Page 1: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 2

Recommended Environmental Performance Requirements

IAC Revision - Version 2 Note - Version 1 track changes have been accepted. Items agreed with City of Melbourne (CoM) 26/8/16 were based on suggested changes in expert witness

statements. Some items have also been agreed with City of Port Phillip. Other changes are made in response to agreed items from Expert Witness conclaves.

Draft EES Evaluation EPA I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Environmental Management Framework

Environmental rM1--ro;v~I~~ a progra Management I Management Sys Framework: To Environment Imp provide a transparent (OEMP) and othe

---- -- ---- ----- --m to set out the process and timing for development of an Environmental tern (EMS), Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), Site lementation Plans (SEIPs), Operations Environmental Management Plan r plans as required by the Environmental Performance Requirements and as

framework with clear relevant to any st age of the project. accountabilities for The process for d managing program must inc

evelopment of and implementation of the EMS, the CEMP the SEIP and OEMP

environmental effects Melbourne Water and hazards stakeholders as r

lude consultation with Councils, Heritage Victoria, the Roads Corporation, , Public Transport Victoria, and the Environment Protection Authority and other

associated with construction and operation phases of the project, in order to achieve acceptable environmental outcomes


elevant. These consultation processes should be included in the program.

ement an Environmental Management System that is certified to ISO Prepare and impl 14001 :2015 Env1 construction and

·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation.

uction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), Site Environment Prepare a Constr Implementation P required by the E

lans, Operations Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) and other plans as nvironmental Performance Requirements and as relevant to any stage of the


d be prepared in accordance with EPA Publication 480, Environmental jor Construction Sites (EPA 1996).

The CEMP shoul Guidelines for Ma

endent Environmental Auditor (for PPP contract only) to undertake EM3 Appoint an lndep environmental au Requirements an

dits of compliance with the approved CEMP, Environmental Performance d approval conditions. -

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

All Design/ - Anree< w ith

constructio CoM 2 5/8/16 nl operation


All Design/ -constructio nl operation

All Constructi on

Page 2: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change



New Traffic and Transport Working Gr



sport connectivity enable a

sig ificant increase in the capacity of the me ropolitan rail net ork and provide mutimodal co nections, while ad quately managing eff cts of the works on the broader transport net ork, both during an after the co struction of the

Establish the Traffic and Transport W orking Group comprising of relevant representatives from MMRA. road management authoritie

I relevant agencies as required. s, relevant councils, public transport providers and other

The Traffic and Transport Working G roup will be responsible for reviewing and providing feedback on:

• Transport management plans

• Relevant designs and methodol ogies for monitoring implementation of Transport Management Plans

• Transport modelling and propos effects of constructing the projec

ed transport network upgrades to mitigate the transport t

The Group may also:

lders to present or attend where matters specific to those invite other key affected stakeho stakeholders are being discusse d or addressed; and

tential impacts and 12roposed traffic and transport advise those stakeholders of 120 mitigations, and elicit responses on these matters for consideration in preparing the transportt management plan(s) required under EPR T1.


lan(s) in consultation with the Traffic and Transport Working minimise disruption to affected local land uses. traffic, car destrian and bicycle movements. and exisiting public ction.:.r

T1 Road Transport (Construction Ph

Develop a transport management p Group and implement the planf§l to parking, on-road public transport, pe facilities during all stages of constru

should be prepared for each precinct, and also be The transport management plan(s) coordinated across the whole projec t to provide an overall TMP for the project.

must be informed and supported by an appropriate level of The transport management plan(sl transport modelling, as agreed by th e Traffic and Transport Working Group, and must

or permanent full or partial closure of traffic lanes including

I ~nclu~!::~te~~t0~:~;;:~:~ry

(but not limited to):

All Constructi JQint wi!n~lili on ~tat~m~nt

items 1 and 8

All Constructi T001 to Joint on T007 stru~m~nt

items 2 and 7

,1Qj!J! sts.\!~m~n! it~m §.

2 MMRA ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES


Page 3: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IA C Version 2

Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

project =--Childers Street, Tennyson Street and Uoyd Street Kensington

Arden St and Laurens, North Melbourne

Royal Parade, Grattan Street and Barry Street, Parkville

Franklin Street, A'Beckett Street and Little La Trobe Street at CBD North

Flinders Street and Flinders Lane at CBD South

Linlithgow Avenue, Melbourne

St Kilda Road, Domain Road, Albert Road at Domain

Toorak Road West at Fawkner Park (and the surrounding road network) during construction of the route 8 tram diversion along Toorak Road West between St Kilda Road and Park Street

Osborne Street, William Street in South Yarra

• A monitoring methodology and a program for monitoring results of the implementation of Transport Management Plans to be reported to the Traffic and Transport Working Group. If unanticipated adverse effects are further identified. mitigation measures would be developed and implemented.

_•_ Monitoring ot

=--- travel behaviour changes caused by construction works, including pre-construction baseline data and periodic reporting on behaviour change. Use this data as an input to the design of transport networks following construction and for annual review of the transport management plan(s).

Traffic, public transport, pedestrian and bicycle movements throughout the construction period

• ~Transport management plan(s) must be developed recognising other projects operating concurrently, where relevant

• Provision for a minimum of one lane for traffic in each direction on St Kilda Road to be maintained throughout the construction within the Domain station precinct

• Potential routes for construction vehicles travelling to and from all Melbourne Metro construction work sites, recognising sensitive receptors and minimising the use of local streets where practicable (refer to EPR NEW NV B*)

• Provision of suitable routes for vehicles to maintain connectivity for road users to JJ Holland Park, South Kensington station and to the medical and educational facilities ad"acent to the


MMRA Revised Environmental Performanre RAquirements from the EES

nt item

Joint state nt item ~


Page 4: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation EPR I Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct I Timing I Basis tor

Objective no. Risk No. Change

Parkville construction work site

• Provision of alternative routes for trucks accessing the 50 Lloyd Street Business Estate, Kensington

I • Provision of alternate parking where possible to replace ~arking lost from Childers

I Street, Laurens Street, Grattan Street, Domain Road, St Kilda Road and Albert Road during construction and preventing parking at undesignated locations on local roads

- -• Provision of car parking for construction workers where possiblepracticable and use of off- Joint

street car parks should be b11 prior agreement with the relevant management bod11

I statement item 22, CoM and Co PP changes

- - ----- --- ---• A green travel strateg11 to encourage construction workers to travel to I from worksites b]'. Joint

means other than private vehicle and I or outside Qeak times. This should include Qrovision statement for on-site tool storage where 12racticable. item 5, CoM

agreement -· r:- Provision of suitable r~utes for cyclists and pedestrians to maintain connectivity and safety

for roads and shared paths to provide continued access, including (but not limited to): Childers Street, JJ Holland Park, South Kensington station, Laurens Street, Grattan Street, Swanston Street, Franklin Street, Flinders Street, St Kilda Road, Albert Road, Domain Road, Toorak Road and Fawkner Park

• Develop and implement network enhancement Qrojects (NEPs} in consultation with the Joint Traffic and TransQort Working GrouQ for: statement

Collgge Crescent and other east-west roads in the Parkville Precinct, to accommodate items 5 and -22 traffic that ma11 use these roads as a result of the Grattan Street closure.

=.._Provision of oomplomontary improvements to Kings Way, Canterbury Road and other roads and intersections to accommodate additional traffic that may use these roads and Joint to assist traffic flow, including public transPQrt Qriorit11 treatments for affected bus and statement tram routes, in St Kilda Road for the duration of the works item 9

These NEPs should have the objective of balancing imQacts across the transQQrt network and consider the road users hierarch11.


4 MMRA ·1sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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• Domain Road should be kept open from the east up to Dallas Books Drive. with provision for a local turnaround.

• In consultation with emergency services, develop suitable measures to ensure emergency service access is not inhibited as a result of Melbourne Metro construction worksites

• Special arrangements for delivery or removal of large loads.

IAC Version 2

---+----- - -------·-------+----+----·!-----+--~---T2 Public Transport (Construction Phase)

• Develop and implement a plan for occupying railway land and tracks at the western portal, eastern portal and western turnback that minimises the disruption to railway services during construction. Plan to be developed to the satisfaction of Vic Track and MTM~

_• _ Provide suitable routes for pedestrians to maintain connectivity, including DDA access, for users of South Kensington station, Melbourne Central station, Flinders Street Station. of new tram stops proposed along Toorak Road and St Kilda Road, -and around all construction sites generally

• In consultation with PTV. VicRoads or the relevant road management authorities. investigate and implement intersection modifications where practicable. including public transport priority treatments for affected bus and tram routes

• Develop and implement measures to minimise disruption to the tram and bus networks resulting from the construction of Melbourne Metro in consultation with the relevant road management authorities and to the satisfaction of PTV, including (but not limited to):

Options to divert the 401, 402, 403, 505 and 546 bus services

Tram routes on La Trobe Street and Swanston Street

Tram routes on Flinders Street and Swanston Street

Tram operations on Toorak Road and the diversion of the No. 8 tram route

Periodic closures of Royal Parade tram route

Tram routes on St Kilda Road

Disruption to other tram routes through Domain tram stop

Bus replacement services for disrupted rail customers. ---------~--- ------ --------

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

All Constructi on

T001 to T005, T008

Joint state ent item 10



Page 6: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


T3 Active Trans port (Construction Phase)

and implement transport management measures in consultation with relevant • Develop authoritie road and station, L Street, Fl Toorak R

s for cyclists and pedestrians to maintain connectivity throughout construction for shared path users including (but not limited to): JJ Holland Park, South Kensington aurens Street, Grattan Street, Franklin Street (including RMIT facilities), Swanston inders Street, St Kilda Road, Domain Road, Domain Parklands, Albert Road, oad, Fawkner Park, Osborne Street, William Street and Chapel Street

• lmpleme avoiding

nt active control at construction work site access points to maintain safety by potential conflicts between trucks, pedestrians and cyclists

talion with the City of Melbourne, provide suitable routes for cyclists and _•_In consul pedestria users aro

ns throughout construction to and maintain connectivity for road and shared path und JJ Holland Park and South Kensington station.

talion with the City of Stonnington, Qrovide suitable routes for cyclists and • In consul Qedestria Williams

ns to maintain connectivity and connection, having regard to the removal of the treet Bridge and Lovers Walk Qedestrian Qath during the construction Qhase.

or movement along the Tan Track in the Botanical Gardens near the Linlithgow • Provide f Avenue c construct

onstruction sites, or Qrovide a suitable alternative Qedestrian Qath during ion.

T 4 Travel Dema nd Strategy

ce of construction works, MMRA to develop and implement a travel demand _•_In advan managem changes reduce tr and Dom be consis Qracticab informati used whe

ent strategy and appropriate tools to promote specific transport behaviour in response to road, bicycle and pedestrian paths closures/modifications and to affic congestion around construction sites, particularly in the vicinity of the Parkville ain precincts where road closures and restrictions are proposed. The strategy must tent with the MMRA Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan and. where le, include a mechanism for collecting and disseminating real-time travel time on to the QUblic. Existing traffic and Qublic transQort information channels would be re ever QOSsible.

ith key stakeholders in the develoQment, imQlementation and monitoring of the mand Strat§Qy including, but not limited to, councils, road management s, QUblic transQort Qroviders, educational facilities, research institutions, es, imQacted community grouQs and other affected key stakeholders in each

• Engage w Travel De authoritie business Qrecinct.

All Constructi T001 to on T005

Joint statement item 12

Joint statement item 13

All Constructi T001 to on T007

Joint statement item 11

Co PP agreement 15/08/16

MMRA •sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES ...,.;J

Page 7: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 2

Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


T5 Road Transport (Operational Phase) All

• Design all roadworks and shared path works to relevant design standards to maintain safety of movement in consultation with the relevant road management authorities as required

• Develop and implement a plan to reinstate car parking on Childers Street, Kensington and Laurens Street, North Melbourne in consultation with the relevant road management authorities that:

Minimises the permanent loss of parking where possible

Ensures re-instated car parking does not encroach on JJ Holland Park

Considers opportunities for replacement of any net loss of parking at nearby locations

Reduces the risk of overflow parking in local streets from South Kensington station and activities at JJ Holland Park

Replaces loading zones to service the needs of the existing businesses in the precinct where disrupted during construction

• Develop and implement a plan for the reinstatement of Grattan Street, Parkville in consultation with the relevant road management authorities that includes:

Optimal replacement of car parking spaces along Grattan Street to service the needs of the hospitals and the university, including the retention or replacement of specific short­term and DOA compliant parking

Optimal design of the road network around Grattan Street associated with the changed demands and network changes on Grattan Street and Royal Parade/Elizabeth Street

• Develop and implement a plan for the future use of the Franklin Street road reserve in consultation with the relevant road management authorities that includes:

Optimising the design of the road network following the closure of Franklin Street between Swanston Street and Bowen Street

Monitoring the change in travel patterns around the area associated with the closure of Franklin Street

• Optimise the design of the reinstated St Ki lda Road and apply the road users hierarchy in consultation with the relevant road management authorities to:

Reduce delays and congestion

Maintain safe operations through the precinct

---.J'---~~D-'e_te'-r_m_ir:ie the optimal parking provision in the area and replace any lost parkino where

Revised Env1ronrnental Performance Requirements from the EES

Operation T009 to T011


Page 8: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation EPA I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change



• Where vehicle and pedestrian access are altered during construction. ensure that vehicle and pedestrian access is reinstated appropriately, in accordance with relevant road design standards, so adjacent land is not compromised.

1 Public Transport (Operational Phase)

I · Review, with PTV, the bus services in the areas around Arden, Parkville, CBD North, CBD South and Domain stations including a review of the route 401 bus frequency that will have

I reduced demand following implementation of Melbourne Metro

• Optimise the design of Melbourne Metro stations to ensure integration with existing and planned future uses and so that they will provide connections:

Between the new Parkville station and the new tram stop on Royal Parade

For interchange between the new CBD North station and the existing tram and bus services along La Trobe Street and Swanston S:treet

For interchange between the new CBD South station and the existing tram services along Flinders Street and Swanston Street

Between the new Domain station and the new island platform trams stop in the centre of St Kilda Road and connections to the tram services along Domain Road

• Review, with PTV and Yarra Trams, the bus and tram services in the area to optimise the functionality of the CBD North and South stations and to reduce the reliance on the Swanston Street tram corridor.

All Operation T009to T010

Joint statement item 17 and 35-excluding waste regu i rem ent. See new TB•

MMRA 1sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES ...,i -

Page 9: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

• Develop and implement a permanent shared use path along the northern side of Childers Street, Kensington in conjunction with the relevant road management authority and the land manager prior to the removal of the shared use path on the southern side

• Where practicable to do so, re-instate on-road bicycle lanes and bicycle parking provisions removed during construction in cooperation with the relevant road management authority and the local council

• Review the provision of safe and effective bicycle lanes in and around the Melbourne Metro station sites in cooperation with the road authority and the local council

• Provide wayfinding information to enhance connectivity for pedestrians and public transport users including (but not limited to) the following locations:

Between Melbourne Central station and the new CBD North station

The underground connection between Flinders Street Station and the new CBD South station.

Waste collect ion All

Develop and implement a plan in consultation with local councils and private waste collection services to manage changes to waste collection and waste storage in the construction area. The plans should include, but not be limited to:

Providing access for existing waste collection services from existing businesses and residential properties considering the extent of the construction areas and road network changes.

Providing access to alternative waste collection locations for businesses during project construction and operation where existing waste disposal location are removed

Design for re-instatement of aooropriate access for existing waste services during project operation

Consultation with affected businesses. land owners and residents to be undertaken jointly with local councils to encourage alternative waste management options to be adopted.

Also refer to the following Environmental Performance Requirements for 'Transport 'New NVB•

Design and constructio n

IAC Version 2

------·----~- - --~--------~--- ____________________________________ __,_ _____ _

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES 9

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IAC Version 1

I I I I Draft EES Evaluation EPR Basis tor Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Greenhouse Ga s

~-Ti - -- ·-ctivity G1 Develop and implement a Sustainability Management Plan to meet, as a minimum, the

I Melbourne Metro sustainability targets, including achieving the specified ratings under the se in Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia's Infrastructure Sustainability Rating Tool and

he • the Green Star Design and As Built Melbourne Metro Rail Tool.

vi de G2 Monitor and report on how each of the best practice GHG abatement measures and

Transport conne - To enable a significant increa the capacity of t metropolitan rail network and pro multimodal connections, wh adequately man effects of the wo the broader Iran network, both du and after the construction of t

sustainability initiatives identified in the Concept Design is implemented in the detailed design of ile the project and whether any additional measures not included in the Concept Design are aging feasible. rks on sport ring

he project


-All Design/ GH001 ,

Constructi GH002 on/ Operation

All Design GH001 , GH002


10 MMRA 1sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

Page 11: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 2

Draft EES Evaluation EPR I Precinct I I Basis for

Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Timing Risk No. Change

Land Use and Planning

Bum envimnment - T;;-r-;:u;-r~evelop a~dimplement measures for construction and operation of Melbourne Met;~ that aim to All Constructi LU001 to

protect and enhance minimise impacts to the development and/or operation of existing land uses, including: on/ LU008

th~ ~har~~ter, :~~m • Limiting the permanent change of use within existing public open space Operation

an unc ion o e public realm and • Minimising footprints of construction sites and permanent infrastructure on public land buildings within and • The location and design of all Qroject works to avoid, to the extent Qracticable, temporarl:'. Anree< with adjacent to the project

I and permanent loss of QUblic open SQace and be designed to maximise the re-instatement CoM 2 n/R/1 fi

alignment, and from L J1 potential, including measures to SUQQOrt the increased vegetation and water sensitive urban

particularly in the r.ornrn nt I design targets.

vicinity of project I

surface structures, I -• - Minimising impacts to existing public open spaces and recreational facilities and the users of

having regard to the these facilities, including (but not limited to): JJ Holland Park, University Square, City Baths, with existing and evolving City Square, Federation Square, the Shrine of Remembrance and the Shrine Reserve, Anr"'"''

CoM 2 6/8/16 urban context Domain Parklands, Edmund Herring Oval, Fawkner Park and the Albert Road Reserve.

• Minimising the imQacts to existing residential areas bl:'. locating new above ground infrastructure, such as electrical substations in am2r0Qriate locations awaJ:: from adjoining residential QroQertJ:: and exQloring the co-location of rail infrastructure facilities where practicable

Such measures must be developed in consultation with affected land managers for public land. ----- ------- -- ----

LU2 Development of the project is to have regard to the relevant Open Space Master Plans (including All Constructi LU002, Acree with

but not limited to, the Domain Parklands.._-aAG Fawkner Park and Universitl:'. Square Master on/ LU005, Corn 2ti/8/16

Plans) in designing and constructing above-ground infrastructure for the tunnels. Operation LU006 I

Consultation must occur with land managers and/or agencies responsible for the implementation of the relevant Open Space Master Plans.

--·- --LU3 Design and construction of Arden station must adopt an integrated apQroach to urban design 3 - Design/ LU007, Joint Jrban

and planning of the station and be consistent with seAsieeF the Vision and Framework Plan for Arden Constructi LU008 Qgfilgn Arden Central.eA§eiA§ slFale§is plaAAiA§ ef tl:le AFEleA Masa~lay bM:iaA ~eAewal .A.Fea This must station on StatP.1 nent aoo include consultation with the MetrepolitaA Victorian Planning Authority, City of Melbourne Sectic n 4 o and any other relevant agencies such as Melbourne Water. 15 al 0

The design must include integrated water sensitive urban design and management of the extent aaree j with CoM ~6/8/16 of flooding across the site.

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES 11

Page 12: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I Basis for Objective no. Envlronmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

t struslures, prepare and LU4 Prior to tho do¥elopment of tho detailed design of all permanen iR'lplOfRent strategies in aooordanso with Develop and impleme meets the Melbourne Metro Urban Design Strategy and releva

nt a plan to ensure the design nt planning schemes that


• Permanent above ground structures I

Temporary structures adopting principles of the Growing G walls. roofs and facades. where practicable

I • reen Guide 2014 including green

• the MMRA Creative Strategy Community identity and sultu ral strategy

• Wayfinding, signage and advertising for above ground elem ents of the project

The strategies must be developed in consultation with relevant local councils and land managers.

(See related Environmental Performance Requirement LV1)


_L _ Also refer to the following Environmental Performance Requirements for 'La nd Use Planning': 81 , SC2, SC4, LV1. LV2. SW2

Business ---------~-

Social, community, land use and business: To manage



------~----·----- -Reduce the disruption to businesses from direct acquisition or work with business and land owners to endeavour to reach ag possession of the land.

temporary occupation of land, and All

reement on the terms for

Design Agreed wilh QQM 22/~/12 that thi:l EPA dQ!il~ nQI ne!ld IQ have the st2l~m~nl

add~Q S!~ ~!.!99!il~l!ilQ i!] the conclavi;i.

Design 8006

12 MMRA 1sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

Page 13: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

effects on the social fabric of the community in the area of the project, including with regard to land use changes, community cohesion, business functionality and access to services and facilities, especially during the construction phase




Prepare a business disruption plan consistent with a Community and Business Involvement Plan (SC3) to manage impacts to non-acquired businesses, commercial property owners and to engage with business, property owners and the community throughout construction. The plan shall outline the stakeholder engagement measures for each precinct and shall include:

• Timely information on key project milestones

• Changes to traffic and parking conditions and duration of impact

• A project construction schedule developed in coordination with transport authorities and local councils and in consultation with businesses to minimise cumulative impacts of this and other projects

• Plans for notifying customers of proposed changes to business operations, including the setting of suitable timeframes for notification prior to commencement of works

I • •

Measures to ensure access to businesses is maintained for customers, delivery and waste removal unless there has been prior engagement with affected businesses (including mutually agreed mitigation measures as required). This could include the installation of directional and business signage to assist customers and agreed protocols for engaging with service providers (i.e. deliveries, collections, etc)

Process for registering and management of complaints from affected businesses.

Measures for supporting affected businesses during construction in accordance with the Business Support Guidelines for Construction such as marketing and promotion, local activation, way-finding programs and upskilling opportunities.

Following consultation with potentially affected businesses and prior to main works or shaft construction commencing, prepare management plans to minimise dust, noise and vibration impacts during construction, as per AQ1. NV1 and NV4.

Maintain vehicular and pedestrian access to hospital emergency departments at all times during construction and to other key health and medical facilities where practicable.

Develop a stop work contingency plan for Class 1 emergencies (as defined in the Emergency Management Act 2013) in consultation with medical institutions in the Parkville precinct in the event that Melbourne Metro construction works are required to cease.

Also refer to the following Environmental Performance Requirements for 'Business': T1 , SC2, SC3, LU1 , AQ1 , NV1

MMRA Revised Enviro11mental Performance Requirements from the EES



4-Parkville station


Constructi on

Constructi on

Design/ Constructi

I on

IAC Version 2


8001, 8004

8001 , 8004


Page 14: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation [ EPR [ I [ Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Social and Community ----------~---~ ------------ ------------

Social, community, SC1 Reduce the disruption to residences from direct acquisition or temporary occupation through land use and measures such as: business: To manage effects on the social

ractions with affected landowners • Using a case-management approach for all project inte

fabric of the • Appointing a social worker, buyers' advocate or equiva lent to help households with special

community in the area needs manage the transition

of the project, including with regard

eds of occupants


• Taking into account relative vulnerability and special ne

• Purchasing properties early when supported by the Ian to land use changes,

community cohesion, I= business functionality and access to services SC2 and facilities , especially during the construction phase


- ----------- --develop a relocation management Prior to main works or shaft construction in areas affected,

framework that responds to the Residential Impact Mitigatio approach across the project for the voluntary (temporary) re

n Guidelines to ensure a uniform location of households subject to:

ity (e.g. out of hours works or • Construction activities likely to unduly affect their amen sustained loss of amenity during the day for shift worke rs)

• Loss of access. ---- - ---------

ement a Community and Business SC3 Prior to main works or shaft construction, develop and impl Involvement Plan to engage potentially affected stakeholde construction activities,-af!Ei project progress and intended re applicable. This plan should integrate all project activities th and business operations and provide for a well-coordinated

rs and advise them of the planned instatement measures where at potentially impact on community communication and engagement

process. The plan must include:

• Measures to minimise impacts to the development and/ or operation of existing facilities

ilestones, changed traffic conditions, • Measures for providing advance notice of significant m changed access and parking conditions, periods of pre dieted high noise and vibration activities

m environmental monitoring • Measures for communicating the design and results fro programs (e.g. vibration, noise, dust, ground movemen t).

• Process for registering and managing of complaints

• Measures to address any other matters which are of co ncern or interest to them.

All Pre- SC028, constructio SC029, n SC030,


All Pre- SC001 , constructio SC004, n SC005,

SC006, SC009

All Pre- SC001 to Agreed witb constructio SC023, CoM 26/8/16 n SC027, Fawkner Qgrk

SC032 to is no IQQQ!ilr SC038, reguired SC041 , SC043, SC044, SC045

14 MMRA ·ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES .._, -

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Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change



The plan would consider each precinct and station lo considered in the plan include (but are not limited to

cation in detail. Stakeholders to be ):

_• _ Municipalities

• Land managers

• Potentially affected residents

• Potentially affected businesses

• Recreation, sporting and community groups and facilities

• Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victorian Comprehen Institute and other health and medical facilities

sive Cancer Centre, Peter Doherty

• The University of Melbourne


• Melbourne Grammar

• i:=:awkner Park Children's Centro and Kindorgart en

• Sotith Yarra Senior Citizens Centre

• Other public facilities in proximity. ------------

g, work with the City of Melbourne to reas af-for use as aR alternate public open during the construction phase to minimise

Prior to main works or shaft construction commencin identify and implement possielo suitable altornalivo a space, incorQorating vegetation, -for community use the impacts of loss of theoxisting ptielio open space in CitX'. Square that is are lo eo titilised as a oonstrnotion worksites.

rdinate with key stakeholders during major Work with relevant local councils to plan for and coo public events. This should include. but not be limited to:

• TimelX'. Qrovision of construction schedules to all ow for aQQroQriate event Qlanning

• TimelX'. notification of schedule changes that ma X'. imQact uQQn major gublic events

• Consideration of aQgrogriate alternative sites an d routes for events and Qarades ---- ---

Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES


I All§_; Pre- SCOO?, Aaree1 with CBD constructio SC019, CoM 2 6/8/16 -~ n SC024, the fnr •s is nn

SC034 CitvS1 1uare

All Constructi SCOO?, Aaree< with on SC013, CoM? <;./P./16



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IAC Version 1

SC6 In consultation with the City of Melbourne, develop a relocation strategy for sports clubs and All Constructi SC024, Agrjiled wilb

other formal users of directly impacted recreational facilities. This strategy should aim; wAeffi on SC025 QQM 2§/~/16

~ ava<lable, 10 idenUfy available local alternaUve faciUUes fo' fonnal 'ecmational use'5 displaced from recreational facilities by the project. This strategy should avoid displacing existing users at alternative facilities and (lrovide adeguate notification to clubs to minimise the imQact of relocation.

-- --·--SC In consultation with key stakeholders and in accordance with the Melbourne Metro Urban All Constructi SC033, Agreed witb

Design Strategy, relevant statutory approvals and other relevant requirements, re-establish on SC035, QQM 22£~/12

sites impacted by construction works to at least Qre-existing conditions, including (but not SC039, Faw~o~( i;iark

limited to): SC040, i§ nQ IQng~r SC041 ~ • Childers Street, Kensington

• JJ Holland Park

_• _ Royal Parade and Grattan Street, Parkville

• City Sguare

• The south western entrance of the proposed CBD South station

• St Kilda Road

• Edmund Herring Oval . F"awkner Park and F"awkner Park Tennis F"aoility

• Osborne Street Reserve

• South Yarra Siding Reserve

• Lovers Walk

• The South African Soldiers War Memorial.

(See related Environmental Performance Requirement LV2 and LU2.)

SC8 In consultation with the City of Melbourne, improve community access to open or recreational 6 - Design/ SC014

space within the CBD by identifying potential opportunities to return as much land as possible CBD Constructi

used for construction to permanent public open space at City Square and Federation Square. South on

Plans must be in accordance with the Melbourne Metro Urban Design Strategy. station

16 MMRA 1sed Environmental Performance Requirements frorn the EES

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Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


p a plan to utilise part of the Franklin Street SC9 In consultation with the City of Melbourne, develo road reserve for public open space post-construe tion. Plans must be in accordance with the Melbourne Metro Urban Design Strategy.

New SC In wnsultalion with City of MelbQ!,!rne and relevant stat e gQvernm§lnt gg§lngi§ll2, Q§lvelop and implement !a A* plan fQr managing the potentigl impggts on vulnerable a ng bQm§!less people lh!at gQ!.!ld Qe 9ffected due to

cQnstwgtiQn activity.

------------ ---- ------- -

5- Design/ SC014 CBD Constructi North on station

~ Design/ CBD Constructi North on fil.E.1[Qn fillQ.2-= CBD

1 ~ ~

Also refer to the following Environmental Performance Require ments for 'Social and Community': T1, T3. T4. LU1, AR2, LV1 , LV2, LV3, New NVB* -- -

Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

~ l.Yti1h CoM 2 ti/8/1 fl


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IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Air Quality ----J-Am nity: To minimise AQ1 ad erse air quality, noi e or vibration elf cts on the amenity of earby residents I an local co munities, as far as ) pra ticable, especially I dur ng the construction


ph se



--- --------- -------Develop and implement plan(s) for dust management and monitoring, in consultation with EPA, to minimise and monitor the impact of construction dust and advise the community of the plan.

The plan must

• Set out air guality criteria and outl ine the justification for those criteria for above ground construction works

• Be informed by air modelling of above ground construction activities

• Describe the proposed air guality management system

• aAddress monitoring requirements for key sensitive receptors, including (but not limited) to:

- Residential and commercial properties including ACM!

=._Hospitals and research facilities within the Parkville precinct

- Heritage listed QI aces sensitive to dust including St Pauls Cathedral and city baths

- Universities, including The University of Melbourne and AMIT

- Schools, including Melbourne Grammar School (Wadhurst Campus) and Christ Church Grammar School

- Public parks including the Shrine of Remembrance Reserve and JJ Holland Reserve.

Undertake air modelling for constrnotion to inform the dust management plan.

Manage construction activities to minimise dust and other emissions in accordance with EPA Publication 480, Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction Sites (EPA 1996).

1 -

- - ----~~ Control the emission of smoke, dust, fumes and other pollution into the atmosphere during construction and operation in accordance with the SEPPs for Air Quality Management and Ambient Air Quality.

- -

All Constructi AQ001 to CoM on AQ010 sugg!;l~l!;ld


,,/Qi!J1 Statement Item(! and f.l

All Constructi AQ001 to on AQ010

All Constructi AQ001 to Agree in JQin! on/ AQ010 Witness Operation statement &

nochang!;l required

18 MMRA 1sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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Draft EES Evaluation EPA I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

ation of exQert evidence of other submitters} Noise & Vibration [changes to be made following consider

- Amenity: To minimis:;TNV1 I Manage constru~t~n~is-;-adverse air quality, J

noise or vibration .----+--

-· -- ---- - ----in accordance with EPA Publication 1254 Noise Control Guidelines.

---effects on the amenity NV2 For construction works con of nearby residents the requirements of the No

ducted between CBD South station and Domain station, comply with tification of Referral Decision for the Melbourne Metro Rail Project

and local (EPBC 2015/7549, dated 2 communities, as far as measurement, as follows:

2 September 2015) under the EPBC Act for vibration monitoring and

practicable, especially during the construction phase

ion dilapidation surveys of the nearest Commonwealth Heritage listed • Conduct pre-construct structures to the const structural condition an

ruction activity, including the Former Guardhouse (Block B), to record d structural integrity prior to commencement of tunnelling

itoring at the commencement of tunnelling in geological conditions • Conduct vibration mon that are similar to thos machine vibration cha from the literature and

e at Victoria Barracks in order to quantify the actual tunnel boring racteristics (level and frequency) for comparison to the values derived the German DIN (DIN 4150) target

bration monitoring at the nearest Victoria Barracks heritage structures ivity, including the Former Guardhouse (B Block), to assess the actual

• Conduct continuous vi to the construction act tunnelling vibration for condition of structures shows measurements Guardhouse (B Block)

acceptability, taking into account both the vibration frequency and , until monitoring of vibration at the Former Guardhouse (B Block) equivalent to preconstruction vibration readings at the Former

according to the above demonstrates the condition of heritage raded as a result of vibration, ground vibration must be reduced by

• If monitoring conducted structures may be deg adjusting the advance Former Guardhouse (B preconstruction vibrati

rate of the tunnel boring machine until monitoring of vibration at the Block) shows consistent measurements equivalent to

on readings at the Former Guardhouse (B Block).

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirementi; from th9 EES

All Constructi NV001 on

1 - Constructi NV002, Tunnels on NV014 (betwee nCBD South station and Domain station)


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Appoint an acoustic and vibration consultant to predict construction noise and vibration (through modelling) and update the modelling to reflect current construction methodology, site conditions and specific equipment noise and vibration levels (this will require noise and vibration measurements). The model would be used to determine appropriate mitigation to achieve the Environmental Performance Requirements.

The acoustic and vibration consultant will also be required to undertake noise and vibration monitoring to assess levels with respect to Guideline Targets specified in the Environmental Performance Requirements. Where monitoring indicates exceedances of Guideline Targets, apply appropriate management measures as a soon as possible.

Develop and implement a communications plan to liaise with potentially affected community stakeholders and land owners regarding potential noise and vibration impacts. The plan shall include procedures for complaint management.

Airborne Construction Noise Guideline Targets (Internal)

Implement management actions if construction noise exceeds the internal noise levels below for Highly Sensitive Areas (based on AS/NZS 2107:2000) and a noise sensitive receptor is adversely impacted.

-- -------------~1

1-M-a-ximum Internal Construction Noise Level

Highly Sensitive Area LAeq, 1s m1ns

lnt-en-s~iv~e~c-~_r_e_w_a_rd_s ______ j[ _. -----45 --------

Operating Theatres _ 45

Surgeries 45




Constructi on

Constructi on

IAC Version 1

NV001 to NV029


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Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


NV6 V1brat1on Gu1dehne Targets for Structures All

Implement management actions if due to construction activity, the following DIN 4150 Guideline Targets for structural damage to buildings (for short-term vibration or long-term vibration) are not achieved.

Short-term vibration on structures

---,Vibration at-the foundation, -Dib;;;~-~t horizontal -· 1 mm/s (Peak Component ' plane of highest floor at I Particle Velocity) I all frequencies

r.t.10 I 10i~s01 5o to 1QOT;;;;;;/s (Peak Co;;;pone,;;-- T~_pe_ of str~c!u~e__ _ ~--~z ~~- _ L Hz

1 __ L_!a~1:_~~~i_ty_) __

Type 1: Buildings used for I 20 20 to 40 40 to 50 I 40 commercial purposes, 1

1 industrial buildings and I i buildings of similar design _L_ I

I Type 2: Owelli ~gs and _.T_5_ I 5to1s15'to_2_0_+-I, ____ 1_5 ___ _

• buildings of similar design 1 +. I and/or occupancy ;

II Type 3: Structures that ~, 3 3 to-8--+---8-to- 10 8

have a particular sensitivity J_ I to vibration e.g. heritage L J_ ~~ildin~s___ ___ _ _ __.I____ _ _________ _


/\t trequenc1es above 100 Hz the 11alues given in this column may be used a!> minimum va ues

2 Vibr;:itton rn:>rg nally Pxce0ding tilose v1bro.t1on levels in the table would not n1=:cess;-irily mean tt1at damtiae wo• 110 occ11r anrl 1urt11r-or i11vest1gat1on would be required to rleterr111no i f h1qher vib•1t1on IPvEJo;; can be acr.ornrnocJated without nsk of damage.

3 For civ1! eng 11eern1ci structures (C.~J with reinforced concrete constructions 11sed as ab11tmen!s or hundation padsl tl:e values for Type 1 bu1ld1ngs may be increased by a factor of 2

4 ~t·orl-term vihrat1on 1.; dofi1ied ris v1bratic11 which dces not occur often enough to cause :;tn1c:urcil fal1guc and \'.11,ch does not p'odth.J' roso 1anca in the sta.cture being evaluated

Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

Construct1 on

NV002, NV003, NV014, NV015, NV016, NV017


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IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation

I EPR I Environmental Performance Requirement I Precinct I Timing I I

Basis for Objective no. Risk No. Change

long-term vibration on structures

Vibration Velocity, mm/s (Peak Component Particle Velocity) in

Type of Structure horizontal plane at all frequencies ----------- ---------- --------

Buildings used for commercial purposes, industrial 10 buildings and similar design

-Dwellings and buildings of similar design and/or 5 occupancy

- --Structures that have a particular sensitivity to 2.5 vibration, e.g. heritage buildings

- -- --- -


1 V1l'ral1or. levels .11qrg111ally excecdinCJ tllos~ n tne lat In •vo 'd nnt necessarily mean that daina~e w0u1d ocu. "Ind further 1n• estigat1on is reqL. red wnuld be requ1recl lo determine if l11yl1c1 v1brat1on levels c<'!n bn accomr:10'j<1tccl w1lnout nsk of dam<iqe

2 Long-te:rm v1tr<it101· means v1brat1on cve1 .:s that IT1iiY rnsult in a re::;onanl strnctwal response

NV? Undertake condition assessments of above and below ground utility assets and establish All Constructi NV002, construction vibration limits with asset owners. on NV003,

Monitor vibration during construction to demonstrate compliance with agreed vibration guideline NV014, NV015,

targets. Take remedial action if limits are not met. NV016, NV017

--- --------

22 MMRA ·1sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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__ l

Vibration Guideline Targets for Underground Infrastructure

Implement management actions if the following DIN 4150 Guidel ine Targets for buried pipework/underground infrastructure from construction are not achieved.

__ ~~~~aterial -r-v1t;;;;tion Velocity, mm/s~(PPV) Steel _ 100

Clay, concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, metal -------- ---------

Masonry, plastic


I 80


l hese valu0s rnay bored 1r:eci bv 50°1,, •vhPn cwiluating the 8ffccts of long term v1bralion on buried pipework.

2 II 1s assumed r, pcs I 1ave bee11 ma11ufactu1 ed anJ laid 11sinq curre'1t tcchnoloqy (however it 1s noted tl1at th;s 1s not tile case for the ma1onty of buried p p•;work polent1ally affected by Melbourne Metro).

3 Cr imphance with .s to be with ciSSet owner·~ Utility Standards.


MMRA Revised Env1ro11me'ltal Performance Requirements from the EES

IAC Version 2



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IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation EPR I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


Comfort) NV9 Vibration Dose Values CVDVsl (Human

Implement management actions if the fol 886472-1 :2008) for continuous (as for T

lowing Guideline Targets (VDVs) (based Table 1 in BMs and road headers), intermittent, or impulsive

vibration are not achieved. - - -

VDV (m/s 1·15


Day --1---- Night

m to 10:00pm t 10:00pm to 7:00am

d I Maximum Preferred Maximum Value Value Value

-- -- ---------

--c r-:a

Preferre Location Value

Residences 0.20 ----------!

Offices, schools, 0.40 educational institutions, places of worship _____ __,__ __ _ Workshops 0.80


0.40 0.10 0.20

0.80 0.40 0.80

- -1.60 0.80 1.60

;:itory trey a r; goals that should be s0u9 1t to be Th8 Gu1det1ne Tarqeb -;re non rr ;1rd nclrnwerl throuah the aC'plicntinn oft c> ceedcJ then mnn;:iger·ient :ir:t1011s

easible and reasonable mitigat10n mP.asures If would be requ1re·J.

2 Thr: VOVs may be -:onverted to PPV s a futurt: noise and vibration construction management pl811

All Constructi NV004, on NVOOS,

NV006, NV018, NV019, NV020, NV021

MMRA ·ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES .....,,

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NV1 O Vibration-sensitive Equipment Guideline Targets

Implement management actions if the following ASHRAE equipment vibration Guideline Targets or measured background levels (whichever is higher) are exceeded for vibration-sensitive equipment during construction and operation at Parkville and CBD North stations.

_:~uipment~~uirement~ __ _ _ _________ ~,_-_-C_u_r_v_e_~ Bench microscopes up to 1 OOx magnification; laboratory robots Operating

Room --------------------------- -------+-----

Bench microscopes up to 400x magnification; optical and other precision VC-A balances; co-ordinate measuring machines; metrology laboratories; optical comparators; micro electronics manufacturing equipment; proximity and projection aligners, etc

Microsurgery, eye surgery, neurosurgery; bench microscope at magnification VC-B I greater than 400x; optical equipment on isolation tables; microelectronic

manufacturing equipment such as inspection and lithography equipment (including steppers) to 3mm line widths

Electron microscopes up to 30,000x magnification; microtomes; magnetic VC-C resonance images; microelectronics manufacturing equipment such as lithography and inspection equipment to 1mm detail size

Electron microscopes at magnification greater than 30,000x; mass VC-D spectrometers; cell implant equipment; microelectronics manufacturing equipment such as aligners, steppers and other critical equipment for phot-lithography with line widths of V2 micro m; includes electron beam systems

Unisolated laser and optical research systems; microelectronics VC-E manufacturing equipment such as aligners, steppers and other critical equipment for photolithography with line widths of 1/ 4 micro m; includes electron beam systems


The 111oponent m;iy ur.dertake crinsultat1on with the user:, and agree alternative Guideline Targets

Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

4 - Constructi Parkville on/ station Operation

5 -CBD North station

NV008, NV009


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Ground-borne (internal) Noise Guideline Targets for Amenity

Implement management actions as determined in consultation with potentially affected land owners to protect amenity at residences, sleeping areas in hospital wards, student accommodation and hotel rooms where the following ground-borne noise Guideline Targets (from the NSW Interim Construction Noise Guideline) are exceeded during construction.

-~ P;riod --·-- ---~- -=l~~---'n_t_e_rn_a. I L~q~s_m1_n,_d_B _____ _

Evening, 6pm to 1 Opm I ~i~h~, 1opm to ?am ________ I




L0vcls arc only applicable when ground-borne no1sP levels are h1gl1er than :-i1rbome noise levels

2 Tile no10c l"vo!s a. c ass8sc:0d at tre centre of tl1e most affected habitable room

3 Management actions include ex!e:1s1ve co;nmurnty consultation to detetrnini~ acceptable level of tJ·srupt•on and prov1s an of respite accommodat1on in some c1rcumstar.ccs.


Comply with Australian Standard AS2187.2-2006, Explosives - Storage and use Part 2 - Use of explosives for all blasting

For Highly Sensitive Areas, hospital wards, operating theatres and Bio-resources and areas with vibration-sensitive equipment which are not covered in AS2187.2-2006, develop a plan in consultation with facilities owners that:

• Avoids damage to vibration-sensitive equipment

• Minimises adverse impact on Highly Sensitive Areas and Bio-resources.


4 - Constructi Parkville on station

IAC Version 1

NV017, NV019

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IAC Version 2

· I I I 1· I Draft EES Evaluation EPA , Basis tor Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing ~i~k No. Change

ources and sensitive research during construction and NV13 To protect the amenity of Bio-res operation, the following criteria ap ply:

• Background noise should be kept below 50 dB and should be free of distinct tones (internal}

• Short exposure should be ke pt to less than 85 dB (internal).


1 The lev,,ls above should lakr> J 1r10 co11s1demt1on ~he fr~quency thrGshold ior ll'e Bio resource u1 •<,c~ cons1dc:ratior'

i'ble 11 I can bes 1m-.11 th;il lt1e Bo rr;sourr.e undnr ii~hP1 evels and is no: aciverst.~ly by them.

2 Hiuhcr '"'""':s n::iy I 1e 1cccpt ~ons1tlnral1n11 1s e"'pocr('j to I

New Establish a Parkville Reference G roup comprising of relevant government agencies including NVA* MMRA, PTV, VicRoads, The Viet orian Department of Health and Human Services, Ambulance

Victoria, Yarra Trams, and key in stitutions in the Parkville Precinct. 1------+-

N V 14 Appoint an acoustic and vibration appropriate mitigation to achieve

consultant to predict noise and vibration and determine the Environmental Performance Requirements. The acoustic so be required to undertake commissioning noise and vibration ith respect to the Environmental Performance Requirements. I

and vibration consultant would al measurements to assess levels w


MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

4 - Constructi NV012 Parkville on/ station operation

5 -CBD North station

4 - Constructi Parkville on

All Operation NV030 to NV038


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IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I Environmental Performance Requirement I I Basis for

Objective no. Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

NV15 Victorian Passenger Rail Infrastructure Noise Policll (PRINP} All Operation NV031

Avoid, minimise or mitigate rail noise where the following PRINP (April 2013) Investigation Thresholds are exceeded during operation:

_ Time =~~~~~of Receiver - 1----Investigation Thresholds

Day 1 ·

Residential dwellings and other r 65 dBL,,0 and a change ;n (6am-10pm) buildings where people sleep 3 dB(A) or more

I including aged persons homes, or hospitals, motels and caravan

85 dBLAmax and a change in I

parks 3 dB(A) or more

• Noise sensitive community buildings, including schools, kindergartens, libraries

-- -Night • Residential dwellings and other 60 dBLAeq and a change in (10pm-6am) buildings where people sleep 3 dB(A) or more

including aged persons homes, or hospitals, motels and caravan

85 dBLAmax and a change in parks 3 dB(A) or more



1 If (111 ll1\'8SllOal1on chows lh\lt the thre~>holds are not e«ceeded. tl1cn no further action is considered under the PRINP

2 L~.~ .. is dnlined as •nri:..1m1m1 A weighter! sound pres 'cJrc level a'1d 1s t11e 9f'i percentile of

I the highest valtic of the A we;ghcd sound rrcssur"' level reached v1thin the day or night

3 !=or Melbourne Metro the locat1on or asrn..>sment 1c: at 1 m fro'll the centre of the window of

i the most e~posed oxtemal fa<;:ado.

I NV16 For operation, comply with State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from All Design/ NV032,

i Commerce, Industry and Trade) No. N-1 (SEPP N-1 ). This does not apply to trains and trams. Operation NV035

28 MMRA ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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Ground-borne Noise Guideline Targets for Operation

Where operational ground-borne noise tr igger levels are exceeded for sensitive occupancies as shown in the table below (trigger levels are based on the Rail Infrastructure Noise Guideline, 17 May 2013 (RING(1

)), assess feasible and reasonable mitigation to reduce noise towards the relevant ground-borne noise trigger level.

Sensitive land ~;·-- -, ~m-;~f day -~ternal~ise trigger levels ____ _

Residential I Day 40 dBLAsmax and an increase in existing I (7am-10pm) rail noise level by 3 dB(A) or more

Night (10pm-7am)

35 dBLAsmax and an increase in existing rail noise level by 3 dB(A) or more

------------- -~-- ------ ------- - - --- -------Schools, educational institutions, places of worship

Hospitals(bed wards and operating theatres)

When in use 40-45 dBLAsmax and an increase in existing rail noise level by 3 dB(A) or more

24 hours 35 dB(A) LAsMax

Offices I When in use 45 dB(A) LAsMax

Cinemas and Publlc Halls I W~en in use I 30 dB(A) L,,.,-. - --------

Drama Theatres When in use 25 dB(A) LAsMax

Concert halls, Television and When in use 25 dB(A) LAsMax

Sound Recording Studios I ---~-------·--------Notes

I nlNG pre wles !.ic1ge level~ for r c;s•dent1al 1nd sc11ools, erlucatronal rnstitutrons and places of worshrr. b t;t does not provide g<1irfance or acceptable wound ·borne norse levels tor oilier

occupa11cres have been dPvrsud based on Rlf'JG and mrlustry knowl8dge.

IAC Version 2

11 tyros o: SE'nsi t1ve recc1 110rs Ground-bcw1e nors~ trrg\,jer lovels tor other types of sensitive


2 Specrfie,l nor.;e level£ 1efer to noise from he,wy or lign, raii transportation only (not ambient _ ___ ____ _ __ ._ ____ 11_0_1s_e_f_ro_r_11_0_1h_e_r_s_o_L __ ir1_.e_s_l_. __ _ ___________ _,__ _ __ ..___ _ __ _._ ____ ..___ ____ _

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EE:S 29

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Assessment location 1s 1nt0 nal near to the centre of :ne most <:iffi:cted habitable room.

L c:" , re'ers to 'he maxim urn noise .evel not cxcee·11:::d for 95% c! the rail pass-by events

5 For sr,hools. ed11cat1onal 1nst1.l;tions. µlaces of worc;h,r> the lower va ue uf the range s most apr!it.a';Jp, wl1e'<; low nterrnl no1::.e levels is expected

6 Tl11} \ ;::iluPs for 1)01 form1nq :11ts ;,pnces nny 11eerl to bP. rf•<isscssE:d to address t11e specitic roq111re111ents of C1 venue.

NV18 Vibration Guideline Targets for Operation

During operation, achieve the Guideline Targets (based on Table 1 in 886472-1 :2008) or background levels (whichever is higher) for vibration as follows: -----

VDV (m/s1·75


_1,~am ~:~o,oop~ _ 1o:oo~~:ooa_m _ _

Location Value Value Value Value ---

Residences 0.20 0.40 0.1 O 0.20

Offices, schools, educational institutions, places of worship --------



---+-- ----T------r------0.40 0.80 0.40 0.80

0.80 _] , _____ _ 1.60 I 0.80 1.60 -------~----

1 Tl e Guideline Targets are r.011 n ardatory. they are goals that should be sought to be ach1evc.·a tl~rough the nppl1cntion of fcc:is1ble and reasunable m1t1gat1on measures

2 Compl1 mce w1tt1 tt1esc values imµl1cs no structural da1'1ago due to operation

IAC Version 1

All Operation NV034

MMRA :sed Environmental PP.rformance Requ irements from the EES

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IAC Version 2

Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

New NVB*

Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan All

Develop and implement a Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan ("CNVMP") in consultation with EPA Victoria and the relevant councils. The CNVMP must be informed by the modelling undertaken by the acoustic and vibration consultant in accordance with NV3 and must include (but not be limited to):-


(1) identification of sensitive receivers along Melbourne Metro's alignment;

(2) details of construction activities and an indicative schedule for construction works, including the identification of key noise and/or vibration generating construction activities (based on representative construction scenarios, including at ancillary facilities) that have the potential to generate noise and/or vibration impacts on surrounding sensitive receivers.

Airborne Noise

(3) identification of reasonable and practicable measures to be implemented to manage construction noise impacts in accordance with:

(i) EPA Publication 1254 Noise Control Guidelines as specified in NV1 , and

(ii) the airborne construction noise guideline targets (internal) specified in NV5

(4) any management actions to be implemented if predicted noise levels exceed, for an extended period of time, the guideline targets specified in NV1 or NV5;

(5) any measures to be implemented in accordance with the MMRA Residential Impact Mitigation Guidelines

Vibration: Structures

(6) a description of the condition of all above- and below-ground utility assets assessed in accordance with NV7

(7) identification of reasonable and practicable measures to be implemented to manage construction vibration impacts in accordance with the:

(i) vibration guideline targets for structures specified in NV6

(ii) construction vibration limits for above and below ground utility assets determined in accordance with NV7

constructio n

l (iii) vibration guideline targets for underground infrastructure specified in, or as otherwise

------- - __ J_ --d-e-te-rm. ined in acc_o_rd_a_nc_e_w_i_th :~8 ---· --_ _ ____ ,__ ___ __,_ _____ ......_ __ MMRA Revised Env1ronrnental Performance Requirements from the EES 31

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Draft EES Evaluation EPR I I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


(8) any management actions to be implemented if predicted vibration levels exceed, for an extended period of time, the guideline targets specified in NV6, NV7, or NVB

(9) specific heritage measures where relevant in accordance with CH2.

Vibration and Ground-borne Noise: Human Comfort

(1 O) identification of reasonable and practicable measures to be implemented to manage construction vibration and ground-borne noise impacts in accordance with the:

(i) vibration dose values for human comfort specified in NV9 (which may be expressed as peak particle velocity rates for the purposes of the CVNMP)

(ii) ground-borne (internal) noise guideline targets for amenity specified in NV11

(11) any management actions to be implemented if predicted vibration or ground-borne noise levels exceed, for an extended period of time, the guideline targets identified in NV9 or NV11

(12) any measures to be implemented in accordance with the Residential Impact Mitigation Guidelines

Vibration and Ground-borne Noise: Sensitive Equipment and Bio-resources

(13) identification of reasonable and practicable measures, to be determined following consultation with the Parkville Reference Group, to be implemented to manage construction vibration and ground-borne noise impacts in accordance with the:

(i) vibration sensitive equipment guidelines specified in, or as otherwise determined in accordance with NV1 O

(ii) bio-resource guideline targets specified in, or as otherwise determined in accordance with NV13

(14) any management actions to be implemented if predicted vibration or ground-borne noise levels exceed, for an extended period of time, the guideline targets identified in NV1 O or NV13


(15) if blasting is proposed, an assessment of the potential noise and vibration impacts associated with blasting activities, and the identification of measures to ensure compliance with Australian Standard AS2187.2-2006 as specified in NV12

(16) any measures to be implemented in accordance with the Residential Impact Mitigation Guidelines

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Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


Community Consultation

(17) details of all community consultation measures to be implemented in accordance with NV4 and SC2 including:

(i) any precinct-specific community consultation measures; and

(ii) the establishment of measures concerning complaints management.


(18) operational procedures and controls that minimise truck noise, including, but not limited to, consideration of the following:

(i) Where reasonable and practicable, limit heavy construction vehicle movements to Normal Working Hours (as defined by the EPA) providing this limitation does not include vehicles essential to maintaining construction operations;

(ii) Where practical, select different traffic routes to limit the amount of accelerating and braking. prioritise routes with existing heavy vehicle usage where possible, and avoid local roads (e.g. residential streets), particularly for 24-hour activities;

(iii) Install 'no engine braking' signs on designated routes;

(iv) Ensure trucks are fitted with mufflers that comply with the original equipment manufacturer specifications;

(v) Enforce speed restrictions on all construction vehicles;

(vi) Complete regular maintenance checks of road surfaces and trucks;

(vii) Implement temporary changes to traffic light sequences on designated routes to minimise trucks starting and stopping at junctions;

(viii) Monitor construction vehicle driver behaviour;

(ix) Identify locations for trucks to idle pending arrival at construction sites.


(19) mechanisms to ensure effective monitoring of noise and vibration associated with construction in accordance with NV3, including:

(i) vibration and noise measurement methodologies for monitoring both baseline and construction levels, including details of the parameters to be obtained, the measurement equipment, parameters to be recorded, and relevant standards to be adhered to for the collection and analysis of data;

(ii) baseline and construction noise and vibration monitoring locations; --- ---- - - ----------

Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

Traffic condaltP. 1oint staterr ent items and 14


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Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

(iii) the most critical periods, whether determined separating distance or ground conditions, and the duration of monitoring periods;

(iv) how the results of monitoring would be recorded, reported, and interpreted. --------- -------- ---

-Cultu~;;J Heritage - Tul - AH-1--C- o-mply-w-ith a C- u-lt-u-ra_l _H-er-it-ag-;-M-a_n_a~e_m_e-nt-Plan-;;~ved-un-d-er-th_e_A-bo-rig-in_a_/ H- e- r-ita_g_e Act

avoid or minimise 2006 and prepared in accordance with the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2007. adverse effects on Aboriginal and historical cultural

~~itage values __ J_ __ Historical Cultural Heritage

All Constructi on

IAC Version 1

AH001 to AH007

------ ----------- ------- - ----- - ------------------~>-------<-----+------+-------

Cultural Heritage - To avoid or minimise adverse effects on Aboriginal and historical cultural heritage values




Design permanent and temporary works to avoid or minimise impacts on the cultural heritage values of heritage places.

Consult, as required, with Heritage Victoria and/or the responsible authority (as applicable).

To avoid or minimise impacts on the cultural heritage values of heritage places:

• Perform works in accordance with the following noise and vibration and ground movement Environmental Performance Requirements as related to heritage places: NV2, NV~&. NV6, NV11 , GM2, GM4, GM5, GM6

• Undertake condition assessments of heritage places prior to commencement of construction where located within the identified vibration and ground settlement zones of sensitivity and monitor as per NV6, GM4 and GM5.

Should damage occur to a building or structure on the Victorian Heritage Register or that is subject to a Heritage Overlay as a result of works, undertake rectification works in accordance with accepted conservation practice (with reference to the Australia ICOMOS Surra Charter 2013) to the satisfaction of Heritage Victoria or the responsible authority, as applicable.



Detailed All design

Prior to HH03 and during constructio n

MMRA •sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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lAC Version 2

(~ I Precinct I Timing I Basis for

Risk No. Change

CH3 J Prior to construction, undertake archival photographic recording in accordance with Heritage All Prior to HH04, Victoria Technical Note: Photographic Recording for Heritage Places and Objects where constructio HH05,

I heritage places are to be demolished or modified. n HH06, commenci HH07, ng HH08,

HH09, HH10, HH13, HH14, HH15, HH16, HH22, HH23, HH26, HH27, HH28,


HH29, HH32

-CH4 Prior to construction of main works or shafts that affect heritage structures or places, develop 1 - Prior to HH04,

detailed methodology in accordance with Australia ICOMOS Surra Charter and to the Tunnels constructio HH17,

satisfaction of Heritage Victoria or the responsible authority (as applicable) where heritage fabric 3- n, HH19,

is required to be dismantled, stored and reconstructed. Arden reins tat em HH23,

station ent at an HH25, Work is to be documented and overseen by an appropriately qualified conservation practitioner. appropriat HH27,

I 6-CBD etime HH31 South during or station after the 7- main Domain constructio station n works

CH5 Prior to construction of main works or shafts that affect heritage structures or places, develop All Prior to HH04, and implement appropriate protection measures for heritage places and objects including constructio HH05,

sculptures, memorials, monuments and associated heritage fabric where retained in proximity to n HH18,

works. This is to be done to the satisfaction of Heritage Victoria or the responsible authority (as commenci HH25,

applicable). ng HH26,

HH29, HH31

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirement~ from thl3 EES 35

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~ CH?



1- CH9



I • Develop archaeological management plans to manage disturbance of archaeological sites and values affected by the project

I . Undertake investigation in accordance with the Guidelines for Investigating Historical Archaeological Artefacts and Sites, Heritage Victoria 2014 (as amended or updated) and to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria.


I Develop and implement a protocol for managing previously unidentified historical archaeological 1 sites discovered during project works.

I To the satisfaction of Heritage Victoria and the responsible authority, develop and implement a

I heritage interpretation strategy as part of detailed design as a whole which seeks to explore historical and Aboriginal cultural heritage themes. This must include (but not be limited to) the exploration of opportunities for interpretation at Arden station (referencing the use of this land for railways workshops and sidings), and at CBD South station (referencing the Port Phillip Arcade and the early Port Phillip Club Hotel).

To the satisfaction of Heritage Victoria and the responsible authority (as applicable), undertake all underground service works beneath or within heritage places or tree protection zones (TPZs) for trees as part of heritage places to avoid, minimise and mitigate impacts to the heritage fabric.

-------- ----------- ---To the satisfaction of Heritage Victoria-_and the responsible authority (as applicable). ensure new development is responsive to heritage places in terms of height, massing, form , fagade articulation and materials.

To the satisfaction of the responsible authority, ensure no direct impact on heritage buildings on the former Glueworks site in Kensington.




2-Western portal

constructio n

Design/ Constructi on

Constructi on

Detailed design

Constructi on

IAC Version 1

Specific risks

include HH13 and HH23 but

the opportuniti es apply

across the project.

HH33, HH34

HH05, HH06, HH08, HH18, HH20, HH21 , HH22, HH24, HH26, HH27,


MMRA ·1sed Environmental Performance Requ irements from the EES

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Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

CH11 To the satisfaction of the station (part of proposed for the new substation.

responsible authority, retain and protect Langford Street pumping Moonee Ponds Creek and Infrastructure Precinct) as part of the design

--CH12 To the satisfaction of He

in Royal Parade as part boulevard formation.

ritage Victoria and the responsible authority, replace removed Elm trees of project delivery using appropriate species and re-establish the

Provide suitable soil con existing mature trees in

ditions to facilitate the growth of new trees to reach the size of the the boulevard.

----ritage Victoria, in detailed design ensure the eastern Parkville station CH13 To the satisfaction of He

entry is set no less than boundary treatment is re

8-10 metres from the original Gatekeeper's Cottage and an appropriate tained or re-established for the heritage building.

- --responsible authority, in detailed design for the CBD South station, CH14 To the satisfaction of the

incorporate the Charles Arcade site, preferably i

Bush sculpture into the design for the new building on the Port Phillip n a prominent position on the Flinders Street fa\:ade.

ent relocation of the Burke and Wills Monument from its current site is CH15 In the event the perman required, resolve the fina responsible authority an commencement of cons

I location of the monument to the satisfaction of the appropriate d/or in consultation with the City of Melbourne prior to the !ruction.

illar and cast iron fencing at the corner of Grattan Street and Royal


_JCH:l16 Integrate the bluestone p Parade into the design f or the station entry and surrounds in consultation with the University of Melbourne.

----- - ----- - -- -

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

3- Detailed HH14 Arden design station

4- Constructi HH15, Parkville on HH16 station

4 - Detailed HH18 Parkville design station

6- Detailed HH23 CBD design South station

6- Detailed HH25 CBD design South station

4- Detailed HH19 Parkville design station


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Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


ccordance with relevant policy documents consultation with the City of Melbourne,

CH17 Replace removed trees as part of project delivery in a and to re-establish valued landscape character and in the City of Port Phillip, the Shrine of Remembrance a as applicable. Policy documents are as follows:

nd Shrine Trustees and Heritage Victoria

• Domain Parklands: Domain Parklands CMP 2016 and the Domain Parklands Masterplan (in preparation)

e CMP (Lovell Chen, 2010) or any future • Shrine of Remembrance: Shrine of Remembranc review and the Shrine of Remembrance Landsca pe Improvement Plan (rush Wright Associates, 2010)

• South African Soldiers Memorial Reserve CMP (i n preparation, Context, draft 2016)

• Fawkner Park: Fawkner Park Conservation Analy sis (Hassell, 2002) and the Fawkner Park Masterplan (City of Melbourne, 2005). -------------------

ng and design of the eastern Domain CH 18 To the satisfaction of Heritage Victoria, review the siti station entry in detailed design to ensure it is as reces only a limited presence on the edge of the Reserve.

sive as possible in this location and has

The design needs to allow for the maintenance of an Robertson Memorial Fountain.

-----'·----!----- ---------------

CH19 To the satisfaction of Heritage Victoria~

• Prior to dismantling the South African Soldiers m PhilliQ, develop interpretive material to display in

appropriate setting to the Macpherson

emorial, in consultation with City of Port the 12recinct until the monument is restored.

• For detailed design, in consultation with City of P ort PhilliQ, review the siting and design of gn to ensure the South African Soldiers if relocated on this site. If no appropriate

I the western Domain station entry in detailed dosi

L Memorial has an appropriate landscaped setting setting can be established, consider options for r elocation of the memorial to an alternative site.

-- - ---- ---1 CH20 To the satisfaction of tl=lo City of Moleo1:1mo, City of Po Ft Pl=!illip an8.loF !Re Fesponsiele a1:11ReFily

ncils, as applioaele replace removed trees on.

tion in situ within or abutting proposed ~ VicRoads. Heritage Victoria and/or relevant local cou in St Kilda Road to re-gstablish the boulevard formati

CH21 Retain and protect the Cross Street Electrical Substa I construction site. ___ ....___

1 - Constructi HH04, Tunnels on HH05,

7- HH06,

Domain HH07,

station HH08, HH09, H027, HH29, HH30

7 - Detailed HH26 Domain design station

I 7 - Detailed HH27 Agre!;lQ with Domain design CoPP station 15/08/16

7- Detailed HH28 St Kilda Rd 1s Domain design now listed on station the Heritage


9- Constructi HH35 Western on turn back

MMRA ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES ..I -

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IAC Version 2

Draft EES Evaluation EPA I Basis tor Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

CH22 Ensure that, where impacted by project works, street fabric and infrastructure is conserved and/or accurately reconstructed.

_ __.__ ______ ---- -Before tunnelling commences:

• Consider the construction noise and vibration modellin g reguired by EPR NV3 and identify heritage places on the Victorian Heritage Register that may be vulnerable to degradation as

opriate mitigation measures to I a result of vibration from construction and identify appr I prevent damage to heritage places from vibration

I • Conduct pre-construction condition surveys of heritage places identified in the modelling as I potentially being vulnerable to degradation as a result of vibration, to record structural

ment of tunnelling I condition and structural integrity prior to the commence

I • Implement the identified mitigation measures to preven t damage to heritage places from vibration

• Conduct vibration monitoring at the heritage places tha t may be vulnerable to degradation to assess the actual vibration from construction works.

ritage places may be degraded as a If the vibration monitoring demonstrates the condition of he result of vibration. ground vibration must be reduced until t he risk of vibration related degradation is assessed as acceptable.

All Constructl on

811 QoniW!.!!;;li on

Also refer to the following Environmental Performance Requirements fo r 'Historical Cultural Heritage': NV2, NV~, NV6, NV11, GM2, GM4, GMS, GM6


Landscape, visual and recreational values -To avoid or minimise adverse effects on landscape, visual amenity and recreational values as far as practicable



------------- --- ------rovide for !.b.§_maximum tree retention During detailed design, review potential tree impacts and p

on both public and private land, also having regard to valua ble habitat linkages or corridors where possible practicable.

mplement a plan in consultation with Prior to construction of main works or shafts, develop and 1

the relevant local council that identifies all trees in the proje ct area which covers:

• Trees to be removed or retained

• Condition of the trees to be removed

tement at their former location or • Options for temporary re-location of palms and reinsta another suitable location. ____ ___. ____ __.__ _____________ --

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

All Design/Pr AR001, e- AR002, constructio AR014, n AR003

~ evidP.n r o frnm Peter Lovell

Aaree• with CoM 2 6/8/16


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IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

r --


replacement AR2 I Reinstate quality soils to sufficient volumes to support long-term viable growth of


trees. Ensure ongoing supply of water to tree root zones, especially during their stage. Employ water sensitive urban design principles (WSUDl principles where

establishment possible.

-al to (or greater AR3 I Re-establish trees to replace loss of canopy cover and achieve canopy size equ

than) healthy, mature examples of the species in Melbourne. Consult with the Ci the City of Port Phillip, the City of Stonnington, the Shrine of Remembrance and and Heritage Victoria as applicable. Policy documents that must be followed to r

ty of Melbourne, Shrine Trustees e-establish trees

and valued landscape character include:

est Strategy~ • The City of Melbourne's Tree Retention and Removal Policy and Urban For South Yarra Urban Forest Precinct Plan, Central City Urban Forest Precinct Plan and Carlton Urban Forest Precinct Plan

• The City of Port Phillip's Community Amenity Local Law No. 1 and Greening Port Phillip -An Urban Forest Approach

• The City of Stonnington's General Local Law 2008 (No 1) and City of Stonni ngton Street Tree Strategy

• Any associated precinct plans

• Specific policies of the Domain Parklands Conservation Management Plan ( CMP), for trees within Domain Parklands

) or any future • Shrine of Remembrance: Shrine of Remembrance CMP (Lovell Chen, 2010 review and the Shrine of Remembrance Landscape Improvement Plan (rush Wright Associates, 2010)

frican Soldiers • South African Soldiers Memorial Reserve: Any relevant CMP for the South A Memorial

• Fawkner Park Conservation Analysis (Hassell , 2002) and the Fawkner Park Masterplan (City of Melbourne, 2005)

_• _ The preferred future character of the University of Melbourne, for trees in the grounds of the University of Melbourne.

The re-establishment of trees must also consider the contribution to creation of h abitat corridors and linkages where possible.

All Constructi AR001 , EllQanding on AR002, a.i;;r2n:i:m

AR003, AR014,

All Constructi AR001, J2iot witn!il~~ (except on AR002, statement gnd Western AR003, agreed with turnback AA014, QQM 22/6/12 )

MMRA ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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Prior to construction commencing of main works or shafts in affected areas, prepare and implement Tree Protection Plans for each precinct in accordance with AS4970-2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites, addressing the detailed design and construction methodology of the project.

Within precincts 1, 4 and 7 a Tree Protection Plan must be developed for each heritage place as relevant to the satisfaction of Heritage Victoria or the responsible authority.

----------For City of Melbourne trees that are to be retained and protected, a bank guarantee or bond of the trees value will be held against the approved Tree Protection Plan for the duration of the works in accordance with the city of Melbourne Tree Retention and Removal Policy.

Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from t11e EES


2 -Western portal

3 -Arden station

4 - CBD North station

5 - CBD South station

6 - CBD South station

7-Domain station


Constructi on

IAC Version 2

AR004 to AR005,

AR007 to AR012


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IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Landscape and Visual

Lar dscape, visual and rec eational values -To 3.Void or minimise ad\ erse effects on Ian Jscape, visual am 3nity and rec eational values as far 3.s practicable


-- --sultation with local councils and the Office of the Melbourne Metro Urban Design Strategy. The

L V1 I Design permanent~nd temporary works in con Victorian Government Architect to comply with design shall avoid or minimise visual impacts o landscape character values, particularly in rela

n sensitive receptors and maintain broader tion to:


• Tunnels: Queen Victoria Gardens, Tom's B lock. Fawkner Park

• Western portal: JJ Holland Park

• Parkville station: University of Melbourne, Melbourne Hospital, University Square

• CBD North station: Royal Melbourne Instil Library Forecourt

Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Royal

ute of Technology, the State Library and State

• CBD South station: St Paul's Cathedral, Fe deration Square, City Square and Flinders Street Station

• Domain station: The Shrine of Remembran ce, Shrine of Remembrance Reserve. Albert Road Reserve, Domain Parklands

_•_Eastern portal : South Yarra Siding Reserv e.

• Existing habitat corridors within and proxim ate to Moonee Ponds Creek, 1f the alternate substation site adjacent to the Moonee Po nds Creek is selected

Develop and implement a plan in consultation w local councils and other land managers to com Strategy to re-establish public open space, rec

ith the Office of Victorian Government Architect, ply with the Melbourne Metro Urban Design reation reserves and other valued places

disturbed by temporary works.

ethodology for storage, reinstatement or The plan must include, but not be limited to a m replacement of existing public art, monuments banner poles), bins, and other street furniture s

and public infrastructure such as poles (including uch as wavtinding signage (including signage


The plan should also include exploring opportu of communities beyond resident groups, includ

nities for renewal of public spaces for the benefit ing visitors, business owners and commuters.


-~-------~--~~-- ---------------

---All Constructi LV001 to Joint VD

on/ LVOSO witness Operation S!gt!i!m!i!nt

Sec!iQn 4 , ~ Also!i!!i!Q with QQM 26/8/16 S\:l well as th!i! Isis! goint adder;!

All Constructi LV001 to Agre!i!d witb on/ LVOSO CoM 26/8/16 Operation

42 MMRA •sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I Objective no.

LV3 Prior to construction. cIDevelop measures to minimise light spillage during construction to protect the amenity of adjacent neighbourhoods, parks and community facilities. Lighting for operation would be designed in accordance with council requirements and relevant standards.

Contaminated Land and Spoil Management

Hydrology, water quality and waste management: To protect waterways and waterway function and surface water and groundwater quality in accordance with statutory objectives, to identify and prevent potential adverse environmental effects resulting from the disturbance of contaminated or acid­forming material and to manage excavation spoil and other waste in accordance with relevant best practice principles

r- C1

_______ _.._ -

·-- ------------- -Prior to construction of main works or shafts, prepare and implement a Spoil Management Plan (SMP) in accordance with MMRA's Spoil Management Strategy and relevant regulations, standards and best practice guidance. The SMP shall be developed in consultation with and to the satisfaction of the EPA. The SMP will include but is not limited to the following:

• • • •

• • •

Applicable regulatory requirements

Identifying nature and extent of spoil (clean fill and contaminated spoil) across all precincts

Roles and responsibilities

Identification of management measures for handling and transport of spoil for the protection of health and the environment

Identification, design and development of specific environmental management plans for temporary stockpile areas

Identifying suitable sites for re-use, management or disposal of any spoil

Monitoring and reporting requirements

Identifying locations and extent of any prescribed industrial waste (PIW) and characterising PIW spoil prior to excavation

Identifying suitable sites for disposal of any PIW .

The SMP shall include sub-plans as appropriate, including but not limited to an Acid Sulfate Soil and Rock (ASS/ASA) Management Sub-Plan (Refer to C2).

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES



Constructi on

IAC Version 2

_ _,_ _____ _ CL001, CL016,

CL021 to CL026, CL043, CL048, CL049


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Prepare and implement an Acid Sulfate Soil and Rock (ASS/ASR) Management Sub-Plan prior to construction of the project as a sub-plan of an overarching SMP in accordance with the regulations, standards and best practice guidance and to the satisfaction of EPA. This sub-plan will include the general requirements of the SMP and also:

• Identify locations and extent of any potential ASS/ASR

• Characterise ASS/ASR spoil prior to excavation

• Identify and implement measures to prevent oxidation of ASS/ASR wherever possible

• Identify suitable sites for re-use, management or disposal of any ASS/ASR.

Prior to construction of main works or shafts, prepare a remedial management plan All (RMP)undertake a remedial options assessment (RO.I\) for contaminated land and groundwater. The assessment RMP must:

• Consider the outcomes of further investigations including the appropriate groundwater investigations and modelling required in GW1, GW2, GW3 and GW5

• Interpret groundwater permeation and VOC results

• Present and take account of the outcomes of risk assessments

• If required, identify remedial options to be implemented for contaminated land and groundwater in accordance with relevant regulations, standards and best practice guidance and to the satisfaction of EPA.

If required, as an outcome of the RGARMP, prepare and implemented a remedial action plan and integrate the remediation approach into the design of the Project in accordance with relevant regulations, standards and best practice guidance and to the satisfaction of EPA.

Prior to construction of main works or shafts commencing, prepare and implement a health, safety and environmental plan for the management of hazardous substances. The plan must include but not be limited to:

• Consideration of the risks associated with exposure to hazardous substances for employees, visitors and general public

• The identification of methods to control such exposure in accordance with relevant regulations, standards and best practice guidance and to the satisfaction of WorkSafe and EPA

• Method statements detailing monitoring and reporting.




Constructi on/ Operation

Constructi on

IAC Version 1

CLOOS, CL010, CL013, CL027, CL030, CL033, CL036, CL039, CL040, CLOSO, CL052, CL054, CL056, CLOSS

CL015, CL042, CL059

Following evidence presented to IAC 26/S/16

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Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I Precinct I Timing I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Risk No. Change


I I - -

Hydrology, water GW1 Design the tunnel and underground structures so that they minimise groundwater drawdown All Design GW001 to quality and waste I during construction and operation to minimise impacts on groundwater dependent values, GW059

management: To ground movement and contamination plume migration. protect waterways and

GW2 Develop a groundwater model in a process that involves ongoing referral to the Independent All Design/co GW001 to ~nllnw waterway function and nn

surface water and Environmental Auditor consistent with the Australian Groundwater Modelling Guidelines (Barnett nstruction GW059 eviden i'<>

groundwater quality in et al, 201ga). Apply the model for the detailed design phase to predict impacts associated with DrP~Pr ~Prl 10 IAC 2f 118/16

accordance with any changes to construction techniques or operational design features proposed during detailed statutory objectives, to design, and reconfirm that the Environmental Performance Requirements and mitigation identify and prevent measures are sufficient to mitigate impacts from changes in groundwater levels, flow and quality. potential adverse The groundwater model should be updated to address comprehensively; transient calibration, environmental effects aquifer specific storage parameter values and their justification, prediction of cumulative impacts resulting from the during construction and uncertainty assessments. disturbance of

Undertake monitoring during construction to ensure that predictions are accurate and mitigation contaminated or acid-forming material and measures are appropriate.

to manage excavation GW3 Develop and implement a Groundwater Management Plan (GMP) detailing groundwater All Design/Co GW001 to Follow no spoil and other waste management approaches to address the predicted impacts to groundwater dependent values nstruction GW059 evirl<>n :e in accordance with during construction. ores er :ed to relevant best practice IAC 2' l/R/16 principles The GMP must be based on the detailed design phase groundwater model, and should include

the following details:

• Approach to collection, treatment and disposal of groundwater collected during construction in accordance with the MMRA Groundwater Disposal Strategy

• Identifying and if necessary, specifying mitigation measures to protect groundwater dependent vegetation during periods of drawdown

• An approach identified in consultation with the EPA so that contaminant migration cause no significant impacts on beneficial uses and vapour intrusion into underground structures, and establish appropriate monitoring networks to confirm effectiveness of approach

• Methods for minimising drawdown in areas of known PASS and establishing appropriate monitoring networks to confirm effectiveness of approach

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES 45

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IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I I I I Basis tor Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

• Methods for minimising drawdown at any existing recharge bores, and establishing appropriate monitoring networks to confirm effectiveness of mitigation

• Groundwater drawdown trigger levels for groundwater dependant values at which additional mitigation measures must be adopted

I • Design, operation and management of groundwater injection borefields

• Contingency measures if impacts occur at existing active groundwater bores and surface water bodies

• Contingency measures should unexpected groundwater conditions be encountered .

The GMP must satisfy the EPA and relevant water authorities that groundwater dependent values would be protected.

The GMP should also address MMRA's sustainability requirements where appropriate.

GW4 Use the Groundwater Disposal Strategy and GMP to obtain a Trade Waste Agreement with the All Constructi GW055, relevant Water Retailers for groundwater disposal. on/ GW056


I GW5 -- ----

Develop and implement a groundwater monitoring plan as part of the GMP that details sufficient All Constructi GW017, FQllQwing monitoring of drawdown to verify that no significant impacts occur from potential: on/Operati GW019, ~vidence

Contaminant migration on the beneficial uses of groundwater at third party properties on GW021 , pr~ented to

• GW025, IAC 25/8/16


caused by drawdown and vapour intrusion to underground structures GW027,

• Activation of PASS and groundwater acidification GW028, GW029,

• Reduction in access to water for bore owners in the area around the project GW030,

I Reduction in access to groundwater for trees- particularly in the Tunnels precinct between

GW033, • GW038,

CBD South and Domain stations, and the CBD South station and eastern portal precincts GW039,

• Change in groundwater levels in any existing recharge bores that may be present in the GW045, GW046

area around the project. '

I Also refer to the following Environmental Performance Requirements for 'Groundwater': GM1 , AE3, AE6 -- ----- ----

46 MMRA ·ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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IAC Version 2

Draft EES Evaluation I EPA I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Ground Movement and Land Stability ----- ------ ---- ------- --+------t------+--------

Land Stability - To avoid or minimise adverse effects on land stability that might arise directly or indirectly from project works



Develop and maintain geological and groundwater models (as per GW2) which: All

• Use monitored ground movement and ground water levels prior to construction to identify pre-existing movement

• Inform tunnel design and the construction techniques to be applied for the various geological and groundwater conditions

• Assess potential drawdown and identify trigger levels for implementing additional mitigation measures to minimise potential primary consolidation settlement

• Assess potential ground movement effects from excavation and identify trigger levels for implementing additional mitigation measures to minimise potential ground movement effects.

Design and construct the permanent structures and temporary works to limit ground movements to within appropriate acceptability criteria (to be determined in consultation with relevant


Design/ Constructi on

Design/ Constructi on/ Operation

GM001 to GM025

GM001 to GM025

b stakeholders) for vertical, horizontal, and angular deformation as appropriate for project activities during the construction and operational phase.

GM3 -· Dev~opandim~ementagroundmoveme~~anforconstructi_o_n_a_n_d_o_p_e_r-at-io_n_a_l_p_h_a_se-s--of_t_h_e~-A-1-1 --~C_o_n_~_ru_c_ti~_G_M_0_01-~~------I project that: on/ GM025

I Operation

• Addresses the location of structures/assets which may be susceptible to damage by ground movement resulting from Melbourne Metro works

! • Identifies appropriate ground movement impact acceptability criteria for buildings, utilities,

I trains, trams and pavement after consultation with the various stakeholders

• Identifies mitigation measures to ensure acceptability criteria can be met

I • Identifies techniques for limiting settlement of buildings and protecting buildings from damage

• Addresses additional measures to be adopted if acceptability criteria are not met such as reinstatement of any property damage

• Addresses monitoring ground movement surrounding proposed Melbourne Metro works and at the location of various structures/assets to measure consistency with the predicted model

• Consult with land and assets owners that could potentially be affected and where mitigation measures would be required.

--------~~---·-------- ----- -- --

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES 47

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IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change


r the assets predicted to be affected by ground GM4 I Conduct pre-construction condition surveys fo movement.

and pre-construction condition information for each Develop and maintain a data base of as-built potentially affected structure identified as bein where a property owner has requested an ass

g in an area susceptible to damage (GM3) and essment, specifically including:

ay be susceptible to damage resulting from I • Identification of structures/assets which m ground movement resulting from Melbour ne Metro works

, pavements, significant utilities and parklands to • Results of condition surveys of structures establish baseline conditions and potentia I vulnerabilities

• Records of consultation with landowners in relation to the condition surveys.

• Post-construction stage condition surveys damage has been caused as a result of M

conducted, where required, to ascertain if any elbourne Metro.

• Share pre- and post-condition assessmen ts and records of consultation with the property owner proactively.

• Ensure all stakeholder engagement activi ties are undertaken within the framework of the Community and Business Involvement Pl an

f------+---GM5 Metro to limit ground movement to within Adopt construction techniques for Melbourne

appropriate acceptability criteria (to be determ ined in consultation with relevant stakeholders). ----- -

For properties and assets affected by ground movement, undertake any required repair works.

All Constructi on


All Constructi on

All Constructi on

Also refer to the following Environmental Performance Req uirements for 'Ground Movement and Land Stability': GW1, GW3, CH2

GM001 to GM025

GM001 to GM025

GM001 to GM025

MMRA ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES -

Page 49: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 2

I I I I I I Draft EES Evaluation EPR Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Re,uirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Surface Water

Hydrology, water quality and waste management: To protect waterways and waterway function and surface water and groundwater quality in accordance with statutory objectives, to identify and prevent potential adverse environmental effects resulting from the disturbance of contaminated or acid­forming material and

--western turnback) design permanent and temporary SW1 For all precincts (with the exception of the

works and, if necessary, develop and imple the tunnels, tunnel portals, access shafts, provide appropriate protection against floo

ment emergency flood management measures for station entrances and Arden electrical substation to dwaters and overland stormwater flows.

This would be informed by a flood immunit y risk assessment that considers a range of events, f Melbourne Water and/or the relevant council.tfie I and to the requirements and satisfaction o

responsible authority.

MMRA Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

All (except western turn back )

-- -~--

Constructi SW001 to Clarific ation of on/ SW003, ~ ~ Operation SW005, " ' 'thnr !v

SW007, SW009, SW010, SW011 ,

I SW014, SW015, SW018, SW019, SW022, SW024, SW025, SW027, SW029,

SW030 to SW032


Page 50: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

in ccordance with rel vant best practice pri ciples


Maintain existing flood plain storage capacity potentially impacted by the project, to the requirements and satisfaction of the responsible waterway management authority

Permanent and associated temporary construction works must not increase flood levels that result in an additional flood risk to the requirements and satisfaction of the responsible waterway management authority

Ensure permanent and associated temporary works do not increase flow velocities that would potentially affect the stability of property, structures or assets, and/or result in erosion during operation or construction, to the requirements and satisfaction of the responsible waterway management authority

_• _ Undertake modelling of the design of permanent and temporary works to demonstrate the resultant flood levels and risk profile to the satisfaction of the responsible waterway management authority.

• Ensure that the stormwater design associated with the project is undertaken to the requirements and satisfaction of the responsible waterway management authority.

• Adopt WSUD and integrated water management principles, as required through the I Melbourne Metro Urban Design Strategy

Also refer to the following Environmental Performance Requirements for 'Surface Water': AE6

IAC Version 1

SW004, SW006, SWOOB, SW012, SW013, SW016, SW017, SW020, SW021 , SW023, SW026, SW028, SW033, SW034

Joint statement item 1 Joint statement item §.

MMRA ised Environmental Pertormance Requirements from the EES

Page 51: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 2

Draft EES Evaluation I EPR I I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Aquatic ecology and river health

Hy-drology, ;ater-------.-AE1~ull~ integrate the stormwater treatment system into the design of M~lbourne Metro (all quality and waste precincts) for construction [all preoinotsJ to ensure that stormwater entering a receiving water management: To body complies with SEPP (Waters of Victoria).

protect waterw~ys and 1 The best practice performance objectives for achieving compliance with SEPP (Waters of waterway function and Victoria) during the construction phase are described below: surface water and __ . ·---·---groundwater quality in accordance with statutory objectives, to identify and prevent potential adverse environmental effects resulting from the disturbance of contaminated or acid­forming material and to manage excavation spoil and other waste in accordance with relevant best practice principles.

Receiving Pollutant water type objective 1 Current best practice performance objective<1


- ->-E-ff-ec-tiv_e_t-rea;~ ~n_t_o_f 90-0/c-o -of da~y-r-un--ott e-ve- nt; ( e- .-g-. _<_4 __

solids j SEPP months ARI). Effective treatment equates to a 50 percentile suspended solids concentration of 50 mg/L.

I This can be achieved by installing a sediment pond(s) to I remove 95% of sediment down to 125 µm for a 1 year ARI.


Other pollutants


Comply with SEPP

Comply with SEPP

Prevent litter from entering the stormwater system.

Limit the application, generation and migration of toxic substances to the maximum extent practicable.

Bt.:st practice 11erfonriance obiee-ttves arc based on th~ Best Pmct1ce Environmental Mnnagemont Gu1dehres for Urban Stormwatcr - CSIRO

All Constructi on

AE001 , AE007, AE008

Biodiversity - To avoid or minimise adverse effects on native terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna, in the context of the project's components and urban setting



AE2 Best practice sedimentation and pollution control measures must be applied to protect waterways in accordance with Best Practice Environmental Management: Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction Sites - EPA publication 480 (1996) and in accordance with an approved construction environmental management plan.

Measures should include: vehicle wheel wash and rumble bars at worksite egress points, appropriate placement of material stockpiles and chemical storages, covered loads, street sweeping and water quality monitoring, where required.

Revised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

All Constructi on

AE001 , AE007, AE008


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During construction, discharge tunnel, station box and portal construction water to sewer.

Where groundwater interception during construction is predicted to occur, dewatering is to be managed so that groundwater is not released to stormwater or sensitive surface water bodies (refer to related GW4).

---- ----- ------------Where ground treatment works are required in waterways, design and implement methods that prevent discharge of sediments into the water column.

Design the Arden electrical substation (as per SW1 ) to provide appropriate protection against floodwaters during operation, to prevent the release of contaminants to Moonee Ponds Creek.

IAC Version 1

(except on Western turn back )

1 - Constructi AE003 Tunnels on

3 - Design/ AE012 Arden Operation station

--+--- --- ------- ~----------+-----+------------+---~

AE6 During operation, discharge tunnel drainage water to sewer, unless otherwise agreed by EPA and Melbourne Water.

Where groundwater interception during operation is predicted to occur, disposal is to be managed so that contaminated water is not released to stormwater or sensitive surface water bodies (refer to related GW4).

1 - Operation AE010 Tunnels

MMRA 1sed Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES

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Fully integrate the stormwater treatment system into the design of the western portal and eastemall precincts portal to ensure that stormwater entering a receiving water body complies


with SEPP (Waters of Victoria). The best practice performance objectives for achieving compliance w~t~EPP (Waters of Victoria) during the operations pha_se are described below:

I -r- Current best practice I Pollutant ty~:.J_~~ ~ater obj~ctive _ _performance objective(

1> __ _

I Suspended 1' Comply with SEPP (not to exceed 80% retention of the typical urban I solids (SS) -t- the 90th percentile of 80 mg/L) (

2) annual lo_a_d _ ______ _

Total I Comply with SEPP (base flow , 45% retention of the typical urban phosphorus concentration not to exceed 0.08 'j annual load (TP) mg/L) (3 l


-Tu~~ nitrogen Co~ply with SEPP (base flow 45% retention of the typical urban (TN) concentration not to exceed 0.9 annual load

mg/L) (3 l --------+




Comply with SEPP (No litter in waterways) (21

-----Maintain flows at pre-urbanisation levels

70% reduction of typical urban annual load (4l

Maintain discharges for the 1.5 year ARI at pre-development levels

1 Best practice performance objectives are based 011 the Best Practice Environmental Manariernent Gu1dei111cc: tor Urban Stormwater - CSIRO.

2 A1, exar1ple using SE:PP (W;;i.ters of V1ctom1). gent:; ;oil surface waters segment.

3 SEPP Schedule F'7 - Yc::rra Catcr11nent -· · 1rban water\/\ays fnr the Yarra River matn stream

1 Litter 1s dr;ti11cd as anth~opqc·11c mate 1al larger than five milhme'.res.

Sedimentation and pollution control measures must be applied to protect waterways and habitat areas such as periphery surrounding Moonee Ponds Creek in accordance with industry best practice. This shall include water quality monitoring, where required.

Revised Environmental PPrforrnance Requirements from the EES

IAC Version 2


Page 54: I I I I - Planning - Planning...14001 :2015 Env1 construction and ·ronmental Management Systems - requirements with guidance for use for operation. Prepare a Constr uction Environmental

IAC Version 1

Draft EES Evaluation EPR I I I I Basis for Objective no. Environmental Performance Requirement Precinct Timing Risk No. Change

Terrestrial flora and fauna

Biodiversity - To avoid or minimise adverse effects on native terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna, in the context of the project's components and urban setting



----Where 'unavoidable' native vegetation ( meet the requirements of the Permitted Guidelines.

as defined under relevant policy) needs to be removed, Clearing of Native Vegetation - Biodiversity Assessment

aid the spread or introduction of weeds and pathogens Develop and implement measures to av during construction, including vehicle hy giene.

-II vegetation being removed is to be inspected by a

onmental officer for habitat features and fauna ative and exotic) are encountered, any individuals will be

ion. Where nests/young are encountered, they will be close proximity.

FF3 Prior to site clearance for construction, a suitably experienced and qualified envir occupancy. Where non-listed species (n encouraged to leave the tree or vegetat relocated to a similar tree (or habitat) in

Prior to site clearance for construction, d evelop a translocation plan for the management of listed fauna species if encountered. --------------- ---

All Constructi TEOOS, on TE006

All Constructi TE001 , on TE002,


All Constructi TE001 to on TE006

Also refer to the following Environmental Performan ce Requirements for 'Terrestrial Flora and Fauna' : AR3, AE1, AE2, AE3, AE4, AES, AE6, AE7, AES, NV4

• Numbers of new EPRs to be assigned when finalised

54 MMRA ·ised Environmental Performance Requirements from the EES
