
MICROBIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REVIEWS, Mar. 2002, p. 1–20 Vol. 66, No. 11092-2172/02/$04.00�0 DOI: 10.1128/MMBR.66.1.1–20.2002Copyright © 2002, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Hydrogenases and Hydrogen Metabolism of CyanobacteriaPaula Tamagnini,1,2 Rikard Axelsson,3 Pia Lindberg,3 Fredrik Oxelfelt,2 Röbbe Wünschiers,3

and Peter Lindblad3*Department of Botany1 and Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology,2 University of Porto, 4150-180 Porto, Portugal, and

Department of Physiological Botany, EBC, Uppsala University, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden3

INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................................1Cyanobacteria..............................................................................................................................................................1Nitrogenases ................................................................................................................................................................2

Alternative nitrogenases.........................................................................................................................................3(i) Mo-containing nitrogenases.............................................................................................................................3(ii) V-containing nitrogenase.................................................................................................................................4(iii) Fe-containing nitrogenase..............................................................................................................................4

HYDROGENASES..........................................................................................................................................................4Cyanobacterial Uptake Hydrogenases .....................................................................................................................4

hupSL and the deduced proteins ..........................................................................................................................5Transcription of hupSL ..........................................................................................................................................7

Cyanobacterial Bidirectional Hydrogenases ...........................................................................................................8hox genes and the deduced proteins.....................................................................................................................9Transcription of hox genes ..................................................................................................................................10

Genetic Diversity of Cyanobacterial Hydrogenases .............................................................................................11Accessory Genes ........................................................................................................................................................11

Organization and transcription of cyanobacterial hyp genes .........................................................................11CYANOBACTERIAL BIOHYDROGEN ....................................................................................................................12

Rates of Cyanobacterial Hydrogen Production ....................................................................................................14Strategies for Improving Cyanobacterial Strains for Photobiological Hydrogen Production........................14Future Research and Development Directions and International Cooperation and Networks.....................16

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................................................................16ADDENDUM IN PROOF............................................................................................................................................16REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................................................16



Cyanobacteria (also called blue-green bacteria, blue-greenalgae, cyanophyceae, or cyanophytes) are a large and wide-spread group of photoautotrophic microorganisms, which orig-inated, evolved, and diversified early in Earth’s history. Theearliest forms attributed to this group were found in sedimen-tary rocks formed 3.5 billion years ago, and it is commonlyaccepted that cyanobacteria played a crucial role in the Pre-cambrian phase by contributing oxygen to the atmosphere(175).

At present, cyanobacteria are found in a wide range ofhabitats including aquatic (saltwater and freshwater), terres-trial, and extreme environments (like frigid lakes of the Ant-arctic or hot springs). Although called blue-green, cyanobac-teria may display a variety of colors due to differentcombinations of the photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a,carotenoids, and phycobiliproteins. All cyanobacteria combinethe ability to perform an oxygenic photosynthesis (resemblingthat of chloroplasts) with typical prokaryotic features. The

possession of chlorophyll a and the use of oxygenic photosyn-thesis distinguishes cyanobacteria from other photosyntheticbacteria, such as purple and green bacteria. Nevertheless,some cyanobacterial strains can perform anoxygenic photosyn-thesis by using hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as the electron donor.Many cyanobacteria can fix atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) (acapacity not possessed by any eukaryote) into ammonia (NH3),a form in which the nitrogen is further available for biologicalreactions. Although quite uniform in nutritional and metabolicrespects, cyanobacteria are a morphologically diverse groupwith unicellular, filamentous, and colonial forms. Among cer-tain filamentous cyanobacteria, there is some degree of cellulardifferentiation. Within the filament, vegetative cells may de-velop into structurally modified and functionally specializedcells: the akinetes (resting cells) or the heterocysts (cells spe-cialized in nitrogen fixation). For more detailed information oncyanobacteria, see reference 218.

Unicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria can form symbi-oses with a wide diversity of hosts. In symbiosis, some cyano-bionts perform both photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation whileothers exhibit only one of these properties (3, 22, 133, 161,184). It is believed that ancestors of cyanobacteria evolved tobecome plastids after a long period of endosymbiosis. In bio-chemical and structural detail, cyanobacteria are especiallysimilar to the chloroplasts of red algae (47, 104).

The taxonomy of cyanobacteria is still a controversial sub-

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Physiolog-ical Botany, EBC, Uppsala University, Villavägen 6, SE-752 36 Upp-sala, Sweden. Phone and fax: 46-18-471-28-26. E-mail: [email protected].


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ject, with two prevailing approaches, the botanical approach(8–10, 102, 103) and the bacterial approach (167, 168, 190).Despite the differences, both botanists and bacteriologists di-vide the cyanobacteria into four or five major subgroups. Infact, the five sections recognized by Rippka et al. (167) coin-cide broadly with orders of other classifications: Chroococcales,Pleurocapsales, Oscillatoriales, Nostocales, and Stigonematales(for reviews on this subject, see references 218 and 219). Atpresent, different molecular methods are being used and de-veloped to infer phylogenetic relationships. However, the dataavailable for cyanobacteria are still scarce (207, 219). Analysisof 16S rRNA sequences has given the most detailed hypothesisof the evolution of cyanobacteria (218, 219). A polyphasictaxonomy of cyanobacteria, integrating both phenotypic andgenotypic characters is currently being assembled. A milestonein the study of cyanobacteria was the publication of the entiregenome (3,573,470 bp) of the non-nitrogen-fixing unicellularcyanobacterium Synechocystis strain PCC 6803 (95, 144). Anumber of other cyanobacterial genome projects are beingcompleted (see below).

Cyanobacteria may possess several enzymes directly in-volved in hydrogen metabolism: nitrogenase(s) catalyzing theproduction of hydrogen (H2) concomitantly with the reductionof nitrogen to ammonia, an uptake hydrogenase catalyzing theconsumption of hydrogen produced by the nitrogenase, and abidirectional hydrogenase which has the capacity to both take upand produce hydrogen (Fig. 1) (13, 21, 58, 75, 87, 113, 115, 117).

This review summarizes our knowledge about cyanobacterialhydrogenases. It is based on scientific publications and se-quence information from the genome projects of the uni-cellular non-nitrogen-fixing Synechocystis strain PCC 6803 (95,144) and the filamentous heterocystous strains Anabaenastrain PCC 7120 (The Kazusa DNA Research Institute []) and Nostoc punctiforme(ATCC 29133, PCC 73102) (for preliminary sequence data,see the DOE Joint Genome Institute website [])(Fig. 2). In addition, genome projects are currently being per-formed using, e.g., unicellular cyanobacteria such as severalSynechococcus strains (e.g., S. elongatus [] and Synechococcus strain WH8102 []), Gloeobacter strain PCC 7421 (, and Microcystis aeruginosa (; the filamentous, nonheterocystous Spirulina platensis(; as well as the prochlorophyte Prochloro-coccus marinus ( After introducingnitrogenases and hydrogenases, we focus on the two cyanobac-terial hydrogenases, the uptake and the bidirectional enzymes,their regulation, and their accessory genes before finishing with anapplied aspect—the use of cyanobacteria in the photoproductionof molecular hydrogen.


Although nitrogenase is unquestionably a key enzyme forcyanobacterial hydrogen production, it is not subject of thisreview and so its properties will be discussed only briefly here.

The activity of nitrogenase, the enzymatic multiprotein com-plex for nitrogen fixation, is essential for the maintenance of

the nitrogen cycle, since this element often limits the growth oforganisms (35, 65, 158, 187). The diversity of prokaryotic mi-croorganisms with the ability to fix nitrogen is in contrast to theremarkable conservation of the nitrogenase itself (36, 58, 80).

The nitrogenase complex consists of two proteins: the dini-trogenase (MoFe protein or protein I) and the dinitrogenasereductase (Fe protein or protein II), (Fig. 1). The dinitroge-nase is an �2�2 heterotetramer of about 220 to 240 kDa, andthe � and � subunits are encoded by nifD and nifK, respec-tively. The dinitrogenase reductase, encoded by nifH, is a ho-modimer of about 60 to 70 kDa and plays the specific role ofmediating the transfer of electrons from the external electrondonor (a ferredoxin or a flavodoxin) to the dinitrogenase (58,127, 149). In addition to the three structural nif genes, manyother genes are involved in the nitrogen fixation process and itsregulation (for a review, see reference 26). Recently, followingthe completion of several cyanobacterial genome projects, itbecame evident that some strains contain multiple copies ofcertain nif genes; for example N. punctiforme (Nostoc strain

FIG. 1. Enzymes directly involved in hydrogen metabolism in cya-nobacteria. While the uptake hydrogenase is present in all nitrogen-fixing strains tested so far, the bidirectional enzyme is distributedamong both nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (al-though it is not a universal cyanobacterial enzyme) (192). The molec-ular masses indicated for the uptake hydrogenase subunits are meanvalues calculated from the deduced amino acid sequences of Anabaenastrain PCC 7120 (39), Nostoc strain PCC 73102 (150), and A. variabilisATCC 29413 (79), while the values for the subunits of the bidirectionalenzyme are based on data exclusively from A. variabilis ATCC 29413(173).


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PCC 73102) appears to have three copies of nifH (199;

The reduction of nitrogen to ammonia, catalyzed by nitro-genase, is a highly endergonic reaction requiring metabolicenergy in the form of ATP. Moreover, this reaction is accom-panied by an obligatory reduction of protons (H�) to hydro-gen. Apparently, with a pure nitrogen atmosphere, at most75% of the electrons (e�) would be allocated for nitrogenreduction and at least 25% would be allocated for protonreduction. Since two ATP molecules are required for eachelectron transferred from dinitrogenase reductase to dinitro-genase, the reaction requires a minimum of 16 ATP moleculesuntil the dinitrogenase has accumulated enough electrons toreduce nitrogen to ammonia. The overall reaction can be writ-ten as follows:

N2 � 8H� � 8e� � 16ATP ¡ 2NH3 � H2 � 16ADP � 16Pi

Nitrogenase is very oxygen labile; hence, all diazotrophs mustprotect the enzymatic complex from the deleterious effects ofoxygen (O2). Cyanobacteria and prochlorophytes are the onlyprokaryotic organisms known to perform oxygenic photosyn-thesis (58, 129). Cyanobacteria have evolved different mecha-nisms and strategies, ranging from fixing nitrogen only underanoxic conditions to temporal or even spatial separation ofnitrogen fixation and oxygen evolution, to protect their nitro-gen-fixing machinery not only from atmospheric oxygen butalso from the intracellularly generated oxygen (for reviews, seereferences 22, 26, 56, 140, 188, 220, and 221). Temporal sep-aration between photosynthetic oxygen evolution and nitrogenfixation seems to be the most common strategy adopted bynonheterocystous cyanobacteria (92, 137, 165). Spatial separa-tion of the two processes is achieved in many filamentouscyanobacteria by differentiation of vegetative cells into cellsspecialized in nitrogen fixation, i.e., the heterocysts. In themarine filamentous nonheterocystous Trichodesmium, a spatialseparation probably occurs between the two processes withoutany obvious cellular differentiation; only a small fraction ofcells within a colony or along the filament are capable ofnitrogen fixation. In contrast to the irreversible changes occur-ring during heterocyst differentiation, those occurring in non-heterocystous cyanobacteria can be reversed (21, 44, 61, 140).

Some filamentous cyanobacteria are able to differentiate 5to 10% of their vegetative cells into heterocysts (Fig 2). Het-erocyst formation does not take place randomly within thefilament. Recently, it was proposed that this process inAnabaena variabilis is not controlled by individual cells but bythe entire filament (199). The filament senses the nitrogenstatus and responds by producing heterocyst differentiationsignals. However, this does not exclude cell-to-cell signaling inthe maintenance of heterocyst pattern (26, 199, 220), and it hasbeen shown that the small diffusible peptide PatS and productsof nitrogen fixation control heterocyst differentiation inAnabaena strain PCC 7120 (226, 227). The heterocyst providesa microanaerobic environment suitable for the functioning ofnitrogenase since (i) it lacks photosystem II activity, (ii) it hasa higher rate of respiratory oxygen consumption, and (iii) it issurrounded by a thick envelope that limits the diffusion ofoxygen through the cell wall (56, 221). Heterocysts importcarbohydrates and in return export glutamine to the vegetativecells. An interesting feature of heterocyst differentiation incyanobacteria is the occurrence of developmentally regulatedgenome rearrangements (39–41, 67–69, 130, 134, 141, 142).These rearrangements occur late in heterocyst differentiation,at about the same time as the nitrogenase genes are tran-scribed. In vegetative cells of Anabaena strain PCC 7120, thefdxN, nifD, and hupL genes are interrupted by DNA elementsthat are excised, during heterocyst differentiation, by site-spe-cific recombinases encoded by xisF, xisA, and xisC, respectively.In addition, the excision of the fdxN element requires theproducts of the two genes xisH and xisI (162).

Alternative nitrogenases. In the heterocystous cyanobacte-rium A. variabilis ATCC 29413 several different nitrogenaseshave been identified and characterized (for details, see refer-ences 98, 99, 195, and 197 to 199).

(i) Mo-containing nitrogenases. Two of the A. variabilis ni-trogenases are molybdenum-dependent enzymes. The first one(the so-called conventional nitrogenase, encoded by the nif1

FIG. 2. Microphotographs of the three cyanobacteria from whichgenome sequence information is included in the present review.(A) Synechocystis strain PCC 6803; (B) Anabaena strain PCC 7120;(C) Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102/ATCC 29133. Note the presence ofheterocysts (arrows) in the nitrogen-fixing cultures of Anabaena strainPCC 7120 and Nostoc strain PCC 73102. Bar, 10 �m.


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gene cluster) functions in heterocysts. The second enzyme (en-coded by the nif2 gene cluster) functions strictly under anaer-obic conditions in vegetative cells only (199).

(ii) V-containing nitrogenase. The occurrence of a vanadi-um-containing nitrogenase was first reported by Kentemich etal. (98) and subsequently confirmed by Thiel (195). This en-zyme is encoded by the vnfDGK gene cluster, which is tran-scribed in the absence of molybdenum and in which vnfDG arefused into a single gene (195).

(iii) Fe-containing nitrogenase. A fourth nitrogenase is be-lieved to be an iron enzyme similar to the one encoded by theanf gene cluster in Azotobacter vinelandii (23, 99).

Alternative nitrogenases have also been found in other cya-nobacterial strains (23), and it is known that they differ fromthe conventional enzyme physically, chemically, and by theircatalytic properties. One must bear in mind that all of thealternative enzymes investigated so far seem to allocate ahigher proportion of electrons to the reduction of protons tohydrogen than does the conventional Mo enzyme complex.However, hydrogen produced by nitrogenase is generally takenup by an uptake hydrogenase, so that net hydrogen evolutionby nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria is barely observed, at leastunder aerobic conditions (7).


The capacity of certain microorganisms to metabolize mo-lecular hydrogen was discovered at the end of the 19th century(85) and later identified to be catalyzed by a hydrogenase(191). Since then hydrogenases have been observed and char-acterized in many microorganisms, including some algae,trichomonads, anaerobic ciliates, and chytrid fungi (4, 5, 59, 77,86, 94, 100, 176, 222, 223, 225). The enzyme catalyzes thesimplest of chemical reactions, the reversible reductive forma-tion of hydrogen from protons and electrons:

2H� � 2e�7 H2

According to the metal composition of the active site, hydrog-enases are classified into three major groups: NiFe, Fe, andmetal-free hydrogenases (209).

The majority of hydrogenases are NiFe-containing enzymes,occurring in all bacterial classes (38, 159, 209). The first crystalstructure of a NiFe hydrogenase, the representative het-erodimeric soluble enzyme of Desulfovibrio gigas (6), was pub-lished in 1995 (212). This hydrogenase is involved in periplas-mic H2 oxidation and is phylogentically related to otherbacterial uptake hydrogenases (209). The binuclear Ni-con-taining active site in the large subunit contains an additional Feion (37, 60, 212). The nickel ion is ligated to four conservedcysteine residues (RxCGxCxxxH and DPCxxCxxH) at the N-and C-terminal regions, respectively, two of which are bridgingthe Fe and Ni ions. The Fe is also coordinated by two cyanideions and one carbon monoxide molecule, two very uncommonbiological ligands (18, 78). The hydrogen molecule is believedto access the active site through an identified hydrophobicchannel (139), while conserved histidine and glutamate resi-dues spanning from the active site to the molecule surface areresponsible for the proton transfer (212). The transfer of elec-trons between the active site and the redox partner involves theparticipation of [FeS] clusters in the small subunit of NiFe

hydrogenases. Sequence comparisons demonstrated that theypossess several conserved cysteines, shown to participate in theformation of the [FeS] clusters. The heterodimeric NiFe hy-drogenases are often directly linked to a variable diaphorasepart containing additional prosthetic groups, e.g., [FeS] clus-ters, flavins, and cytochromes (6).

Cyanobacteria possess two functionally different NiFe hy-drogenases, an uptake enzyme and a bidirectional enzyme. In1995, structural genes encoding the latter enzyme were se-quenced and characterized (173). These authors, to avoid con-fusion with the tritium exchange 42-kDa enzyme previouslycloned (51–54), chose to call it a bidirectional hydrogenase, aname that is used throughout this review. The 42-kDa enzymeis commonly accepted to be an aminotransferase (228).

Cyanobacterial Uptake Hydrogenases

An uptake hydrogenase, with the evident function of cata-lyzing the consumption of the hydrogen produced by nitroge-nase, has been found in all nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria ex-amined so far (87, 107, 192). Some physiological data, togetherwith analysis of a mutant of the bidirectional hydrogenase genehoxH, indicate that the unicellular non-nitrogen-fixing Syn-echococcus strain PCC 6301 (Anacystis nidulans) may also pos-sess a hydrogen uptake enzyme (29, 48, 154–156). However,the presence of an uptake hydrogenase in non-nitrogen-fixingcyanobacteria is still a controversial subject, but the increasingavailability of molecular data, particularly from genomeprojects, will help to clarify this question.

Since the small subunits of all known cyanobacterial uptakehydrogenases lack any N-terminal signal peptide (39, 79, 150)it has been suggested that the enzyme is localized on thecytoplasmic side of either the cytoplasmic or the thylakoidmembrane (13, 209). In some filamentous strains, it is partic-ularly expressed in the nitrogen-fixing heterocysts with little orno activity in the photosynthetic vegetative cells (see “Tran-scription of hupSL” below) (39, 87, 88, 152). The recycling ofhydrogen produced by nitrogenase has been suggested to haveat least three beneficial functions for the organism: (i) it pro-vides the organism with ATP via the oxyhydrogen (Knallgas)reaction; (ii) it removes oxygen from nitrogenase, thereby pro-tecting it from inactivation; and (iii) it supplies reducing equiv-alents (electrons) to nitrogenase and for other cell functions(32, 33, 90, 183, 216).

The uptake hydrogenase activity versus the bidirectional hy-drogenase activity was characterized by Houchins and Burris(89) for Anabaena strain PCC 7120. In filaments, the uptakehydrogenase is resistant to atmospheric oxygen levels, but aninactivation that increased with the disruption of the filamentwas observed. The two hydrogenases differ in their thermalstability. Specifically, the uptake enzyme is more sensitive tohigh temperature, with a half-life of 12 min at 70°C, but lesssensitive to competitive inhibition by carbon monoxide than isthe bidirectional enzyme. Both enzymes have a low Km forhydrogen, but only the uptake hydrogenase activity was shownto be elicited by addition of hydrogen to the gas phase (48, 87,116, 151, 169).

Biochemical and molecular data concerning filamentousheterocystous cyanobacteria point to the existence of at leasttwo dissimilar subunits of about 60 and 35 kDa (39, 79, 88, 89,


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112, 116, 150, 193). However, the exact subunit composition ofcyanobacterial uptake hydrogenases and the molecular mass ofthe active holoenzyme are still unknown. It is premature toexclude the presence of additional subunits in the active formof the enzyme, since no active cyanobacterial uptake hydroge-nase has yet been purified.

The cellular and subcellular localization of hydrogenases incyanobacteria is unclear. It has been suggested that the enzymeis located in the thylakoid membranes of heterocysts (48),while others reported its presence in both the vegetative cellsand heterocysts and a particular association with the cytoplas-mic membrane (88, 116, 160). There is a diversity in the num-ber of nitrogenases in a single nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterialstrain, ranging from one in, e.g., Anabaena strain PCC 7120and Nostoc strain PCC 73102 to at least three different nitro-genases in A. variabilis (98, 99, 195, 197, 198). However, sinceno study has addressed the question of putatively several up-take hydrogenases in a single strain, the pattern(s) of uptakehydrogenase cellular and subcellular localization might be dif-ferent for different strains under different environmental con-ditions.

A strong correlation between the activity of an uptake hy-drogenase and nitrogen fixation has been demonstrated infilamentous cyanobacteria (87, 107, 151, 221). In A. variabilis,exogenous hydrogen produces only a slight stimulatory effecton the in vivo hydrogen uptake during the early stages ofnitrogenase induction (203). The authors suggest that the levelof hydrogen evolved by nitrogenase is enough for the inductionof hydrogenase synthesis. The temporary stimulation of hydro-gen uptake in Nostoc strain PCC 73102 cultures incubated indarkness (i.e., cells with a much lower in vivo nitrogenaseactivity [126]) implies a strong correlation between the hydro-gen uptake and nitrogenase activities and indicates that theaddition of exogenous hydrogen alone is not enough to main-tain the hydrogen uptake activity (151).

The biosynthesis of NiFe hydrogenases is closely related toNi metabolism, both to form an active enzyme and at thetranscriptional level (101, 135, 211, 212). Cyanobacterial hy-drogenases seem to be no exception. In several strains thehydrogen uptake activity is dependent on the concentration ofnickel in the growth medium (45, 46, 151, 152, 182, 202, 224).

Addition of organic carbon to the growth medium demon-strated that cells of Nostoc strain PCC 73102, grown eitherphoto- or chemoheterotrophically, reach both higher nitroge-nase and hydrogen uptake activities than do photoautotrophi-cally grown cells (151). The maximal in vivo light-dependenthydrogen uptake activity occurred in cells grown heterotroph-ically in darkness, a condition that mimics symbiosis. This find-ing is in agreement with the suggested coupling between hy-drogen consumption and an efficient nitrogen fixation inNostoc sp. strain Cc and other symbiotic microorganisms (122,124, 202). In contrast, autotrophically grown cells of a cya-nobacterium isolated from Macrozamia communis have ahigher level of both nitrogenase and hydrogenase activity thando heterotrophically grown cells (46). A rapid decrease inhydrogen uptake activity in chemoheterotrophically grown cul-tures of Anabaena cycadeae has been reported (105). More-over, an inhibition of the uptake hydrogenase activity by theaddition of glucose, with a consequent increase in hydrogenproduction by nitrogenase, was observed in the Gunnera-Nos-

toc symbiosis (123). This set of conflicting data is not easilyexplained. As already pointed out (124), the omission of nickelfrom the growth medium in some of the experiments mighthave influenced their results. Moreover, symbiotic cyanobac-teria within coralloid roots of the cycads Cycas revoluta andZamia furfuracea showed a significant in vivo hydrogen uptake(124).

Addition of the protein biosynthesis inhibitor chloramphen-icol to Nostoc strain PCC 73102 cultures (151) inhibited thestimulation observed by nickel and organic carbon, suggestinga regulation at the synthesis and transcriptional level and notregulation of the activity of preexisting protein(s). A similarphenomenon has been reported for the filamentous nonhet-erocystous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria subbrevis (182). Basedon midpoint potentials and inhibitor studies, the probable can-didate for the initial electron acceptor of the uptake hydroge-nase is plastoquinone (87). In A. variabilis, in vitro the uptakehydrogenase is activated by a reduced thioredoxin, leading tothe proposal that in vivo the enzyme may be subjected to aform of redox control that also involves a thioredoxin (152,185).

hupSL and the deduced proteins. The first molecular dataconcerning cyanobacterial hydrogenases appeared in 1995.Carrasco et al. (39) described a novel developmental genomerearrangement for Anabaena strain PCC 7120, occurring inaddition to the known nifD and fdxN rearrangements (seeabove), during the differentiation of a vegetative cell into aheterocyst. This third rearrangement occurs within a gene(hupL) encoding the large subunit of the uptake hydrogenase.The excision of a 10.5-kb DNA element occurs late during theheterocyst differentiation process, indicating that HupL inAnabaena strain PCC 7120 is expressed in heterocysts only.The excision occurs by a site-specific recombination, and therecombinase gene, xisC, was found 115 bp inside the rightborder of the excised element (Fig. 3A). Subsequently, thestructural genes encoding both the small (hupS) and the large(hupL) subunits of the uptake hydrogenase have been se-quenced and characterized in Anabaena strain PCC 7120 (, Nostoc strain PCC 73102 (150),and A. variabilis (79) (Fig. 3A).

All cyanobacterial hupSL genes sequenced so far are highlyconserved, ranging from 83.8 to 95.1% nucleotide identities(Table 1), except that the occurrence of the hupL rearrange-ment/presence of xisC is not ubiquitous (17, 79, 192). They do,however, collectively differ significantly from the correspond-ing genes in other microorganisms, such as D. gigas (110),Bradyrhizobium japonicum (172), or Rhodobacter capsulatus(79, 108, 150). The deduced amino acid sequences of the cya-nobacterial uptake hydrogenases all have �93% similarities toeach other (Table 1; note the 99.7 and 99.6% amino acidsimilarity for HupS and HupL from Anabaena strain PCC 7120and A. variabilis, respectively), whereas the corresponding per-centage for Nostoc strain PCC 73102 HupL compared to D.gigas HupL is only 43%.

HupS of cyanobacteria contains eight cysteine residues thatclearly correspond to those involved in the formation of [FeS]clusters in D. gigas and a ninth cysteine whose position is onlyslightly different from that in other bacterial sequences (Fig.3A; Table 2) (39, 79, 150, 212). The cyanobacterial small sub-unit also lacks the N-terminal twin-arginine signal peptide pro-


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posed to be involved in translocation of the protein, suggestingthat the enzyme is not transported by the same machinery as inother organisms. Also missing in cyanobacterial HupS is thehydrophobic motif at the C terminus, but the role of this regionin membrane anchoring is not clear since it is not present in allmembrane-bound hydrogenases (122). The cyanobacterialHupL sequences contain putative Ni-binding sites characteris-tic for uptake hydrogenase large subunits at their N-terminal(FRGFE[I/V]ILRGKDPQAGLIVTPRIC62GIC65G[A/G]SH)and C-terminal (DPVEVGHVARSFDSC509LVC512TVHAH)ends (Table 2; Fig. 3A) (209), although at the C-terminal endthe proline at position 508 is exchanged for a serine.

It has been noted that some features of the cyanobacterialhupSL make it very similar to hupUV (hoxBC) involved in theregulation of the uptake hydrogenase in other microorganisms(R. capsulatus [50, 210], Ralstonia eutropha [109], and B. ja-ponicum [24]), and as a consequence they may actually beencoding a regulatory hydrogenase rather than the uptake hydro-genase (150). One can point out that cyanobacterial HupSlacks the N-terminal signal peptide that is present in the smallsubunit of uptake hydrogenases from other microorganisms.However, the cyanobacterial HupL contains the C-terminalregion, which is cleaved off during the maturation process ofthe protein, and an amino acid extension that is not presentin HupV (150, 211); the N. punctiforme genome ( not contain any open reading frames (ORFs) similar tohupSL or hupUV, except for the already known hupSL. Low-stringency Southern hybridizations using Nostoc strain PCC73102 and cloned hupSL (150) as the probe resulted in theidentification of additional DNA fragments (115). However,recent experiments demonstrated that the noncoding regionbetween hupS and hupL was the reason for the additionalhybridization signal (112). Additionally, a hupL mutant of A.variabilis, cultivated under nitrogen-fixing conditions, exhibitssignificantly increased rates in hydrogen accumulation and

produces three times more hydrogen than the wild type does(79). These results clearly demonstrate that the characterizedcyanobacterial hupSL encode an uptake hydrogenase.

Generally, the structural genes encoding NiFe uptake hy-drogenases are clustered in a similar physical organizationforming a transcript unit, with hupS being located upstream ofhupL. In several microorganisms, a third ORF, hupC, has beenidentified and is located directly downstream of the hupSLgenes (83, 208, 211). It has been proposed that HupC, a b-typecytochrome, could play a role in mediating the electron trans-port to the terminal acceptor oxygen (43, 211). The cyanobac-terial hupSL genes follow the general pattern (Fig. 3A) and aretranscribed as a single transcript in A. variabilis ATCC 29413(79) and in Nostoc strain PCC 73102 (112). In both organisms,as well as in Anabaena strain PCC 7120, ORFs have beendetected downstream of the respective hupL genes, but noneof them show any similarity to hupC and they are different inthe three strains examined (Fig. 3A).

Transcription of hupSL. The first transcriptional study con-cerning cyanobacterial hupSL genes was performed withAnabaena strain PCC 7120, where non-nitrogen-fixing fila-ments of vegetative cells were transferred to nitrogen-fixingconditions. Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) demon-strated that hupL transcription coincides with heterocyst for-mation (39). Subsequent studies of Nostoc muscorum and A.variabilis ATCC 29413 (cyanobacteria without rearrangementof hupL; see “Genetic diversity of cyanobacterial hydroge-nases” below) using RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis, re-spectively, confirmed the induction of a hupL transcript undernitrogen-fixing conditions only (17, 79). In N. muscorum, theinduction of the transcript was followed by the appearance ofan in vivo hydrogen uptake activity (Fig. 4) (17). In contrast tothese results, a low level of hupL expression (detected byRT-PCR) has been found in A. variabilis ATCC 29413 vege-tative cells grown with the addition of ammonia (28). Interest-

TABLE 1. Sequence comparison of cyanobacterial hupSL anddeduced amino acid sequencesa


Nucleotideidentity (%)

Amino acid identity/similarity (%/%)

hupS hupL HupS HupL

Nostoc strain PCC 73102vs A. variabilis

84.4 83.8 88.8/93.8 91.1/95.1

Anabaena strain PCC 7120vs A. variabilis

95.1 94.9 98.1/99.7 98.7/99.6

Anabaena strain PCC 7120vs Nostoc strain PCC73102

84.2 85.0 88.8/93.8 90.6/95.1

a Based on references 39, 79, and 150.

TABLE 2. Positions and putative functions of conserved cysteineresidues (Cys) in cyanobacterial uptake hydrogenases compared to

those in Desulfovibrio gigas uptake hydrogenasea

Protein Conserved residues Function

HupS Cys12, Cys113, Cys161 Binding of putative [4Fe4S] clusterb

Cys203, Cys224, Cys231 Binding of putative [4Fe4S] clusterc

Cys240, Cys258, Cys261 Binding of putative [3Fe4S] cluster

HupL Cys62, Cys509 Ni bindingCys65, Cys512 Ni-Fe bridging ligands

a Based on references 39, 79, 150, and 212.b Second ligand (cysteine) in D. gigas HupS missing in cyanobacterial HupS.c First ligand (histidine) missing and third ligand (Cys224) differently posi-

tioned compared to the corresponding residues in D. gigas HupS.

FIG. 3. hupSL in the cyanobacteria Nostoc strain PCC 73102 (N. PCC 73102) (150), A. variabilis ATCC 29413 (79), and Anabaena strain PCC7120 (A. PCC 7120) (39). (A) Thin vertical lines correspond to the nucleotide triplets encoding the conserved cysteine residues compared to HupSLin other organisms. Arrows show the positions of transcriptional start in Nostoc strain PCC 73102 and A. variabilis ATCC 29413. Grey boxes (a,b, c, and d) indicate the positions of putative promoter elements; a, NtcA-binding site; b, IHF-binding site; c, �10 promoter sequence; d, part ofan FNR-binding site. Intergenic-sequence hairpin structures are also indicated (for details, see panel B), as well as positions and directions ofputative ORFs, labeled 1 to 3, downstream of hupL. Note the presence of xisC and the subsequent rearrangement within hupL in Anabaena strainPCC 7120. (B) hupSL intergenic sequence hairpin structures. The stop codon of hupS and the start codon of hupL are boxed, and calculated �Gvalues for each hairpin structure are shown below the respective structures (112).


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ingly, when exposed to anaerobic conditions A. variabilis syn-thesizes a second Mo nitrogenase cellularly localized in thevegetative cells (199). The concomitant induction of the al-ready identified uptake hydrogenase (79) or a possible alter-native uptake hydrogenase deserves further studies. It waspreviously shown that ammonia-grown cells of A. variabilishave low but consistent in vivo hydrogen uptake, an activitythat was attributed to the bidirectional enzyme (203). More-over, some uptake hydrogenase activity could be detected invegetative cells of Anabaena spp. grown microaerobically oranaerobically (88, 157).

The hupSL transcript in A. variabilis ATCC 29413 is 2.7 kb,and the transcription start site is located 103 bp upstream ofthe start codon, whereas in Nostoc strain PCC 73102 it issituated 259 bp upstream. Both start sites are preceded byputative �10 sequences, and putative promoter elements havebeen identified (Fig. 3A) (79, 112). In the A. variabilis sequenceit is possible to identify half of a consensus FNR-binding se-quence, and in Nostoc strain PCC 73102 there are possibleintegration host factor (IHF) and NtcA-binding sites (Fig. 3A)(79, 112). An FNR (fumarate nitrate reductase regulator)-binding site is involved in regulation of the Escherichia coli hypoperon (119), and the protein induces several operons duringanaerobic growth (186). IHF is known to be involved in tran-scriptional activation of nif genes in purple bacteria (84), andthe global cyanobacterial nitrogen regulator NtcA is necessaryfor heterocyst differentiation and expression of some of thegenes involved in nitrogen fixation in Anabaena strain PCC7120 (62, 82, 215).

The cyanobacterial hupSL genes differ from those of othermicroorganisms in being separated by longer intergenic re-gions (79, 150). These regions consist largely of 7-bp repeatedsequences belonging to different families of short tandemly

repeated repetitive sequences commonly found in heterocys-tous cyanobacteria (112, 131). Even though the specific shorttandemly repeated repetitive sequences are not conserved, se-quence analyses revealed that the possibility of a hairpin for-mation is a common feature, indicating a conserved two-di-mensional structure rather than a specific sequence of therepeat itself (Fig. 3B) (112). The specific function(s) and originof the repeats are not known (93, 131). One possible functionof hairpins could be to increase the stability of the transcript.Another suggestion is that the hairpin structure may confer atranslational coupling between the two structural genes (112).

Cyanobacterial Bidirectional Hydrogenases

The soluble or loosely membrane-associated cyanobacterialbidirectional hydrogenase is a common enzyme in both nitro-gen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (75, 96, 97,117, 177). However, recent data clearly demonstrated that, atleast in nitrogen-fixing strains, it is not an universal enzyme andthat strains missing the bidirectional enzyme have nothing ob-vious in common (192, 194). The Ni-containing bidirectionalhydrogenase, partially purified and characterized from A.variabilis ATCC 29413 (178) differs from the uptake hydroge-nase in its physical and catalytic properties (178, 202). In gen-eral, cyanobacterial bidirectional hydrogenases are character-ized by their sensitivity to oxygen, thermotolerance, and highaffinity to hydrogen (49, 87, 89, 163, 178). Methyl viologen,chemically reduced by dithionite, supports hydrogen evolutionby all examined bidirectional hydrogenases and is usually usedas an electron donor in the assay of the enzyme. Exposure tohydrogen during growth does not elicit additional activity ofthe bidirectional hydrogenase. Combined nitrogen in thegrowth medium also has little effect on the level of activity ofthe enzyme, suggesting that its function is independent of ni-trogen fixation. Supporting this theory, Howarth and Codd(90) demonstrated that the biosynthesis of nitrogenase was nota prerequisite for the bidirectional hydrogenase biosynthesisand hydrogen evolution in several unicellular strains. The invivo activity of the bidirectional enzyme in heterocystousstrains increases considerably under anaerobic or microaerobicconditions (177), whereas in the unicellular non-nitrogen-fix-ing Gloeocapsa alpicola and Chroococcidiopsis thermalis thepartial pressure of oxygen does not seem to have any signifi-cant influence (179, 180).

The physiological role of the bidirectional hydrogenase hasbeen a matter of speculation and is still unclear. One possibilityis that it functions as a mediator of the release of excess ofreducing power in anaerobic environments. Kentemich et al.(97) and Schmitz et al. (173) reported that the low Km forhydrogen indicates that the enzyme generally operates in thedirection of hydrogen uptake. Since the proton gradient incyanobacteria is directed outward and the bidirectional hydro-genase has high affinity for hydrogen, they suggested that theremay be a function in the oxidation of hydrogen at the periplas-mic side and that the enzyme may allocate electrons to therespiratory chain (97, 173). Furthermore, it has been proposedthat the enzyme functions as a valve for low-potential electronsgenerated during the light reaction of the photosynthesis, thuspreventing the slowing of the electron transport chain understress conditions (11). An incomplete version of respiratory

FIG. 4. Induction of an in vivo light-dependent hydrogen uptake inNostoc muscorum cells during a shift from non-nitrogen-fixing to ni-trogen-fixing conditions. Ammonia-grown cells were transferred tonitrogen-fixing conditions (time � 0) and analyzed with a Clark-typeelectrode for the appearance of an in vivo light-dependent hydrogenuptake (A) and by RT-PCR for the presence of a hupL transcript(B) after 14, 24, 41, and 61 h (17). M, marker (100-bp DNA ladder).Controls (right panel) include only a PCR (-RT; all RNA samples, onlyt � 0 h shown, negative control), replacement of RNA with water(H2O, negative control), and use of genomic DNA instead of RNA(DNA, positive control).


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complex I (11 subunits out of 14 strictly conserved in otherprokaryotes like E. coli) was identified in cyanobacteria, andthe bidirectional hydrogenase was suggested to fulfill the func-tions of the missing subunits (11, 12, 30, 174). However, otherdata do not support this theory (27, 64, 91, 189), including thefact that the bidirectional enzyme is not a universal cyanobac-terial enzyme (192, 194). Since the bidirectional hydrogenase isabsent in a significant set of strains, it seems unlikely that itplays a common, central role in cyanobacterial respiratorycomplex I, unless different cyanobacteria have adopted differ-ent strategies. Some of the conserved sequence motifs of thebidirectional hydrogenase are similar in the two correspondingcomplex I subunits, but apart from this there are only lowsequence similarities (64). These authors proposed that thecyanobacterial and chloroplastidial complex, which both have11 subunits in common with respiratory complex I, might workas a NADPH:plastoquinone oxidoreductase, possibly involvedin the cyclic photosynthetic electron transport, and that thesequence similarities observed between the NADH dehy-drogenase part of complex I and the bidirectional hydrogenaseare due to a common ancestor. It should be pointed out that,at present, the existence of a respiratory 14-subunit complex Iin cyanobacteria cannot be ruled out. Nostoc strain PCC 73102,a strain lacking the bidirectional hydrogenase (27, 194), re-spires at rates comparable to those of other cyanobacteria (27),and bidirectional hydrogenase-minus mutants of Synechocystis

strain PCC 6803 exhibited growth and respiration rates com-parable to those of the wild type (91). It is obvious that moredata are necessary to clarify the function of the bidirectionalhydrogenase in cyanobacteria.

hox genes and the deduced proteins. In 1995, Schmitz et al.(173) sequenced a set of structural genes (hox genes) encodinga bidirectional hydrogenase in A. variabilis ATCC 29413. Theseauthors suggested that the bidirectional enzyme is a heterotet-rameric enzyme consisting of a hydrogenase part (encoded byhoxYH) and a diaphorase part (encoded by hoxFU) (Fig. 1 and5). In subsequent works, hox genes have been sequenced andcharacterized in the unicellular Synechocystis strain PCC 6803,Synechococcus strain PCC 6301 (12, 28–30, 95, 144, 174), and(partially) C. thermalis CALU 758 (178), as well as in thefilamentous strains Anabaena strain PCC 7120 ( and (partially) A. variabilis IAM M58(GenBank accession no. AB057405). The physical organiza-tions of the structural genes encoding the bidirectional enzymeare similar (Fig. 5). In A. variabilis, Anabaena strain PCC 7120,Synechococcus strain PCC 6301, and Synechocystis strain PCC6803, one or several additional ORFs have been identifiedbetween some of the structural genes. In A. variabilis IAMM58, an additional ORF is localized between hoxF and hoxU(Fig. 5). The intergenic distances between hoxF and hoxU inboth Synechococcus strain PCC 6301 and Anabaena strain PCC7120 are longer (at least 16 and approximately 9 kb, respec-

FIG. 5. Physical map of the genes encoding the bidirectional hydrogenase (hox) and additional ORFs (labeled 1 to 7, with identical numbersindicating homologous ORFs) in the cyanobacteria A. variabilis (two strains; A. ATCC 29413 [173] and A. IAM M58 [Gen. Bank accession no.AB057405]), Anabaena strain PCC 7120 (A. PCC 7120) (http://www.kazusa.or.jpn/cyano/anabaena), Synechococcus PCC 6301 (S. PCC 6301) (29,30), and Synechocystis PCC 6803 (S. PCC 6803) (12, 95, 144). Vertical lines correspond to the positions of triplets encoding conserved cysteineresidues compared to other microorganisms (for more details, see Table 4). o and 1 represent the NAD- and flavin mononucleotide-bindingregions, respectively.


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tively) than in other strains (Fig. 5). An ORF positioned up-stream of hoxF and termed hoxE has been identified and se-quenced in Synechococcus strain PCC 6301 and Synechocystisstrain PCC 6803, and is also present in Anabaena strain PCC7120 ( It has beensuggested to encode a third diaphorase subunit (28). More-over, in Synechococcus strain PCC 6301, an ORF termed hoxWis localized downstream of hoxH, putatively encoding a pro-tease (Fig. 5) (30).

As with the uptake hydrogenase, molecular studies helped toclarify the picture of the subunit composition and molecularmass of the bidirectional hydrogenase. In agreement with themolecular data, previous work referred to large subunits ofabout 50 to 56 kDa in A. variabilis, Synechococcus strain PCC6301, M. aeruginosa, and Spirulina plantensis (15, 96, 118) andto small subunits of about 17 kDa in A. variabilis and Synecho-coccus strain PCC 6301 (96). In A. variabilis, hoxH and hoxYencode predicted polypeptides of 54.8 and 22.5 kDa, respec-tively (173). Concerning the holoenzyme, earlier chromato-graphic studies reported an apparent molecular mass of 230kDa for the hydrogenase of A. cylindrica (73). However, aspointed out by the authors, the enzyme was probably bound ina complex with other proteins. Considerably lower molecularmasses (165 and 113 kDa) were reported for the bidirectionalhydrogenase of Anabaena strain PCC 7120, with two-thirds ofthe activity being found in the 165-kDa peak (89). Nativepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by in vitro activitystaining demonstrated the presence of a functional enzyme ofabout 118 kDa in induced cells of A. variabilis, Anabaena strainPCC 7120, and N. muscorum (177, 194). It is believed that in A.variabilis the four predicted polypeptides (Fig. 1) are assem-bled to form a tetrameric enzymatic complex, which is consis-tent with the molecular masses mentioned above.

The cellular and subcellular localization of the bidirectionalhydrogenase is a topic that needs further investigation. Earlierwork indicated that the enzyme is present in both the vegeta-tive cells and heterocysts and that through gentle cell disrup-tion procedures it was easily solubilized and thus located in thecytoplasm (73, 88, 89). However, other works suggest an asso-ciation of the bidirectional hydrogenase with cell membranes.The enzyme of the unicellular Synechococcus strain PCC 6301seems to be loosely associated with the cytoplasmic membrane(96, 97), whereas associations with the thylakoid membraneshave been demonstrated in A. variabilis and Synechocystisstrain PCC 6803 (11, 177).

Nucleotide sequence comparisons have shown that there is areasonably high degree of homology between the hox genes ofcyanobacteria and genes encoding the NAD�-reducing hydrog-enase from the chemolithotrophic hydrogen-metabolizing bac-terium R. eutropha as well as those encoding methyl viologen-reducing hydrogenases from species of the archaeal generaMethanobacterium, Methanococcus, and Methanothermus(173). Sequence comparisons between the bidirectional hy-drogenase genes or deduced proteins of A. variabilis ATCC29413, A. variabilis IAM M58, Anabaena strain PCC 7120,Synechococcus strain PCC 6301, and Synechocystis strain PCC6803 reveal that they are highly homologous, with A. variabilisATCC 29413 and Anabaena strain PCC 7120 being at least95% identical when the deduced amino acid sequences ofproteins are compared (Table 3). The two A. variabilis strains

are less similar (78 to 88% identical), and all other compari-sons are in the range of 58 to 71% identical amino acids of thededuced proteins, with the exception of 80 to 88% identicalamino acids when comparing Anabaena strain PCC 7120 andA. variabilis IAM M58 (Table 3).

Some of the characteristics of the deduced proteins aresummarized in Fig. 5 and Table 4. HoxH (the large subunit ofthe hydrogenase dimer) in cyanobacteria harbors six conservedcysteines, four matching the typical cysteine-containing N-ter-minal and C-terminal conserved motifs involved in the bindingof nickel to the active site (174, 212). The unicellular strainscontain an additional cysteine positioned 4 amino acids up-stream of the C-terminal motif. In the small subunit of thehydrogenase dimer, HoxY, four cysteine residues, believed tobe involved in coordinating a putative [4Fe4S] cluster (212),can be identified (Fig. 5; Table 4). The HoxU protein (thesmall subunit of the diaphorase moiety) contains several con-served cysteine residues putatively involved in the binding of[FeS] clusters. Two of the motifs are located at the N-terminalpart of the protein; the first harbors four cysteines probablyinvolved in binding a [2Fe2S] cluster, and the second harborsthree cysteines residues putatively binding a [3Fe4S] or[4Fe4S] cluster (12, 174). The final conserved cysteine residuein the latter motif is preceded by an additional cysteine in thefilamentous strains. Moreover, the C-terminal part of HoxUpossesses two typical [4Fe4S] cluster-binding sites (Fig. 5; Ta-ble 4) (12, 174). The large subunit of the diaphorase moiety,HoxF, is generally less highly conserved in its N-terminal part.However, this region harbors two shorter, highly conservedcysteine-containing stretches with a longer nonconserved re-gion in between, which is postulated to be involved in bindinga [2Fe2S] cluster (Fig. 5; Table 4) (63). All five cyanobacterialstrains contain another conserved cysteine directly upstream ofthis motif; the filamentous strains also harbor a cysteine im-mediately downstream. In the middle region of this subunit,typical glycine-rich binding sites for NAD (GxGxxGxxxG) andflavin mononucleotide (GxGxxxxGx10GxxG) can be identified(Fig. 5) (173). The five cyanobacterial HoxF proteins contain,in the NAD motif, another glycine following the second con-served one; in addition, in the two unicellular strains a thirdglycine immediately follows this additional glycine. The C-terminal end of HoxF contains a conserved motif with fivecysteines, four of which correspond to the residues postulatedto be involved in binding a [4Fe4S] cluster (Table 4) (170, 173).The fifth cysteine is positioned 9 amino acids upstream of thelast conserved residue in this motif. In addition, a universalsixth cysteine preceding the conserved C-terminal motif ispresent in cyanobacterial HoxF.

Transcription of hox genes. Transcriptional studies (usingRT-PCR) indicate that the structural genes form a single tran-scriptional unit in A. variabilis ATCC 29413 (28). In contrast, inthe unicellular Synechococcus strain PCC 6301 two transcriptswere detected, the dicistronic hoxEF and the polycistronichoxUYHWhypAB (28). Further promoter activities were iden-tified in the hox locus by using �-galactosidase and bacterialluciferase as reporters (28). With the exception of a shift fromnon-nitrogen-fixing to nitrogen-fixing conditions, which wasassociated with no significant change in the transcript level ofhoxH in N. muscorum (Fig. 6) (17), the influences of key


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environmental conditions on the transcription of the cyanobac-terial hox genes remain to be examined.

Genetic Diversity of Cyanobacterial Hydrogenases

The molecular diversity of cyanobacterial hydrogenases canbe perceived from the results presented for a selected set ofnitrogen-fixing Anabaena and Nostoc strains (Table 5). Al-though hup gene homologues are present in all strains exam-ined, all kinds of combinations can be detected concerning thepresence or absence of sequences homologous to xisC and tothe bidirectional hydrogenase genes. Interestingly, at presentthere are no data supporting the existence of either multipleuptake hydrogenases or multiple bidirectional hydrogenases ina single cyanobacterial strain. It should be pointed out that itis not possible to establish any correlation between the pres-ence or absence of the bidirectional hydrogenase and the oc-currence of the gene responsible for the rearrangement ofhupL. Similarly, there is no obvious connection to the differenthabitats from where the individual strains originally were iso-lated. The natural molecular variation of hydrogenases in dif-ferent cyanobacteria is a field both to examine and to explorein an effort to understand the physiological function(s) as wellas regulation of the respective enzyme and in an effort toidentify and use the “correct genetic background” when con-structing and examining a genetically engineered cyanobacte-rial strain.

Accessory Genes

The maturation of nickel-containing enzymes, e.g., hydroge-nases, ureases, and carbon monoxide dehydrogenases, is acomplex process requiring accessory proteins (42, 81, 122, 127,135, 211, 213). Initial work using E. coli revealed five ORFs,designated hypABCDE, affecting hydrogenases pleiotropically(119). At present, there is no information on the function ofHyp proteins in cyanobacteria. However, some of the homol-ogous gene products of other bacteria (e.g., E. coli, R. eutropha,and B. japonicum) are well characterized, and in general ho-mologous Hyp proteins fulfill similar functions in differentorganisms (summarized in Table 6) (42).

Organization and transcription of cyanobacterial hyp genes.Although hydrogenase genes have been identified and charac-terized in several cyanobacteria (Tables 1 to 4 and 7), very littleis known about the cyanobacterial hyp genes and the corre-sponding Hyp proteins (Fig. 7). Among the first hyp genes tobe identified were hypABF in Synechococcus strain PCC 6301(29) and hypB in Anabaena strain PCC 7120 (originally pub-lished as hupB [70]) (Fig. 7). The former are preceded bystructural genes encoding the bidirectional hydrogenase ofSynechococcus strain PCC 6301 (hoxUYH) and the putativeprotease HoxW, which might be involved in the maturation ofHoxH (200) (Fig. 5 and 7). hypF was only partially sequenced.Transcriptional analysis (RT-PCR) revealed that hypA andhypB form a polycistronic transcript together with hoxUYHW,whereas hypF is part of a different transcript (28). hypB ofAnabaena strain PCC 7120 is part of a gene cluster consistingof hypBAEDF (originally published as hupBAEDF [71]), inwhich hypA and hypB overlap by 10 bp (as in Nostoc strainPCC 73102 [74;



























































































































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/nostoc_homepage.html]). Analysis of the genome ofAnabaena strain PCC 7120 (http://www.kazusa.or.jpn/cyano/anabaena) showed that hupSL and the hyp genes are approx-imately 3.8 kb apart and directed in opposite directions fromeach other (Fig. 7). Moreover, an ORF encoding a HypChomologue is located between hypF and hypD, and anotherORF putatively encoding a 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase ho-mologue (217) is situated between hypD and hypE (Fig. 7).RT-PCR analysis revealed that hypB is expressed in heterocyst-induced but not in non-nitrogen-fixing cultures (71). A hypgene cluster consisting of hypFCDEAB and an additional up-stream ORF has been cloned from Nostoc strain PCC 73102and sequenced (74). RT-PCR-based gene expression analysisshowed that these genes form one transcript. Upstream of thetranscriptional start site, putative binding sites for the globalnitrogen regulator NtcA have been identified (74). A putativeNtcA-binding site has also been identified upstream of thehupSL transcriptional start site (112), in agreement with theexperimental evidence demonstrating that both the hyp and thehup operons are transcribed under nitrogen-fixing but not un-der non-nitrogen-fixing conditions (74). As in Anabaena strainPCC 7120, the hup operon is located upstream of the hypoperon (about 3.9 kb) and oriented in the opposite direction(Fig. 7). In Synechocystis strain PCC 6803, the hyp genes arescattered over the genome, with the exception of hypA andhypB, which have the same direction and are 61 bp apart (Fig.7). Two of the six hyp genes of Synechocystis strain PCC 6803,hypA and hypB, are duplicated (Fig. 7; Table 7) (95, 144).These are, at present, the only known duplications of cya-nobacterial hyp genes, although duplication of hyp genes is notuncommon among bacteria. In addition, Synechocystis strainPCC 6803 contains an identified hupE homologue, an acces-sory gene with similarities to genes encoding both hydrogenaseand urease accessory proteins (95, 144). A hypE homologuehas been cloned and sequenced from Synechococcus strain

PCC 7002 (171). The gene is located 213 bp upstream of ureC(encoding a putative urease subunit), but in the opposite di-rection (Fig. 7).

Interestingly, Anabaena strain PCC 7120 contains only oneset of hyp genes, and the presence of both an uptake (39) anda bidirectional hydrogenase (1, 194) in this strain suggests thatone copy is enough to fulfill the functions for both hydroge-nases. Assuming that this is a general feature for cyanobacte-ria, the specific regulation of hyp genes in response to thedifferentially regulated hydrogenases in a single cyanobacterialstrain deserves future attention.


As discussed above, two cyanobacterial enzymes are capableof hydrogen production: the nitrogenase(s) and the bidirec-tional hydrogenase. Individual strains may harbor both a bidi-rectional hydrogenase (although this is not a universal cya-nobacterial enzyme [Table 5] [192]) and none to severalnitrogenases, encoded by different structural genes. There is noreport describing the existence of either several uptake hydrog-enases or several bidirectional hydrogenases in a single cya-nobacterial strain. An efficient photoconversion of water tohydrogen by cyanobacteria is certainly influenced by manyother factors, and only an extensive knowledge of this field canlead to improvement of the rates of cyanobacterial hydrogen

FIG. 6. Visualization of a hoxH transcript from N. muscorum dur-ing a shift from non-nitrogen-fixing to nitrogen-fixing conditions (thesame experiment as described in the legend to Fig. 4). Transcripts fromt � 0, 14, 24, 41, and 61 h after the transfer to nitrogen-fixing condi-tions are shown (17). M, marker (100-bp DNA ladder).

TABLE 4. Positions and putative functions of conserved cysteine residues (Cys) in cyanobacterial bidirectional hydrogenases compared tothose in similar hydrogenases in other microorganisms

Protein Conserved residuesa Function Reference(s)

HoxF Cys25, Cys30, Cys62, Cys66 Binding of putative [2Fe2S] cluster 12, 63, 174Cys

453–463, Cys456–466, Cys459–469, Cys499–509 Binding of putative [4Fe4S] cluster 170, 173

HoxU Cys36

, Cys47, Cys50, Cys64 Binding of putative [2Fe2S] cluster 12, 174Cys

100, Cys103, Cys109 Binding of either putative [3Fe4S] or putative [4Fe4S] cluster 12, 174


, Cys151, Cys154, Cys158, Cys192,Cys195, Cys198, Cys202

Binding of two putative [4Fe4S] clusters 12, 174

HoxY Cys14

, Cys17, Cys86–87, Cys150–153 Binding of putative [4Fe4S] cluster 212HoxH Cys

62, Cys65, Cys443–452, Cys446–455 Binding of Ni 159, 174, 212

a The indicated intervals represent different positions in different strains.

TABLE 5. Molecular diversity of hydrogenases in selected nitrogen-fixing Anabaena and Nostoc strainsa

Group Strainb hup xisC hox Reference(s)

A Anabaena strain PCC 7120 � � � 39, 194Nostoc strain PCC 6314 � � � 192Nostoc strain Mitsui 56111 � � � 192

B A. variabilis ATCC 29413 � � � 17, 79, 173, 194N. muscorum CCAP 1453/12 � � � 17, 194Nostoc strain Mitsui 91911 � � � 192

C Nostoc strain Mitsui 38901 � � � 192Nostoc strain CYA 238 � � � 192

D Nostoc strain PCC 73102 � � � 26, 150, 194Nostoc strain CYA 190 � � � 192Nostoc strain ACOI 578 � � � 192

a Diversity is demonstrated by the presence (�) or absence (�) of sequenceshomologous to hup (uptake hydrogenase), xisC (rearrangement in hupL inAnabaena strain PCC 7120), and hox (bidirectional hydrogenase) genes.

b Selected strains are arranged in four groups: (A) strains containing hup, xisC,and hox; (B) strains containing hup and hox; (C) strains containing hup and xisC;and (D) strains containing only hup.


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1–2 Cx

12–13 Cx

1–2 C[F


















x2 N




x27 D


6 Gx

44–48 Px5 G

x28 x

4 TK




































55–62 x(V/I)N






)x74–79 G








152–157 (E/D
















x13 G




x3 G


x2 C

x18 C

x2 C

x24 C

x2 C

x18 C

x2 C
















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production. For example, it is known that immobilized cellsproduce more hydrogen than do free-living cultures (125) andthat non-Mo-containing nitrogenases allocate more electronsto the production of hydrogen (206). The gas phase (214), theage and density of the culture, and the composition, pH, andtemperature of the growth medium are also crucial to the finalresult. Most of the research on cyanobacterial hydrogen pro-duction has been carried out with nitrogen-fixing strains (31,55, 106, 111, 166, 205, 206). In these organisms, the net hydro-gen production is the result of hydrogen evolution catalyzed bynitrogenase and of hydrogen consumption catalyzed mainly byan uptake hydrogenase. Consequently, the production and se-lection of mutants deficient in hydrogen uptake activity is ofgreat interest (76, 79, 115, 136). Moreover, the nitrogenase hasa high ATP requirement and this lowers the potential solarenergy conversion efficiencies considerably. On the other hand,the bidirectional hydrogenase requires much less metabolicenergy but is extremely sensitive to oxygen (14, 15). For re-views on the potential, problems and prospects of hydrogenproduction by cyanobacteria, see references (19, 20, 72, 75,113, 117, 120, 125, and 164).

Rates of Cyanobacterial Hydrogen Production

As discussed above, most of the research on rates of cya-nobacterial hydrogen production has been carried out withnitrogen-fixing filamentous strains with typical values rangingfrom 0.17 to 4.2 nmol of hydrogen produced per �g of chlo-rophyll a per h (128). Interestingly, nitrogen-fixing cells of A.variabilis SPU 003 have the capacity to produce hydrogenmainly in darkness (181). Addition of various sugars stimulatedthe production of hydrogen, with mannose giving the highestrate, 5.58 nmol of hydrogen produced per mg dry weight per h(181). Since the hydrogen production is the result of hydrogenevolution catalyzed by nitrogenase and a hydrogen consump-tion catalyzed mainly by an uptake hydrogenase, the obviousimprovements are to increase the hydrogen production by us-ing alternative nitrogenases and by inhibiting the activity of theuptake hydrogenase. In a recent study, the hydrogen produc-

tion by autotrophic, vanadium-grown cells (i.e., cells expressingthe alternative vanadium-containing nitrogenase) of A. varia-bilis ATCC 29413 (wild type) and of its mutant PK84, impairedin the utilization of molecular hydrogen, was studied in a pho-tobioreactor (204). The highest hydrogen production rateswere observed in cultures grown at gradually increased irradi-ation. The wild-type strain evolved hydrogen only under aargon atmosphere, with the actual rate being as high as thepotential rate (61% of oxygenic photosynthesis used for hydro-gen production). In contrast, PK84 cells also produced hydro-gen during growth under carbon dioxide-enriched air (13% ofoxygenic photosynthesis used for hydrogen production, repre-senting 33% of the potential rate) (204). A. variabilis PK84 hasalso been examined under simulated outdoor conditions (31).Use of a 4.35-liter automated helical tubular bioreactor andcontinuous cultivation for 2.5 months resulted in a maximumhydrogen evolution of 230 ml of hydrogen produced per 12-hlight period at a growth density of 3.6 to 4.6 �g of chlorophylla per ml of cell culture (31). Replacing air with argon doubledthe rate of hydrogen evolution. Anoxygenic conditions over thedark periods had a negative effect on hydrogen production.Similarly, under aerobic outdoor conditions operated for 4months, a maximum rate of 80 ml of hydrogen per reactor(4.35 liters) per hour was obtained from a batch culture on abright day (57). The maximum efficiency of conversion of lightto chemical energy of hydrogen was calculated to be 0.33 and0.14% on a cloudy and a sunny day, respectively (57).

Strategies for Improving Cyanobacterial Strains forPhotobiological Hydrogen Production

Thorough studies on hydrogen uptake and/or evolution haveuntil now focused on only a few filamentous cyanobacteria,e.g., different Anabaena and Nostoc strains. However, othercyanobacteria, e.g., Oscillatoria, are able to fix nitrogen withoutforming heterocysts by using the strategy of temporal separa-tion of the oxygen-sensitive nitrogen fixation and the oxygen-evolving photosynthesis. Such strains deserve a thorough ex-

TABLE 7. Summary of genes related to hydrogenases in cyanobacteria

StrainAccession no. (reference) of:

hupS hupL hoxE hoxF hoxU hoxY hoxH

UnicellularSynechococcus strain

PCC 6301Y13471a (30) Y13471 (30) X97797 (29, 30) X97797 (29, 30) X97797 (29, 30)

Synechococcus strainPCC 7002

Synechocystis strainPCC 6803

NPa (11, 95, 144) NP (11, 95, 144) sll1220,b X97610(12, 95, 144)

sll1221, X97610(12, 95, 144)

sll1223, X97610(12, 95, 144.)

sll1224, X97610(12, 95, 144.)

sll1226, X97610(12, 95, 144)

Filamentous heterocystousA. variabilis ATCC 29413 Y13216 (79) Y13216 (79) X79285 (173) X79285 (173) X79285 (173) X79285 (173)A. variabilis IAM M58 AB057405 AB057405 AB057405Anabaena strain PCC 7120 all0688c, U08013 (39) all0687N/C, U08013 (39) alr 0751 alr0752 alr0762 alr0764 alr0766N. punctiforme PCC 73102

(ATCC 29133)c651/20, AF030525

(150)c651/21, AF030525

(150)NP (27)d NP (27)d NP (27)d NP (194)d NP (194)d

a GenBank; CyanoBase; CyanoBase; DOE/JGI; NP, not present.


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amination of their hydrogen metabolism. Considering theversatility of cyanobacteria and their ability to survive undermany different environmental conditions, more strains origi-nating from different habitats must be studied with respect totheir applicability in biohydrogen production. The geneticbackgrounds (e.g., structural and accessory genes includingmechanisms of regulation) of the selected strains and theiroverall capacities to be genetically modified should be deter-mined. Of specific interest might be isolates originating fromnitrogen-fixing associations. The situation of the symbiotic cya-

nobacteria is similar to that of steady-state cultures in biore-actors: the cells almost do not grow, they have a high metab-olism in a restricted space, and they export at least onemetabolite to the host. In addition, a heterotrophic capacitycan be used during conversion of organic wastes into valuable,energy-rich compounds such as molecular hydrogen. Similarly,other cyanobacterial habitats mimicking these conditions, e.g.,cyanobacterial mats, are also of great interest.

Several strategies are available for improving existing cya-nobacterial strains for the biotechnological production of hy-

FIG. 7. Physical organization and conserved regions (vertical lines; for further explanations, see Table 6) of hitherto identified cyanobacterialhyp genes. The histidine-rich N terminals of hypB are indicated (1). Anabaena strain PCC 7120 (A. PCC 7120) (70, 71; http://www.kazusa.or.jpn/cyano/anabaena), Nostoc PCC 73102 (N. PCC 73102) (74;; Synecho-coccus strain PCC 7002 (S. PCC 7002) (171), Synechococcus strain PCC 6301 (S. PCC 6301) (29), and Synechocystis strain PCC 6803 (S. PCC 6803)(95, 144).

TABLE 7—Continued

Accession no. (reference) of:

hoxW hypA hypA hypB hypB hypC hypD hypE hypF

X97797 (29,30)

X97797 (29, 30) X97797 (29, 30) X97797 (29,30)

AF035751 (171)

slr1675 (95, 144) sll1078 (95,144)

Sll1432 (95, 144) sll1079 (95,144)

ssl3580 (95,144)

slr1498 (95, 144) sll1462 (95, 144) sll0322 (95,144)

c286, AF006594(71)d

c286, AF006594(70, 71)d

c286d c286, AF006594(71)d

c286, AF006594(71)d


c651/98, AF325724(74)d

c651/99, AF325724(74)d

c651/95, AF325829(74)d

c651/96, AF325724(74)d

c651/97, AF325724(74)d

c651/94, AF325829(74)d


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drogen. Inactivation of a gene encoding the uptake hydroge-nase leads to a mutant that is not able to recycle the hydrogenevolved by the nitrogenase under nitrogen-fixing conditions.Consequently, hydrogen produced through the action of a ni-trogenase will either be oxidized by the bidirectional hydroge-nase or, if this enzyme is not present, be evolved from the cells.Recent experiments demonstrated that a nitrogen-fixing cul-ture of an uptake-deficient mutant (a hup mutant generated byintroducing a cassette of foreign DNA into hupL) of A. varia-bilis ATCC 29413 (a strain containing both an uptake hydro-genase and a bidirectional enzyme [Table 5]) produces molec-ular hydrogen (79). The absence of a bidirectional enzyme incyanobacteria such as Nostoc strain PCC 73102 (Table 5)makes these strains interesting candidates for inactivation ex-periments. Identification and engineering of an oxygen-stablehydrogen-evolving hydrogenase might result in a photosynthe-sizing microorganism that evolves significant amounts of hy-drogen. Interestingly, replacing Azotobacter vinelandii hydro-genase small-subunit cysteines with serines can createinsensitivity to inhibition by oxygen and preferentially damagehydrogen oxidation over hydrogen evolution (132). Moreover,overproducing mutants might be obtained by providing genesencoding a selected hydrogenase on an expression vector. Cou-pling the genes to a strong promoter might lead to an increasedamount of the hydrogenase and thus to increased levels ofhydrogen produced by the organism. Similarly, overexpressionmight also be used to increase the nitrogenase activity. Athorough examination of the genes involved in the regulationof hydrogenase expression, e.g., hyp genes, might generateknowledge leading to further strategies for improving hydro-gen production rates in cyanobacteria.

Genetic engineering has become increasingly important withthe establishment of molecular biological tools and techniquesfor cyanobacteria. A few unicellular strains, including Synecho-coccus strains PCC 6301 and PCC 7942 and Synechocystisstrain PCC 6803, are naturally transformable. Protocols andvector systems useful for the transfer of DNA into differentcyanobacteria are available for nontransformable strains (196).These methods have been used with success in filamentousgenera such as Anabaena and Nostoc, which are interestingcandidates for future photobiotechnological applications (75,76, 79). The introduction of the structural genes encoding aclostridial Fe hydrogenase into the unicellular cyanobacteriumSynechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 and their subsequent tran-scription and translation into a functional hydrogen-evolvingenzyme in a photosynthetic microorganism (16, 138) is inter-esting and deserves further studies.

Future Research and Development Directions andInternational Cooperation and Networks

The study of biohydrogen is a long-term approach to thedevelopment of knowledge and technologies aiming at produc-ing molecular hydrogen from solar energy and water by usinga renewable process. The present research and developmentactivities within this field, with its long-term goal, can be pro-moted, stimulated, and made to advance at a higher ratethrough collaborations and networks. Besides some nationalbiohydrogen programs and several individual projects, two ma-jor international initiatives can be recognized. (i) In the inter-

national program IEA (International Energy Agency; Agreement of the Production and Utilization ofHydrogen, Annex 15 Photobiological Hydrogen Production,the main objectives are to investigate and develop processesand equipment for photobiological production of hydrogen bydirect conversion of solar energy (114). The research is orga-nized into four subtasks: light-driven hydrogen production bymicroalgae, maximization of photosynthetic efficiencies, hydro-gen fermentations, and improvement of photobioreactor sys-tems for hydrogen production. (ii) In the European programCOST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific andTechnical Research; 8.41 Biologi-cal and Biochemical Diversity of Hydrogen Metabolism, themain objective is to pool interrelated European expertise inorder to understand the structural and molecular basis of thefunctions, as well as the factors that influence the activity andstability of hydrogenase enzymes.


The present review is part of the IEA Agreement of the Productionand Utilization of Hydrogen, Annex 15 Photobiological HydrogenProduction. Our research was financially supported by Fundação paraa Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal), Ångpanneföreningens Forsknings-stiftelse (Sweden), the Swedish National Energy Administration (Stat-ens Energimyndighet), and the Swedish Natural Science ResearchCouncil (NFR).


The complete genomic sequence of Anabaena strain PCC7120 was recently published by Kaneko et al. (T. Kaneko, Y.Nakamura, C. P. Wolk, T. Kuritz, S. Sasamoto, A. Watanabe,M. Iriguchi, A. Ishikawa, K. Kawashima, T. Kimura, Y.Kishida, M. Kohara, M. Matsumoto, A. Matsuno, A. Muraki,N. Nakazaki, S. Shimpo, M. Sugimoto, M. Takazawa, M.Yamada, M. Yasuda, and S. Tabata, DNA Res. 8:213, 227–253,2001).


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