Page 1: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


bàng a stick, club or cudgel, smart, capable, strong, hit, measure word for legs of a relay race

yùn to move, to ship, to run, to transport, to use, to apply, fortune, luck, fate

dòng to use, to act, to move, to change, movement, action

fú clothes, dress, wear, garment, to take (medicine)

bàn half, semi-, incomplete, (after a number) and a half, half

tiän day, sky, heaven, god, celestial

màn slow(ly), leisurely, sluggish

pâo to run, to flee, to escape, to leave in hurry

dâ strike, hit, beat, fight, attack, dozen, since

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Page 1Sep 15, 2017 10:23 AM

Page 2: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


bàng a stick, club or cudgel, smart, capable, strong, hit, measure word for legs of a relay race

qiú ball, sphere, globe, round

dâ strike, hit, beat, fight, attack, dozen, since


pïng used with pong for ping pong


päng used with ping for ping pong

qiú ball, sphere, globe, round

zuò work, make; act

yú excellence, luster of gems, flawless gem or jewel

jiä temple, traditionally used as phonetic for ga, also pronounced ga1

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Page 3: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


dâ strike, hit, beat, fight, attack, dozen, since

tài highest, greatest, very, extremely, too, much, big, extreme

jí extremely, utmost, top, pole (geography, physics), furthest, final

quán fist, various forms of boxing

mâ horse, surname, KangXi radical 187

shàng on, on top, upon, first (of two parts), previous or last (week etc), upper, higher, above, previous, to climb, to go into,

fàng to release, to free, to let go, to put, to place, to let out, to set off (fireworks), to liberate

jiâ fake, false, artificial, to borrow, if, suppose

fàng to release, to free, to let go, to put, to place, to let out, to set off (fireworks), to liberate

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Page 4: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


jiâ fake, false, artificial, to borrow, if, suppose

göng just, honorable (designation), public, common, fair, equitable

sï have charge of, preside over, company, control, surname Si

shí real, true, honest, sincere, really, solid, fruit, seed, firm

xí to practice, to study, habit

dâ strike, hit, beat, fight, attack, dozen, since

göng work, worker, skill, profession, trade, craft, labor, Kangxi radical number 48

jì to calculate, to compute, to count, to reckon, ruse, plan, plot, stratagem, scheme

huá to row, to paddle, to scratch a surface, profitable, worth (the effort), it pays (to do something)

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Page 5: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


shû heat, hot weather, summer heat

jiâ fake, false, artificial, to borrow, if, suppose

dâ strike, hit, beat, fight, attack, dozen, since

suàn to count, to calculate, to figure, to plan, finally, in the end

fù father, dad, KangXi radical number 88

mû mother, female elders, female, Kangxi Radical number 80

shôu first (occasion or thing), head, chief, measure word for poems and songs, Kangxi radical 185

döu all, both, entirely (due to)each, even, already, metropolis, capital

zhèng political, politics, government

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Page 6: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


zhì to rule, to govern, to manage, to control, to harness (a river), cure, treatment, to heal

wén language, culture, writing, formal, literature, gentle, Kangxi radical number 67

huà to change, to convert, to reform, -ize(suffix)

míng name, famous, title, rank, noun (part of speech), place (e.g. among winners), measure word for people

shèng victory, to excel, to be better than, victorious, to beat, to surpass, wonderful, competent enough (to be appointed)

gû ancient, old, classic, palaeo-, surname Gu

jì footprint, mark, trace, vestige, sign, indication

yôu to have, there is, there are, to exist, to be, to own, to possess

míng name, famous, title, rank, noun (part of speech), place (e.g. among winners), measure word for people

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Page 7: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


dâo to lead, to guide, to conduct, to direct

yóu to walk, to tour, to roam, to travel, to float, to drift, to wander, to swim, surname You, swimming

hù protect, guard, defend, shield, take sides

zhào according to, in accordance with, to shine, to illumine, to reflect, photograph

dìng to subscribe to (a newspaper etc), to order, to agree, to conclude, to draw up

qiän to sign, to endorse, slip of paper, a note, a stick

zhèng to prove, to confirm, to verify, proof, certificate

l{ trip, travel, journey, traveler

xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move, to travel, to circulate, a row, profession, professional, Kangxi radical 144, mea

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Page 8: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


shè society, group, association, community, organization, agency

cháng long, length, excel in, lasting, leader, head, to grow(zhang3), Kangxi radical 168

chéng castle, city, town, municipality

xiäng fragrant, incense, (of food) savory, appetizing, sweet, scented, popular

gâng harbor, port, bay, Hong Kong

tái platform, measuring word for machines and computers

bêi north, northern, northward

chü first, original, junior, early, initial

dän single, individual, only, lone, form, receipt

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Page 9: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


chéng journey, trip, schedule, agenda, rule, order, regulations, formula, procedure, sequence,

wâng to go (in a direction), to, towards, (of a train) bound for, past, formerly, previous

fân to return, to revert to, to restore

háng boat, ship, vessel, craft, to navigate, to sail

köng air, sky, empty, free time, in vain, hollow, bare, deserted

chá to research, to check, to investigate, to examine, to refer to, to search, to seek into

háng boat, ship, vessel, craft, to navigate, to sail

bän team, class, squad, work shift, measure word for groups, ranking, surname Ban

qiän thousand, many, numerous, very, a swing

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Page 10: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


zhí straight, vertical, erect, frank, directly, straightly, upright

fëi to fly, to go quickly, dart, swiftly, Kangxi radical 183

dâ strike, hit, beat, fight, attack, dozen, since

zhé to break, a loss, snap, to bend, to humble, to bow, to fold

zhuân to convey, to forward (mail), to transfer, to turn, to shift, to move, to revolve, to circle about , to walk about , classifi

jï machine, opportunity, secret, desk, moment

kào to lean on, to trust, to depend on, to supportnear, by, against

chuäng shutter, window

hù door, a household, family, Kangxi radical number 63, measure word for households and families

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Page 11: IC3 P2h.arch characters · l{trip, travel, journey, traveler 行 xíng all right, ok, to go, to walk, to move,


zôu to walk, to go on foot, to run, to go, to run, to move, to leave, from, through, to visit, (euph.) to die, to leak, to change

dào direction, way, method, road, path, measure word for long thin stretches, rivers, roads etc, principle, truth, morality

fèn part, share, portion, copy, measure word for gifts, jobs, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc

sù plain, white (silk), plain, vegetarian, formerly, normally

cän to eat, to dine, meal, food, measure word for meals

l{ trip, travel, journey, traveler

guân public building, house, establishment, shop, house

zü to rent, to lease, rental, tax

zhöng central, center, middle, in the midst of, hit (target), attain, within, among, while (doing something), during, China, C

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guó country, nation, state, national

guó country, nation, state, national

jì border, edge, boundary, juncture, between, among, interval, while

háng boat, ship, vessel, craft, to navigate, to sail

köng air, sky, empty, free time, in vain, hollow, bare, deserted

göng just, honorable (designation), public, common, fair, equitable

sï have charge of, preside over, company, control, surname Si

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