Page 1: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

-CHATTEL MORTGAGES: The Recorder of Deeds shall release same,

when and how?

~ , I '

.lnril 9, 1934.

Honorable Lawrence BolBaa Prosacuting Attoraer R&ldolph CoUDty, K1saourl MoberlJ, Missouri

Dear Ur. Holaaa:

-------, F I Gr u I Jfj __

.. _ _ _

We are hereby acknowledging your reqoeat for aa op1a1oa dated Mar~ 21st. Tour requeat ia aa followa:

•t haYe reoe1Yed a letter thla morning froa Charlea o. Boo, our Oouaty Recorder, · the con­tents of whlch are as f ollowa: 1 L .am sub­a ittlag herewith for the opin1oa of the At­torney General of Kiesourl, a oopy of a re­lease ~b~tted to ae for releaae of a recorded chattel ~rtgage ae to lta .alldlty, also what shall I do wlth the releaae whea lt ia used for aa 1 uaderataad 1t thil 11 intended to be fi.T authority for .atlng a •rgin&l releue. We haYe no plaoe for the offlolal filing of suob recorda that I know ot.

•1 am holding the r elease ia the a eaatlae. It baa been ay custom ln the pas t to re i re the cancelled note or not es. Aa the aote oarr1ea the aecurl 1 I cannot underetaad why it ahould not be the baa1a of releaae • • • • • • • • •

Tours truly,

Ohas. C. Bon Recorder of Dee4a.•

•rroa & conTeraation I had with Mr. Bon, I think the qaeation be ia interested ta 18 whether or not he ia proteoted lD the eY .. t be enters eatlataotion of a Cbattel aortgage in accordance with the aethodl proYlded tor in Section 3099 ReT1sed Statutea, 1939. !his Section aeeaa plala 1n proY1d1ng aa to the aanner of r el eaaing a chattel aot>tgage, b1lt he 1a ••raid that there is some other aeot1oa

Page 2: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Honorable Lawrence ·aolaaD - ?- April 9 , 1934.

of soae other construction that might cause hla trouble . Hie theory is, that the CaD­celled note ahould be produced wh .. a chat­tel aortgage is rel eased, beoause of the fa~t that an innocent purchaser f or yalue of the note aight lose bla security whea the Recorder enters the release on the streng~ of an aff1da•1 t 11UCb as t he one I aa in­closing herewit•.

•Therefore at his reauest , I .. writing this letter to get your opinion on this matt er.•

We also &&knowl edge the exhibit which was att aobed to your request, which is as follows:

• Rel •

!'be Karion Steaa 8 ho•el Oollp&llJ'·, a corporation duly orgaaize4 uader the l an of the State of Ohio, aa4 llanne 1 ta principal place of bue­lneee a t Marlon, lar10D County, Ohio• does h er eby c ertify that it i s the record bolder of a chattel mortgage heretofore executed ~nd del1Yered to l t by Ray E. ADtr7 of Moberly, • l s sourl; that the cond1t1oD8 thereof haye bewn satisfied aad the aaouat due thereoa pai d la full and the f111ag or recording officer of Randolph Oouaty• RuatsYillel Mi ssouri• la here­by direct ed t o cucel and d echarge the sue fro• record• the sald ohattel •ortgage haYiag been filed or recorded in b1e offlce oa Deceaber 38th, 1932 1 Boot 14! Page 191, co•eriag oae Uaed tppe 450 Gaaol ne Eleott1c Re• olYing shoYel ooDplete, Shop Bumbe~ 8358.

•In W1taess ereof the eald Karion Steaa Sho•el Company ha.s caused thie lnetruamt of release to be executed this l•th, day of Karo. , 1934. .

!be Kar1on Steaa Sbo•el Ooapaay,

Page 3: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Honorable L awrenoe Hot.aa -3- April 9• 1934 .


•state of Ohio ( Marioa Oouatr ) as .

•Before ••• a lotazy Publlol in aad fo~ said couatr peraoaallr appeared • Olbaoa, Sec­retary & Yreanrer of the krloa Steaa Shoyel Co~. the oor.poratloa wb1o• executed t .. forego1Dg 1•, who ackaow1edge4 tba~ the aeal affixed to aald iaatruaeat 11 ~· corporate seal of 8ai4 corporatipa; that he d id alp aa4 seal aald iaatruaeat aa 8114 treasure~ 1a behalf of said corporatioa .-4 br authorltr of its board of dlreoton; aa4 that sal4 1•atruaeat la hla free aot aad deed 1adl nd1a&lly aad as 1110Ja tl'eaauer aad Seore­tary uad the tree •4 corporate act aa4 deed of eald Karioa st ... BhoYel Oo~~·

• U TES!IIIOWT WBRXOtt, I h&Ye herftllto nb­acr1be4 •J naae aDd affixed ., offlclal .. a1 at Marion, Ohio, thil 14th da7 of March. 1934.

J!· G. Slack. loiar)'bllc, ar1oa bOUJlly, Ohio.

»1 oomaisslon expire• Jaa. lOth, 1936.•

k•• of 1933 • Page 380. SectiOD 11528 ,roYidea aa

1 Tbere shall be an office of recorder 1D eaoh cOUBty in the state containing 20 000 la­habltaats or aore, to be atrled, fTbe office of the Recorder of Deeda. ' •

Seot1oa 1153? R. s . Uo. 1929• proYldea aa followa:

•~e recorder ahall keep hie office ai t~e seat of juatlce, aad the ooua'r couzt aball pro•lde the aue wlth aul,able book• S.a which the l'ecorder shall reoo~d all la8t!'U8eata of writ1ag authorized .-4 required to be re-corde4. lf there 11 DO eourlboua• or otlln au1\able couatr bulld1Dg at the seat of justice, the county court ahall proride •

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---Honorable Lawrence Holaaa Apr il s. 1934.

office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts of record are held.•

Section 11535, B. S. Mo . 1929 pro~1dea, botb before and after the aa«adaent of l933f page 361, tha t · the recorder giYe bond •conditioned f or the faithful performance of the dutlea of his of fioe. •. This condition in h1s bond pl aces it squarelr up t o the recorder to only release aortgagea in the maaaer pro­Tided by law and not otherwise. .l recorder of deeda is liable personally to the p&rtJ aggr1eTe4 for the daaagea resulting fraa an a.iseion to peJrf ol"'l a dwt7 iaposed on hia by law, or for a per­for.aace of such a duty in a negligeat .anner, for it waa AA14 in State ex rel. v. Green. 100 s. W. 1116, 124 Mo . App. 80, 1. c. 88:

·~he defendaat• aa a publ1o officer ataada poelt1Yely char ged by the statute wlth the perforaaace of h1a dut 1ea in a apeolfio ..a­ner. • • .• • It is euggested, howeYer. that Yhile 1 t ia tnut the law prell\lllea the due execution of of f1olal dut1ee b7 a public off icer, and the relator had the right to preaUIIe the defendot would do hie duty, yet notwithstanding this preauaptioai the relator h1aself 1& pr e8UIIed to the &w, as is eYery •ltl••· • • • • .lad tbie be1ag trae, that he is cb&rged with knowledge of 'he maaner proYlded b y the statute ~oted for sat1afy1ng deed• of trust • P • P.•

ADd in your caae, all 1nnoceat purohaaer• f or Ta lue of notes aecureo by chattel mortgage are pre8Uae4 t4 know the law as it r elat e• to the recorder•• duty to aat1efy chattt~ aortgage8 and that when t~e atatutor.r aethod 1a complied with, the re­corder• a act of eat1efaotion la essentiall y ain1ster1al.

Oil th1a saae aubJect, Corpus .luri•• Vol 63 , page 1070• Section 2, atatea the law thuat

•totwtthstaading the perforaaa .. of hie dutlea r equires, t o aoae exteat, the exer­cise of ju~eat aad discretion, or that he 11 yeated wlth quasi judtclal powe~• lA& officf ~ re,latez st ~e!d! 11 s•sent!&llt ~ ain ,ai'ir,la S!!.• '•

Page 5: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Honorable Lawrace Bo~ -&- April 9 1 1934.

Sectloa 115441 R. s. Uo. 1929. pro•ldes as follow&:

1 The seYeral classes of lea~raaeate of writ-lag a entioDed in the ee•eral enbd1•1s1oaa of the preceding section ahall be recorded in separate boota, according to thetr cla.­s1f1catioa therein.•

Section 11545, R. S.. Ko. 192i• proridea u followa:

•Iaatruaeate 1n wr1t1ng. con•aylag ohat~ela or pe:rsoaal propert7 alone , whioh b7 uy law ot this atate are required to be recorded or adaitted of record in .., recorder'• of fice la th1a state. eball be recorded in a aeriea of Tollaea eepante froa those uaed for re­cording con••7aacea of r eal estate.•

Section 11546, R. B. Ko. 1929• pro•ldee aa followa:

•!he recorder of eaob couaty ln this atate shall keep ln hla office a well-bouad book or boob, to be mo1r11 aa tle •abatraot ...t index of deeda • t which aball haTe appropri-ate coluaa properly ruled aad headed for aao~ of the f ollowing lt ... , a .. elJI •aaee of graatora aad graateaa, date of 1Detraaeat, data of f111Bg last~eat for record, aature of lnatrumat, boot aad page wlaere raoordecl, deeorlptloa of laad con•eJed or affected; sa14 boots ahall be dlfl.ded into two equal part,a, the front par~ t o be alpbabetlcallJ arraage4 for the -•• of grantor•• aad the bact part to be alphabetically arr~ed for the aamee of graateea.•

Section 11549. n. s. Mo. 1929• pro~dee aa f ollows:

•nen uy 1astru.eBt of wri tiag oonTeyt, or affecti ng r eal estate authorised bf law o be recorded ahall be filed in the recorder•• office for r ecord, the recorder aball eater the aaae in the aaaaa of tlle graatora aM graateea 1a botll part• of the al>atnct aact 1adez of deeda, f1111-s e&Oh appropriate oolu.a with t•e ••••ral 1tema coata1ae4 ia auch 1••t~ent ln alphabetical order, in the naaes of the gr&Dtora aad graateea; aa4 if the iaatraaeat be aade by the aherltt.

Page 6: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Honorable La~enoe Ro~ -s- April 9, 1934.

la the nsae of the aherlff, aad t~e def~ a:at 1n the exe-outlon, or of the pera~ whose laad la sold, aad of t he graatee; and lf a ade bJ u executor or adlllale-t:n­tor, ln 'he aaae of the e~eoutor or admia­iatrator, aad of the t estator or intestate, aad of the graaiee; a.a4 lf bJ attonq. 111 the nue o1 noll attomer aad of hla coa­at1tuat aad of tile graatee; aa4 lf ltJ' a oo..tsaloner, lJl the nqe of tNOil c~ .. aioaer, and of the ~eraoa whoae laad ia ao14, ud of the gratee.

, Jt would aeea that tle proper laterpretatl• of the law, required a recorder to 'eep a reoord of chattel aortgagea sepa1rate froa Ala reoor4 r ecording real eat ate, aad that ha ladea hla chattll aortg~es 1D a boot or lloob knowa aa tile •abstract aad 1Ddex of dee4a • It 1a proYlded that the 1ad•x pagea be properly ruled ~d heade4 aa followat

•aaea of • Baaea of' Date of • Date .. ature • Where • Desor1- • nate graatora• graBteea• 1natra-• filed' of • filea • ptloa of • Sat1af1e4.

• • ast. • ttnstr.a-1 ue • ProperlJ' . • • • • tmeat • • looate4 • • t t • • t • •

It 1• proY1ded that thla ladu shall 1a the SUM book arraage graatora' aad graateea•naaea alpbabe\lcailT;

It was aa14 la EaeraOil Bra.Dtbgh&ll Iaplseat Co. •• Rogere (App.) 316 s. • • 994. 1. c. 995:

•!he recorder correctly recorde4 it ta a book uaed ~o record •tscellaneou• conYeyaaoea affecltng real-eeta~e, aad aot in a aeparat• boot used to record chattel mortgage• • aa r eql11red b'J sect1c,a 10383. R. s. Ko . 1908. (Wow Secttoa 11545. 8Upra.) Bor waa there any index aade of such •or~gage• ae requ1re4 by aeo~io~ 10384 ud 10387 R. s. Mo. 1909• (low 11548 aad 11549, supra.) whtoJl aeeu to be aade applicable \o chattel ~~tgagea bf Seot1on 2861 R. s. Mo. 1909. (Wow 309? R. s. llo . 1929.•

Seo,ion 3091 R. s . Jlo . 1929• p:rovlde• aa tollowa:

Page 7: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Bonorable Lawrebce Holman .. .,_ April 9, 1934.

•Bo •ortgage or deed of trust of persGaal properly hereaf~er aade shall be 'Y&lld a­gainst aa7 other person thaD 'the par~1ea the:re1o. ualess possession of the •o~t-gaged or trust property be· delivered to and retained by the •ortgagee or trustee or cestui que t:ruet, or unless the mortgage or deed of trust be acknowledged or pr.ove4 aad recorded 1n the oouat r 1n wb1o~ the aort­gagor or grantor reeidea, ln such .aane:r aa conYeyaace• of laad are by law directed to be aot:aowledged or proYed aa4 recorded, or ua-les a t-he aongege or deed of trust, o:r a tne copy ~ereof, ahall be flled la the ofttoe of t he recorder of deeds of the CoUD\J where the mortgagor o:r graotor eacuiing the aae re-­side•. and 1D. the case of the o1tr of St. Louis, wlth t~e reeorde:r of deeds for aald cltJ,. or, where such grantor ta a non-resident of the state. thea lD the office of the recorder of deeda of the couaty or city where the properlJ ao:rtgaged wa• aiut:ated at the time of exeoutlng such •ortgage o7 deed of trust; &ad such re­corder shall indorse on sue~ lnstraaeat or copy the t1ae of receiT1ng tll• sue, and shall teep t he saae ln hte off'loe for the 1nBpeot1oa of all persowa; aad suolk ao:rtgage or dee4 of trust, or copy thereof • aay be so flled• although 1lo.t aomowledged• &ad shall be ae 'Yalld aa thoug)a the lnstraaent were f ully epzead upon tbe re­corda ot the couat7, or, 1~ case of the oltr of 8\. Louie. upon the recorda of aald oit7, ia the office of the Jreoorcter of deeda; aad ftC.. lastrwaeat • whe• aotaowledge4 sad ~oorde4, ol" whell the aaae, or a copy thereof, shall baYe beea filed, as aboye pro'dded• ahall theaoe­forth be notice of the cont ents thereof to all the world.• ·

Section 3099, R. s . llo . 1939, proYl dee aa tollowa:

•hd record•~ ehall eater 11'1 a boot., to be proYlded by ht. for auc~ purpoee, the aaaea of all the partiee to euoll iaatruaeat. ~ raaging the naaea of sue~ •ertgagor• or· grant or s alph&betlcally, aad shall note thereoa the t1ae of f111ag auoh lDatraae.t or oopJ, f or which said r ecorder shall r ..

Page 8: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Boaorable Lawreaoe Kolasa Aprll s. 1934.

cle~e a fee of tea cents. Suo~ •ortgage or deed of trust wb.ea ·&atlafledl ah&ll be dlaobarged b7 el\ber of the fol owi-« metbodat

•1. By tlle •ortgqee1 oeatul que truat, hle ageat or aaalgaa,. oa the aarcia of auota ides~ whioll shall be atteet•d bJ t~e reoorder, for a fee of ten o .. ~ ••

•a. Up<>'l tJae p:reaeatation by tM •ort­gago:r or grator of the o:rlgbal 110rt~ or deed of t:ru•'• aDd upon noll •orlgagor or graato:r aattag affldaYit before 8UO• reo-or4e that the 1Datraeat p:reseated bJ hba lB tile orlglnal of tile copJ oa flle • aad that st10l aortgage or deed of trust laa8 be .. fullJ pal4 sad eatlafied, for wh101l ••ol ~eeorde:r aball· :reoe1 Te a f" of tea oat a.

•3. Upaa preeeat ation o:r :receipt of aa order ill w:r1 tiag, aigJled b7 the aortgagee or cestui qae trust thereof. atteeted bJ a jus tice of the peace, o:r aay aotarr pub11o, •~at1~~g that auah inetrua•t haa beea ·pat4 aad eat1ef1e4.

•Wb.a elther of these proTla1one haTe be .. complied w1 th. 1 t alaall be t1le 41l\J" of ·tU reooMer to eate7 1• a oolua fo'6 that pu:rpoae the word 'aat1afled, • gi Y1Dg date, aad the fee for such eel'ftce aball be t• oeat•• All fee• for the release of e•• 110rtgage or deed. of t ruat aball be ~· b7 the 110rtgagor. ft• a ohattel aortgac" uall be eattafle<l aa abO"t'e proride4• to reoorder II&T del1Ter ae.1d aorigage to , .. holder of tke aote seoared t•er eb7. orl lf tu bolder o1 aaid aote ref ••• to re oa n the .... ,.. :reeo:rder .., deatror aal4 aortgacet lto!idtd. tbt ~· aay del1Ye% to the partie• eat1tle4 thereto. or de•troy all 8'1101l 110:rtgagea - r•&1a-1ag oa file b hla offloe aa4 wh14 baa be• eatere4 aat1sf1ed oa tbe ollattel aon­gage register. •

Page 9: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Honorable Lawrence Holaaa -9- April 9, 1934 .

UDder ~he proTiaione of 3097 a.,a, we aee that a chattel mortgage •7 be recorded as real properlJ conYeyancea are recorded or a&J be filed in ~he original or bJ oopJ, aa4 thai when flied 1t baa the saae effect aa 1f 1t was apread upOil t•e record ln the aanner proYided for mating real property ooa­Yeyaaoea. !he aethoda of d1ao1larging a chattel t~arlgage wbicll baa b eea recol"de4 or filed ia aet out in Sectioa 309i, aad th .. e three aethoda o1 d1scharg1Dg a chattel aortgage ahould be re­cogaized by t~e recorder ae 8aff1o1eat .. ide .. e of aatistactioa. fhe recorder, beiag a ~n1aterlal of ficer, has but to follow t~e atatute, which la directory aa to bta powers, aad he thea 1• aot peraonallJ liable, for he baa doae that whiCh he ... aathorlze4 bJ law t o do. t 1a true that 8eot1on 3089 1e ratlael" aab1gaoua, for lt•• a e tboda of releaae for Obattel ~rtgagea •wh .. satiefie4,• and in the aaae seotioa proTtdes three aethoda wbiOb when followed lt beooaee 'bls dutr to enter up satisfaction aa the record. 'U.der the•e •tatutory aethoda oae aigbt hypothtoate a caae where lt becoaea the recorders dut~ to •sat1str• ~ chattel aongage la coapll oe wttt the statute wblo la fact bd. neTel" been ac~ually •at1af1e4. t le not for tbe recorder to hrpotlle­cate. Be haa no peraoaal dlacretloa but nat oaly follow the statute to be- proteotect ln h1a offlclal conduct. It la tnae that tbe l egislature dld not iatead a chattel ~rtgase to be released until lt be aatiefled. but on the ot her baad tbey proTlded e2aot cirCUJistaacea wader which prla facie eTldeJlOe of aatlafaction must be acoepted by the recorder. ualesa of h1a owa knowl edge he is aware that tbe•e eTide1lcea, wheD subld'tte4, are a tr1ct aad a fraud.

Since chattel aortgages .ay be recorded .- real propert7 mortgagee are recorded, the f1ret a eihod under Section 3099 waa proYlded so that a aa:rgiaal release can be !lade whea the chattel aortgage is copied into the record aad aot fllecl. In aucll oaeea the r ecord can ud should show aa:tlsfaot1oa by ~be saae,!lt!~P.~ 'that real propertr aortgagea are DGY aat1sf1e4 ae speol~t­liaed lll Lau 1933, page 196, Section 30?1 ~n~pra, bat a reoordecl chattel 110:rtgage le alao sub~ eot to a aargiaal l"elease whft aetho4 two or three of Sectioa 3099 eup:ra, la co~~plied wttla. UDder method t wo aad three. instead of t~e aarg1.-1 aotat1oa required UBder a ethod oae, that the aotea were produced aad caacelled, tlwt aarg1n of tke record should ahow that the orlgiaal aortgage waa preaeated by the aortgagor ahow1ag on lta f ace the afflda~t of the .ortgagor before the reoo7der that it had beea aat1atte4 aa4 pa14, or tae aargia of the record should show that the reoordel" had been presented with aa aff1daY1t bJ ,.e .aortcagee or oeatut. que trust atatiDg tba' the J"eoorded aortgage bad beea fullr pald aad satisfle4.

~ In thoee aeee where the oba"el 110rigage 1a recorde4

b7 filing thea. that part of Sect101l 3099 dealing witll -.rgln&l

Page 10: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Honorable Lawrence Holaaa -lo- April 9, 1934.

releasee on ~he record 1s not to be followed, because a margiD&l felease on the reoor4 proper was not intended when the chattel aor~gage wae recorded by ~111Dg a copy w1~h ~he recorder. 'fhea recording a cba~tel ~rtgage bJ filing is ~he aethod followed~ thea it 1a the do~y of ~he recorder, when the aortgage ia aa~ia­f1e4 under proT1s1one two or three of Section 30fi., to let hie record show aat1af&ct1on bJ writing t•• word •.atlefie4• in the eol,.. proYided in the 1Dde:a boot foz that purpoee ud 1n the aaae colu.a place ~he date that the no~at1oa •satisfied• is entered. When ~he oba~~el 11or\gage is ahowa aatlaf1e4 bJ at:ry on the ia­dez, the recorde~ .., detera1De pos1tlYely who is the hGlder of the notes aecured -her eby aad del1Yer the mortgage to h1a only, or he aay deetroJ the mortgage upoa the holder of the notee re­fuU to accept the aat1af1e4 aorlgage thea oD f11•·

lfhneyer a cJaattel mortgage has bee flle4 aad 110rtgago% or grutor aakea aa aff14ari t to the recorder aabetaat1allJ aa follo .. : Yis.

•Before .. appears • the (80rtgagor) (graator) ln ~he aorlg&ge indued 1n 8ool .., Page , who presents the or1ili&1 •ortgage ud upon wh10b he recognises the notation aade by the holder of the note which notat1oa la subataat1ally as tollowa• •!hla cha~tel aortgage le the or1g1aal of a copJ aow oa f1le 1n the recorder•• office .ad the .... haa been fullT ~d aad aa,lafle4 aa4 1• he~ebJ ordered s&tiefled• of record.•

l\iOrtgago,.J (drailto~J · Subscribed aAd nom aa tnae fac1e before ae th1e day of •

tiecorder. - 1 • In auch a case, 1\ la the duty of tke Recorder to mart

the lDdez •satlaf1e4• aad preser.e h1• affldaYit.

'lheae..-er a chattel 110rtgage baa ben f1le4 aa4 there­after the •ongag•• oz ceetul qae t:rua~ aatea aa aff1-rtt befo1re a not&rJ' public or J'usttoe of tbe Peace. which aY~ldaY1t be pre­sented to ~he recorder ud la aubataatia&lJ aa f ollowa: rls.

Page 11: I ' .lnril 9, 1934. -------, Gr u€¦ · Honorable Lawrence Holaaa April s. 1934. office for the recorder at aay other place in the oouaty where there ia a courthouee and courts

Honorable Lawrence Bo~ -11- April 9, 1934.

•Before •• (a nota17 -pu-=b~l~l~o .. )....,.(_a_3'!!'"'u-a .. t .... l_o_e_o_f ___ p_e_ae_e .. ) appeared (the 110rtgagee) (tile ce•tul Cl'l• true\) &id· '&tee oatll that the chattel aortgage recorded la Boot Page lll Colt1lty, •tssourt,-,;a;' ben "'fu!'1y paid aac! eat1afle4 aad te h er ... b7 ordere4 •sat1af1ed• of record.

'lortgagee) (Oe•tul qtte irua\J

Bub•cr1be4 •4 nroa before •e thla ·---daJ of •

Clolar7) (Juetloe of Peaoe).

Ia such a oaae it 1a the daty of tile reoordu 'o art the 1n4ez •sat1afle41 aad preeene hie atfld&Ylt.


!he exblblted affldaYit •ub.ttte4 aad attaclle4 to your r•queat, ta in our opln1oa a eufflcl .. t coapl1aaoe wltll •etbod three~ outl1ne4 la the 1- ae a .. thod calll~~g fo% tu recorder to UZ'I tllle 1ades record u •aatlafle41 • It 1,e not fo:r the reoor4er to 4'1 .. t1on tllle exhlbt•., aleaa he be app:ralaed that lt be pree•te4 la pe,-petratlca of a frau aad 1a aot ez­eouted 1n good fatt~. ~he recorder, wbea releaalng o .. ttel aorigagea 1a but a lllalatolal offlce~ ln tlle perfomaaoe ef a aln1aterlal aot , aad he ~ o8l7 to follow tlle dlrectlaae of , .. •'atute, to &Yo1d peraoaal llab111ty.


Rot iollftR!bt At\o%'Jl•7 Geaen.l.


Reap~tfully aubaltte4

WU. ORR SAnE As•1staat Attor.aey G .. eral.
