Page 1: I DE BAKER - Lincoln County, New OAKS... · Death of Solicitor General. • A Santa 1l'f! diJpatch at October

' . '

• ' . . . "

TH£ tlAtiDJD.lTE • •

the CO\Intry o'er an<l o'er, upon ground,

,.~..... doo~ to door, . .,····• ff'IM,tf'lii1!V.·.,11 njy tlisJll.l)l round,

\'.b~IQ a VQter.r have c:lUgbt, :cT<-t"" cinch bbu fast,

eats. it. cot_'Jles

• . ' URSOA , ~OVBMBER a. 190.4,



~~.. I t • !


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Page 2: I DE BAKER - Lincoln County, New OAKS... · Death of Solicitor General. • A Santa 1l'f! diJpatch at October




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·~·:' · · • "'"""";'~·""·• ... vvn. .1). " • ... . ' -----...

. . ..can l.adtea e.molto In a:at,omobllen !'

la.J"f(!.B an exchange. Tb(!)' can; but llt7 don't.'·

llops Jl.a.vo sooe up, bitt they will 10 down just ns oteadlly no U uotblng ba4 baJ).PCUcd.

·- ;>-W' .• IICCJ'F:'NIWS .. ..... '' •' ' """"'_ ....... __ ............

• ·~ •' fc ' ' '' ' ' I

IU,f$81A AND C;I.OUDCROFT. l!tad,.;·ln New. Mo~leo;

Migratory LumfJer T,.....-. .: .. d ,at0•-.a The record •br~alffn!f Jnotot' qe.Je ......... -· ~· -... eroaa c:ountr;v tun, from Denver tO AJ·

Pleaaute •nd Health Ruort. buquerque, made n~ recor41, Ser· A correspondent of the SantA Fe geant Capron and .Private C. W. B~

I N~w Mexican s•vs: o•hro county bajl len;, of Uncle Sam's IU"Q})', found New _, "' Mez.lco roads IOJDethblg :too roucb tor

l a town almmt alx ycarf! old that b even tbefr hardened constJtntki!JI to

I changed Ito site five times· during the say nothing Of the motor eye lea, and time or ltu exfetonce. Ito name bas at last account~~ they 'Were blkfnJ back alao chan"e.d that man.r thnes and at toward Denver from WatrollB, rJdlbg·

ll'or we:trtng a dr<..-t~ll with a tow <> • 011 PIW!h seats, of a Santa Ire cbatr

. .

. ~I :::a mCNJt remarkab~ city • the value or careful lll&!rl!J~&

·~: Las Crucel!. analysts ot facts ~ 11reseJ1~ 1 u., Jalcl ,1ect to the publlo.

dq a. m&~~s ~neetlna of _ c<mnt, peop_!e waa held fir - LEVEI.:ERS. to hear relJO;f:ll of govern~

. who have been w:ork•l The Mlulon of Whllky, Tobaooo and paat tlvo J(IIU'S gatherlnl data Coffee. ,

proposed Elephant Butte dam., · " · encJneers reported that a ctom The Creator made all "thlnp, we I» would bold water to Irrigate Jleve. . acres of,. land and the matnte- · U ao, He must ha'Ye made these.

nance of such a dam ten years would . We know what He made food ancl

&IPII theln bACk :::oo b~~eJJl. J;D . .,,.~. : -'.. :;:, •.

Ctecll on tL\ street Mru. Pat f!amr>bell, pretlenl It lo !mown "' Rut~Hia, It Js car, the motor cyeles In tbe "aggage wu . called a lumber cam'}J, but It Is more car attead. Tbero was comparatively

&Dnoyed by a lot ot. rubberncckn. ot a tc.twn tf!an many tbo.t 'have ·been . lfttle dlfflcufty unlll the men got across ClJ on tbe territorial map ·for years. Rato~ pa.Bs and then the' trouble com·

Ut'Cbea ar unlllng ilt a great 'fhe population or Russia Is several moneed. An Albuque,rquqe man wbo .,_.._ t. tbo eJlglou'R world becoming hundred and fro houses are perobed met tbo. returning cyclists at Trlnl· tupe~tdeno lnaUonalloU<:ally Inclined 1 I on both II Ideo or Russia canon tor n dad was told, that In many placea ~_,y

coat $7,000,000. After .t~n years the water for, and afr and sun~lne, matntenft!1ce would cost. 40 cent.9 per wby Wlflsky, Tobacco and Co.fte,e? ac.-e. · · · . I . They are here sure enough ud

,be meeting voted tbat an effort 1 each pertormlng Jts work. . a~oulcl be made to secure an approprl· j There must be some gre~ plan IJ&. ~::n from the- goveroment for the llllnd lt all; the thoughtful man seeka

· And 7~. w., llluat a4Qllt UiJit. ~­an~wJse C~.r ba pJ&eect ·a; ba, ~ .· pow~ of • ttutand u.Pt.rp~ olci~M.' l--"' to thQ ..._or 9f a el~ ~ , mma. and. sq.wtq ht~Jt.- i•J.d.~ · tc, es.chaJls& IDl' bJrih.r.ISbt tor a Dlelillt

.Wbewl ' •lllltaoce of a mlle'. For natural seen had w mak6 a de~r of flv.e mile• to ----..:·----- »ry It cannot be surpassed and· ts one get around a. washed ~;>ut wagon JJrl~le

A blue boob ot lbll cllt orlotocrats or the most plcture?IJQUe little plll4lt!B to and that at otb_er timet thef.'bi&ct ~ Of Arnerlca hao bee publt b d All UJe CQilnty. Far ~to the Sacramento carry the heavy machines for Drllea or ...... _ look n 11 0

• mountains, a large torce ~ men aro dr"g the- along The --~•A · tb' ._.,. allko from tho bedroom working· otrl"'"ln" tb' e .... r"'n forea•a .. ... · ...... ,.....,., ey · wJ.r:.dOll' vv ., • • .,. "" say, stood. the strain weU, but no Ilia·

• or their timber and' these men ~hlne, tb~y say, could l}av& atood the live at Ru.ssla. Here there· are about work thr9ugh the washed out dlltrlct a bund~ell llttlo wooden houses, 1ev· south of Watrous. Arter Jooklns over eral of them used as bunk houses for the situation from thAt point they tbl) unmarried men ot the communitY: wfred to General BaldwiJi's adjutant a et>tnmlssary cpnducted bJ' the New to fts them out wJth. t.ranllportatlon Me~~tlco Tic and Timber Company, back to headquarters. It has been ad· wblch baa tlie contract tor cutting •JJ vanced that tbe ttme chosen tor thl.s the tlmbf,!r; a rallroad sbop and rouncl· run waa not partJcuJarJy propJtfoua, house for the four Shea engine• used but even If this be true, tbe use of In hauling IogB to the main Jtne at tb& motor cycles will be conslcJerably dis· rtuula station: a vostolftce and acho. I couraged In the army In the Colorado bouse. There are two cook houses department.-Aibuquerque Journal. ·

Tile eoJiogo ')'oung mnn If desired Wid clleortullf lool1 after' the coeds: -cblcago •rribune. ·•


pr. Ounsauluo llll)'A that tho day or _the bOJ' orator Jo nono. Sure. The bO)' orator bne grown to • mao and •wt tbo habit.

I The 1Vorld'a tolr air 11hlp race was a )and mess rooms, one ror· the loggers !lule. sun, It Is worthy or praise for I und the other for tho rallroad men. one thing. It dJdn't rc·qult In the kill• From tho station to ~be town It le lq or anybody \fD nbout two mllcs.and descent of several

· , hundred teet, wblcb neceaslt&tes a ------ ' switch track near the station. In RWJ·

Tboee lama• wh~J pra.y oven for tbo nta and Wa,yno canons there .are eight mJerobe• they swallow mlgbt save miley ot track ilml a ·crew or laborers Ume b)' followJnu our example and 1 Is now engaged In laying new steel, bollhl1 tbe' water. i ao the logglnl operations· yontlnue up

The Parisians· ore now engaging In ~leonry In automohlleo. Dy my hall• 4om, messieurs, mucllaovallllJP up to dak ltl really bot •tuff. · ·

In bla now novol ontltlod "Auwmo­bollame" It Ia thougbt . that Julca Verne will conaldor~tbly lowor hla tor· mor record ot olgbt.)l days,

Tho lou 11uetalned b~ tho Unlvonlt)' of Mlnneaota by rctason ot tho rocont ftre ht not 10 great all at llrst report· eG. Tbef aavcd tllo gridiron.

lbe. canon. At present tl'io men are ·worklns tbree miles tram town.

Previous campi! have been at Bat· ley's, FreRnal canon and James canon. In tho cogrso of a :year tbe little town will bo traWJferrcd · ogaln to some other canon.

Many visitors from Cloudcroft drive over to ace the Jogging operations, which are lntcrcatlng Indeed to those who have never .seen anything of tho kind. ·

Tho Sacramento mountain region ts 11 country or wond6rful .achievements In railroad engineering. The primary cause of thoso· railroading reata was tho tapping of the mlloli of tlmborland to these mountains.

How wouJd It t'Jo, tor Instance to tr)' The AJam.ngordo & Sacramento rail· t11e recenUy discovered oltd' much road conlllll~ of twenty-six miles talked ot aour mfll1 elixir or lifo on the track between Alamogordo and Cloud· ...... u 1 b - croft, most bMutJtul summer ro-.. .,..uoo 1 s aug torod Kurd1. sort In this part or .tho Unltecl .States,

There 11 nothing to flhow, however, that the Harn Lellr doga try to un· do• th~maolvcur, 110 to speak, when tiler attend one of bla partle.a.

' •

William Waldorf Astor ltl still able to tolerate •merlca aa a Onanolal In• ~ .. tmont, bu( nothing more t1u1n that, mark rou, mu1t bo liXPcctod of him.

The Radolllro girls bavo been cau· Uontd llot ''to look at tbe boya" to tbelr travel• In Cambrldgo. lt'l a slow .Sri tbat· can't aeo tho bo)'a without looklna. ------

to roach' wb lch tho road ascend• &I· most a milo. Tbt! terminal of tbe Uno Ia at Russia. six m1los from Cloudcroft, 1Vhoro tbe timber Is brought up from Russia canon, for shipment. to the mills of tbo Alamogordo Lumber Com· ll&Dy, ·

Death of Solicitor General. •

A Santa 1l'f! diJpatch at October 20th

' Veteran Starves to Death.

An Albuquerque dtepatch of OctOber 23d 1ays: Joseph Clarke, ased 83 year•, a veteran of tbe Clvfl War and for. 1eventeen years a citizen of .Albu· querque, 11tarved to wbllo lost In the great uplands which lie between Albuquerque and the Sandia moun· · talns., seventeen miles to tbe east. Clarke's body was round to-day by boys who were bunting on the mesa. He bad reached a point about 1even miles from the city and the foofprfntll In the sand around the spot where the body lay showed that, as Is usually the caae, be batJ been wandering around and around In the sand dunes lo an effort to ftnd bls ·Way back to town.

The old man was missed trom bls home Saturday ,atternoon, but as he had many friends' amons the Grand Army men In Albuquerque wltb whom be often visited. little was thought of the matter. Tbe Poaltlon of the'body showed that tbo old •oldler bad com· posed hlmllelr tor ~e end. He bn•l removed his siJoes and loosened his clothes and hl1 bead wae pillowed 011 a little rise In tho sand.

He baa a son and daughter, both In good clrcuiDJitances. The funeral wlll be under tbe· direction of the Grand Army. Clarke was· a member of C company, ~Jeconc1 regiment of Kansas.

Maaonlc Offlcera Electe·d. An Albuquerque dispatch of October

21st says: The grand lodge of ~ew Mexico Masons, In session here, will attend tbe funeral and burial of PAat llhnlnent Comq"~aoder Edwin L. Bart· lett at Santa Fe on Sunc1ay.

' ~ , to .understand something of' that 111an ~ . . ..,

J d p ' WI R . rand thereby to , judge . these articles u ge . ope na a aco. their true wortiJ. . · .

A RoBweJJ dispatch ot. October 20th Lt}t us not say "bad" or ~•good·' ttays: Wltb "Dad." Cowell, veteran en· 1 wl~out taking testimony. gloeer, ~t the tbrottle, Judge w. H. I There are times and eon(Uttons Pope won his seWJatlonal race agaln!>t 1 when It certainly seems to the cas1,1al time and convened court at 11:42.. . ·· · Court was convened and,adjourned In ·observer. that these sUmulatlt narcot-two minutes and Roswell was thereby · lee are real tJlesalngs. assured a· tetm ot court. It the 'mid· ,. Rfgbt there Is tbe ·ambush tllat ~ night li'l>ur bad struck 'before the train ceals a "k1111ng" enemy. ' .a,rrlved, the term would have lapsed,, One ean sUp Into the h_oblt of either and there wouiiJ not have been a reg. whisk)', tob,cco or coffee easy enough, ular term of court until spring. 1 but to "untangle" Is often a l.earfuJ

This waa not a grand-stand play, as strU 1 Jt 1VAB necessary tor the judge to be j gg e. · · tn Santa Fe oil Important supreme 11. J~s Plain that there are clr-.court business . Monday, ond be was cumatan~os when the narcotic efteet delayed at the washed 'out ·bridge at o1 tbese poisons Is for the moment · the Canadian. He stopped at Portales beneficial, but the f~orful argument ln the night and convened and ad· · against tbem 111 that seldom ever does Jonrned .(lourt In two minutes and one ftod a steady user of either whls­ruabed on to this city. I It)', CJO.ftee or tc>bacco free from disease

This was the flnt term of ~ourt that of some ktnd.- · · baa been held In the nelV county of I' Roonvelt, and It was adjourned until Certainly powerful elements In the~r the second Monday In December.) etrect on the human race. Court was convened tbls morning at It Js a matter of cla1ly history, test!· 9 o'clock and there Is a large docket. fted to by Uterally mllllons of peoale, The grand jury went Into session this that Whisk)', Tobacco and Cotree are afternoon. ' smJJfng, .vromlslng, beguiling friends

on the start; but lways false as Mil Estancia Valloy Gardena. Itself In tile end.- nee ey ge rm

One of the surprising featUres at tbe liOTc1'"' enough to show tbelr str~ngtb, Territorial ll'alr at .Albuquerque Is the they J:qslst .upbn governJng and drJv.e display of garden. )Jroducts from the the vlcttri!, steadtcy towards 1U health E'lltancla valley In the new counzy ot' to some fOrm; lf;tpermltted to CCJntlnue Torrance, Turnips weighing ten pounds to rule, they will not let tip untU phya. on ftrst year sod during the driest sea· leal and mental ruin sets tn. son fn the htstory of New MexlSJO Ia, A moo under that spell (and "under pretty !OOd even tor tbat favored; sec· the spell" Is correct) at any one ot tlon. .

Along some time last Mach, wblle those drugs treq~~ntly assures himself the wtnd was blowing a gale and the and bls friends, Why, .I can leave o.ft dust from the plalus hid the Manzano any time .1 want to. I did quit for a mountains behind a cloud that seemed week just to show I could." It Is a to foreshadow only evil for the pioneer sure mark of the slave wben one gets settlers In that valley, a few of the to that stage. He wlggled. through a women folks who knew and appreciated week, fighting evety day to break the the value of o good garden began to_ spell, was finally whipped, and began ~lk about. farming to their husbands, his slavery all over again. ut met with little encouragement. Tbe slave (Coffee alave as wen as

The ground waa a.s dry as. a bone and getting drier with no prospectB of rain Tobaceo and Wblaky) dolly revlewa bls and tbe outlOQk for EJUccessful garden· condition, sees perfecU:y p•atn the lng waa anything but promising, but stea<i.f encroachments ot disease, bow With the faith that moves mountains the nerves get weaker day by day and thf)y persisted tintll finally one at a demand the drug that s~ms to stqtle t1m'e thft ''tneu folks" consented to do and o.fter relief for a few minutes and a little plowing and that waa the begin· .. 'tb.en ~leave the 61seased oonClitTon nlng of the development 1>! what now- plainer to view than ever and grow­promta~B to be one of_ the garden spots Jng worse. Many Umes the Coffee slave ot tlte some-day-to-be Sunshlne State. reaUzes that he 1a between two ares -Santa Fe New Mexican. j He feels bad If he leav¢s ofr and ~

1 Uttle worse If he drinks and allows New Mexico Day November 18, 1904. the e.ftect to wear off.

After due consultation and consld• I So goes on rom day to clay.

ot pottage. · · · ''I will not ~!!ad~~ ·'Ill~··~~~ ..

en m:r grip oD aftalra •»ct :Qe.,P .Or~> seit cbe~». com~o~ #114: b'ehlnO · ._ .toJ••: tune and tame bt drngstns witb ,_b.f.f­ky, tobaccO ·or co.ftee. J.Ue Ia to. short. It I.- Jw:d eJ,~oqb to ~ tJt• good things without an,. 110rl pi- hiJlcU.. _ cap, so-a m!lJl is certalm,ta •fOOl .­er' 'wben he tradea •trenA btalth. money and ~e goM tb~ that'~Jil• wlth power tor ·the bait-atJlee,p ~­tton of the 'drug~er,' with tt.e _.... ty ot sickness and ahead.~

It Is a matter each . bl4J'Pldual mutt declde tor himself. He can. be • lead· er 61Dd seml·god If he wiU, or he can~ go aJ;:; through Ute a ~UetJ ~owil. · a cb "hewer of wood or carr.ter or water;." ·

Certahl lt IS that wldle . ._e Oreat Father ot. us all does, not . edern,. to-, . "mind" tr eome ·or ·bls' chllaten ·are tooUsh and stu}Jid. he leelll& to •eleot othel'll (perha»s those 11.0 bltende tor some apeclal ·work) and ,NJowe &hem to be .threshed and CliStipWd iDost fearfully by these "levelers:•

It a mao tries ilrt.IQ8 w•th these Je.,. elers a while, alld geta a. few alap• u. a blot. be bad better take the ldllt, or a good solld blow wUJ follow.

When a man tries to Uve uprlghf. cle!UJ, thrifty, sob~ B!ld UDth'~gged, man1testlng as near as be kilcnra what the Creator Intends 'he •houtcl, happi­ness, health. an4 peacg ae&m to C!OIII• to him. Does tt pay?

This article was wrlttea 'to aet peo. pte tblnklng, to rouB"e .the "'ClOd with- ' ID," tor every ~~ maa and woman has times who tbel' feel a something calling from within tor them to press to tl?.e front &ild "b• about tbe Father'• bualneP.,. Don't mistake tt; the spark of the ln4nlt .. Is tbere and lt pus In eveq ,.,._ health, happiness, peace aDCt em worldly prosperity-to break ol th• bablta and strip clean for tile work cut out for us. .

It has been tbe bualneu ol the writer to· prbvlde a pnicitlcaJ u4 •087 wa7: for people tQ. break &W&J' from the coffee hablt and be U.UNCJ ot a J"et1TTn to health and a1J Of tile &Doll Udngs that brlnga, provldatl tile ••• baa not gone too far, -.d .,.. tbeD the cases where the bod7 hu beta reo buUt· on a basis of atreDgtlt &all H&ltb run Into tbe tuousanda.

.It fa ll1l euy and CloJDtorta~ at.ep


. •

Ur. llarrJ f.ohr, whoso li•toat fta1b

says:· Edward Leland BartleU, sollcl· tor gcnor&J oC Now MoJ(tco, dted latt 1111ht. of nervous prostration, complJ· catod wltb typhoid symptoms, after an Illness of two weolts. Ho was .born fn 01ford county, Maino, In 1847, and moved to Kanau wltb bla father In 18117.

Lut night. the srnd commanctei'J finished Its labors by elcctlnr aqrt In· st&Hina the following omcer11: E. s. Cahoon, Roswell, grand commander; .A. JDverltt, Albuquerque, deputy grand commander; - J. c. Slack, Clayton, ,rand seneralllslmo; o. L. presory, Las Vepe, srand captain •eneral; J. H. Wroth, Albuquerque, ll'IUld aenlor warden; J. w. Donovan, lUton, grand Junior wanten: Frank Heonlnr. Raton, rrand prelate: A. J. Maloy, Albu· querque, crand treaaurer; A. A. Keen. Albuquerque, ~tand recorder; c. D. Steven•, Raton, · II'IUld standard bearer: C. D. Boucher, Laa Vegu, lr&nd aword bearer; W, P. Fos, Albu· querque. grand warden; A. M. Whit­comb, Albuquerque, captain of tbe suar4.

eration between the New Mexico E\·ery ~lght the struggling victim board of managers of the Louisiana promlleo hlmseU tbot he will .break .Pur;cbaae Exposition and upon the tbe ba~Jt and next day when he feels recommendation of the bo~d, Gov· a little bad (as be Ia quite sure fD) ernor Otero bas 1lxed Friday, Novem· b ' ber 18th, as New Mexico day at the reaks, not the llablt, but his own rea-

to stop co.tree lnabl.otlf .1;17 hJYbtc wen- .)r, made Postum Vood C()Uee HI'Yed rlola '

or aeolus Is tho Invention Alt-tea pa~ tte1 for clop, 111 said to obJect to aewapapcr ootorloty, Wo 11bould think

1&t would.

AD AlboYUio bon ecratcbod up to tb poultry yarcl a diamond worth ez .. toO tbat had been loat two rear•. De ktad ad oonaldcra\o to Jour btn•; Jl maJ be wortb whllfl,

PrHlcJent DutTer want• 8!,000,000 for Columbia unlverelty. Dr. Harper ur be ablo to fumlab him wltb a· fl'el(lrlptlon, but bo Will have to 10011: tor bll own apothecary.

'rbtt amall stookboldel'l In tlile tz .. 000,000 Now Jersoy oorporaUoo wbtcb It&t been 11014 oui for eaoo boreafter will Juat ono ten·tbouaandtb or wbat pro.poetur.c• •aJ.

Wu TlllfJ·fang, wbo Is to rovlslt tl1o tJDited States, will bo .surprlae4 on ... return to nod out bow well tbta -ciOUDtl')' baa manaccd to worry alot.l wttbout bb couniol aud advleo. •

Bur,.eont latoly reJJo\'04 an Ohio •,70UDJ womaQ or O.fQ>.()no ocedlt'.l l.aat ,.,,. aeatt.erocS tbrougb varloua part~ « bv anatomy. Bbo mutt bave boon • Jlrl wllb many llno point• abou& 'aor:

. Ctatea10 t41acbcra a..., ao•nc to make

a eareruJ atudr ot that elty. looldont-1111 &bo botplt&Je are propal'lnt to lo· Gftl.. tllelr fatiiiUea tor carlos te» = IUfl'triJlJ frog QC"OUI prot-

~~ ·. · . '1\fl lenatt cpmmUteo dbda that tht

, -IC'IJ'.a¥aw aDd C~k ln411DI are toll Yilt llltlr fthlablt Ianda tor a 110na. · tilt wotlt ot tt.t• tb&t Uler tmmedt.

ateJJ pau the bll of a~alo over uao ..alltr lliDd.

..,.au IN dltetJJitDJ the q~eltto~ tb •••t alla0 M ttQDI w•th

RMIJJ \l IO'l '-"*'*' t() •vlltq w1tb Cit_!~-", IC) toat · &J 10 laOWIJ w.,....; tbail "'U!r •ot.a . "

In tho early slxttos h~ matriculated at Dowcloln Colleso. rrotn which bla talber and three uncles bad sraduatod. He returned to Kao.llas In 1800, wbere be atudted law w~lb bla tathel' until 18Gt, wben be entered the law depart. ment. ot tbe Untvor•lty of Mlchlaan. He Wll admitted to the bar of the Su· p...,me Court of that stAte In the aame )'ear. He pracUced at WyandoLte, now Kanau City, Kansae, until 1880, when be removed to Santa Fe.tor tho benoftt of bla wlre•a health.

Tbe dooeaaed was adjutant seneral ot tho territory under Governors Bhol· Cion and Roll. aoalated the \'eJUIAts ln the Apache campatsna or 1883. 1fl84 and 188G and wu aoUve In auppreas· ln1 cattle thieves and outl&wa In the aoutbem part ot tho territory. In 1889 he waa appOinted solicitor ICDeral of tbo territory and, wltb tbe exception of throe :years, bad held that pa~ttloo ever slttce. He was &JUember of Ute United Btatea Land Commls~lon, or t)le Terrlto.-tal Doa,rd of PubU~ Landa, of the O&pltol cuatodlao eummlttee, and waa one of the ortclnatore of tbe New Mexico Bar Alloalatton and ttl seo­tetary etace Ita bcatnnlns to 1886.

He waa chairman or tho Republican tcrrJtortal central commltte:e for two eontecuttvc> term• and tor many yeal'l chairman of tho county central com· bllttee. He 1ervtd &a a ._el'llbtr or tfre Oltr Couucn u4 qf tbe OJtJ' Board Qt' 1!14ueatton and waa twtee preal· dent or tbe Santa Fe Board 0( 'l'rade. He wq a tblru .. eeoDd 4taret II&Jioii;' waa ftr•t grand or tbe craud coUUDanderJ' or £1\lal.t• Tem~ lar of New lletlco, lfltlt)' .chucellor Qt' tb• annd tod1e or Kat&bht of Pith· ••• or K&nlb aoll an enttiualla&to 044 J'tUow.

lle wu, a d:11~~~.! tlat Repubtlcan Jut twelve or tbe New

New Mexico Game Lawa.

St. Louts exposition. It will be re- olutfon. lt Ia nearly always. a tough metDbered that the celebl'jatlon for llgllt, with disaster ahead sure Jt the New Mexico was to have occurred habit wins. October 17th, but thla was cancelled ·There have been hundred• of thou· on account c;»t lbe Interruption Jn raJJ. sands of people driven tD th'el" graves road tramc which oc~:urred near that tbrough disease brought on Dl' coftee time. The board of managers ex· drlnklos alone, a1ld It Is qulte certain tenda a ~eneral lnvlt&Uon to the clt- that more human misery Ia caused b., laene of New Meslco to attend New · ~ 1\teslco day as It was found fmpractl· eoffee and tobacco tban by whisky, for cable to send lndlYidual Invitations the two .tll'Bt are more widely used,

Fpr tbe guidance of local sportsmen, to ail aucb. Only dletlniUished c1t1· and ~ore hidden and InaJdlous In the New lfo:a:Jco's same tawa are D\lb- zeus from without the terrttorr wUJ effect on nerves. heart and other 'vital llabed. tecelve Invitations. j organs, atld are tbus UllBUBJ)ected un·

S)'1lopals or same and ft1h Iowa or ttl much of the ·dangerous work ts the territory ot New ~oxlco, passed ~overnor Otero has appointed Wat· •tone. r • by the LesJ•Iaturo Marc:b 12, 1903: aon. 0. Ritch of Engle to be a member I Noll', Reader, •bat Is your opinion

and hot with sood ~am. ror tile eolar and ftavor .. there, but noae or the caffeine or other lle"H~ el• menta of Orcllnar7 eoUee.

On the contrary, the lD.Citl& JOW•M rebuJldJDg elemuta funiJihc'J b7 n.. tu~ are In Pollttlm 'aDd the)' ~ set about repairing the dam.... a. dom II. It more tbll!l tW~4ar• aftlr the change 11 made ~;:;. tile old stomach or bowel troubJh or ~ plalota or kidnap. bart ..._. or neJ'Yell ahOY UllmfltaJtiibt• mdenee or pttln~ better, &D.d ten da:p' tba• cbangea thlnp wonderfu_ll7. •

Literally miiUona of bftln..wmtillc Ametlcab toodaJ' 'Uie 1'qsttibr ... ytu found tbe ·~ue and. commoo ._.. Ia the Cl:IIUlP, .

C. W. POST. ... Open B61on for' Game-Deer wtth • • homt-11'1t~ gun only-November ud or the board of regents ot the normal •e to-e real use the Creator J>as tor December each JC!ar. Limit, one deer. scbool at Sliver City In place of hla thea~ tblnp? Take a look at the-

Jlllk, antelope aiUJ· mountain lheep, tatber, the' late W. G. Ritch. I quesUon from thfe point ot view. Generoua Deed or Elb. fl

Through the generosllJ' fJf the BrJdgepon lod_ge of Elka, Peter Har koon of WalUngfrtrd, Conn., wUJ. proftt by the unfortunate accfdetlt .wllleh he met witb wblle wltneslflls the .BJirlt · banner raiiJng. A runaWQ' llotH ru him dow.n aud cUIIlooated Ida collar

kiiUnr absolutely prohibited. HeriJ')' Soydez, a brakeman, feU un· There Ja a law of Nature and of Wild turkey and mountAin arouse- der the cars of a freight train at Berna- ,Nature's God that things slowly evol'Ye

with IUD only--october, November Wlo, October 22d, and had bls right 'from lower planes to higher a sturdy and December. Chapter 20, laws Of foot cut oft Just above tbe ankle. He ctcadJ' and dlgnttled advan~e toward 1801. wu taken to the hOIIpltal at Albu· n!ore perfeCt thing'!! Jn both the Phyal·

qqall-wltb No- qfJentue, bfa wlfe coming up from Las cal ... 4 Spiritual world Tb d b '-04mit1e1•. "anUJitJ Vegu to attend him. 1 ,... • ., pon er-vem er. "" .. ,f!~~,.,.t:r~ · . Al ... M '- . OU!J ~d or evoluttonar)' development rn1•••. eacb Jftr.. [ . • Speer bas atrtved In 18 ttxed by the lntlbJte and wUI t b

Ire from }Vaahlnston· D. c., to • no _ e kiJJlq' UJe JH)81tlon Jn the t1mted s~tell qiltak~ed out of natural lat1 b7 . any

Laue! OtJlce. Yl~ted by the transfer to of ln&ll 8 mftlbodl. Denver c:if D. Pl. Shafer. Mr. Speer baa ! 'J'herefore we see IIWll' lllustraUons been to -tJt& land otnce a\ Wuh.lngton lhoWIDs bow·nature checks too rapid tor ele1'ell )'e&ra. . . l dftllce. llUnola ralaes P't!enomenaJ

or Jncorpor•tlon have bEM~D i ~ ,ot eorn fol' two or tlfree reara. Fe br: tb6 lfonarcb Oro- t It' abe continued to do so eYery jellr

__ _... of AJbuquerqtle-. lnco~.t •her farmers ~OlJlcJ adft»e& Jn weattb Ray lJ. , tat· <belonG th0111e of other !llectlona •;g .Johl.i tountrlel. So Nature toterpoae-e a fttlw.-

e eap. thre. or four re.a.ra and bl'IDP '"bac rear,... · · ·

bone. . ' The bone wu aot fractured u at

tlrat ~">pOrted. lfarJWon w.u · lien loo~ tor work, and wllri the J:lka beard that he. hac1 a. 'fllfe ana f.aili1IJ' depenttent upon .Jatm tor ~~~p0111! .ther 11ent a ooJJllQlr.te.aiont to.~,-

. • aee the teYeUna .ldu~ttce ·~t~ U«54

-A IPJl U 'PJ'C)~roua In hf4 baafrt•• of~~==~~~l a.-ntttn~er or tt~ata &ll4 ,., ... dbh. .P

·~~=~j , Nl.tura. "'te tbft ·~·t&Ttilliis ,frUiu· ~ 1 eaoet. at work ,,n hint. Some ot lila

~~~~·r: l~..Jn., bet:!omea · c ' Perh-.. lt 11 ~men·,


1--ft I

,, ..


' . •

• l,-<; .


' ! '; ••


• ••


. ' ' c .

.. ' '

.. • "" I• • 1

" "' . ·~

. . ' .,

Page 3: I DE BAKER - Lincoln County, New OAKS... · Death of Solicitor General. • A Santa 1l'f! diJpatch at October

. ''


I '


OJJ· tbo ·

' ' . . ' 'ty


• •• ..:teful what kln4 ot wor48 ~ou ....,; tor you may have to swallow them.

' '

=. ·...__.,eawcr. wotlaor-.-.

l!lnlli~·~~of Dr.IWDO'IG,_llfene._

.. t~=.¥l&~=t"=~ · fte autumn leave.a do npt ~•11 verJI aliOb ·ro.Qm to t11rn tn. ) · .

JILITIII BRINGLE STAIN'. .~e J>ut root Btlitn on the market. Jllmli»! color boards to select tr9.m.

E our dealer or wrlte UL .. he Dill .._y.Jones Mer. Co.. 1621 .Arapa-

Bt.; Denver, Col(). . ~7 a tlrl falls to catob on because eu 4ciilla aU the an•Unr;,

f •


ll.~iilA! qf f.WUllfl IIi . U tb.ey fe!!l. .o

. 'l'blll •eems t-'!1. the tac~ ot lt a ver1 J!Dnecesaary ·piece ~ leclslatlon, :but it Is not to the Danes. lt ap­peata that the entire P<>.Pula.tlon Is 41· \'bled 1nto three grea.t claQ, the Han­liens. the Petersens and the Soeren· aexilt. . Beside ~y one of tMse tile . tamllfar Smiths and Joneses of our qouu.tcy W(Hlld be a rtdlculou~ m«nor­tty. .U -.n exfunple of what the Da~­Jsb JJOtltmlin has to contend ~ga.Jnst, it may be noted that In one town of 25;-

lo.OIIO 'Inhabitants th~re are 'only twenty au~e~ .to go around, eacb of whicll Is, therefore, the na,m.e borne by more t1w1. J,.200 .people,

8hakupeare'a Houae. The · llllmber '9r visitor& to the

Shakeipearo h~qif~ at Stratford-on­Avon thla year llaa beaten the record, bavJng been at the rata or 80,000 per an·QUD.l. American visitors h&Ve be· eom:e so numerous that a special rer;ls· ter of their names Is now kept. . ' .


BLOO.D WI ~L . TEirL. -


A Recent Instance Prove• That a Womanfj Happlneaa 11 Largely De­pendent on the State ef Her Blood.

.. ~ ' t . ' . ~ '

. ·.a,-;., .~ltclob_ ·v~u ~n. of , • Bbt1b . atreet. J J.;ond Du Lti.e.. WJa., freab)'ttlr!an c:lerg)'man, "l had

, attacks of kh:lne)" dis· 0 ' ' oJ·dera which kept"'tlie

'lr. the house tor iJaytt at a time, unable to ilo anything. -.What 1 suffered can hardly be told. CQmpUca.­tions set tn, the par­ticulars of w .hlch I w1ll be pleased to gtve- ·tn a person&;! In· tervlew to any one who requlrei--'tnfol" matlon. This I can t:onsclentlous\y: say: Doan's Kidney Pilla caused a general lm· provement In m:r health. They brought

CJ'(lat reUef by les.senlng the pain and correctl~g th~ acttqn of 'the k!dn~,y aecrettons." · 'I ·

Doan's Kidney PUla for.Jale by aU dealers. Price, litl cents. Foster·MU· bum CQ., Bu1falo, N.Y.


.~n.=~=t::~ the WoXL dlst1nct1Ql), He

army untll 18'1~~ wl\en ·ho America. lie a

NQW York soon aftel'­~ •. and at . 18'l8, he ea-. 4al.PlJahed the unique charity known u the "bread· line." and ever alnce he bad dlatrlbuted uqold bread nlabtly to the needy.

Mr. Fleischmann alao est&.bhshed au employment agency, went penonallY &lllOD.g the unfortunate In his breatt 'line night after night, and found work tor the unemployed. - --·~~--------

· Gifted Elllnd Woman •• ' . Though sadly atrected· by total bUf\d· oDetiB, Mrs. :mmma ' Magqon Poat, of Nort.b Eng!Jsh, Iowa, ts one of the moat <flklllful telephone excbnge operatore in the a~te. . A special se_r:v,lce · waa lnttalled tor Mrs. Po~Jt. the moat UJ:Uqu~ feature ,eing a tYBt~m of beil ·slpals, each line belniJ px;ovt4ed wltb a bell <~t special tone. . l{rs. Po1t Ia .able not only to dletlnplah each bell lby lts .peculiar tone, but also the. volcoa of hundreds. ot men, women and chU· dren whom ahe serves. _ _.:_ ___ _

Qrltlah Sclentlat Saya the Average of Six Doctora Failed. . Life Hae Been Extended Ten South Bend, Ind., Oct. 2f (Special) vea ......... But Othera Quoetiora Hie -After sutrerlng from Kidney Disease Statement. ' for three years; after taking treat-

The best way to live to produce ment from six different doctors with­health and happiness and to prolong out giltttng relief, Mr. J •. o, Laudeman life continues to be a never-ending of this place found not only relief but

When the blood Is disordered every problem. Has any progres11 been made a apeedy and complete cure In Dodd'a organ of the body Is affected unfavor- toward its soluth)n? Dr. Ollver Fer- Ktdner Pills. Speaking of hla CUI'f.

· .• blf' and tafla to discharge Its tunc- guson, 9. well knGwn British scientist Mr. "Laudettnan says: ttona prOJJerly. In the case of every In a recent l~ture at Oxford, sat~ "Yes I sutrered from Kldne:r wgman nature has made special pro- "For those happy peGple who all Troubl~ for three years and t~led alz

II • I dl 1 1ft ti r be Uvlng a hundred years hence th re ' t d Tb 1 t k f t vlslon .. or a per o ca pur ca on o probably no longer wm be any dread of 1 doctors o no goo : en oo 1us the Jtlood, and so long as this occurs Infection, for perhaps before then- two boxes of Dodd·s Kidney Pilla and her health and spirits unfallJngl;y re- thanks to radium and Its congeners- they not;. only cured my kidneys, but veal the beneficial results. 89 aUght we shalJ have extermlnatlid all no,.. gave me better health tn general. Ot a.caulie as a cold or a nervouiJ shock lous bacteria, and Gur grandchlldreJs, course I recommended Dodd'a Kidney ma7 produce a suppression of thfs ther-efore, all wtllllve a hundred y,ears Pllls to others ':anCI I know a ,number vital function, and until It Is restored or · more." . • now who are using them with. cood r• abe ta doomed to misery.' The remedy He maintained that the avera~ ·suits." .• that baa proved • most ,prompt and length of life has been extended about Mr. ·Laudeman'a case Ia not an ·as· eJrecUve In all disorders peculiar to 1 ten years within the last sixty, but caption. Thousand& give similar ex· the female sex Is that whfch brought the proof was app11rent1y not furnished. , perlencea. For there never yet Willi a

On the contrary, a royal com.mJs&IGn, i B k h

r, ~ic:h do .you spend most

auch great relief to Miss Mattie tnvestlgatlng that subJect In connec-1

• case of K~dney Trouble from a~ at e Griggs, ct No. 807 Indiana street, Law~ tlon with the army, found a very serl- .to Bright.s Disease that Dodd • Kid­renee, Kansas, concerning which she ous deterioration In the British race. ney Pills could not cure. The;r &~e ape~s 1u1 follows: In this case proof was tlfrnlshed Jn· the the only remedy that ever curd

1 money on, tea or cotree? • .._ ___ ...,__,11,_ ...... ............ . ..

~ man WhO Ob&Bell & 1treet C&l' aeta a n• for bill !DOneJ'. ·. -

, .

Pure Naptha.

"ln the Winter of 1902, trom some Increased dlfllculty of obtaining army 1 Br!•bt's disease. unknown cause, there was a cessation

1 recrnfts and In the character of the re- · .

of funcUons peculiar to-·my sex for a erult.e when obtaJned. "No work of fiction snould be m.ore period or four months. I became very Pn,lmler Balfour found an e:rplana- than 300 pages," says a publisher, weak and could' not get up stairs , tlon In the emi!P'Iltlon from Great Brit- after having carefully examined both without help. 1 bad nausea and pain aln and In the removal of the best ot ot the campaign text-books.

the "country people" to the towns and -and a constant headache. I was un· , cities. Whatever the explanation, there

;;f!l~ler fhe care ot, a physician for three Is no question that there bas been an ,months, but he did DQt succeed In cur- Impairment of the race In England. Ins me. Then IL lady frleml told me This does not ap11ear to agree with Dr. .about the merits or .Dr. Williams' Pink Ferguson's Etatement as to an exten­l'tlJs which she had used In her fam· slon of the average length or Ute about Uy, and she Induced' me to try them. a decade. That extension of life would It ..,.. In May w~n I first began be tho result of better care of the

TEA ' '

There's a time to remem-

ber, a time to f~rget: it is' tea time i remember your Joys

to uae them, and In June I had full:V health and would not accord with the an.d forget y. our sorrows. reOOYered m;y health, and have since 1 llniUng or the royal con:unlsslon. · •emalned perfectlr well." 1 Progress Is being made all the time .,. h • f th d u mr. Jone.&-It Is tho man with t e In aU casea of delayed development• ln the discovery 0 e cause an c re pull that gets ah""d. Mrs. Jonea-Don't · of disease. Many--smallpox, for In· -of young !irlBI fn anemia or weakness tan e which ravaged England In fol" you believe Jt; Jt Is the man with the due to tmppyerlshed blood and sbow- ~er cuine are now comparatively un· head that gets the pull. Inc lt.eelf In pallor, lack of ambition, known This progress should have an ~ despondency and nervousness; also In tr t I. 1 gth I h ..... M rue. That PIBO a Cur~ ror Consumption ta an llllallJble

e ec, n en en ng u...-.. . medtctneroroougbsandoolds.-N. W.SA.II.UIIL, the creat constJ' utlonal disturbances wlll lie accomplished whenever proper j 04le G N J Feb 17

IIIOG. aUendlng the period known as the attention Is given to cUetlng and to I an rove, · ·• · ' Clhange of life, Dr; Williams' Pink Ptlls . l!leeplug. A well regulated sy•tem A local physician aaye youn~r ladle• are . Invaluable for women whose of eating and drinking with plenty or , woul!l havo rewer calli• from the doc­

• ' I tors I' · >,ey would eat more onlollll. health ts always closeJ;y dependent on sleep and exercise, wiiJ, .as a ru e, pro- Al•o ' or cans from other men. Ute state of the blood. They are sol,!l tong the lite or almost any person. . .n., :wtDdbw'll BoolhUI• lbnD. b7 all drucststa. A booklet of valuable But many take what they can get, Yorolllld,.,aUJellllq,eofteuua•l1lfllli,IM--., ·Information relating to the care. of a though more cbolce might perhaps be ~alla.J•paba,-'WIIulOOUu. lloaboi&IB.

• · ' exe. ·clsed. · woman a health at all Important per!· j Tl. advocates of less food seem to Firat Bather-Ia the water .,.17 ool4 oclB, ,and entitled "Plaln Talka to wo- pres• ent a "'"""" ...... e. It Ia claimed to-dayT Second Bather-You bet It fa.

~ euvu ..._ Cold u It there wu a Bollton •lrl ln. men, wlll be sent free In • sealed en- that a.~ a result or recent experiments

· yeloll8 to any one. who chooses · to In decreasing the amount of tood ef· write tor It to the Dr. Wllllama l!edl- tJcleney was Increased from 100 to 200 clDt Company, ScheneCtady, N. Y. per cent. A champion wrestler In·

·- creased hla units of emclency from A n1a'fl "eld"'n realizes the depth or I 4,600 to 8,000. The smaller consum.p.

a bole Until tlfter he wets Into ~t. ) tion of fOOd ls satd to have been at· liJJ;i. ~.,..4 a-nfl!ln l"aTorlt.t_~emed>" Ia tended with greater keenness and en­

....... ,., ~· cure~~ .... ~ ~~~· ,._ ol ergy and Jess disposition to become

................ .u~>auy, Y. y, w ,....,... u. fatigued. Doubtless eattng tess t.nd It take• eome rnen a- lo;;g ttme to 411· mastlcatlng the food better would re-

cover tha&r. uniiiJ.,ortance. suit In a great Improvement. But the

How'• Tbf1? majority of the human race seem,. In­disposed to make the te&t.-Phlladel·

The roae 111 re4. the Ylolet'• blua--4 110 111 a man when hie note oomea


Miss Agnes· Mille~, of Chicago, to young women about dangers tbff;~:,, ·'. :, ,·· ...• Menstrual Period how to avoid pain and :::· · · suffering and remove the cause by using: .. . Lydia E. Pinkhamt s Vegetable Compound. .·. ,,, .· :.

"To YoUNG W ol\IEN : -I au1l'ered for alx with dysmonor- "''""''' · rhea ( periods), so much ao that I dreaded ev~ry month,~ J knew It J!l.eiUlt, three or four d~ys of intense pain. l'he dor;~~r ealcl this was dlle to an inflamed «>.ondition of the uterine appendages oauaed by re~o.ted and neglected colds. ·

"If youn~ gil'ls only realized how dangerous it is to take cold at this critical time, much suffering be them. Thank God for L:ydta E. Pinklan.m's Vegetable Compound, that 'WllS the oli)y, m~dicme which helped me any. Within three weeks after I stl'l.l'tOO to take it, I noticed a marked improvement il). roy geneJ'!l-1. health, and a.t the time of my ne:r:t monthly period the pam bad dhntnJsbed conshfe'r· ably. I kept up the treatment, and was cured a month later. I run lJko another person since. I am in perfect health., my eyes brighter, I han. , added 12 pounds to my: weight, ray color 18 good, and I feel light and happy.''- Miss AGNES MILLEn, 25 Potomac Ave., Chlca~, DI ..

The montbly sickness :reflects the condition of a woman'J health. A:nytblng unusuat at that time should have prom»t and proper attention. Fifty thousand letters from women pro•• that Lydia E. Pinkham•• Vegetable Compound regulate.. men• •truation and makes thoae perloda painless.


" DZA:a :Mns. Pnnrn.ur:- Lydia E. PJuJr­bam's Ve~retable Conl~,tound has greatly bene­

. fitted me. I will tell you how I suffered. l'rty trouble wns painful menstruation. I felt as each month went by that 1 was getting worse. I bad severe bearing-down poins in my back and abdo­men.

"A fricmd advised me to try Mrs. Pink,bam .. m~dicine. I did so o.nd IUD now free from all pain during my J:lerlods.''- JEssxJ: 0. WDD&OIEt 1201 6th Street, Rockfol'rlt Ill. ·


Remember, eve..,. woman Js cordially ln'rited to write to Mrs. Pinkham If tllue Is anything about her s)'lllptoms abe cloe•

not understand. 1\lrs. Pinkham's odclreu I• LJnn, Uau., her aclvlce .. free and cbeerlolly given to every an­lllc woman who ·Uka f~r tt. Her ad.tce bu restored to bealtb more than one bunclrecl tbouand women. Why don•t JOU t&7 lt. . ..,- alck aJ.aten?

S5000 ~Ottir•JJ'..!fJ: M~U~Gt f<trdlw1tllmMIIlC!e t1te orflfnalletml an4 lllpat-II · iii!IOtet.i Wlilsll ytll prnYe \'bel' ablolute,::;,tnene... ....

..., ... & ...... la... •• o ... ~

Uenver Dtreetory. A $40 Saddle for

$2.5 C.O.D~

·' •. -• TEA

Tea is tea sometimes and ·. at some houses; iat other

.::.• ~.=~~a~~~·.: :::n:-om phJa Press . CalBnll (hare. .

1'. J. c:uxmrr • co_, ,..,teeo, o. 1 'W'e, Cll• aa~ped Jia•e lmoWD .-. ~. OlllllfiF Bow-Legged Sold e.-..

tOT &lillian u ,,.~.ell beUeYe 111m pertecUJ ~ Ol'llble Ia 111.1 IIIUifa- UUICCCJona lllld aoac~ Hereaftel'- the War Department Will UleCO.can'J'oa-i:S:.t~:~~fl= .. ~-1e:tl~~~ not accept bow-legged recrult.e tor the

uur1 casurll Cil~-=~~":~::.-..&~'~c~:. cavalry-i!o It Ia reported. · How does CllftUYaf<JII uae blood 1111cl mallQaaaarfaeaot &IIi the department expect them' to matn-

Tba Kind You Have }! Always Bousht ·

Fot • •bort lfM on ,- we olfe' ~"'' ••~d le, et11el bCJro.: dnul!le t'lnohello '!fOOl" llped U-lnah aldr& .. : .,._,,<'h sur,.p •••tb• .,,.., lltttol leatber-ooY• ~rP<l sUrrupa, ..,.,.._ rrulle<l Ill eve17 .,.. •peet, ancs ec~uaa 'I ""ddt.., ""'" f9r J' •vel'fwhere. Cat •• ,, .•.

The rn• H•eltu SaddlellHuaeuC.. ' .

· times and a~ other houses, what do you· think lt ia'1

-.. dw7 .. ~flll ............... ..... ..:X.1eJiw0...1'-• g;_.

' ' ' .~·" - ~ '-I ~ > •• .

. ·.·. ,.

=~:- ft!rJ\!:'::t::"· Prlo• u cuca PV taln their seats Itt thethsaddle? Wdlll Tea 8111.1'• l'alllfll Pllla tor COIUIUP&tloa. the depart.m.ent adopt e recommen •·

. tfon made by Lieutenant Derby (John A •.C6nd arrQw from Ctlpld'e bow Phtenfx) a ball centlll'y since; that ; ~!tsa7 bttala -tlia wou11d eauaed by tllej•veJ')' cavalry aaddJe have a hook, and

. , there be Inserted Into the seat of the TEA trou•era of each trooper a ring to catch

Linget longer over it: let . . it ~ steaming hot fro!Jl the, earthen poti and'the'Joveliest woma~it.

the book and hold the bold warrior IBOIIJ'G In the lad4le?-The Oaala.

8awduat Pavement.. S&wdUU Ia lendln1 lt.eelf to more

&Del 111~ usa. conatantl)'. Shipbuild· era ID En•Jand, Fr~nee and Oermany are be),; using what Ia called "trtone­wQOif '' i m~ture of aawduat wJth cer· tat~ mlD~ula, w:blcb, rormed Into alabe unC'IiiJt hydraulic presaure, make11 a •urraee •bfch la aate to walk upon and wiD uot burn . or permit one to allp. Tblt aJJbatanc:e can be worked Jlka aay ~I'C wooct,.wtd Ia belq es, tenalvely ull!d.-Bo»ton Globe. ,

TEA The yreatest · tea·drinken

are (ull-bottom Dutchmen. There isn•t much ·nervou•

• <,

prostratbn in · .,

'fromotes Dipllon.CIEert"uJ.. ness and Rest.ContaJns nellller OPium.Morphine norMinuaJ. NoT'NABcoTxc. ---··,---

'Bears the Signature


In '

Usa ~For Over

··! '

Thirty Years

1413·1411 L&rl"'or 8L • Denvt~r, Color&lle.


Page 4: I DE BAKER - Lincoln County, New OAKS... · Death of Solicitor General. • A Santa 1l'f! diJpatch at October

.nud , . by lbe notce and .,,,., tUJ, '

in tble19.$co, as min~ral SlUil'eY }i,q, 0 ~ B R , 113G, ·i)i T. ~~ s. -n. 12 s .. unaurvey • .- -,;;,N AL M cd, ~ahle.,tvey No, U Sf;, _J,eir.g de... • · · ., •! • · ,

·cribed ""to~;:~r •· ~ ; fb'-t·.ClU~s Uolltf-Jlt R.eulonllb~ ft1~~- :·· ·~. ;: ., ·-: . •

/5ee t~e very ~ttrae~tve line of f#aU anti

·,.. t ! I I J

Winter Samples., ot ~, .V. Pri'e & Co., ChJc~o •. w~ ore llbowing this $ea,son,. 0':er soo :samples tO $el~ct froQJ,.

·B~ginnlngatOorNol,aporpbrrJ· • STR.IGTLY PRICE 10· _a,t.:t .. :;: .:··.~~:~\-. Mtone 2·b J2.xll, set J~ in.chea i,n lbe , llf..\;1 1 :,.. .' ~- J• J.:.' ~:round inth mound ()f aton.o obh•el M · · ' · ;.:.· .... 1 ·""·" etll-ll35 llfld 5-J1$a. Wlienco ' e)C..iCJJ.. ··~ :~ .;:i' ... ~ ... ,,,, . ·.ho l cor on the S sado of sec 84, • · •t ' · • ·. · . ···

.. •

•• • • •

. '· .

• · ·Su1ts io Order from .. $.14 · U!f.

....:~ .:::r:""::(':t:-~ . ,.,._ ........... - ~ -· ... - -- {.,.._ . .. f' > P • -- ._ --~ --'" I - -

~ral\ta to Order from -. ~4 ·u~. l--''-'r.=.:l'lo "'""- ' - =-...:=~'-" "~ !;','o.,;-; _.:-:;:.,::::- --~---~-:::--· c::::: .-"---

*"c al•o hav'e: a lull flock of Rflldy.-m.,de CLO'{HING ·whi~IJ · 1fe are clo•lag out 11t v~ry 19W prlr:~,,

YO(IJ?S ll()fl B(IQINJ;$81



henrs S 1

(,te E 9323

g ft N On tbe eo1,1th nre Jaoutb Ancbo \ benco S i9 d.-g 49 ~tn, E, V• . . Otl e b

. 1 g • .

1 b'

1 ·r·b 0 Placer, Prtd~n And Pric;JlQ.ld cll)iJJJ ~e3 26 min E 4.t•U 1\ ~o cor ~Q .J, .-

• r fat ngll IIV41 II e. l'OCC • ' · . · ' d J , • • : ,>

:i 89 dp 4 min'W Va 1~ deg 41 nhle, ~ S JUS ZuiQ lo;de, ,ew~a nn p two of.beemtun~~ At;elfo; .. . to !

11 r.

1• t "'' ., · • flpd Pru:.e claimtmts, sogrtga.~es tb•& g3 f73 nc•·es. Adl•tinfU'J ·efllrm• ~

mm ,.,. -,. .IJ .. o corner ,.~ o f;' 'I . . - 'I " · ~ ('lao N .

17 d

29 . E V '1.n ela1m mtu traots A ao4 $. On·thc fiJt a~ known} Oq &bo llOJ'tb the

. nco ~ t•g ., ru1n " a r.r.1 "" 0 .... h ·• 1 PI · Cl · 11 '

11 16 . Ji' A

21 • f• t ~ w a'" east ,..,., ro, ~ast .An.c o. J?ahsnr.o .'l'nc JO u.cer enrJ oa &Jnt tUUtlt, ..

og , mtn ~ ~ , • • u ~o. ,...o . d p· ,: d 1 .. u .... n • h ... l . · Tl .. ·N nod 2o · ~~' V }'> on mo • t:r o, fllal' ~ liUD& un .. "a.,_en, I.' fiG 'af-u et a 8 CJII!IJn1antJt,. ten~o . · "' eg m•n. ~ " ~ · .· . p ' 0 1 · A- · d ~l!

1 E n.

78 3 f t M A surve) ed, Ama•icu.n lw:or Com· n t •e eust l!ur, .. ,. lHj.

pg ov m n u • t o cor ~» o .,. 1 1 . ,~~,¢. · 1' d r) Thenco 8

29 de JjJl min J!; Va 12 ptnlJ el n .c 1Umnntil. On th.e nortlt. ~l'· ~('naul. o e. J,: ote.ra q.pd fr,a~•· ,

I 27 i' .., 4{~ 8 c . . ..r 5. JS'o•·th ~ncho Flucer, tlQBUTVB,\'.Cd, clflam~t.Jll•.On tb.e nort.heast El Orq

' og m n "' ..,, . £ ~o nor J.."t o . . PI · r • : Tl r 8 20 d 27 . w v 13 Amem·tln Plncc:r Cot~lpuny ct. al ""c .. Cla.m, QIIBQt.veyell, AfQera•

' ' ' .,.• " A

' : l ' .. .

'I'HI!B 0/tl($, NBW MJJJ(IQQ, I

14"4'~ . rl'eg21

.. f~n:n ., N" tl. claimants, O•a tho wes& the bon nan Pluoor Comp· any: cJnlmanJs ..... 1 cg ~ nun •:. u •• o .,.or o "~• · . . · · ·"" Thc••cc S 46 tleg 37 min W Va 13 st.rva~nre ~lllcH, unsurv~ycd, G, C, A.ny noll all pe.,raons cluhpiu$ P,d•·.:~ ',., ,Jeg

27 min E 427 <8 t~ to ·co.- No J. 1-Jopk111a nt IH cla~m~~nl11, 'fhe \'i.lla vcrJieb, 1\uy potlion f.)f ll~-~d au,~aci ·. ,.

lbo plru:c ot bPt'iraning, 'l'bia tr~ct <Jel _J~obo, Eat~t Utcoa.udSouth Rico ground, oro requir"-4 to,·6l.u }Ul~i~. IS Al'gngntc.d from the balnpco of Placers. unsurv~ye4, American adve•s~ eluln.a JVitb Regtftcr §)! the loc~tion by lt. i, 1 H5, Zulu !'Iacer CJompnny et al.daianunla. the U nated 13 Latt41 Office. ll\ Lotle. J\,rca 1;.(}7() or,r,s, Any aud ~JII persons elu.lmang od- Roswell, in the 'fcrrilory' of· New ;

• vca·sej,r, tLilf ptu'tlon of l!n_icJ surfuc.., Mt>~ico, llurht& the a:.dy_ dftJ'It thct'· •r nAuT n. · ·' r bl' 1 · J" ground, ~re rrquirud to t}.le their P,CJ'IO<J 0 pu I(:IJ.t on )}ercof; OJ they

o.t.lvcrso clnhJJII \liLh the ltt-gistcr of will be bam~d'by vi•·Lue ~~ dio prq..,. the U uited Sin tell Lnnd office, at Vi=:~joa•s of tho Stat.qtu. Uosw~ll. ln llap 1'crritory of New llOW 4fJ.D LELAlfD. Mt•:~ico, .:luring lhe Bi;JLy duys, the . ner:letol'. pcrlod uf publicq.tion l~ercof, or =~~~~~~=::::~=::±==~·· they will be b!lnel) b)" vit·tuo o{ provi&ions of thu SltlLqtc,

UOWARD LJl:J.,AND, lter.·•ter,

-Fll·~h l<'•~h ond Pol'lt Lom ot \\'ill 'f1~ml"ins ~bo \YIJS wqrlclng jEd. 1. c .

1 •

'J ((•IJI.II Ml•Ul Mnrlwt Sllturtll)y for tho Snnlu Fo rnih·oud COIIllJitiiY' uca 10081 0 .

1 , - -. -.. mJ 11 brill~u ncar Pcming a·cCl:l vc1l

. ,J .l .C.J~ur.~;.t"ton _Will movo t~ !JtlllC ·~ plliOfiJI Injury niJ.JtJl '' wou" 1 --- : .. • l". -~------ · · --'J 111'llll)crna uumotiiULly tho

111gu, A Jlld«)ua• em which bo WIJl!l 'Cmu.hlclccl by l'wf. 11. C. Uurr•c• lk!'IICIJI J , I lit-ginningntcoJ•No"/ on line e-3

· ___ ··- , allat.lttiQJ' uti wit~· bin), his kneo ANaus, ,.,w MEXC o. • ' 1 I 1 t f · .,, M S lHli, ~ulu lode, at No ol A c·or li.wd of lluc ''"tul< Of;i froJ . s ,a·t smg on '' JJn t(lr ructlll'ln~ J • -


,11•\', Ct)lol·udo ~•hi~ :.


1 .vu~ hlri l~uco C1111 ubrmt tbo ~«;Iller, .!Jo Mlritl A1ltl Mnt'IJn hua_ tnlun <leg J5 m u E (given 111 the 'fit.ld

ul l.ll·•;lc·r Brott. ~I ~chI. I .' .,' Willllalwn tu lbocumpnJiy hO.IlJIIlnl 1 chr~ll!tt.of tho Uulu ~cluwl Oil tbt note~ t•fsurve~· 119 N oO tleg 51) min II r \' r . l v. ' II 0 HIll, Ill 11118 VoJ,trlH, nod Wlllf tJoJOg woll U•t1dnso. ' 1~). 193 (l ft frnm cor No 2, 1\ gruu-

~~~ 1 11 1') •n ~~~~-~tt. I ut lust 11JlM{JI)lt1 w,llbQut much Mi~ r1yrunn i~ tcrwhing tbc· 110 ttoa•c ~lxllx8 inches euL l~ '1 hu lrit•udH of Mr. ! ... \\'' Stow, dungor (,,tho htu·Lrrio~IO/.C hiiiJ fur Jlljn~l'llllll tChlll:l on tho Me...... inches in tllD ground, with JJlOJll)d Pro'as· s·l·onal Cards •.

1<1'1' und thuy ir.olwlc nhuiJL OVl'I'Y• uny l(f'Ollt lviJglb uf ltmo. Mrtl. Uu!h Coopca· hus u lul'gl' of sLono cltilloled 7-1 1&.1. Whence 11 ~ '"·'"', w1!1 hv "ltul to luurn lhntl ~-- ---.-- . sohoolul Ctmluru lh.hl year·. _ • ·; n ''V u r f l J 11 \Vh .t I cor·No .4 uf tmct A of t)lla cb•im, -- 1. • .. ··!!

• '.

., .·

;.:,, ' Jw 1111 .. "''c111 ml rL luct·uttvo pu~i· • • l'•p.t.~:l~fl cunHliR u O\V « uys • '· Ill' on· Jd tcnc ung n . ~~*~ ''"II \\Jib tho t-••"''Y 'l'•go1· Miuing Ill!" fu 11 Vlilt Wltb hun)u 1''111 flllJ. lut·~o "~ 1!:'ulnt .fJu~;o. bonrs

8 t:i deg

27 IJJln W

3~2 · 3 ft. Mtocral Apnliclltiou No ~l· J, 8, Hqdspetb, JouY.IIttlll c ·,, 111 puuy,

111 1.:1 'l'lg)'t•,

111 tlw ,. 11110 llo b·t!l bonn 11\VIIV nwst u( tl:o 1 1.ho lc:rratonul lcn~~HS A~:~li'o- fl~euco .N I) dt>g fl7 min E Yo. 12 , _

' ~--~ \

pf H1·awrn, Mt•xic:o. " t•mmmca· unci f•rll btJnlmg nodN·· c1utur w•llll)cct nt. !Stiver City ,Jt·g ~o mm E lJ8T.7 r, ~a cor No 8. - He ./itt & Hudapethi

- -· gl'cltlQil UIII'I'Cfll8 11011 fl•·cuyin:z Ouc: .n. 28 111}1l ~9 fmf. H. u fhence N 20 dt•g 10 niln E Vn u lJnited srntu l.lllld omce.Rt•swol), A. lJ. llud,.•poth, Eu~tlfiCl Slo\Y. t-lwnl t~, tho "'"!'fnpu. flo no_w HnJ'pct· h1rs been t'cclucsto• I'CIUij.Jt>g 35 min 1~ G:H 3 ft to ccr Nu ~- Nuw lltxJco, lileJtlember 16, J90-J.: AUD,DBfS•Bt·Ltlli'/ 'r ..

·ltrt 111111 tlw (h'n.<1oJ< 11111 n, 1110111 _ w'•nra hit~ uullt ~111t ,,f olullll'l!l nud u p11per lll'fna·o tho nr~soo1utwn. • rt· N 1 d ·I! • ''V V 1. .... · · 1 ~~. • 1 l\1 G · ·"'· . I . 'I l} l • 8' I' I I ('l . I l('Jl('l) l'f •J IDI n ' 11 2 ..,. 0\ ICO 18 Ulrt' uY giVen L lilt u· EIVIT'f BJ. V' w.-ro o·

lrt•('lt uf lht• hrJU('rl of IPJ.CI!IlJ'IIliUJl 11 11'111/lll 81J}I (!, I 0 llll/4 JUd ..... IIICC VII OOtl 'JUVC11, OIU' [11'01!·1 . • p ll t.l G w r . d ~· oc... ..-.JTa . ttu .. · h' vo con1plc•11·d lhoit work und cently ""'liCk 11 fine woll of wutcr nnt Supt. uf PtJI,hc ln.o~trueticm, ,lrg H mrn f ... IQf•G.l fL to cor No ·10,

11 t~n 1111 ,eort•e tlllhar , . • •. • ·-

'''I''Jrl ~Iii ·uullll'" rogit~toa·c1 J iu •tl•oul silc milo" nurthontll uf Cnrr hns t}t-linrtlcly stntcd thut ho 111 not l hence N Jfl drg 57 mill l!! Vn 11 wbo~e postt•Oi•·e llddress ra \Vb1t" O . · · "i~'<> . l'a't•CHIOl Nu. ~. und who Will bo llllll, unrllll II lillll l'llngu Cflllll'lr.V, ''.ourululuto ,, •. U'r!lJl()(IIIJIUJCDl ... ·leg li3 n~in F.li1:!~.8 n lO COl' Nv 11. Oal"~· New .1\fcliCO, hBVI' tbil dny Of; I w. P~ICHARD~ .. ~·· I!IHtlhulto vulo hct·v ucl{l l'uors- nut hcl't•tof(JJ'O ulili~tttl. Uo h11t1 hlo pre~:~cnt position, at is tn lt1.1 flac•·co N 1:1 tie!! fJ7 min E Va l~ hlcd Lhcir npJllicatJon·for pnl.ealf, Lo · ATTOI\_NE\"-~T-.LAW·: ~- · dny. 'ul.rcnd ~ hnd fOIUO vury h·mpting hopucl thnt 1l.~o lt>nding cd~Jculoa't! deg 27 nun E 5!)U.2 ft to 001 No 12, the aurfuc~ grMnd- of the SouLh

.. -- ---- o(Jlll'l4 for hilf tln•l, hut lllt&Y con.. of the t'-!N'Itoa·y mny (ll'l!VIIII npon Thence N f;•> tfr•g 1.6 min W V J9. At.cho Plaoer Claim bcaFing a:nld. ~YQI~'E QAI\S, • • • tiEW 'lPl~O..

From tho lurgu 'l""nlity nf 11')1\- 'cltJllo lo utilize l.t hmasulf. ot. OVIt•rnloa·· 01 tcro,tu IIJiiJ?hi.nt .n prtw .. tlt•g 22 min~ 530,3 ft loco; Noll •a"i llhuatod JD tiao ,Jic;u·illll ~inhlg Pc4tliee. in 1}11 Lbe'coqr.ta of J)tii'O I•Uinll tltHJijll'l If) I hu ~tJI ltti'LI -- ton. ~c IUO IJlllQ 0 t II:;! unpoctuAt • . I n· . 1 i 1 th.s '1~rfiturf· in lll

ln••r \l'lll.l" ().tltll ••''·'IIIlO ,., I IJ,olor Jlntl \It-~. Pudnn llovc (IONIII.•tn. pu·nco N 1?7_cll.'g 20 mao E Va 12 tSLfJCt. • nco n county, New 1\l~,l. . •·" ' " ·... • ., .. · d :J lb d b b A d YlNfNG ~~\w 1. SP~~'CIAtTv'"'."~ .. ; _ _ • · lunktt "" if' thu 111wn w

1111 guiutt lah•lv ll•ltJrno,J frum '' Klwrt viMit lt hi tlii'O _cu bo hn(lcd thnt lbt· dt>g 28 m•n h 77!.1 fL to co•· No 14, lCcl, nn l osu e ¥ t e "ct notes 4 fll ~ • . _

Into lbp hut bc•l hliilll)!!Ki IHJ•l lrt thn ~~~~It rllnc•ll nu,Jr o~CIII'II. lo'OIOI'B of I Ius COilOiy IJliiY pluc~ at fhcr,ce s 81 clc•g 20 min ~ Vn 12 aud plu~ on tile tn thil.4 oniet>, pa ·-~~-------------­would br.vo ph·nly o( VOj.tUIIIhloll, })..1(), cltdll I h!'ll)~ .nny ijlllll,l.l'hi{JI'OII tho h~utl of UIJI' !l~hools lUI COIIOI) dcg a7 min E 61_8, 7 H Lo cor No 15, mineral BJ1rVoy No U36 in T f) s R QEO. B. BAitBER, pnd ,,.b.,r gropf) trQol~ 11

1r tho t:•IIIJC! lJool, wllh hun. hnt than ho !lli(IOI'tntcndunl. tho must oxpcri, Thence !'J ~8 tie~ 3~ miu ij Val~ 12 E unsua·Vf')'ed. Snl..t. IUI'VOY be.,

' ' •

J)Utly Bfll'lll~ mul'lcut. l""lrtt ho cli~_lnnt 1-f". to h~nt. 'J'ho croou mnn in e~chuol work uvuil- dt>g fjl) mi11 H 771.7 Jt to COl' No }u. ioe tloecribed as .lollnW!I l3rginning ATl'OnNEY-A.'f-LA\V,

I .-,. ---·. -------: ' iluf,•rter'\ICC I~ tlltllllltO 't~Jntl lllljll cull. ll lllo. I '! Thence N 1 deg 26 min E v" J2 IJL (l(lf Nu 1 a prophyry ~tone 2~~0 ft{l;&X)L.~. • • N&W JIJ$~1CQ, •

,JtJ 11111 nytur CIIIUJ'llllr!CIJ II hnfJt llll• Ill 8 IIRW lltll Cllllllllg Uhl too\ 0 Jili C OVCI'Ith IIORtUtJ report 4 t 13 · b • h f f ' all tll · . f II, wf hlu youn" fl'iondiJ ul holnu· Mun~ tn l,ho hiJ,Cb t.illt~. J~'rom him thu tho 'foa·l'itul'iul ~uporintcndl'ftl of deg 6~ minE ~3:t.8 ft to. cor No 17. " .s-e . Inc l'II_JU t e g_rotmd, wiJ.h rae ·oe tn ecoiU'tt o , day t'V'mlng. Evo•J ,

1uo pror~onl (~u·~I.OOI\ lllltn hnl'hll lh~t~ Mr;. Puhlic Inatnu:lion ,.SI&)'"': l"fhcr'' Tbonco N 58. deg 82 m•n E Va 1~ m?und ot ~tono chiso:ed l-l1S5 ' the Terflt.ul'p.

Jt'JHU'hl u \ t'I'Y 1•11 Jor 11 hlo tfmo, l•1

ll111 ljtlll'lotl to the W ot•ltllf Jfn1 r 11hmtlrl hen nwa·ocquitublo dilitrih <Jeg SG JHtn F, 1503.7 n to cor No 18 W honcc the l cor on S of sec 84 T ·· .•• ___ .,,. · ' .... '"'"' 'n'~' ju11t tlll onf' cnn u·IJ.,u tlw world irs ln11t S•mduy, tnldng wilh hcr lion of tho 11chuol fundt~, to till' 'rbeuco N 65 dt-g 13 mJQ E Va 11 58 R l2 E bcnn ~ 8 de~t * hljn W J, E, WHI\~TON,. . ·' youug nrul h"nrls 111o light. J.,u••l'Y r.umplo nf IIJIPI«'s frnm hct· own caul thnttho wurk in lowl'r grndn"' dog lilt min E 1Jlfl.9 fl to cor No 19 G83!S.G ft l'ht:Mct~ N 12 <\eg 13 min ATTORN.E~ ,A:t. W ': Jo hu ''"" t., .. , curry IIUIIShin., uod urct.urcl th1at ~ill ju<tL .uhnnt luy· n~uiJ?l'imury Hcbofll!i In thfl rm·af Thcnco ..N a dcg 21 min E Va 12 \V Va. 12 dcg 26 min .E 1397.4 .IL A:... .." ·~A. ;\ . " )'IIlith In h111 hcut'l ul\\'llfS. UV<'I' nnythl_n~:t an lhnt hno t·uiM.•tl tlts~t'Whl shull ho, fly~tcmntizcd, dog 7 min _g 1001•7 ft to cor No 20 cor No 2 'fheLfe N 50 de~ \V Va 11 o\l·l\liQGOIWQ, • • l'.&)'t JCJtX(co.

---- __ _ nnywhoro cl11o m tho wn1 hi. If tlwu· gcncrnl slnncltng a·.,lwtl un1l 'tt N 2"t d 0 . W y dug l9 miQ E 42 fL to 0 No s 'Special •h('nti~n ilvcn to cn1~ til · Elllut~nntl Olcl ~Jl'xlroscorne thpy. nro lllso the onoa One. pluet·tl upon n muro suhlllnntuu UlllCe '~' Pg man a U · c r 'Liueoln~Wwellne0ter«n•ou1 'iw~

tn l10 n Moon fen· Wlutu o.1J,., ruon ht•uttJZht hnck whh hltn ti&<'Y nrc fooling. 'fho lirno fut& nc>W m ... deg E 632 8 fL to cor No 21 Thenco 'fbt•ncc N 36 deg 36 ITJill & Va U · . , , •·. ,- 1~.,~ .< •

\Vilb luasiDOdiHJ I IIIIi lic·•\iuotl. Thoro hcn,ntic•s 811 1'0 OnOIIs,!h' llflll I hc• l'i VIJII when ll hl'OUIQt!ll I ho impt'l'rt• N ~0 dllg 24 min E v u 12 dE'&: 'u dr~ ) 9 min u 3l.S n lQ cor N 0 -4 ~ -. le -,_J_::· '"\!'" !.~. ·~·&-!!!><::·.";.: ;~;, ~~ '


' .. " " •


'' 1uo GhlJOII\ onuugh ulro

1uly boldina fl'lllt nntl voaotl\hlcH r·nlsccl on th·1t tavo duty of tho tcnitnJ'Y tn <mil n mint~ 60U.6 It to cor No 2!1 l'honoo 1'hence N 1~ deg 13 •uin W Va U HOTEL "ZA·~J, ·: .fl ~ ~ •

pottillune tlown In thnt 1tnvo1· l'tmch au ulmnst oO)'O!ld onoa tcmpoa·n•·v l•nlt, clcv('l\o its e•·onll'l' l\l5 dt'g 36 min Iii Vuf2doa85 min deJ: lll mm E l097.4 fr. to ('Or No 5 V _ rJil~.--s· :.'~•~· . ' ' ~~ . .

. ' !'~mqh·)· tu na·gunl~o n ooluny, 1 ca·cdullty. CIHll'gicll to thn IJuilclrng up nf its E 1238.8 r~ to cor No 33, Tbcnne N 89 deg 4 min \V Va 12 Wat'tll: O.Aa, ·Nti,F MMtC'c:r' >. ·v '

lhuy ulicub bttcl' h(•t·o huwovoa·, Al'IUU TIUI onmm()n r<cbooltJ lU'O[)Qr, und thu11 "' deg il minE i115 fL to cor No 6 •. • .. .. -.,''-:-- ·.~ ',<, t> •4


onco In 11 whllu tn Jlol a hrouttt of · 8 1 ~. l11·injl tlluna \V thin l'ouaonnhlq .. berrco S 89 dcg 31 lllin EVa 12 , 'b · No\f opon (ot buarnftj,· ·Ofeli'h- ; . ~ J,Joc.J

1,iovfl{orttt lt•g ntr, loet tboy

0 M ISM\'R l~o1loaclt nrull runo ~l<'c, to11~h of lbt> school wnt·k ns cnrric<l dcg l9 min E il 2.5 ft. to oor No 2-l t once.~ 12 ~e_.g 1~ min. E Va

12 ht!dl attd an esuelfe~"' · .1fuieioi:: ·

toruot. a~JII'IIOU!!I, VII' to rlt Auslm 1:1 haNl nn IQ tho highe~· insUJutionr." T~er•tle li 9 dtlg 11 min w V" 12 dt-g ~6 nun E .. a&? 6 ft to cor ·No 7 ~wai\1 t\l~t- tr~v~lntg pat»aro.. . •.

llav. l•ru;l-Dontloy, of tho wu~~~·s. p. 0. P-otca·s vi~ilo•l Mrs. 'Tis .c•loout ian forms ibo common •1ci Z5 min ~~ 161f.i. 7 f~ to cor No 25 - ~. - _ . _ . _ · . : · _ · · , . MutbOilitL (.;hurch Soutb,· who Wiltlur Inti\ wcolc, j nnnch • . : , Theuce 8 16 deg W Va U dcg 13 4::. • p C J A'.: •t . . -

\9118 Otilllgoccl to tbls cbQrgo hy tho JJ. Ou:usbrnoh, ot l'llrPOUII, \VRS ll9 thptw~~ lll hont tho treed tnhl li: S7J.8 fl tu o.>r No 2U Thence ~an~a e entr~ . aa· waf,· .· ... ·.· Into nnrmnl oonf(lronoo nf thnt trnnsucting bttsino~ts In Anguli this mcllnt•d ·-I upo. S 10 dea: 7 niln E V a 12 d"g '!5 min . . . . .-church. urrlvocl Wodqc,sdny and \H'flk. . • • 1'o1'"e Pnblle. E 1117.5 IL to oCJr No 27 Th<'ncc S :t~ CQN+'i~CTW:t'f 'VJ'.J"Jl · . . -~ IIM8\ItnOd Lho cnro of biB fluok. li". M. Ct·o~kott J'Cturncd trom I W18b to C!lll~htlthual(y c.nnlJ•rJ>.. 3 dev 41 mH• \V Va 12 dt-a fi ·min - &. ·.1 . . sv··$ti8m.· . .' . Ft·om Bov, 14onlloyl8 llt'rsonul Ro•wollln~t St&lurtlnv. thot tho a•utnor t.bnt lit hom~r ptll'• 640.8 ~to co~ No 28 Tltent>c S (}2 · _ . makc .. tlp we t~bo11ltl infor thnt he Y .. S. ,Ju~keon. uf Gloncol', wns Mtslootly cironhalo1l •round tho db H min w Va u de ]fmin woul•r bo nravono to tnc1nltt,. vlalt mg faaondll io A nuns lbt¥ e.mnl y lh,,t 1 um oounootcrl in 1 It g IC Short.elt hoe l!etweol\ 1!;1 Va•o• Tex .. s, ~nd' .S~ntn .r~. Ne,_._ -Ue'-'1~ Atacl·· · inJf rt little musouhar Christhmaty week. l1t1sino;s wilb tho dumoorulio cno· 23a.O rt. to nor No 29

Tlh·noe. ~ 5Q I'll poi uta in N,~r,hwuat:er fl. Ne.w Atuioa ' · · ,-lf ~ooui~r fCifl&lrcd. Mrtit.ltllrptlr llf)ent lnsl Sulurdny duluto for treusurOt'.. de~ 40 lllln w Vn 12 deg u!·mm E . ~ocf dotU\!'l'ettte~lj C!-ildr•dOt"·. •

.. -· •. 'v- • - --··-.. ----- nnd SuruJny ln An~nll. l"«ovurotl my connections with lt)S8.·1 ft. to cur No ao thence s 1 . ,";.. •. f .. • ••• ,·' '! ... ;,\ .. ,:. ,,_ • '" ' •• , ' ' ·~, r"Vif:,'i ••.••• ' -,.I , --... ·-~··¥~' .. A .parly-;ol"huo.torl'._. J:l\t\'1~!!m~ , T!ms .• ~••m wult modo n husi~os6; tho 1'nlinfcH·s·o l\fcr11nqtiln Co., «feg 87 min m V a lS da&, n min E .. :", .. ··$-'A:_ "'·· _t .., .. ,.,., .1;!:0. . AND. TO· ~~. ·· ~,~t.eD' :*.· ,_' i.?_. · ,. " fil'l~t c n. hylor, s. (). \VIcnf.'r, t'ti'f' t-6 Vtlllilnn tbia WOt'k. nf \Vbito Ortkfl, on llolarnBry 1, tt LQ cor No 31 TbotiOe 8 28 deg ''. . l~ .• " rJ;;t 1"\ 1;.11; G . . , Alfrt'tl' J~tmAA. Alton L1mo and It ft1 nnnnnnoocl tbnt tllo An~ns 1009, otnd ainco tbqt. tfmo tuivc · w v" 13 de lS rnan w 76S.u · '•.. ' · · · '_., .• ~p~ • • ll · Ocfl't'I{01tntll~d 9.uooo! wont nut acbnnl will "lvo "" rutortnlnmont not bean directly 01• bnlirootl)· in- N T g . "'~ Q \Vo mpk~t:l9~ cou·nlict~P.6 lit. Tunanco·Y(i~'blfte Q'teii 'i'Jit.~sb. lt~~'

10 noo L:aku 1bUfllt.IUY of lbla tiutur,lny OVCDUl#, New. Gtb. torostc:d hl- IIPV kincl ot lmlftnO~t\ 0 S'a honco s 75 dcg .. 8 . ', - . -fj)ai}it'J~.,qge't - . ,.: ~·.,. ·., :_. \VCOk. Tlwr CX(J(lOMO hna \\VOI')''lt wt;i;rliij";j\,'fir, wHit l\tr. '!'lllit\forro, .. J. mnk" \V Va ~~ d~~ 13 mln' ~ 1~2 ,• ;., ........ .

/ , 1bin,:t fourui runino~ wllcl hohvc\ln Cnmo to ,,8 for ycnn· wlnttr ,1011 ahla pllh11o 11n!)otUioomc1tt v No 33 .lbehct .~ 6H dcg : tho luko mul Um O•ourn &hun; ctorwttllr. \Va bavo 0. ntco nno uf of t11o ·fuat tlml It irt \V Va 12 ,eleg 87. mm E

••dns, from ft Ritatf to '' Hwcabt&l· 1.,.1lnhtu goort• J•~tn.. rcwlvn•l . · (ltll'l~(! tltnt our No Bi 'l'benl!o S 5'$ •''"•• or novcr .como back woorusg tbo Cllttt~a·n marlctlt11 nnd nt hnttom ptUtno.ra. W y., f9~ dcg 24 tnh• E ill~'' . .t'.'v'"

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