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THE MISSION OF TRUTH MINISTRIESOur mission is to spread a passion for the glory of God in all things by leading all

peoples to embrace, enjoy , and express the Truth of Biblical Christianity in a lifestyleof holiness and happiness through faithfully applying knowledge, understanding , andwisdom from the Word of God. Truth Ministries does not exist to increase our material

comforts or to make our lives easy or to receive the praise and glory of men or to

make a name for any human person or institution. We exist to lead people to the all-glorious Truth of God found in the all-satisfying Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. We

exist to be passionate worshippers of the Triune God, personal witnesses to thegospel of sovereign grace, and pioneering workers in the global harvest of humanity.

Angelo Shaun Franklin

Truth Ministries, 2003

A Humble Exhortation

to Correct Conditions

in the Body of Christ


 A Heartfelt Desire to PromoteGod-Centered Reformation in the

True Evangelical Church,

 Expressed in Twelve Christian

 Proposals to Help Accomplish This

Sacred and Noble Endeavor 

“But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do

the deeds you did at first ; or else I am coming to you, and will remove

your lamp stand out of its place— unless you repent .”


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 Dedicated to all true Christians who seek to please the Lord Jesus Christ in

all things and desire to see His kingdom advance on earth...


This concise proposal is written in a similar style to Jacob Spener’s Pia Desideria, a pietistic call to reform the tragic state of the churches inGermany during the ? century. There is no doubt that American culture isdying; the wretched conditions and sins that all true Christians deplore areclearly evident to all who are eagerly willing to “search out the matter” withspiritual discernment (Proverbs 25:2). The precious body of Christ is greatlyafflicted with disease and sickness, and she is hopelessly searching for aremedy. It is the responsibility of every God-fearing disciple of the LordJesus to seek for and discover that suitable medicine by which a cure may beapplied. And in light of our pressing world crisis, we desperately need moregodly “men who understand the times, with knowledge of what we shoulddo” (1 Chronicles 12:32). We need men are able to interpret the times andlead the church to make appropriate changes for the glory of God. Yet,according to this basis of dignity and maturity in the things of God, I must inall fairness and honesty regard myself as among the very least. So, at first, Ihesitated in presenting these simple suggestions and principles for fear thatthey should be not be properly received. But my prayer is always that thereader will “accept it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, theword of God, which also performs its work in you who believe” (1 Thess.2:13). I present this

; we must ask the Spirit to guide and lead us in to all truth.

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We must place greater thought, prayer, and emphasis on faithfullyseeking to embrace, enjoy, and express the Truth of BiblicalChristianity by pursuing, promoting, and practicing a more exclusiveand comprehensive use of the Word of God.

When the word is in our hearts guiding us in truth and guarding ius fromerror, we will live pleasing untot the Lord.Sola Scriptura; Scripture alone is our source for wisdom in our faith andpractice.{1} Our emphasis must be on an exclusive use of Scripture; we must notsupplant the word of God with man-made ideas, or pragmatic philosophies.We must not allow the integration of psychology, philosophy, or postmodernethics to our interpretation of God’s Word. “If we truly believe that the Bible isinspired and inerrant, then we must consider that truth carries with it confrontation. Truth demands confrontation—loving confrontation, butconfrontation nevertheless. If our reflex action is always accommodationregardless of the centrality of the truth involved, there is something wrong.” 1

Today, most Christians no longer possess an authentic Biblical worldview,and therefore, are unable to interpret reality from its proper Christianpresuppositions. We must correct this travesty.We must accept the self-authenticating revelation of Jesus Christ in the HolyScriptures as our authority.{2} Our emphasis must be on a comprehensive use of Scripture. We mustnot merely accept partial obedience to the commands of God as a meager aim of Christian ? We must aim at total, complete, use of all of Scripture toguide us in our fauth and practice in all areas.We need to ask the following questions:

• Is our message Biblical?

• Is our mission Biblical?

•  Are our methods Biblical?

•  Are our ministry programs Biblical?

These questions deserve serious attention and reflection by every trueChristian.

During the Protestant Reforamation, their rallying cry was Sola Scriptura or Scripture alone as our guide.

In church history we can discover those special moments when God used

1 Francis Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster (Westchester, Ill: Crossway, 1984), 64.

the Bible to inspire reform movements.

The church has a great legacy of men who have been persecuted, suffered,and dies for the Word of God

The same testimony is true today; when God’s people return to God’s Wordand embrace it as their only infallible rule for faith and life, God blesses the

works of their hands (Psalm ???)

Emphasis should be placed on hermeneutics and exegesis for the benefit of the church.

This excusive use of the word excludes all pragmatic philosophies of successand ?

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We must place greater emphasis, prayer, and thought on faithfullyestablishing the diligent and ? exercise of the spiritual priesthood of allbelievers.

The doctrine of the priesthood of the believer is not taught today because we

prefer to pay a pastor to do our job for us. All Christians are full-timeministers; everyone is called to be a minister, not everyone receives financialremuneration or their work, but all are full-time ministers. Churchgovernment is to be congregational in our circles. Trusting in ministers maybe a sin, when God commands us to trust in Him above all. An unwarrantedand unhealthy dependence upon the clergy divides the people of God intotwo unnecessary classifications—the clergy and the laity. Many churcheshave committed idolatry by trusting in their leaders rather than God.


We must place greater emphasis, prayer, and thought on{1} faithfully establishing the Biblical functions of the New Testamentchurch not personal agendas or goals {2} seeking to follow the NewTestament pattern of ministry not modern pragmatic ministrytechniques and {3} evaluating the progress of our ministries by God’sblessing not by ideas of human success or achievement.

These functions include:

(1) God-Centered Worship: [1]Personal/private [2] public (ordinances)

(2) God-Centered Doctrine [1]Sovereignty [2] Supremacy/Gory[3] Sufficiency

(3) God-Centered Prayer [1] Asking [2] Seeking [3] Knocking [4] Receiving

(4) God-Centered Fellowship [1] Unity [2] Joy [3] Accountability

(5) God Centered Ministry

[1] Evangelism/Missions[2] Ordinances[3] Giving

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We must place greater emphasis, prayer, thought on faithfully obeyingour Christian duties in personal relationships.

The phrase “one another” is an often repeated expression in the NewTestament; a variety of very significant appeals and exhortations are made toChristians to live in harmony, unity, peace, and joy with other believers in the

body of Christ. This phrase “one another” clearly reveals the recipients of our duty; in accordance with the moral will of God as revealed in His Word, wemust demonstrate true love toward other Christians and to all people.

Be at peace with one another (Mark 9:50).

Love one another (John 13:34; 15:12; 1 John 3:11; 3:23; 4:7-12).

Consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not 

forgetting our own assembling together , as is the habit of some, butencouraging one another (Heb. 10:24-25).

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to oneanother in honor (Rom. 12:10).

Be of the same [lowly] mind toward one another (Rom. 12:16).

Do not judge one another, but determine not to put an obstacle or a

stumbling block in a brother’s way (Rom. 14:13).

Be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus

(Rom. 15:5).

 Accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God

(Rom. 15:7).

 Admonish one another (Rom. 15:14).

Greet one another with a holy kiss (Rom.16:16).

Have the same care for one another (1 Cor. 12:25).

Serve one another (Gal. 5:13).

Bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2).

[Show] forbearance to one another in love (Eph. 4:2)

Speak truth each one of you with his neighbor (Eph. 4:25).

Regard one another as more important than himself (Phil. 2:3).

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted , forgiving each other, just as

God in Christ also has forgiven you (Eph. 4:32).

Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ (Eph. 5:21).

Do not lie to one another (Col. 3:9).

Bear with one another and forgive each other (Col. 3:13).

Teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and

spiritual songs (Col. 3:16).

Comfort one another (1 Thess. 4:18).

Encourage one another, and build up one another (1 Thess. 5:11).

 Always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people

(1 Thess. 5:15).

Encourage one another day after day (Heb. 3:13).

Do not speak against one another (James 4:11).

Do not complain [groan], brethren, against one another (James 5:9).

Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another (James5:16).

Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another (1 Peter 3:5).

Fervently love one another from the heart (1 Peter 1:22).

Be hospitable to one another without complaint (1 Peter 4:9).

Employ your spiritual gifts in serving one another (1 Peter 4:10).

Our lives are always to be under the rule and dominion of God’s will as

revealed in His Word, but when we are disobedient to God’s moral will, sin is

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dominating our lives. These inspired texts must guide us to understand andappreciate the importance, nature, realm, reason, example, and purpose indemonstrating true love as God prescribes. If we maliciously condemn thosewho differ from us only in their apprehensions about little things, then we areevidencing a factious and divisive spirit that is contrary to the humble andgentle spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must not make our ownopinions, ideas, and practices the standard by which to measure others’

consciences. We must seek the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom thatcome from the absolute standard of the Word of God; we must humbly seekonly to edify and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to walk in holyand joyful obedience. No doubt, this will often include righteously judging,confronting, rebuking, disciplining, restoring, and forgiving our brethren in aspirit of gentleness (Gal. 6:1-6). Heartfelt obedience to these neglectedduties will encourage our fellowship to progress spiritually in love, purity,honesty, holiness, and devotion to the glory of God and the gospel of JesusChrist .PROPOSAL 5

We must place greater emphasis, thought, and prayer on faithfullyteaching people that it is not enough to have a bare intellectualknowledge of the Christian faith, for true Christianity consists rather of personal devotion and practice and holy religious affections. 

There are many people who are members of a church who are not membersof the kingdom of heaven. Their hearts have not been changed by the graceand love of God and they are still in “the gall of bitterness and bondage toiniquity” (Acts 8:2?), matthew 7:21 We need to teach and preach upon thabsolute necessity of that holiness without which no man shall see God(Hebrews 12:14). We have to be able to distinguish betweent he righteousand the wicked (Ma3:18), We must preach on the calling and elecetion andassuranc of Christians and lead people to self-examinnation.New works on assurance of salvation must appear to counterattack themodern carnal presumptions and dangerous assumptions of peace and hopein Christ.


We must place greater emphasis, thought, and prayer on faithfullyimplementing and administering Biblical church discipline.

Christians must live in a community which is marked by harmony, unity, joy,and accountability in all areas of life. (1) Church discipline honors Christ since men will glorify God as they see the good works of His people.Matthew 5:16

(2) Church discipline purifies the church. Titus 2:14; 2 Cor 7:1; 1 Cor. 5:6-8(3) Church discipline warns others who might succumb to similar temptations.Numbers 26:9-10; Acts 5:5,11; 1 Timothy 5:20(4) Church discipline reclaims and restores fallen believers.Matthew 18:15; Galatians 6:1-2


We must place greater emphasis, thought, and prayer on faithfullyexplaining, defending, and protecting the true faith against falseheresies, gross doctrinal errors, and fatal religious deceptions.

Christians must be trained and equipped in apologetics, logic, philosophy,cults, and world religions. We must invite and encourage debates on specificBiblical and social, moral issues. We proclaim to Muslims: You mustconsider that all of God’s attributes are consistent with His essence; He issovereign and holy and just. He is loving and merciful and forgiving. JesusChrist is the Son of God, perfectly one with God the Father in divine essence(John 1:1), so that there is only one God in three persons, Father, Son, andHoly Spirit. Christ died for our sins and rose from the grave to give eternallife to those who believe in Him.We Proclaim to Hindus and Buddhists: You must embrace the Truth thatyour soul is not one with the universe, and life does not cease to exist after death. We live in eternal pleasure (heaven) or in eternal punishment (hell).We Proclaim to Roman Catholics: You must embrace the Truth that no onewill be justified by works (Galatians 2:16). You must trust only in the personand work of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith (Romans 1:16) and be reconciledto God by accepting Him as your righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:20-21). WeProclaim to Unbelievers: You are not really pursuing true happiness untilyou embrace the Truth that only Jesus Christ can fully satisfy your hungrysoul with its deepest longings for pleasure and joy (Psalm 16:11).


We must place greater emphasis, thought, and prayer on implementing,changing, devising, and developing ministries that reach out to people whoare lost without Christ. Missions and evangelism are our priority after worship. Worship is first, missions is second We must deliberately seek tomake a difference for Christ in this world

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We must place greater emphasis, thought, and prayer on establishingthe importance and maintaining the practice of the spiritual disciplinesin the pursuit of true Christian spirituality and maturity. We must realizethat prayer, mediation, witnessing, giving, and ? are all important.We must place greater emphasis, thought, and prayer on liberty and freedom

of conscience, which will lead to better unions with other denominations andcommunity projects. Maturity will help us properly evaluate the Scripture inlight of its teaching about conscience of other believers and our duty toaccept different views on certain matters.

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We must place greater emphasis, thought, and prayer on magnifyingthe Gospel of Christ and the name of Jesus through making His namefamous and not our selves. We must proclaim the all-glorioussufficiency of our Savior. We must be God-centered in all of our activities, ministries, and goals.


We must place greater, thought, prayer and emphasis on leaving a spirituallegacy and heritage for future generations through specific educationalfocuses and goals. Writing literature, writing songs, pamphlets, videos,tapes, CD’s must be a priority.


We must be missions minded and people-group focused in all endeavors.