
Hybrid Latency Tolerance for Robust Energy-Efficiencyon 1000-Core Data Parallel Processors

Neal C. CragoIntel Corporation

[email protected]

Omid AziziHiCAMP Systems, Inc

[email protected]

Steven S. Lumetta and Sanjay J. PatelUniversity of Illinois

{lumetta, sjp}


Currently, GPUs and data parallel processors leveragelatency tolerance techniques such as multithreading andprefetching to maximize performance per Watt. However,choosing a technique that provides energy-efficiency on awide variety of workloads is difficult, as the type of latencyto tolerate, required hardware complexity, and energy con-sumption is directly related to application behavior. Afterqualitatively evaluating five commonly used latency toler-ance techniques, we develop a hybrid technique utilizingmultithreading and decoupled execution to maximize per-formance while minimizing hardware complexity and en-ergy consumption across a wide variety of workloads.

We compare our hybrid technique with the five commonlyused techniques on a 1024-core data parallel processorby performing a comprehensive design space exploration,leveraging detailed performance and physical design mod-els. By intelligently leveraging both decoupled executionand multithreading, our hybrid latency tolerance techniqueis able to improve energy-efficiency by 28% to 89% over anysingle technique on data parallel benchmarks. Comparedto other combinations of latency tolerance techniques, wefind that our hybrid latency tolerance technique providesthe highest energy-efficiency by over 26%.

1 Introduction

Energy efficiency is a growing concern in the field ofcomputer architecture. While the number of transistors isexpected to continue to scale with Moore’s law for at leastthe next five years, the “Power wall” has brought the end ofsingle-core processor performance scaling. As a result, im-proving throughput performance has become a main focusof the community and current GPU and data parallel pro-cessors utilize tens to hundreds of simple cores on a singlechip to maximize performance per Watt [14].

To maximize the throughput performance of GPU anddata parallel processors, latency tolerance techniques are

implemented to keep functional units busy. However, whilememory and functional unit latency tolerance has been anactive area of research, application behavior drastically af-fects the performance and energy consumption of a giventechnique, making it less clear which technique should beselected. Current data-parallel processors such as GPUstypically focus on multithreading, which has proven to bean effective way to improve throughput performance. How-ever, GPUs and data parallel processors are now addingcaches to improve programmability and can suffer the ef-fects of cache contention, a significant performance and en-ergy pitfall. Overall, to reach the energy efficiency goalsof future 1000-core data-parallel processors, the choice oflatency tolerance technique needs to be revisited.

In this work, we evaluate the energy efficiency andsuitability of hardware prefetching, out-of-order execution,multithreading, hardware scout prefetching, and decoupledexecution for 1000-core data parallel processors. Afterqualitatively discussing the functionality and tradeoffs ofeach technique, we propose a hybrid technique that com-bines multithreading and decoupled execution. While mul-tithreading and decoupled execution in isolation have per-formance pitfalls on different common code patterns, thesepitfalls can be avoided when the techniques are combinedto provide robust energy efficiency across a wide variety ofworkloads while minimizing hardware complexity. Our hy-brid technique focuses primarily on decoupled execution toprovide latency tolerance, and falls back to multithreadedexecution when decoupling is not useful.

For the purpose of our evaluation, we developed a com-prehensive design space exploration framework with high-fidelity performance and physical design models that allowfair comparison of our proposed hybrid technique with thefive commonly used techniques. To further support the fi-delity and fairness of the design space exploration, energy-efficient and complexity-effective versions of each latencytolerance technique are implemented. The development ofthe detailed models for each latency tolerance technique is asignificant contribution of this work, and leverages a cycle-accurate 1000-core simulator and RTL synthesis and ana-

978-1-4673-5587-2/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 294

57 of 24 Copyright © Neal C. Crago 2011


Multithreading Fine-grained


Prefetching Hardware Scout

Prefetch Thread


Compiler Decoupled


Dynamic Out-of-Order

Continual Flow

Figure 1: Categorization of latency tolerance techniques.Highlighted techniques are considered in this work.

lytical SRAM models for a 45nm CMOS manufacturingprocess. Additionally, microbenchmarks are developed toillustrate important code patterns for 1000-core data paral-lel processors and evaluate each latency tolerance techniqueon isolated application behavior.

We find our hybrid latency tolerance technique avoidsthe pitfalls of other techniques and can provide 28% to89% better energy efficiency than a single technique alone.Out-of-order, multithreading and decoupled techniques pro-vide similar levels of energy efficiency on average acrossdata parallel benchmarks. While decoupled execution andmultithreading have significantly lower hardware complex-ity than out-of-order, energy pitfalls due to applicationbehavior limit their energy efficiency on average. Evenwhen considering other possible combinations of hardwareprefetching, out-of-order execution, multithreading, hard-ware scout, and decoupled execution, we find that our hy-brid latency tolerance technique provide the highest energyefficiency by over 26%.

2 Goals and Latency Tolerance Techniques

The peak throughput performance of 1000-core data par-allel processors is fundamentally limited by chip area andpower budgets. An appropriate latency tolerance tech-nique maximizes performance improvement while mini-mizing additional cost. Specifically, added hardware com-plexity, energy consumption, and applicability to a varietyof workloads must be considered.

We compare five latency tolerance techniques for future1000-core data-parallel processors while advocating for thehybrid technique we propose. As the baseline, we evaluatethe ability of hardware prefetching to tolerate memory la-tency. Figure 1 shows that we compare hardware prefetch-ing to a wide range of techniques including instruction-levelparallelism (ILP) techniques that are dynamic and leveragethe compiler, and thread-level parallelism (TLP) techniquesthat provide dynamic prefetching or execute another threadof execution. For each technique, we discuss the high-leveloperation, applicability for latency tolerance, and concernsfor implementation on 1000-core data parallel processors.

Hardware Prefetching: Prefetching data into the cachescan help tolerate memory latency, which can otherwisedominate memory-intensive data parallel applications. Tominimize hardware complexity, we consider next-line andstride-based prefetching at the core level, which prior re-search has shown to perform well on GPUs and manycore[5, 13]. When the prefetch tables are sized appropriatelyfor data-parallel workloads, both of these approaches re-quire a relatively low amount of additional hardware. Thelargest concern with prefetching is inaccurately predictingthe memory access stream, and prefetching the data eithertoo early or too late. If an application’s memory-stream isirregular or unpredictable, cache pollution can occur and in-crease the number of cache accesses and energy consump-tion. Additionally, prefetching can only provide memory la-tency tolerance, and cannot tolerate functional unit latency.

Out-of-Order Execution: Out-of-order (OOO) cores im-prove performance by leveraging hardware structures to dy-namically execute instructions in a single thread out-of-order. These additional hardware structures include largephysical register files, reorder buffers, and register renam-ing. When sized appropriately, functional unit latency andeven memory latency can be tolerated by dynamically exe-cuting non-blocked instructions in the instruction window.The extra hardware complexity required for out-of-order ex-ecution can be significant, both in terms of chip area andenergy consumption. If the application experiences longmemory access latencies, the additional hardware complex-ity needed to increase the number of inflight instructions totolerate the latency can be prohibitive.

Multithreading: In contemporary data parallel proces-sors, multithreading is often used to interleave multiple in-order threads of execution and provide both memory andfunctional unit latency tolerance [14, 21]. The hardwarecomplexity for multithreading can be relatively low, andgenerally requires additional register files and scratch spaceto be added for each thread. A significant concern with mul-tithreading is cache contention due to application behaviorand shared caches. If the active data set for each thread istoo large or the memory addresses do not map into the cachewell, contention between threads can occur, causing perfor-mance degradation and increased energy consumption.

Hardware Scout Prefetching: Hardware scout, alsoknown as runahead execution, dynamically generatesprefetches to tolerate memory latency [4, 7]. The hard-ware scout thread operates as a separate thread of executionwhich speculatively preexecutes the main thread to generateprefetches while the core is otherwise stalled during cachemisses. The potential benefit of the hardware scout style ofprefetching is improved prefetch accuracy and timeliness.


However, preexecuting the instruction stream requires sig-nificant extra energy consumption, as each instruction pre-executed requires additional energy to be spent in instruc-tion fetch, the register file, and accessing the caches. Simi-larly to other prefetching techniques, hardware scout cannotbe used to tolerate functional unit latency.

Decoupled Execution: Recently, there has been renewedinterest in decoupled execution for improving performancein GPUs and manycore [6, 1]. Decoupled execution lever-ages the compiler to partition a single thread of executioninto separate memory-accessing and memory-consuming in-struction streams called strands, which communicatedata and control flow decisions with one another throughFIFO data queues [22]. Decoupled execution provides sig-nificant memory latency tolerance, as instead of stallingwhen a cache miss occurs, the memory-accessing strandcan execute ahead, executing independent instructions in asimilar manner to OOO execution. However, decoupled ar-chitectures have significantly less complex hardware due toplacing more complexity in the compiler.

While recent work has presented solutions to perfor-mance limitations, such as memory indirection and func-tional unit latency tolerance [6], the lack of ability totolerate data-dependent control flow remains a concern.Data-dependent control flow occurs when the memory-consuming strand is responsible for determining the nextbasic block, which causes the memory-accessing strand tonot be able to execute ahead and stall. If an application hasfrequent occurrences of data-dependent control flow, thesestalls can severely limit the potential performance benefit ofdecoupled execution. Additionally, the instruction overheadfor maintaining separate fetching and executing instructionstreams leads to additional energy consumption.

3 Hybrid Latency Tolerance

An ideal latency tolerance technique has low hardwarecost and provides robust energy efficiency across a widevariety of workloads. However, each of the commonlyused techniques either has high complexity or has a perfor-mance or energy pitfall under certain application behavior.To move closer to a robust technique, different techniquescould be combined together. However, combination mustbe performed in a thoughtful manner, as naively combin-ing techniques together can result in significant additionalhardware complexity and little benefit.

To minimize additional hardware overhead and energyconsumption, we propose combining multithreading anddecoupled execution. The major differences in applicabilityacross workloads enables such a combination to provide ro-bust performance on large variety of workloads. Addition-ally, both techniques provide both memory and functional








ICache - Decode






Figure 2: Proposed core architecture. Each context is con-figurable as a decoupled strand or full thread of execution

unit latency tolerance and require similarly low hardwarerequirements. As a result, we can avoid the significant hard-ware complexity of out-of-order execution, as well as thespeculation waste and lack of functional unit latency toler-ance of both hardware prefetching and hardware scout.

3.1 Intelligently Combining Techniques

The straightforward approach in combining multithread-ing and decoupled execution would be to architect the hard-ware to support both simultaneously. To achieve the fullcombination of a four-strand decoupled and four-way multi-threaded core, support for sixteen strand contexts includingregister files, instruction queues, and data queues must beadded, resulting in a large and possibly prohibitive increasein hardware complexity.

Instead of naively combining these two techniques, weconsider the use case for such a hybrid with the goal of in-telligently combining multithreading and decoupled execu-tion. In general, each technique can operate efficiently on itsown, with the exception of workloads with data dependentcontrol flow and those that experience cache contention.Another interesting observation is that these two differenttechniques use similar hardware in the form of strand andthread contexts. These observations lead us to propose ahybrid technique with the ability to switch between modesof execution. In doing so, hardware can be used efficientlywhile enabling robustness on a larger variety of workloads.

3.2 Architecture and Execution Modes

Figure 2 presents our low-complexity core architectureused to implement hybrid latency tolerance. A total offour contexts can be supported, each of which can eitherbe a strand context from decoupled execution or a hardwarethread context. Unlike prior decoupled architecture propos-als [22], all strands interleave their execution on a single


pipeline. To facilitate strand communication during decou-pled execution, data queues are provided using the virtual-ization technique described in [6]. Finally, each context hassupport for issuing multiple non-blocking load instructions.

The architecture supports three execution modes:• Decoupled Mode (1 thread of up to 4 strands)• Multithreaded Mode (4 threads of 1 strand each )• MT-Decoupled Mode (2 threads with 2 strands each)

3.3 Selection of Execution Mode

The execution mode for a data parallel task is selectedbased upon application behavior to improve performanceand to avoid energy waste. This paper focuses on automaticstatic selection, which we find performs within 8% on av-erage of oracular static selection. While dynamic selectionwith runtime and operating system support is left for futurework, we believe the potential benefit of implementing it tobe relatively low. Our selection scheme primarily focuseson leveraging decoupled execution, and then falling back tomultithreading when data-dependent control flow exists anddecoupling is not useful.

The compiler uses the following selection algorithm:• If data-dependent control flow exists in the inner loop

of a task, multithreaded execution mode is chosen.• Otherwise, if the number of decoupled strands ex-

tracted from the task is only two, the multithreadeddecoupled execution mode is chosen.• Otherwise, decoupled execution mode is chosen.

At the end of the selection process, one version of taskcode is generated. Although we utilize our knowledge ofthe application to statically pick the execution mode, ourscheme can also can be implemented into a compiler by de-tecting data-dependent control flow.

3.4 Context Scheduling Algorithm

An architecture supporting both decoupled executionand multithreading together must decide how the strandsfrom different threads should interact and share resources,such as the execution pipeline. The instruction schedulingalgorithm must intelligently decide which context shouldget scheduling priority among a pool of strands from differ-ent threads, in a way that promotes fairness and thereby im-proves throughput and utilization of the execution pipeline.

When our proposed hybrid technique is inmultithreading-only mode, round-robin is used to pro-vide fairness by evenly distributing priority among thethreads. However, when either of the two decoupled modesis active, deciding which strand of which thread should begiven priority is less clear. For example, either the leadingstrand (executing furthest ahead) or the following strand

(executing furthest behind) of a thread could be prioritized.Prioritizing the leading strand of a thread would enable thatstrand to execute far ahead and support a greater amountof latency tolerance. However, prioritizing the leadingstrand can cause the data queues to fill up, and artificiallystarve that strand from issuing instructions until there isfree space in the data queue. On the other hand, prioritizingthe following strand of a thread enables the data queuesto be kept empty, with the downside being the potentialreduction in latency tolerance ability.

In practice, the fullness of a data queue is a dynamicproperty that depends on runtime behavior, while manyscheduling algorithms are fixed and do not change overtime. Therefore, we combine static scheduling algorithmsto create a novel dynamic algorithm. The algorithm priori-tizes strands with full data queues first, then leading strandsfrom each thread, followed by subsequent strands.

The dynamic instruction scheduling algorithm:

• Strands with full data queues get the highest priority.• Otherwise, round robin among the threads considering

only the leading strand.• Continue to round robin among the threads by consid-

ering only the next strand.• Finish when following strands have been considered.

4 Modeling Methodology

To more fairly compare and evaluate the performanceand energy efficiency of our hybrid technique and the fivecommonly used techniques, we perform a comprehensivedesign space exploration varying chip and core configu-rations. We build detailed performance models of eachlatency tolerance technique and a detailed physical de-sign model generated using synthesis and analytical SRAMmodels for a 45nm CMOS manufacturing process to de-termine benchmark runtime, dynamic energy consumption,and leakage energy consumption. Each latency tolerancetechnique is individually implemented with complexity-effective and energy-efficient hardware to avoid unfair com-parisons. The runtime and energy values for a single tech-nique are then analyzed to determine the Pareto-optimalconfigurations with respect to energy-efficiency.

4.1 Modeling Infrastructure

Figure 3 presents our flow for evaluating the perfor-mance, area, and energy consumption of the techniques.Each architectural configuration’s performance is measuredusing RigelSim, a cycle-accurate performance model, whilethe associated area and energy costs of the design are basedon models derived through a combination of RTL synthesisand CACTI 6.0 [16].


Copyright © Neal C. Crago 2011 66






Energy Model

Activity Factors

Chip Area Static Energy Dynamic Energy

Runtime Benchmark

Operating Voltage

Figure 3: Energy, area, and leakage generation workflow.

Performance ModelingWe evaluate the latency tolerance techniques on Rigel, a

1024-core data parallel processor, with cores and caches or-ganized into a 3-level cache hierarchy [10]. Each core hasprivate L1 instruction and data caches, a single-precisionfloating point unit, and a MIPS-like RISC instruction set.Eight cores form a cluster and share a unified L2 cache,with lower access latency than the L3 cache. All 128 clus-ters share a banked L3 cache via an on-chip interconnec-tion network, which is connected via GDDR5 memory con-trollers to off-chip DRAM.

The latency tolerance techniques compared in the de-sign space exploration have been implemented in Rigel-Sim, an execution-driven simulator that models the cores,caches, memory controllers, and DRAM. The core modelsthe structure of the pipeline, including pipeline stages, func-tional units, and storage components such as branch predic-tion tables, register files, reorder buffers, load-store unitsand instruction windows. Additionally, each memory struc-ture is modeled with a specific number of read and writeports in the simulator.

Physical Design ModelingFor modeling the energy and area of each design, a

CMOS 45 nm manufacturing process is used. CACTI isused to model the register files, the caches (L1, L2 and L3),and other storage components (BTB, instruction queues,etc.); synthesized Verilog is used for all other major corestructures such as functional units, pipeline latches, and by-pass logic. As area and energy of a module depends onhow aggressive the implementation is, each chip componentwas generated for a range of delays. Specifically, CACTIwas modified to output the energy-area-delay points of allconfigurations considered during its internal design spaceexploration, and our synthesis toolflow was used to gener-ate different circuit implementations at different target clockfrequencies. We chose the most efficient implementation ofa circuit based on the target frequency chosen during thedesign space exploration.

To model the effect of the operating voltage, we usedvoltage scaling equations extrapolated from SPICE simula-tions of 45 nm circuits. These equations model the impactsof scaling voltage on circuit delay, energy consumption, and

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1 1.2 1.4 1.6










Performance Focused Energy-Efficient Focused Figure 4: Average energy-efficiency improvement of eachtechnique using tuned implementations.

leakage power. We then tied these voltage scaling equationstogether to the Pareto-optimal energy, area, and delay val-ues for each of our modules. Linking these values into thecore pipeline model defined by the simulator, we were ableto approximate the operating frequency of each core config-uration under different voltage operating points.

The final step in creating the energy model requires link-ing the energy costs at the module level with architecturalactivity factors to generate dynamic energy consumption.The simulation infrastructure outputs the activity for eachcomponent in the core and memory system, measured bycounting the number of accesses to the structure. Reads,writes, and associative lookups are counted for storage com-ponents, while the number of active cycles are counted forall other structures. These activity factors are then used withthe module configurations and the selected operating volt-age to determine area, dynamic energy and leakage.

4.2 Efficient Technique Implementation

For each latency tolerance technique, we implementenergy-efficient extensions to improve these techniquesover performance-focused implementations. Figure 4presents the impact on energy efficiency when deployingthese techniques on a 1024-core data parallel processorwith a two-wide issue core and the data parallel bench-marks found in Section 5. The extensions improve hardwareprefetching by 8%, out-of-order execution by 36%, multi-threading by 23%, hardware scout by 32%, and decoupledby 8% on average across the benchmarks. Additional de-tails on methodology is found in Section 5.

Hardware Prefetching: In our design space exploration,we consider both next-line and stride-based prefetching [5].Table-based stride prefetching is used to improve energy-efficiency by better predicting the access stream and im-proving timeliness over next-line prefetching. Software canstatically switch off prefetching if it is not useful.

Out-of-Order: We include complexity-effective hard-ware to improve energy efficiency. To simplify the in-struction window, we include dependence-based instruction


steering which uses simple hardware FIFOs [18]. We alsoenable aggressive partitioning of the core into floating pointand integer pipes to reduce physical register file complex-ity, and partition the reorder buffer and register renamingfree list to reduce the number of read and write ports [24].

Multithreading: We implement simultaneous multi-threading to better utilize issue slots as issue width in-creases. Cache set hashing is used on the L1 and L2 cacheto more uniformly distribute memory addresses and reducethe effects of cache contention between threads [8, 11]. Abitwise XOR hashing function on the memory address isused with low additional hardware complexity. Softwarecan statically configure the number of active threads on eachcore to further reduce the effects of cache contention.

Hardware Scout: The extra energy spent preexecutingthe instruction stream can be improved by avoiding preex-ecution of useless instructions [17]. For example, floatingpoint instructions do not generally contribute to generatingprefetches and can not be executed to reduce functional unitenergy consumption. We also eliminate short scout sessionsand avoid overlapping scout sessions.

Decoupled Execution: The instruction overhead foundin decoupled architectures can be partially alleviated by re-ducing the complexity for each strand context. We thereforereduce the number of instructions that each strand can issueper cycle, leading to a lower number of read and write portsin the register files, instruction and data queues.

5 Experimental Setup

We present the parameters, microbenchmarks, and dataparallel benchmarks for the design space exploration. Thedesign space is listed in Table 1. We vary all major com-ponents in the 1024-core Rigel chip including issue width,number of functional units, and cache sizing. We also varyspecific parameters for each latency tolerance technique.

5.1 Microbenchmarks

We utilize microbenchmarks to isolate five key codepatterns found in data-parallel applications: compute-intensive, data-dependent control flow, data-sharing in-tensive, pointer-chasing, and memory-streaming inten-sive. These patterns stress the ability to achieve energy-efficiency, such tolerating functional unit and memory la-tency and exploiting locality in the cache hierarchy. We notethat this collection is not a comprehensive taxonomy; ratherthese are the patterns that we find most significantly affectthe techniques we evaluate. Additionally, these patterns are

Shared ParametersTarget Frequency 500 MHz - 2.5 GHzOperating Voltage 0.7V - 1.4VBase Core Pipeline 8 stage - Fetch, Decode,

Schedule/RF, Execute (4), WritebackIssue Width 1-4BTB 8-64 entryGShare Table 32-256 entryLDQ, STQ, MissQueue LDQ/STQ 8-32 entry; MQ 4-16 entryL1I (2-way), L1D (4-way) L1I 2kB, 1 cycle; L1D 1-4kB, 1 cycleL2 (8-way) 32-128kB, 4 cycle, shared by 8 coresL3 (32-bank, 4-way per bank) 4MB total, 128kB per bank,

32 cycle access through on-chip networkDRAM 8 Channels GDDR 5Hardware Prefetch ParametersNextline Prefetching 1-4 cache linesStride Prefetching Table 8-32 EntriesOut-of-Order ParametersReorder Buffer 32-128 entry unified or partitionedInstruction Window 16-32 entry Assoc. or (16) 16-entry FIFOsPhysical Registers 128-256 Unified or Split FP/INTMultithreaded Parameters 2-4 SMT threadsDecoupled Parameters 16-128 entry partitioned data queues

Table 1: Design space exploration parameters.

not mutually-exclusive, and we find in practice multiple pat-terns can and are found in applications.

Compute-intensive: The compute-intensive pattern iso-lates the ability to tolerate functional unit latency. Codewith this pattern usually consists of dependent chains ofarithmetic and floating-point instructions as opposed tomemory instructions. The microbenchmark consists of aloop that performs iterations of floating point computationon values in the register file. Each iteration of the loop ex-ecutes a collection of floating point instructions connectedin a tree-like structure where each stage fans into the next,much like a reduction operation. While there is ILP thatcan be exploited at each stage in the tree, there is latencythat must be tolerated to keep the core from stalling.

Data-dependent Control Flow: The data-dependentcontrol flow pattern occurs when the next basic block toexecute cannot be known ahead of time. To continue execu-tion under long instruction stalls, either another instructionstream must execute or speculative execution performed.The microbenchmark consists of a loop where each itera-tion calculates a value, which is then compared to a thresh-old. If the calculated value is above the threshold, a runningsum is updated. Whether the running sum will be updatedor not corresponds to different control paths. The thresholdconditional branch is statically biased to 75% taken.

Data-sharing intensive: Memory-intensive code withhigh reuse exhibits a large number of memory accesses fa-vorable to a cache hierarchy. Peak performance is achievedby fitting the dataset of a thread into the cache. Sharingintensity, the fraction of data shared between threads, im-pacts the amount of cache space required to limit cache


contention. The data-sharing microbenchmark consists ofa loop dominated by memory accesses. Each thread of exe-cution has a vector dataset which is iterated over continuallyin a loop. The dataset size is set such that data for 8 baselinethreads in a cluster can fit in the L2 cache without aliasing.

Pointer-Chasing: The pointer-chasing pattern occurswhen an application is dominated by memory accesses usedto traverse nodes in linked-lists or graphs. Each node is adynamic element whose address is not known ahead of timeand can be highly unpredictable, requiring the inspection ofpointers in the parent node’s data structure. The pointer-chasing microbenchmark is a linked-list traversal, with asmall number of floating point instructions used to updatea value in each node traversed. Each task operates on a sep-arate linked-list and each node aligns to a cache line irregu-larly skewed across the address space, simulating the effectsof dynamic memory allocation and linked list manipulation.

Memory-streaming intensive: The memory-streamingpattern isolates the ability to tolerate large amounts of mem-ory latency. The pattern exhibits a large number of memoryaccesses of data that exhibit low reuse and often miss inthe cache hierarchy, exposing long memory access laten-cies. The microbenchmark uses a simple vector additioncode to model the memory-streaming code pattern. Usingthis code base, we model the situation where the dataset isresident in the L3 cache, enabling access latencies in thetens of cycles and a high amount of available bandwidth.

5.2 Data Parallel Benchmarks

We use a set of nine optimized parallel kernels from sci-entific and visual computing applications implemented forRigel. The benchmarks exhibit a high degree of parallelismand are written using a task-based, barrier-synchronizedwork queue model implemented fully in software. Thebenchmarks include black scholes (blackscholes),conjugate gradient linear solver (cg), coloumbic potentialwith cutoff (cutcp), dense matrix multiply (dmm), 2D fastfourier transform (fft), 2D stencil computation (heat), k-means clustering (kmeans), medical image reconstruction(mri), and image edge detection (sobel). Each bench-mark is executed for at least one billion instructions.

Each benchmark is tuned at the source level using loopunrolling and software pipelining techniques, and then com-piled using LLVM with optimizations turned on, providingsignificant latency tolerance over naive code. For decou-pled execution and the hybrid technique proposed in thiswork, the kernels are decomposed into strands as foundin [6], with support for extracting more memory-consumingstrands for functional unit latency tolerance. The partition-ing scheme is implemented into a binary rewriter, which

automatically generates decoupled code by decompiling thebinary and applying the partitioning scheme.

6 Hybrid Technique Architecture Evaluation

6.1 Scheduling Algorithm Evaluation

Figure 5a presents the evaluation of the instructionscheduling algorithms for our hybrid technique. Round-robin scheduling across all strands on a single core is con-sidered as the baseline for comparison. Each benchmark isrun on a fixed configuration 1024-core system with a two-wide issue core and the smallest cache sizes. As expected,the baseline round-robin scheme does not perform the beston any of the benchmarks. However, the impact of choos-ing one scheduling algorithm over another is quite signifi-cant and can affect performance more than 15%. Choosinga static scheduling policy gives mixed results as prioritizingthe leading strand causes significant starvation on fft andmri due to full data queues, while prioritizing the followingstrand significantly reduces the ability to execute ahead andtolerate memory latency on cg,cutup, dmm, and sobel.Our dynamic scheduling algorithm improves performanceby nearly 5% on average and in some cases improves uponthe static algorithms, by avoiding the performance pitfallcase when the data queues are full while enabling the lead-ing strands to execute as far ahead as possible.

6.2 Static Mode Selection Evaluation

We evaluate the ability of our static scheme to selectthe best execution mode for our hybrid technique by com-paring the Pareto optimal design points from our full de-sign space exploration. Figure 5b compares our hybrid la-tency tolerance technique with an oracle statically choos-ing the best hybrid execution mode. Overall, we find thatour static algorithm performs within 8% of the oracle. Ourscheme is able to statically choose the best mode on manyof the benchmarks, with the exception of cutup, dmm, andkmeans. In these benchmarks, choosing multithreadingover decoupled (dmm), two-way multithreaded decoupledover three-strand decoupled (kmeans) and two-way mul-tithreaded decoupled over multithreading (cutup) can im-prove energy-efficiency. While dynamically choosing theexecution mode is left for future work, we find that the im-pact on energy efficiency is likely to be relatively low.

6.3 Limited Execution Mode Evaluation

We evaluate our decision to restrict our hybrid techniqueto three fixed execution modes by comparing with full com-binations of decoupled execution and multithreading. Fig-ure 5c presents the performance of our hybrid technique and































Round-Robin Leading-First Following-First Dynamic

(a) Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm Evaluation

































(b) Static Execution Mode Evaluation

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1 1.2 1.4 1.6























(c) Comparison to Combination Alternatives

Figure 5: Relative performance and energy-efficiency of our dynamic scheduling (a) and static mode selection algorithms (b)against alternatives and an oracle. Relative performance of our hybrid technique and naive fixed configurations (c).

fixed configurations supporting two and four-strand decou-pled execution (DEC2, DEC4) and two and four-way multi-threading (SMT2, SMT4). The experiment is performed ona fixed configuration 1024-core system with a two-wide is-sue core and the smallest caches sizes. For each benchmark,the best configuration of decoupling and multithreading oneach alternative design is presented. On average, our hybridtechnique performs within 10% of the higher-complexitydesigns that must support significantly more hardware con-texts. In the case of cutup, dmm, and kmeans the abil-ity to execute in multithreading mode with more than twostrands for each thread provides a benefit. However, in-creasing the number of contexts in our hybrid techniquefrom four to six would enable two-way multithreading withthree strands apiece and reduce much of the advantage ofthe alternative designs while requiring less complexity.

7 Design Space Evaluation

This section presents the results of the comprehensivedesign space exploration for the latency tolerance tech-niques on the 1024-core data parallel processor, comparingperformance, energy consumption, and chip area using thedesign space parameters in Table 1. Energy efficiency of aconfiguration is defined as the ratio of normalized perfor-mance improvement divided by the normalized energy con-sumption. Energy consumption and performance improve-ment are normalized to a one-wide issue in-order baselinewith the smallest configuration. Pareto-optimal curves ofthe design space exploration are presented when appropri-ate. As performance increases and runtime decreases, com-ponent activity and power consumption increase, as seen inthe curves representing a fixed power budget of 150 Watts.

7.1 Microbenchmarks

To understand the impact of choosing one technique overanother, microbenchmarks are utilized to isolate applicationbehavior. Figures 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, and 6e present the Pareto-optimal curves of the latency tolerance techniques. As per-

formance improves, total energy can actually be lower thanthe baseline as leakage energy is avoided.

Figure 6a presents the compute-intensive microbench-mark. Due to the lack of memory accesses, prefetch-ing techniques such as hardware prefetching and hard-ware scout cannot provide any benefit. Both decoupledand out-of-order extract ILP from a single thread, withthe decoupled providing better energy-efficiency due tolower hardware complexity. Multithreading has low hard-ware complexity and is able to tolerate even more floatingpoint latency with four threads, providing the best energy-efficiency. Our proposed hybrid technique operates in de-coupled mode, extracting three strands to tolerate floatingpoint unit latency. Overall, energy-efficiency is improvedthrough out-of-order by 17%, multithreading 36%, decou-pled 30%, and hybrid 30% over hardware prefetching at the150 Watt power budget.

Figure 6b presents the data-dependent control flow mi-crobenchmark. Similar to the compute-intensive pattern,hardware prefetching and hardware scout cannot improveperformance. Decoupled execution experiences loss-of-decoupling when data-dependent control flow is present,limiting performance to in-order execution. Both out-of-order and multithreading have the ability to tolerate data-dependent control flow. However, multithreading is moreenergy efficient as speculation and the dynamic hardware inout-of-order consumes extra energy. Our proposed hybridtechnique detects data-dependent control flow at compiletime and enables multithreaded execution, resulting in highenergy-efficiency. Overall, energy-efficiency is improved inout-of-order by 13%, multithreading 77%, and hybrid 77%over hardware prefetching at the 150 Watt power budget.

Figure 6c presents the data-sharing intensive mi-crobenchmark. With a large amount of predictable L1misses, hardware prefetching provides substantial perfor-mance. While hardware scout provides better prefetchingcapability, the added extra performance is offset by the extraenergy required to dynamically preexecute the instructionstream. Multithreading experiences high levels of cachecontention which increases cache activity and energy con-


0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5


0 1 2 3 4 5 Nor








Normalized Performance Improvement








(a) Compute-intensive

0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5


0 1 2 3 4 5 Nor








Normalized Performance Improvement








(b) Data-dependent Control Flow

0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5


0 1 2 3 4 5 Nor








Normalized Performance Improvement








(c) Data-Sharing Intensive

0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5


0 1 2 3 4 5 Nor








Normalized Performance Improvement








(d) Pointer-Chasing

0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5


!" #" $" %" &" '"Nor








Normalized Performance Improvement








(e) Memory-Streaming Intensive

0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5


0 1 2 3 4 5 Nor








Normalized Performance Improvement








(f) Average







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5









Normalized Performance Improvement


Figure 6: Pareto-optimal energy efficiency for techniques on microbenchmarks normalized to hardware prefetching.

sumption, and prefers larger caches to reduce contentionat a higher cost in energy consumption. Out-of-order anddecoupled execution offer the best energy-efficiency, withonly low complexity implementations of out-of-order re-quired to tolerate the relatively small L2 access latency. Ourhybrid proposal executes in decoupled mode, yielding highenergy-efficiency. Overall, energy-efficiency is improved inout-of-order by 12%, decoupled, 21%, and hybrid 21% overhardware prefetching at the 150 Watt power budget.

Figure 6d presents the pointer-chasing microbenchmark.Both hardware prefetching and hardware scout cannot eas-ily predict the access stream, leading to lower performanceand significant energy waste. Out-of-order tolerates mem-ory latency by executing the update portion of the mi-crobenchmark independently, while only needing a smallinstruction window to do so. Decoupled execution exhibitssimilar behavior to out-of-order, with significantly lowercomplexity. The independent nature of multithreading pro-vides more outstanding memory accesses, which enablessubstantial performance improvement over out-of-order ordecoupled execution. The hybrid technique enables twothreads of decoupled execution on the same core, enablingbetter performance than four-way multithreading. Over-all, energy-efficiency is improved in out-of-order by 23%,multithreading 33%, decoupled, 26%, and hybrid 42% overhardware prefetching at the 150 Watt power budget.

Figure 6e presents the memory-streaming microbench-mark. Both hardware prefetching and hardware scout cantolerate a large amount of memory latency. However,prefetches are reactively generated on cache misses, result-

ing in the core spending significant time stalled. Out-of-order needs a large and complex instruction window to pro-vide enough independent work tolerate long memory laten-cies. Decoupling operates similarly to out-of-order, withsubstantially reduced hardware complexity and energy con-sumption. Multithreading scales the number of threads touncover more memory misses and tolerate memory latencyat the cost of more context hardware and cache space. Thehybrid technique enables two threads of decoupled execu-tion on the same core resulting in better performance thanfour-way multithreading. Overall, energy-efficiency is im-proved in hardware scout by 4%, out-of-order by 17%, mul-tithreading 39%, decoupled, 27%, and hybrid 47% overhardware prefetching at the 150 Watt power budget.

7.2 Average Energy Efficiency

Figure 6f presents the mean result of the design spaceexploration, with the performance improvement and energyconsumption of each architectural configuration averagedacross the microbenchmarks. Our proposed hybrid tech-nique is the most energy-efficient on average, with multi-threading being preferred over out-of-order and decoupledexecution. While out-of-order is not the most energy ef-ficient on any single microbenchmark, it provides robustenergy-efficiency across the benchmarks as compared withdecoupled or multithreading, which can experience pitfallsfrom data-dependent control flow and cache contention.Prefetching can tolerate some memory latency, but cannottolerate floating-point unit latency or much memory latency






















ean N



ed E


y Ef





0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5


0 1 2 3 4 5









Normalized Performance








(b)Figure 7: Pareto-optimal energy efficiency for techniques for each benchmark and averaged across benchmarks.

from pointer-based memory accesses. Our hybrid proposalis robust across all the microbenchmarks, and does not suf-fer either a performance or energy pitfall. Across the mi-crobenchmarks, energy-efficiency is improved on averagein hardware scout by 2%, out-of-order by 20%, multithread-ing 24%, decoupled 15%, and our hybrid technique 31%over hardware prefetching at the 150 Watt power budget.

Averaging energy-efficiency across the microbench-marks weights the importance of each code pattern equally.We also varied the weighting and relative importance ofthe five microbenchmarks from 0 to 100% in increments of10%, and determined the most energy-efficient techniquefor all possible weighting combinations. The proposed hy-brid technique is the most energy-efficient across 78% ofthe combinations, followed by out-of-order at 22%.

7.3 Visual Computing Benchmarks

The microbenchmarks illustrate the profound effect ofapplication behavior on the energy-efficiency of latency tol-erance techniques. With this in mind, we perform the de-sign space exploration on the benchmarks from visual com-puting applications. Figure 7a presents the most energy-efficient configurations for each benchmark normalized tothe hardware prefetching baseline. Figure 7b presents theaverage of a single configuration across all the benchmarks.

On average, out-of-order, multithreading and decoupledtechniques provide similar levels of energy-efficiency, withdecoupled being preferred due to the majority of bench-marks having memory-intensive patterns. These techniquesprovide 66%-143% better energy efficiency than hardwareprefetching and hardware scout. However upon closer in-spection, decoupled and multithreading techniques performquite differently depending on the code pattern. Bench-marks dominated by data-dependent control flow suchas blackscholes, cutcp, and kmeans favor multi-threading over decoupled execution by 14% to 76% dueto the ability to execute another thread instead of stallingand waiting to determine the next basic block. Memory-intensive benchmarks such as fft, heat, and sobel fa-

vor decoupled execution over multithreading by 26% to140%, as the cache footprint is kept low by maintainingfewer threads per core. Out-of-order provides general per-formance improvement across all the benchmarks similar tothe microbenchmarks, but this benefit is negated by the en-ergy overhead required for dynamic scheduling. Hardwarescout is not competitive with hardware prefetching in termsof energy-efficiency, being dominated by the extra energyto preexecute the instruction stream to generate prefetches.

Our hybrid technique enables a larger degree of energyefficiency. By detecting data-dependent control flow in thecompiler, blackscholes and cutcp operate in multi-threading mode, while other benchmarks are in decoupledmode. Only two strands are extracted in dmm, kmeans,and mri enabling two-way multithreading. On average theenergy-efficiency improvement of the hybrid latency toler-ance technique is 28% to 89% over hardware prefetching,out-of-order, multithreading, hardware scout prefetching,and decoupled techniques alone.

7.4 Combining Other Techniques

We perform a design space exploration to compare othercombinations of hardware prefetching, out-of-order execu-tion, multithreading, hardware and decoupled execution.Figure 8 presents the Pareto-optimal energy efficiency ofthese combinations on the benchmarks. Where appropriate,we include the ability of a combination to statically disablehardware prefetching, hardware scout, or multithreading ifit does not improve performance. For clarity, we omittedcombinations such as decoupled execution with hardwarescout and out-of-order due to their similarities.

Adding hardware prefetching improves energy-efficiency on out-of-order 8%, multithreading 6%, anddecoupled execution 6%, though additional memory la-tency tolerance does not benefit every benchmark. Addinghardware scout to out-of-order and multithreading givesmixed results, with only cg and fft for multithreadingseeing a benefit due to better cache contention coverage,and blackscholes and sobel for out-of-order see-









blackscholes cg cutcp dmm fft heat kmeans mri sobel geomean

















Figure 8: Average improvement of energy efficiency of combinations of hardware prefetching, out-of-order, multithreading,hardware scout, and decoupled execution on data parallel benchmarks. Normalized to hardware prefetching.

ing a small benefit on long cache misses. Combiningout-of-order and multithreading yields little benefit, asthe fixed cost of implementing dynamic scheduling hard-ware already provides some amount of latency tolerance,while adding additional threads can also increase cachecontention. Combining decoupling with multithreading isthe best combination, due to low hardware complexity androbust performance across varying workloads, providingan additional 26% improvement in energy-efficiency overany other combination. Adding hardware prefetching toa combination of decoupled execution and multithreadingcan further improve energy-efficiency, as shown by the18% improvement in sobel.

7.5 Average Area Requirements

Figure 9 presents the mean performance improvementcompared with the absolute chip area for the design spaceexploration on our 1024-core data-parallel processor. Thefive microbenchmarks are equally weighted. Voltage scal-ing provides significant performance improvement overhardware prefetching without cost in area. Out-of-orderis significantly more expensive than other techniques. Atlower performance improvement levels, hardware prefetch-ing, multithreading, and hardware scout are more areaefficient than our proposed hybrid approach. However,these techniques must rely on larger caches to continueto improve performance, and eventually become less area-efficient than our hybrid technique. The memory-latencytolerance ability of decoupling and our hybrid techniqueis less sensitive to cache-sizing and as a result the area-efficiency scales much more favorably. Overall, our hybridtechnique substantially improves performance over hard-ware prefetching while keeping chip area under 400 mm2.

8 Related Work

Prior work has described methods for investigatingenergy-performance tradeoffs when considering in-orderand out-of-order uniprocessors [2]. That prior research ex-plores the design space of a single processor, varying archi-tectural parameters using CACTI and synthesis flows. We








0 1 2 3 4 5 6



a (m

m2 )

Normalized Performance







Figure 9: Pareto optimal curves for chip area of each tech-nique averaged across all microbenchmarks.

utilize a similar approach, but build upon it considerablyby introducing hardware prefetching, multithreading, hard-ware scout, and decoupled execution as potential latencytolerance techniques and evaluate on a 1000-core data-parallel processor and benchmarks. Other research has in-vestigated the design space for multi- and manycore proces-sors. Mahesri et al. investigated area-efficient throughput-oriented core architectures [15]. Huh et al. presented earlywork on the design space of multicore CMPs, and enumer-ate important application characteristics [9]. Bakhoda et al.presented GPU benchmarks and perform sensitivity analy-ses to chip design parameters [?]. Our work improves overpast work by focusing on exploring the design space andgiving special attention to modeling the physical design, in-cluding energy consumption.

Combinations of latency tolerance techniques have beenimplemented in the context of serial-performance focusedprocessors. Intel’s i7 [20] and IBM’s POWER7 [23] imple-ment out-of-order and simultaneous multithreading. IBM’sPOWER6 architecture implements multithreading and arestricted form of hardware scout, called load-lookaheadprefetching [12]. Other work proposes dynamic instruc-tion partitioning into separate threads and leverages out-of-order hardware in order to provide memory latency toler-ance [19]. Additionally, many designs have implementedhardware prefetching. Our work investigates various com-binations of these techniques in the context of 1000-coredata-parallel processors and benchmarks and proposes anovel and low-complexity hybrid technique to provide ro-bust energy-efficiency.


9 Conclusion

Modern data parallel processors require energy-efficientlatency tolerance to reach the goal of maximizing perfor-mance per Watt. However, commonly used techniques fallshort of this goal, either by suffering from pitfalls due toapplication behavior, additional hardware complexity, orexcessive energy waste. We propose a novel hybrid la-tency tolerance technique leveraging both multithreadingand decoupling to provide robust performance and energy-efficiency. While multithreading and decoupling in isola-tion have performance pitfalls on different code patternscommonly found in data parallel workloads, intelligentlycombining the two techniques can avoid these pitfalls andimprove energy-efficiency significantly.

Leveraging the properties of multithreading and decou-pled execution, we design static execution mode selectionand dynamic instruction scheduling algorithms for our pro-posed hybrid technique. We then utilize high-fidelity per-formance and physical design models and perform a com-prehensive design space exploration to compare the energy-efficiency of our hybrid technique with commonly used la-tency tolerance techniques on a 1024-core data parallel pro-cessor. Our hybrid latency tolerance technique improvesenergy-efficiency over other single techniques by 28% to89%, and over any other combination of techniques by over26% on data parallel benchmarks.

10 Acknowledgements

The authors acknowledge the support of the Semicon-ductor Research Corporation (SRC). The authors also thankthe Trusted ILLIAC Center at the University of Illinois foruse of the computing cluster, Mark Horowitz and HaoweiZhang of Stanford for initial physical design estimates, andthe anonymous referees for their feedback.


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