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Hybrid Estimation of Complex SystemsMichael W. Hofbaur, Member, IEEE, and Brian C. Williams

Abstract—Modern automated systems evolve both continuouslyand discretely, and hence require estimation techniques that gowell beyond the capability of a typical Kalman Filter. Multiplemodel (MM) estimation schemes track these system evolutionsby applying a bank of filters, one for each discrete system mode.Modern systems, however, are often composed of many intercon-nected components that exhibit rich behaviors, due to complex,system-wide interactions. Modeling these systems leads to complexstochastic hybrid models that capture the large number of oper-ational and failure modes. This large number of modes makes atypical MM estimation approach infeasible for online estimation.

This paper analyzes the shortcomings of MM estimation, andthen introduces an alternative hybrid estimation scheme that canefficiently estimate complex systems with large number of modes.It utilizes search techniques from the toolkit of model-based rea-soning in order to focus the estimation on the set of most likelymodes, without missing symptoms that might be hidden amongstthe system noise. In addition, we present a novel approach to hy-brid estimation in the presence of unknown behavioral modes. Thisleads to an overall hybrid estimation scheme for complex systemsthat robustly copes with unforeseen situations in a degraded, butfail-safe manner.

Index Terms—Artificial intelligence, diagnosis, fault detectionand isolation (FDI), hybrid systems, multiple model estimation.


TODAY’S COMPLEX artifacts, such as space probes orprocess automation systems, can be characterized by their

high complexity and the demand for high performance, avail-ability, and safety. Advanced control and automation methodsplay an important role in achieving these requirements. Whileadvanced control methods improve performance and robustnessalong many dimensions, their added complexity also makesthese systems vulnerable to unanticipated failures. For instance,a malfunction in a sensor or an actuator can produce undesiredeffects. To avoid these negative effects, it is essential to be ableto track a system’s operation accurately and to identify faults,in order to react appropriately.

Traditional model-based fault detection and isolation (FDI)techniques (e.g., [1], [2]) are frequently used to identify faultsin artifacts. These techniques compare the system’s operationwith predictions of a model and identify faults whenever thepredictions deviate from measurements taken. They then isolatefaults using some sort of diagnostic method. Our aim is to beable to track both a variety of operational modes of the system

Manuscript received June 23, 2002; revised August 31, 2003. This work wassupported in part by NASA under Contracts NAG2-1388 and NCC2-1235. Thispaper was recommended by Guest Editor G. Biswas.

M. W. Hofbaur is with the Institute of Automation and Control, Graz Univer-sity of Technology, A-8010 Graz, Austria (e-mail: [email protected])

B. C. Williams is with the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab-oratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA,(e-mail: [email protected])

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMCB.2004.835009

and arbitrary combinations of fault conditions. This goes wellbeyond the scope of the state of the art in FDI methods, due tothe exponential number of ways in which fault conditions maybe combined.

Hybrid estimation schemes solve a similar problem, butprovide an integrated approach to estimate the system’s currentoperational or failure mode, as well as the unmeasured (contin-uous) state variables in the system. An optimal hybrid estimatortracks every possible state trajectory of the system, that is, allpossible mode sequences and their associated continuous stateevolution. This full hypotheses estimation involves a number oftrajectory hypotheses that is exponential in the number of timesteps considered. Typically, the number of possible trajectoriesbecomes too large to track after only a few time steps. Ap-proximate hybrid estimation schemes address this exponentialgrowth by merging trajectories, or pruning unlikely trajectories.For example, multiple model (MM) estimation algorithms workwith a set of models that captures the possible operational andfault modes for a system. Estimation is performed by executingfilters concurrently (one for each mode) and by combining themode-conditioned estimates according to an algorithm-specific(probabilistic) weighting scheme. Examples of MM-estimationschemes include the generalized pseudo-Bayesian algorithm(GPB) [3], the detection-estimation method [4], the residualcorrelation Kalman filter bank [5], and the interacting multiplemodel algorithm (IMM) [6]. These methods track multiplehybrid estimates over time, but require at least as many filtersas there are modes in the model of the system. This number canbe very large for models of real-world artifacts. For example,consider a system with ten components. Each component hasthree nominal and two fault modes. The resulting hybrid modelhas . It is currently infeasible for anonline algorithm to execute 10 million filters.

Adaptive MM-estimation has been proposed as a possiblesolution to this dilemma. It adapts the mode set to a subsetof modes that are most likely at a given time point. AdaptiveMM-estimation methods (e.g., [7]–[9]) differ in the way inwhich they obtain an appropriate mode set. One example is touse the mode transition graph of the model in order to deducethe set of modes that are immediately reachable, given theprevious estimate. This set, however, can still be very large. Re-consider the 10-component example above, while assuming thateach mode of a component has on average two successor modes(one nominal and one fault mode). An adaptive MM-estimationmethod considers the current mode and its two successor modesfor each component. This leads to –stillunrealistically large for online estimation.

In the domain of discrete systems, monitoring and diagnosismethods based on model-based reasoning [10] have proven tocope well with the complexity of modern artifacts. For example,

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the Livingstone system [11] successfully monitored and diag-nosed the DS-1 space probe in flight, a system with approxi-mately modes of operation. Livingstone’s mode estimationcapability utilizes the concept of concurrent belief-state updateand reformulates estimation as a -best search problem. Thisreformulation enables the application of conflict directed A*search techniques ([12], [13]) in order to focus estimation onthe most likely estimates only. This approach succeeds becausea small subset of the set of possible modes of a system is typ-ically sufficient to cover most of the probability space. For hy-brid estimation, we adopt an analogous scheme that re-frameshybrid estimation as a -best search problem. This allows us toutilize algorithms similar to Livingstone’s discrete mode esti-mation, thus coping with the complexity of hybrid estimationfor real-world systems.

Hybrid estimation and MM estimation schemes, in particular,work well as long as the underlying models are “close” math-ematical descriptions of the physical artifact. They can fail se-verely whenever unforeseen situations occur. This means thatthe models must capture the exhaustive set of possible behav-ioral modes. This exhaustive model requirement of hybrid es-timation is in contrast to assumptions taken in discrete model-based diagnosis [10]. Its underlying concept of constraint sus-pension [14] allows diagnosis of systems where no assumptionis made about the behavior of one or several components ofthe system. In this way, model-based diagnosis schemes, suchas the General Diagnostic Engine (GDE) [15] or the Sherlocksystem [16], capture unspecified and unforeseen behaviors ofthe system by considering an unknown mode that does not im-pose any constraint on the system’s variables. This paper pro-vides an approach for incorporating the concept of unknownmode into our hybrid estimation scheme. Our approach is basedon an online model decomposition method that works aroundeach unknown mode, by constructing a set of concurrent esti-mators for subsets of the system in which component modeshave specified behaviors.

Several other approaches have been recently presented forhybrid system estimation and diagnosis. Many of them pro-vide alternative bridges between the fields of model-based di-agnosis, MM estimation and hybrid systems. Most of these ap-proaches (e.g., [17] and [18]) utilize a heterogeneous set of tech-niques taken from the two distinct research communities. [17],for example, utilizes Bayesian mode estimation together with atimed Petri net model for diagnosis. [18] combines hybrid be-havior tracking, mode estimation, and qualitative-quantitativereasoning techniques for fault diagnosis of continuous systemswith supervisory control. The hybrid framework for simulation,diagnosis, and system tracking that is described in [19] buildsupon the same foundation as our work, the Livingstone system[11]. It utilizes interval descriptions to express uncertainties atthe continuous level, probabilities for discrete mode estimationand a continuous/discrete interface in order to synchronize bothtypes of estimation. In contrast, our work provides a homoge-neous framework that makes extensive use of probabilities forboth continuous state and discrete mode estimation. Other esti-mation methods that should be noted here build upon alternativeAI methods for state estimation, such as Bayesian networks [20]or particle filters [21]–[26].

This paper begins with an introduction to hybrid estimationin Section II. We then motivate approximate hybrid estima-tion schemes in Section III, review traditional approaches inSection III-A, and show their limitations for complex systemestimation. Section III-B presents our hybrid estimation frame-work (HME), introduced in [27], and reviews its model-basedreasoning roots. In Section IV, we extend our basic hybridestimation framework to handle the unknown mode, througha model decomposition method based on causal ordering.This leads to a robust and efficient hybrid estimation methodthat combines classical state estimation with model-basedreasoning. Section V uses examples to demonstrate HME,evaluates its performance, and compares it to IMM.


We model a physical artifact using a stochastic hybriddiscrete-time model (sampling-period ) with continu-ously valued inputs , observations

and discretely valued (command) inputs. The mode of the hybrid model is cap-

tured by the discrete state variables1 andhas domain . The continuous state vari-ables capture the continuously valueddynamic evolution of the hybrid model, which is specified interms of stochastic difference equations


with observations


With and , we denote the valuation of the contin-uous state and output at the time step ( ). de-notes the mode that is in effect during the sampling-period( ). and denote zero-meanGaussian state and measurement noise that are characterized interms of their covariance matrices and , respectively. Themode , together with the continuous state , specify thehybrid state at time step . The discretelyvalued evolution of the hybrid model is characterized in termsof the probabilistic transition function


which specifies the conditional probability of mode transitions, given the hybrid state

and command input .The mode and the continuous state are only ob-

served indirectly, in terms of the noisy observation . As aconsequence, one has to use a hybrid estimator to infer the state.This hybrid estimation problem can be stated as follows.

A. Hybrid Estimation Problem

Given a hybrid discrete-time model [(1)–(3)], ini-tial state information and the sequences of observa-

1We assume a system with � components and specify its mode in terms ofone discrete state variable x 2 x per component.

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tions and control inputsand ,

estimate the hybrid state at time step .Our model allows switching among the modes. As a conse-

quence, an optimal hybrid estimator has to track possible tra-jectories involving mode changes


and obtain their estimates, which we denote by. A hybrid state estimate defines the tuple


with mode and the multivariate probability density func-tion (pdf) as continuous state estimate with mean andcovariance matrix .

Since we are dealing with a set of trajectory hypotheses2, wewill use a superscript index in parentheses, for example, , torefer to the ’th trajectory hypothesisthat estimates a possible trajectory up to the time step . Thistrajectory hypothesis includes the hybrid estimate , at itsfringe. This fringe estimate specifies the mode estimate

and the continuous estimate in terms of a pdf with mean

. The trajectory hypotheses are ranked

according to their conditional probability ,where denotes the combined sequence of continuous inputs

and discrete (command) inputs up to time step .These probabilities define a probability distribution


over the set of trajectory hypotheses

Thus, and the fringe estimates of the tra-jectory hypotheses specify the hybrid state distribution at timestep . In the following we will use the short notation for

.Hybrid estimation deduces trajectory estimates incremen-

tally, starting with a set of initial estimates ,specified in terms of the initial information of the hy-brid estimation problem. Hybrid estimation determines forall hypotheses all possible transitions

and deduces the associated hybrid estimate

. Thus it extends a hypothesis with possible suc-

cessor states and obtains new trajectory hypotheses. This operation can be interpreted as

building a full-hypothesis tree that encodes the estimates for thepossible trajectories that the system can take on (see Fig. 1).

2To be precise, one tracks possible mode sequences with their associated con-tinuous trajectories and the estimates thereof [28], [29]. However, for the sakeof a concise presentation, we omit this extra detail and describe hybrid estima-tion in terms of trajectory hypotheses only.

Fig. 1. Full-hypothesis tree and trajectory path for behavior ^X .

The fringe estimates and their associated conditionalprobabilities are calculated according to the following two-step process (e.g., see [28] or [29]). The first step deduces pos-sible transitions and forms trajectory hypotheses

. It then calculates the prior probability according to

the previous posterior probability and the transition prob-ability as


The second step takes the current measurement into ac-count. It performs (extended Kalman) filtering

according to the model for mode and calculates the poste-

rior probability as


The hybrid observation function


quantifies the level of agreement between the prior estimateand the observation . Its value

is determined by


where denotes the filterinnovation with associated covariance matrix .


As discussed earlier, tracking all possible trajectories of asystem is almost always intractable, because the number of tra-jectory hypotheses becomes too large after only a few time steps(Fig. 2 illustrates this fact for the ten-component example thatwas introduced above). Therefore, it is inevitable to use approx-imate hybrid estimation schemes.

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Fig. 2. Two-step full hypothesis tree for a (moderately) complex system.

A. MM Estimation

Various MM estimation schemes address the intractabilityproblem of hybrid estimation. A good tradeoff between com-putational cost and estimation quality is achieved by the inter-acting multiple model (IMM) algorithm [6]. IMM copes withthe exponential explosion over time by merging trajectory hy-potheses which share the same mode in their fringe estimate,prior filtering. As a consequence, IMM requires at most con-current filters, where is the number of modes of the hybridmodel. The shift from trajectory conditioned estimates to modeconditioned ones is reflected in the first estimation step. IMMreplaces (7) with


and merges the previous mode conditioned estimates ac-cordingly

(12)The merged mode conditioned estimates serve as initialvalues for the consecutive filtering step of the IMM algorithm.This step is equivalent to (8) but utilizes a limited number of

mode hypotheses.Standard IMM uses as many hypotheses as there are modes

in the system, that is, . This number of modes, how-ever, can be very large. Therefore, variable-structure, or adap-tive MM-estimation [7]–[9] was proposed to reduce the numberof hypotheses. Adaptive MM-estimation works in two phases.The first mode-set adaption phase uses a statistical test to choosesuitable subsets of modes that are most likely at agiven time point . The second phase applies a standard MM-es-timation algorithm with the reduced mode-set . This clearseparation of mode-set adaption and estimation has the advan-tage that various mode-set adaption schemes can be used to-gether with a standard MM-estimation algorithm, such as IMM.A major drawback, however, is that the algorithms do not makeuse of posterior information that is gathered in the course ofestimation. Furthermore, the mode-sets can still be verylarge. Recall our hypothetical ten-component model that has

. Mode-set adaption would con-sider for each state update the current mode and, on average,

Fig. 3. K-best filtering for hybrid estimation.

two successor modes (one nominal and one fault mode). Thisleads to , which is still beyond the scopeof a typical MM-estimation algorithm.

B. Focused Hybrid Estimation

Some discrete model-based monitoring and diagnosis sys-tems, for example the Livingstone and Titan systems [11], [30],build upon the concept of the hidden Markov model (HMM)style belief-state update. They reformulate HMM belief-stateupdate as a discrete, constraint-based, multiattribute utilityproblem, and employ conflict-directed search techniques ([12],[13]) in order to focus estimation onto the most likely esti-mates. For hybrid estimation, we utilize similarities with thisprevious work in order to re-frame the hybrid estimation taskas search. This bridges prior work in model-based reasoningwith MM-estimation and allows us to cope with the complexityof hybrid estimation for real-world systems.

In order to achieve successful operation within a real-timecomputing environment, we proposed an any-time/any-spacesolution [27] that dynamically adjusts the number of trajectoryhypotheses tracked in order to fit within the processor’s com-putational and memory limits. This leads to an approximatehybrid estimation algorithm that focuses onto the leading set

of hypotheses and trun-cates less likely ones (for simplicity, we assume in the followingthat the superscript index of a hypothesis also denotes itsrank). One can interpret this operation as carefully exploring thefull hypothesis tree with beam search, also known as -best fil-tering. Fig. 3 illustrates this operation for a fixed fringe size of

.Limiting the number of hypotheses at each time step to

deals with the exponential growth of hypotheses over time.However, we still face the dilemma of generating the next

best estimates, at each time step, without incurring anprohibitive amount of work. To accomplish this we employa best-first successor state enumeration scheme, generalizingfrom [11].

Let us recall the two operational steps of hybrid estimation.Given the fringe estimate , hybrid estimation selects a pos-

sible transition with associated probabilistictransition function in the first step, and filters the state in thesecond step. The conditional probability for the resulting stateis


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Fig. 4. Successor deduction x̂ ! x̂ .

where denotes the probabilistic observation function forand denotes the normalization term. We can interpret

these operations as building the search tree as shown in Fig. 4.The transition function ( ) and the observation function ( )along a path determine the rank of the corresponding estimate

among all successors of . If we take the negative log-

arithm of , then we can view this problem as a shortest pathproblem, where the negative logarithm of the conditional prob-abilities along the arcs of the tree correspond to path costs, andone seeks the path with the lowest combined cost. In a shortestpath problem, it makes sense to ensure that the path costs arenonnegative. The negative logarithm of the transition function

obeys this property. However, denotes the value of amultivariate Gaussian pdf [(10)] so that its negative logarithm isnot necessarily nonnegative. Therefore, we use a slightly mod-ified observation function that fixes this problem3:


In order to solve this search problem efficiently, we exploit thefact that the overall hybrid model is composed of individualcomponents and that the transitions of the components are con-ditionally independent of each other. Thus, we can considerpossible mode transitions component-wise. Component-basedapproaches for identifying mode transitions were introducedwithin the Livingstone and Titan mode estimation components,based on the conflict-directed A* search algorithm [13], gener-alized from the GDE and Sherlock systems for multiple faultdiagnosis. Similar to this mode estimation, we can now formu-late successor enumeration as a shortest path problem with anunfolded search tree that consists of transition steps, one foreach component, and one estimation step as shown in Fig. 5.

Search based successor enumeration starts with one or sev-eral estimates and incrementally builds asearch tree. A node at a tree-depth of repre-sents a goal node that encodes a successor estimate . Theunderlying operations are: 1) to decide possible transitions forindividual components (expansion of nodes with a tree depth

) and 2) to perform (extended Kalman) filtering inthe last expansion step.

Best-first search with A* represents a search procedure forshortest path problems that focuses onto the paths that leadto goal nodes that encode the leading set of successor states

3This solution is legitimate since the second step of hybrid estimation (8) en-sures normalization of b . Independent of our motivation, Maybeck and Stevens[31] suggest this change for standard MM-estimation. They justify this changebecause of their observation that the normalization term represents an artificialbias that can lead to incorrect mode estimates.

Fig. 5. Best-first search tree for successor enumeration.

. For this purpose, A* search incrementallyexpands search tree nodes that seem most promising. The“promise” of a node is measured by utility , whichcombines the cost from the root node to node and a(conservative) estimate of the expected cost to go. Morespecifically, we define and for a node at treedepth of a search tree with a root node that encodes

as follows: In terms of the cost from the root to node ,we add the negative logarithms of the transition functionsso far and the modified observation function if


The offset for the root node allows us to

handle several root nodes, one per fringe estimate

, within one concurrent search problem. Interms of the expected cost to go, we consider the best transitionsfor the remaining components4 and obtain


The cost and the heuristic define the utility of anode as


A* is a complete and optimal search algorithm whenever theheuristic for the cost to go is an admissible heuristic, thatis, it never overestimates the cost [12]. Our definition in (16)ensures this property, since the most likely transitions providethe lowest cost. As a consequence, our search-based successorenumeration scheme provides the leading estimate upon itsfirst call to A* search and any consecutive call provides the nextbest successor in the order of decreasing . Generating suc-cessors in the order of decreasing likelihood consecutively en-ables us to terminate successor enumeration whenever we runshort of computational resources. Completeness of the under-lying A* search procedure guarantees that the set of successors

, that was found so far, represents the leadingset. Any consecutive call would only add a less likely successor.

4We omit an estimate for �P since the best possible value �P = 1 induces� ln(1) = 0.

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Hybrid estimation schemes require models that are “close”mathematical descriptions of the system. They can fail severelywhenever unforeseen, that is, unmodeled, situations occur.However, unanticipated failures do occur in real world systems,hence it is important that hybrid estimation copes with an un-known mode of operation. The concept of the unknown mode iscentral to model-based reasoning [10]. Model-based diagnosissystems, such as constraint suspension [14] or GDE [15], [32],capture unspecified and unforeseen behaviors of the system interms of an unknown mode that does not impose any constrainton the system’s variables.

This section incorporates this key concept into our hy-brid estimation scheme. Our approach builds upon an onlinesystem decomposition capability that operates on our concur-rent probabilistic hybrid automata (cPHA) model. We beginwith a brief summary of our hybrid model (initially presentedin [27]).


Typical applications for our hybrid estimation scheme arecomprised of individual components, each of which has severalmodes of operation and failure. We model individual compo-nents as a probabilistic hybrid automata (PHA). The model ofthe overall system is then composed of a set of concurrentlyoperating automata that interact via shared variables. This is ahybrid analogue of the concurrent constraint automata that wereintroduced in [11].

A PHA can be seen as an extension of a hidden Markov modelthat incorporates discrete-time difference and algebraic equa-tions for each mode, in order to capture the continuously valueddynamic evolution of a system. More specifically, we describethe PHA as a tuple


where denotes the hybrid state variables of theautomaton, composed of the mode and the continuous statevariables 5. specifies the set of possiblemodes. The set of I/O variables aggregates thediscrete (command) inputs and continuous variables thatwill establish the interconnection with other components andthe outside world6. The continuous evolution of the automatonis specified by in terms of discrete-timedifference equations (with sampling-period ) and alge-braic equations . Finally, the state and command input de-pendent probabilistic transition function specifies the dis-crete (mode) evolution of the automaton, as introduced in (3)above, and denotes the initial state information.

5In the context of PHAs/cPHAs, we interpret a vector v = [v ; . . . ; v ]with components v also as a set of variables fv ; . . . ; v g. This enables us, forexample, to apply set operations to aggregate variables, identify shared variablesamong components.

6A PHA does not explicitly specify whether a variable w 2 w denotes aninput or output. The interconnection topology of a concurrent automata and theset of equations that are valid for a particular mode of operation implicitly deter-mine whether a variable w acts as an input or output of the PHA component.

Fig. 6. Example cPHA composed of three PHAs.

A cPHA specifies the composition of a set of component au-tomata 7 as a tuple


The continuous input and output variables define disjointsubsets of the I/O variables and es-tablish the interconnection to the outside world. Shared con-tinuous I/O variables establish the interconnectionamong the cPHA components . de-notes the set of discrete (command) inputs. A cPHA character-izes disturbances with respect to the outside world in terms ofthe noise variables and , which act upon the state variables

and the output variables (observations) ,respectively. We model the disturbances as zero-mean Gaussiannoise and characterize them with and

. These mode dependent functions pro-vide the covariance matrices and for the state disturbance

and measurement noise , respectively. Fig. 6 illustratesthe cPHA composition in terms of a simple example with threePHAs.

A cPHA specifies a mode dependent discrete-time model fora system with command inputs , continuous inputs , con-tinuous outputs , mode , continuousstate variables and disturbances and .The discrete-time evolution of and is described, similar to(1) and (2), by the nonlinear system of difference equations


The functions and are obtained automatically by symbol-ically solving8 the set of equations


for the mode of operation .For example, consider the cPHA of Fig. 6 with


7We denote the components of a PHA A by x , x , u , w , F etc..8Our symbolic solver utilizes the Weyl computer algebra system [33] and

currently restricts the algebraic equations and nonlinear functions to ones thatcan be explicitly solved.

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, , and provide for the modethe equations


This leads to the discrete-time model


1) Unknown Mode of a cPHA: As a preparation for dealingwith unknown behaviors, our cPHA compiler includes anunknown mode for each PHA of the cPHA. In addition,the probabilistic transition function of includes unlikelytransitions with low probability (e.g., 0.001) from each mode

to and uniformly distributed reverse transitions.An unknown mode does not impose any constraint (equation)among its variables [14]. Hence, the function returns anempty set of equations upon a call with argument .

These extensions complete our integration of the unknownmode into our hybrid model. The next section outlines exten-sions to our hybrid estimation scheme that enables HME to dealwith unanticipated behavior in terms of the unknown mode.

B. Filter Decomposition and Hybrid Estimation WithUnknown Modes

Hybrid estimation deduces trajectory hypotheses by repeat-edly generating possible modes through consecutive fil-tering. The addition of the unknown mode to the cPHA can leadto mode hypotheses in which one or more components are at

. Such a mode hypothesis, however, leads to an incompleteset of equations , since components with mode donot impose any constraint upon their continuous state and I/Ovariables. As a consequence, we cannot deduce a mathematicalmodel in the form of (20) for the overall system, which is re-quired to derive the appropriate extended Kalman filter in orderto perform the estimation step.

Let us assume that our 3-PHA model is in the mode, that is, component 1 ( ) is in the unknown

mode. The set of equations omits any relation betweenthe input and the internal variable . As a consequence,we fail to provide the extended Kalman filter. However, a closelook at the PHA interconnection (Fig. 7)9 reveals that we canestimate component 3 by its observed output and the obser-vation as a substitute for its input value. This intuitive ap-proach utilizes a decomposition of the cPHA into two systems,as shown in Fig. 8.

9The figure extends Fig. 6 with the implicit noise inputs, as well as it indicatesthe causality (directionality) for the internal I/O variables.

Fig. 7. Example cPHA extended with noise inputs and causality.

Fig. 8. Decomposed cPHA.

Fig. 9. Decomposed filter.

The decomposition allows us to treat the parts of the systemindependently. We deduce a filter cluster (Fig. 9) that consistsof two concurrent filters. The incomplete set of equations pre-vents us from calculating the first filter, for the componentsand , but it provides enough information to derive the secondfilter, which estimates the state of . However, filter cluster de-duction has to account for the fact that we use the measurement

of the input to in replacement for its true value. Thiscan be interpreted as having virtual additive noise at the compo-nent’s input, as indicated in Fig. 8. A straightforward modifica-tion of the covariance matrix for the state variables of thesecond filter takes this into account


where denotes the variance of , and denotesthe input vector of with respect to .

The system decomposition is essential for incorporating theunknown mode. The decomposition leads to a factorization ofthe probabilistic observation function


where denotes the probabilistic observation function of theth filter in the filter cluster. This factorization allows us to cal-

culate an upper bound for whenever one or more compo-nents of the system are in the unknown mode. We simply take

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Fig. 10. Causal graph for the 3-PHA example.

the product over the remaining filters in the cluster.10 In our ex-ample, with unknown component this would mean

where denotes the observation function of the filter thatestimates the continuous state of component .

The following subsection provides an algorithmic solution forthe system analysis, decomposition and filter cluster deductionthat we introduced informally above.11

C. System Decomposition and Filter Cluster Deduction

The starting point for the decomposition of the system at amode is the set of equations


Although we still solve the equations symbolically in order toobtain a mathematical model of form (20), we interpret (27) asthe raw model for the mode . The following decompositionperforms a structural analysis of the raw model based on causalanalysis [35], [36], structural observability analysis [37]–[39]and graph decomposition [40].

A cPHA model does not a priori impose a fixed causal struc-ture that explicitly specifies directionality of automaton inter-connections. The specification of the (exogenous) input vari-ables of the cPHA and the set of equations specifycausality implicitly. We obtain the causal dependencies for aparticular mode using the bipartite-matching based algo-rithm presented in [35]. The resulting causal graph records thecausal dependencies among the variables of the cPHA . Wedenote the causal graph by and omit the argu-ments when clear from context. Fig. 10 shows the graph for thethe 3-PHA example at mode . Eachvertex of the causal graph represents one equationor an exogenous variable specification (e.g., ) and is labeledby its dependent variable, which also specifies the outgoingedge. In the following, we will use the variable name to refer tothe corresponding vertex in the causal graph. Vertices withoutincoming edges specify the exogenous variables.

The goal of our analysis is to obtain a set of independent sub-systems that utilize observed variables as virtual inputs. To ac-complish this we: 1) slice the graph at observed variable verticeswith outgoing edges; 2) insert new vertices to represent virtualinputs; and 3) re-map the sliced outgoing edges to the appro-priate virtual input vertex. Fig. 11 demonstrates this re-map-ping for the causal graph of Fig. 10. The cPHA specification[(22)] asserts and as observed. The vertex with depen-dent variable has an outgoing edge, thus we slice the graphat and remap the edge to the virtual input .

10This is equivalent to considering the upper bounds of the inequalities�P � 1 for each unknown filter j.

11An earlier version of this decomposition scheme was presented at the Prin-ciples of Diagnosis Workshop – DX-02 [34].

Fig. 11. Remapped causal graph for the 3-PHA example.

Fig. 12. Remapped causal graph for the 3-PHA example with unknowncomponent A .

A dynamic filter, such as an extended Kalman filter, can onlyestimate the observable part of the model. Therefore, it is es-sential to perform an observability analysis prior to calculatingthe filter, so that nonobservable parts of the model are excluded.Throughout this paper, we assume that loss of observability iscaused by a structural defect of the model (e.g., a stuck-at faultof a sensor that disconnects, in the causal graph, the measure-ment from the rest of the model).12 Therefore, we perform thisanalysis on a structural basis and evaluate for every variable

whether there exists at least one causally dependentoutput variable that can be used to estimate the valueof . More specifically:

Definition 1: We call a variable of a cPHAat mode structurally observable (SO) whenever it is directlyobserved, that is, , or there exists at least one path in thecausal graph that connects the variable to anoutput variable of .

A filter estimates the state variables based on observationsand the inputs that act upon the state variables . Thus,

estimation involves knowledge about the actuated inputs .This indicates that structural observability is not yet sufficientto determine the sub-model for estimation. We have to ensurethat no variable with unknown value influences the state vari-ables. To illustrate this fact, let us again consider the 3–PHAexample with mode . Component 1 inthe unknown mode omits the equation that relates with .This leads to a causal graph that labels as exogenous(Fig. 12). Thus, acts as an unknown exogenous input, in-fluences the state variable and, as a consequence, preventsus from estimating it. Again, we perform a structural analysisof the causal graph that identifies variables that causally dependupon unknown exogenous variables, more specifically:

Definition 2: We call a variable of a cPHAat mode structurally determined (SD) whenever it is an

input variable, that is, , or there does not exist a pathin the causal graph that connects an unknownexogenous variable with .

From an algorithmic point of view, it is helpful to eliminateloops in the causal graph prior to checking variables against both

12Otherwise, it is necessary to perform an additional numerical observabilitytest [41] as structural observability only provides a necessary condition for ob-servability.

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Fig. 13. Causal SCC graph for the 3-PHA example.

Fig. 14. Labeled and partitioned causal SCC graph for the 3-PHA example.

structural criteria. For this purpose, we calculate the stronglyconnected components [40] of the causal graph.

Definition 3: A strongly connected component (SCC) of thecausal graph is a maximal set of variables in whichthere is a path from any one variable in the set to another vari-able in the set.

Fig. 13 shows the remapped causal graph for the 3-PHAexample after grouping variables into strongly connectedcomponents. The strong interconnection among variables in astrongly connected component implies that: 1) structural observ-ability of variables in a strongly connected component followsdirectly from structural observability of at least one variable inthe strongly connected component and 2) a variable in a stronglyconnected component is structurally determined, if and only if allvariables in the strongly connected component are structurallydetermined. As a consequence, we can apply our structuralanalysis directly to strongly connected components and operateon the acyclic strongly connected component graph.

Our structural analysis algorithm [34] determines struc-tural observability and determination (SOD) of a variable bytraversing the strongly connected component graph backwardfrom observed variables toward the inputs. In the course of thisanalysis,welabelnonexogenousstronglyconnectedcomponentswith a tag that records their influence upon observed variables.This indexing scheme allows us to cluster the variables intononoverlapping subsets. The direct relation between a variable,its determining equation, and the cPHA component that specifiedthis equation leads to the component clusters sought for (seeFig. 14 for the partitioned SCC graph of the 3-PHA example).

Each component cluster defines the observable and deter-mined raw model for a subsystem of the cPHA. This raw modelcan be solved symbolically and provides a nonlinear system ofdifference equations, of the form (20) with additional virtual in-puts. This nonlinear system of difference equations determinesthe individual filter for the filter cluster.

1) Filter Cluster Deduction Within Our Hybrid EstimationFramework: A filter cluster with several concurrent extendedKalman filters and the overall extended Kalman filter are inter-changeable, as they provide the same expected value for the con-

tinuous state ( ) for nominal modes of the cPHA. How-ever, the execution of several “small” filters outperforms a single“large” filter for the whole system (the computational require-ments for a Kalman Filter with state variables are approxi-mately proportional to [42]). Therefore, we do not limit de-composition to hypotheses with unknown modes, but also usefilter clusters for nominal modes of the cPHA.

The number of modes of hybrid models for a complex phys-ical artifact can be very large. This prevents us from compilingall filters a priori. However, deducing the same filter clustersover and over again would impose an unnecessarily large com-putational burden. Therefore, we cache a limited number of fil-ters for re-use. This strategy represents a good compromise be-tween the run-time cost of online deduction and the memoryrequirement of a priori filter compilation. Decomposition helpshere as well. It significantly reduces the number of filter deduc-tions since we can re-use the cached filters as “building blocks”for filter clusters. For example, the 3-PHA system of (22) has

. The deduction of the 18 possiblefilter clusters (Fig. 9), however, requires only 9 filter deductions,

for filter 1 (components and ), andthree variations for filter 2 (component ).

Our overall hybrid estimation framework utilizes system de-composition and filter deduction as follows: Hybrid estimationdeduces a suitable mode candidate after the first steps ofthe underlying A* search procedure. A consecutive expansionof the associated search node performs the continuous estima-tion step. This involves: 1) retrieval of the raw model ;2) the decomposition thereof; 3) cache retrieval or applicationof an algebraic solver to deduce subsets of difference and al-gebraic equations for each component cluster with consecutivefilter deduction; and 4) execution of the filter cluster that leadsto the new estimate .


In this section, we present numerical examples and simulationresults. This demonstrates our HME, and compares it to IMMand an optimal estimator. In addition, we demonstrate HMEwith a process automation example that is beyond the scope ofMM-estimation.

A. A Simple Concurrent Automaton

We consider the three-component cPHA introduced aboveas a first example, in order to compare our hybrid estimationscheme to an IMM and variable-structure IMM based hybrid es-timator. As a baseline, we use an artificial “optimal” estimatorthat utilizes the correct mode information.

The raw model for the modes , and of the threecomponents is given in (23). What remains is to specify the vari-ations in the equation-sets for the other modes


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Fig. 15. Transition graphs for the three PHA example.

The transition graphs that specify , , and are given inFig. 15. The transition probabilities are given as labels on thearcs of the digraphs and are independent of the continuous statevariables and the command inputs.

The noise is assumed to be independent of the mode. Thus,and of the cPHA specify


The simulation results are based on a randomly generatedsimulation, with . Figs. 16 and 17show the first 500 samples of the mode sequence and measure-ments, respectively. We use the average relative estimation errorof the algorithms to compare continuous filtering quality of thevarious algorithms. Mode estimation is evaluated by the numberof wrongly classified modes, in particular, single, double andtriple mode estimation errors, relative to the overall numberof estimations ( ) as a percentage. Table I summarizes theestimation results for the IMM, variable-structure IMM (vs-IMM) and our hybrid estimation algorithm with a variety offixed fringe sizes . We analyze both the basic nonclustering al-gorithm ( ) and the extended algorithm with componentclustering, as described above (c- ). HME tests hy-potheses in order to obtain the leading set of estimates (thus, itdeduces and executes extended Kalman filters). The columnsaverage and maximal number of tested hypotheses provide thisinformation. Finally, we include a runtime comparison based onrelative runtime for each algorithm under investigation (relativeto the standard IMM algorithm)13.

All algorithms perform well in terms of continuous esti-mation quality. Variable-structure IMM provides the samecontinuous estimation quality for half of the runtime cost ofthe standard IMM. However, the mode estimation of vari-able-structure IMM is significantly worse than IMM. Hybridestimation (HME and c-HME) show slightly degraded con-tinuous estimation quality when compared to IMM. However,HME and c-HME are significantly better than IMM in termsof runtime cost. This advantage will be even more dramaticin systems with a larger number of modes. It is evident thatthe estimation quality of HME and c-HME increases with thenumber of trajectory hypotheses that are considered during es-timation (fringe size). Hybrid estimation with clustering, whencompared to its nonclustering variant, performs better in termsof continuous estimation and mode estimation quality, as well

13The IMM and vs-IMM algorithms that are used in this comparison are im-plemented as a subset of the overall cPHA estimation tool that is written inCommon LISP. All estimation algorithms (IMM, vs-IMM, HME, and c-HME)utilize the same concurrent filter bank data structures and calling mechanisms,thus we can directly compare the runtime performances.

Fig. 16. Mode sequence x = fx ; x ; x g of the 3-PHAexperiment.

Fig. 17. Measurements y , y for the 3-PHA experiment.


as in terms of runtime cost. The reasonably good estimationquality for a small fringe size (e.g., c-HME2) suggests that ahybrid estimator that utilizes our estimation scheme can workreasonably well even under stringent resource constraints.

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Fig. 18. BIO-Plex plant growth chamber.

B. Process Automation Example—BIO-Plex

Our major application is a simulation of the BIO-Plex TestComplex at NASA Johnson Space Center, a five chamber fa-cility for evaluating biological and physiochemical Martian lifesupport technologies. It is an artificial, biosphere-type, closedenvironment, which must robustly provide all the air, water, andmost of the food for a crew of four without interruption. Plantsare grown in plant growth chambers, where they provide foodfor the crew, and convert the exhaled into . In orderto maintain a closed-loop system, it is necessary to control theresource exchange between the chambers without endangeringthe crew. For the scope of this paper, we restrict our evaluationto and control in one plant growth chamber (PGC), asshown in Fig. 18.

The system is composed of several components, such as re-dundant flow regulators (FR1, FR2) that provide continuous

supply, redundant pulse injection valves (PIV1, PIV2) thatprovide a means for increasing the concentration rapidly,a lighting system (LS), the plant growth chamber (PGC), andredundant concentrators (OC1, OC2). The control systemmaintains a plant growth optimal concentration of 1200ppm and an concentration of 21% during the day phase ofthe system.

Hybrid estimation schemes are key to tracking system op-erational modes, as well as, detecting subtle failures and per-forming diagnoses. For example, we simulate a failure of thesecond flow regulator. The regulator becomes off-line and driftsslowly toward its closed position. This fault situation is diffi-cult to capture by an explicit fault model, as we do not know,in advance, whether the regulator drifts toward its positive ornegative limit, nor do we know the magnitude of the drift. Afault of this type, which develops slowly and whose symptomis hidden among the system noise, is a typical candidate for ourunknown-mode detection capability. In addition, we also pro-vide explicit failure models that describe common situations.For example, the PGC has a plant growth area that is arrangedin ten shelves, stacked in three columns – a large center stackand two small side stacks. We model five possible lighting fail-ures in terms of a reduced illumination at the impaired shelves.

In the following we describe the outcome of a simulated ex-periment with two failures. A flow regulator fault with drifting

symptom is injected at time point , and a light fault,which harms one side shelf, is injected at . The faultsare “repaired” at and for the flow regu-lator fault and the lighting fault, respectively.

The simulated data is gathered from the execution of a re-fined and extended subset of NASA’s JSC’s CONFIG modelfor the BIO-Plex system [43], [44]. Hybrid estimation utilizesa cPHA model that consists of eight components, as shown inFig. 19. In terms of the complexity of the hybrid estimationproblem, we note that the concurrent automaton has approxi-mately 450 000 modes, a number that is far beyond the scope ofstandard MM-estimation schemes.

Each mode describes the dynamic evolution of thechamber system by a fifth order system of differenceequations. For example, the nominal operation of theplant growth can be characterized by the mode

, where char-acterizes a partially open flow regulator, a closed pulseinjection valve, all lights on, a plant growth modeat 1200 ppm, and a set of inactive concentrators,respectively. This mode specifies the raw model


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Fig. 19. BIO-Plex cPHA model.

Fig. 20. Causal graph of the BIO-Plex cPHA raw model (30).

where denotes


and denote the gas flow ([g/min]) of flow regulator1 and 2, respectively, captures the total number of gram-moles of gas in the chamber, denotes the concentra-tion ([ppm]) and denotes the concentration ([vol.%])in the plant growth chamber. denotes a multiplicative con-stant that captures the dependency between plant growth and thephoto-synthetic photon flux of the lights above the plant trays.

and denote the gas flow ([g/min]) of the pulseinjection valves and and denote the gas flow([g/min]) to the oxygen concentrators. Equation (31) approxi-mates the gas production/consumption rate due to photo-syn-thesis in the plants [43].

The causal graph (Fig. 20) of the raw model (30) leads to thedecomposition that groups the components into a cluster withthe first flow regulator ( ), one with the second flow regu-lator ( ) and one cluster for the remaining components, thatis, the pulse injection valves, the lighting system, the chamberand the oxygen concentrators ( ). This enables usto estimate the mode and continuous state of the flow regulatorsindependent of the remaining system. As a consequence, an un-known mode in a flow regulator does not impose any constrainon the estimate for the remaining system.

Fig. 21 shows the continuous input (control signal) andthe observed flow rates for flow regulator 1 and 2 and theconcentration for the experiment. Both flow regulators provide

Fig. 21. Control input u and measured CO input flow rates.

Fig. 22. CO level in plant growth chamber.

half of the requested gas injection rate up to . At thistime point, the second flow regulator starts to slowly drift to-ward its closed position, which it reaches at . Thechamber control system reacts immediately and increases thecontrol signal in order to keep the concentration at 1,200ppm. This transient behavior causes a slight bump in theconcentration, as shown in Fig. 22. The outcome of mode esti-mation is shown in Fig. 23 for the flow regulator and the lightingsystem. Our hybrid mode estimation system detects this unmod-eled fault at and declares flow regulator 2 to be in theunknown mode (we indicate the unknown mode by the modenumber 0 in Fig. 23). The flow regulator mode stuck-closed( ) becomes more and more likely as the regulator drifts to-ward its closed position. Hybrid mode estimation prefers thismode as symptom explanation from onward, althoughthe flow regulator goes into saturation a little bit later at

.The light fault at is detected almost instantly at

( ). However, lighting failure at one side stack

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Fig. 23. Mode estimates for flow regulator 2 and lighting system.

leads to a slightly modified dynamic behavior that is hard to dis-criminate from the plant growth mode at full light. As a conse-quence, we obtain some mis-classifications. The good discrim-ination among the pre-specified modes (failure and nominal) isfurther demonstrated at the termination points of the faults. Re-pair of the flow regulator 2 and the lighting system are detectedimmediately at and , respectively. Takingall components into account, we obtain the correct mode esti-mation at 91% of all time samples of this experiment.

This simplified real-world process automation problem alsoeffectively demonstrates the benefit of our focused hybrid esti-mation scheme. We performed an estimation that maintained afringe of the ten best estimates at each of the 795 time steps.This involved 496 809 filter executions. The majority of thesefilter operations used cached filters. Only 196 online deduc-tions of extended Kalman filters were necessary for the experi-ment. Our focused hybrid estimation scheme tested, on average,218 hypotheses to obtain the leading set of ten estimates. Theworst-case performance experienced in the course of our ex-periment involved testing 2970 hypotheses. Compared to the451 584 modes of the cPHA, this is equivalent to testing lessthan 0.05% or 0.7% of the possible hypotheses for the averageand worst case, respectively.


Classical hybrid estimation schemes, such as the family ofMM estimation algorithms, do not scale up to the demandingestimation and diagnosis problems that arise in modern com-plex artifacts. This paper analyzed the shortcomings of MM es-timation and presented an alternative method (HME) that canremedy this situation. HME builds upon prior work in model-based reasoning, in particular model-based monitoring, and re-formulates the estimation task as a search problem that makesextensive use of probabilities and best-first enumeration. Thisallows HME to focus on highly probable hypotheses, withoutchecking a prohibitively large number of unlikely hypotheses.The basic estimation algorithm was then extended with a novel

clustering scheme for online filter deduction. Clustering im-proves the filtering performance and enables HME to cope withunforeseen situations in a degraded, but fail-safe manner. Thisproperty is particularly useful whenever the estimate is used forclosed loop control, resulting in a versatile fault-tolerant controlsystem.

Experimental evaluation with a simulated, multicomponentsystem demonstrated that HME provides similarly good esti-mation results, compared to MM estimation. However, it has thesignificant advantage in that it scales up to systems of high com-plexity, which are beyond the scope of classical multiple modeestimation algorithms. This advantage as well as the unknownmode and the multiple fault detection capability were demon-strated with a simulated process automation system.

One direction for future research is to utilize the continuousvariant of conflicts, in order to further focus the underlyingsearch operation. A conflict is a (partial) mode assignment thatmakes a hypothesis very unlikely. This requires a more generaltreatment of unknown modes compared to the filter decomposi-tion task introduced above. The decompositional model-basedlearning system Moriarty [45] introduced continuous variantsof conflicts, called dissents. We are currently reformulatingthese dissents for hybrid systems and investigating their incor-poration into the underlying search operation. This will leadto an overall framework for hybrid estimation that unifies ourprevious work on Livingstone, Titan, Moriarty, and HME.


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Michael W. Hofbaur (M’99) received the Dipl.-Ing.and the Dr.techn. degrees in electrical engineeringfrom Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria,in 1995 and 1999, respectively.

Since 1999, he has been with the Instituteof Automation and Control, Graz University ofTechnology. From 2000 to 2001, he was with theArtificial Intelligence Laboratory, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Cambridge. His researchinterests include nonlinear and robust control, hybridsystems, and artificial intelligence.

Brian C. Williams received the B.S., M.S., andPh.D. degrees in computer science and artificialintelligence from Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology (MIT), Cambridge.

He pioneered multiple fault, model-based diag-nosis in the 1980s at the Xerox Palo Alto ResearchCenter, Palo Alto, CA, and model-based autonomyin the 1990s through the Livingstone model-basedhealth management and the Burton model-basedexecution systems. At the NASA Ames ResearchCenter, from 1994 to 1999, he formed the Au-

tonomous Systems Area and co-invented the Remote Agent model-basedautonomous control system, for which he received a NASA Space Act Awardin 1999. He was a member of the NASA Deep Space One probe flight team,which used remote agents to create the first fully autonomous self-repairingexplorer, demonstrated in flight in 1999. He was a member of the Tom YoungBlue Ribbon Team in 2000, assessing future Mars missions in light of theMars Climate Orbiter and Polar Lander incidents. Upon joining the MITfaculty in 1999, he formed the Model-Based Embedded and Robotic SystemsGroup (MERS), focusing on using model-based autonomy and model-basedprogramming technology to create cooperative robots that can perform agileand rapidly changing missions. He is currently also a member of the AdvisoryCouncil of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at California Institute ofTechnology, Pasadena.
