  • 1. Jordan Booker
  • 2. Firstly, the way in which the video uses the convention of sexualising women in music video creates a massive appeal for males to watch this music video as they are drawn in by the use of the male gaze, making it very repeatable from the males perspective. This can be viewed in another way in which h the female audience could find it offensive in a way and that therefore shrinks the audience for the music video but then again maybe they can relate to the promiscuous mum in this video. Either way, this couldnt have been avoided due to the fact that they use this to simply make sure that the visuals of the music video are directly representing the lyrics of the song. This also plays on the way in which this is from a young boys imagination perspective so it therefore makes it more comedic and comedy is a good aspect for repeatability. This can also link to the way in which music videos can often bring true a fantasy through visuals and this fantasy of the raunchy women who the young boy has an erotic crush on can easily be related back to the audiences childhood as they may have found themselves in the same kind of situation. This relates back to star image within the music video as it somewhat idolizes the mum in the video, making her as much the star in the video as the lead singer as the entire song is dedicated to her. This links with the idea that there should also be links between lyrics and visuals within the video too, which is another theory from Goodwin.
  • 3. Secondly, I will be exploring the common convention of the way the artists will be shown as playing the instruments to show the way in which they are true musicians rather than fakes. This therefore makes the audience much more dedicated to the song and wants to listen to the song more as they will think they are listening to true music rather than something which is far less than it appears. This is something I want to use in my own music video as I want my audience to feel dedicated to the music video and therefore want to watch the music video a lot and that can therefore increase repeatability. This links with Goodwins theories on thought beats and star image, the way in which visual beats are presented is through the way in which we see the musicians play instruments in time with the song, therefore seeing the beats. We also get a bit of star image through the way in which the use of instruments some what idolizes the band member at this point, making him seem very important. These are both things we will consider putting in our own music video.
  • 4. Thirdly, the convention in which the song uses the visuals in the music video to link to the lyrics in the song such as the way in which the singer sings the line At the p-p-pool and you can see the main character lounging in a pool. This therefore makes the video and the song much easier to understand and to follow as they both support each other, this therefore makes the music video much more repeatable as they will find it easy to understand and think they can watch it again and still enjoy it rather than still trying to understand what it is all about. This is definitely something that I want to use in my music video as I want my audience to find the video easy to understand and not too complex so that it therefore reaches more people and makes it much more appealing to repeat. This falls in well with Andrew Goodwins theory and the way in which he says that music videos should use visual lyrics and therefore we should consider using these kinds of visual lyrics even more.
  • 5. Finally, I will be exploring the use of the convention of the strong dominance of both performance and narrative. This is used very successfully in this video as the performers are either cut to through a random change or seen through an item in the narrative, this gives and even clash of both the performers and the storyline so that you dont get lost about what is going on in the storyline but at the same time you get to see the true performers behind the song. This therefore gives the audience a dosage of both the things they need to enjoy the music video so they can therefore enjoy the music video and want to watch it again. This is something I will definitely want to use in my music video as I will want to ensure that my audience dont get bored of either sides of the video so I will ensure that they get good dosages of both. This therefore will make my audience want to repeatedly watch the video. This also links to Goodwin's theory of having a narration and performance in music videos, therefore making these very important to consider to go into our music video.
