 dìtú map

面包 miànbāo bread

电子邮件 diànzǐ yóujiàn email

耳朵 ěrduǒ ear

裙子 qúnzi skirt

新鲜 xīnxiān fresh

放心 fàngxīn relax, feel relieved

聊天 liáotiān to chat

南 nán south

热情 rèqíng cordial, warm, enthusiastic

信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ credit card

电梯 diàntī elevator

方便 fāngbiàn convenient

洗手间 xǐshǒujiān toilet, lavatory, washroom

洗澡 xǐzǎo bathe, take a bath or shower

饮料 yǐnliào beverage, drink

校长 xiàozhǎng principal(of school)

水平 shuǐpíng level, standard

作业 zuòyè school assignment, homework, task

衬衫 chènshān shirt, blouse

成绩 chéngjī achievement, success

碗 wǎn bowl, cup

阿姨 āyí auntie

图书馆 túshū guǎn library

文化 wénhuà culture, civilization

绿 lǜ green

打扫 dǎsǎo to clean, to sweep

草 cǎo grass, straw

冰箱 bīngxiāng refrigerator

数学 shùxué mathematics

自行车 zìxíngchē bike, bicycle

着急 zhāojí to worry, feel anxious

瘦 shòu to worry, feel anxious

提高 tígāo to raise, heighten, improve

起飞 qǐfēi take off

矮 ǎi short, low

地铁 dìtiě subway

体育 tǐyù physical training, sports

刻 kè quarter(hour)

护照 hùzhào passport

节日 riérì holiday, festival

盘子 pánzi plate, dish, tray

一共 yīgòng altogether, in total

瓶子 píngzi bottle

街道 jiēdào street

锻炼 duànliàn to exercise, work out

感冒 gǎnmào catch cold

爱好 àihào hobby, fond of, to like

超市 chāoshì supermarket

月亮 yuèliàng the moon

饱 bǎo eat until full, satisfied

有名 yǒumíng famous

香蕉 xiāngjiāo banana

笔记本 bǐjìběn notebook

夏 xià summer

菜单 càidān menu

北方 běifāng north

上网 shàngwǎng to surf the wed

季节 jìjié season

渴 kě thirsty

发烧 fāshāo have a fever

不但 bùdàn not only

空调 kòngtiáo air conditioning

照相机 zhàoxiàngjī camera

春 chūn spring

伞 sǎn umbrella

公斤 gōngjīn kilogram

个子 gèzi height

熊猫 xióngmāo panda

刷牙 shuāyá brush one’s teeth

Bespoke Mandarin Training for Professionals & Companies in London

复习 fùxí revise, to review

冬 dōng winter

请假 qǐngjià to ask for time off

中文 zhōngwén Chinese

秋 qiū autumn, fall

句子 jùzi sentence

行李箱 xínglǐ xiāng trunk

筷子 kuàizi chopsticks

皮鞋 píxié leather shoes

爬山 páshān mountain climbing

黑板 hēibǎn mountain climbing

感兴趣 gǎn xìngqù be interested in

词典 cídiǎn dictionary

留学 liúxué study abroad

刮风 guā fēng windy

黄河 huánghé yellow river
