Page 1: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

HUMAN BRAIN(facts, health, and how it works)

10th July 2012

Page 2: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

Contents :

Facts about Human Brain

How to keep our Brains healthy?

How do we learn something?

Quiz : ‘Can you MAKE IT HAPPEN ?”, a Challenge…


Page 3: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

Facts about Human Brain

Page 4: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

Facts about Human Brain

Your cerebral cortex is about

as thick as a tongue

depressor. It grows thicker as you learn

and use it.

Your brain uses 20% of your body's energy, but it makes up only 2% of your body's weight.

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Facts about Human Brain

Your brain generates 25 watts of power while you are awake---enough to illuminate a light bulb.

•The brain feels like a ripe avocado and looks pink because of the blood

flowing through it.

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Facts about Human Brain

Humans have the most complex brain of any animal

on earth.

A newborn baby's brain grows almost 3 times in

course of first year

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•Your brain is divided into two sides. The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body; and, the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body.

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Certain prescription and non

prescription drug may dramatically affect your ability to concentrate.

A cooked potato can jump-start your brain when you're feeling


Eating foods rich in vitamin E, beta-

carotene, and vitamin C may help lower your

risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

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How to keep our Brain healthy?

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1 - Eat a “Brain-Healthy” Diet.

What is a brain-healthy diet?

It is one that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (commonly found in fish, specially fed chicken (via their eggs) some fruits and vegetables), essential amounts of proteins only, plentiful antioxidants (found in a host of natural foods) lots of fruits and vegetables, foods rich in vitamin B (such as lentils); minimum amounts or no trans fats; and fiber-rich non-processed carbohydrates.

How to keep our Brain healthy?These can keep our brain healthy. Here is a list of actions you can take, and include as part of your life to assure your brain stays in the best of shape.

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2 - Stay Mentally Active

Every year resolve to learn something new. Let it be a language, a skill, some dance, something new each year. Keep your mind active.

Stay away from TV as much as you can, and replace it with the computer. Take classes in something, and read as much as you can. The brain needs this stimuli to maintain its cognitive levels.

How to keep our Brain healthy?

Page 12: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

3 - Exercise Regularly

Nothing is as important for the body and brain as regular exercise. Regular exercise always increases circulation, improves one coordination, and helps prevent conditions that increase the risk of dementia such as heart disease,

stroke and diabetes.

How to keep our Brain healthy?

Page 13: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

4 - Remain Socially Active

Do not remain as a recluse. Be with your friends, become a volunteer and work with people, take regular outings to new places, and new countries. Let

your eyes see new sights, your ears new sounds and taste new foods.

How to keep our Brain healthy?

Page 14: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

5 - Sleep Well

The healthy brain needs your body to sleep and rest. When you are deprived of sleep, the brain suffers.

How to keep our Brain healthy?

Page 15: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

6 - Stress Management

Simple stress is often healthful, but long protracted stress puts the brain (and body via the immune system) at increased risk.

There are wonderful ways to manage your stress, such as yoga, enjoyable hobbies, regular journeys to spas, healthful massage, and a host of other options.

Use them, and let the stress pass away from you.

How to keep our Brain healthy?

Page 16: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

7 – Safety

Don't take chances. Any damage or injury to your head cannot be under-estimated, especially triggering the onset of dementia.

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8 - Watch Your General Health

Keep a healthy weight, controlled high-blood pressure, hypertension, and guard against diabetes. Each of these can negatively affect your cognitive state.

How to keep our Brain healthy?

Page 18: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

9 - Avoid Unhealthful Habits

If you smoke, stop now.If you over drink stop, and limit yourself of moderate amounts of wine, and an occasional drink.Illegal drugs of any kind will negatively affect your cognitive state, and surely hasten the onset of dementia.

How to keep our Brain healthy?

Page 19: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

How do we learn something?

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How do we learn something?

We learn and remember…

10% of what we see

20% of what we hear

50% of what we see and hear

70% of what is discussed by others

80% of what we experience personally

95% of what we teach to someone else

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How do we learn something?

Another facts…

75% to 90% of what is

learned is forgotten within

a 24 hour period

To improve long term

memory the content must

- Be Understood

- Have meaning or context

Learning in context can

enhance brain


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Quiz :

‘Can you



a Challenge

Page 23: Human brain (facts health-how it works)

Summary Our brain is one of the most important part of the

body, therefore we need to look after and protect it

as much as we can, so we can use it to think,

analyze, create and learn something new

All started from what we ‘think’ …

It becomes a habit …

Then act to form our character…

And could lead us to our destiny…

Look after our brain by live a

healthy lifestyle

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