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    Donna J. Campbell
    EDUC 8144-4
    Teacher Leadership: Trends, Issues, and Global Perspectives
    Instructor: Dr. Patricia Brock
    September 19, 2011

2. Educational Opportunity: A Study of Customs/Culture, Geography and Education
Briefly explain significant cultural aspects that are pertinent and influence education (aspects such as government, religion, economy, etc.).
Explain and support significant points related to learning. Note traits, practices, and behaviors typical and/or unique to the individuals who are native to the culture of study.
Summarize the Educational Opportunity in the post.
3. Educational Opportunity cont:
Suggest resources to expand knowledge about the culture. Close the ICES presentation with an invitation for questions, criticisms, and observations from colleagues.
Submit a lesson plan or some other learning activity as an educational opportunity adapted to learners from South Korea.
4. Background
Students in the 21st Century need to gain insight into S. Korea. Today it is one of the most influential and economically viable countries. Three wars have been fought in Asia with U. S. participation and the numbers of South Korean immigrants is at an all time high. Politically and economically, Asia plays an important role with America globally.
The educational challenge becomes one of preparing students to understand, appreciate and cooperate with Asian counterparts. Students need exposure to cultures of the global community in order to remain prepared. There is rich history beyond the Korean War, WW I and II and the Vietnam War.
5. Backgroundcont:
Korean customs play an integral part when interacting socially. Students need to know and understand globally there are similar customs but also some unique only to ones country of origin.
The advent of democracy in 1993 saw increased funding for education and creation of education reforms in Korea. The reforms highlighted an interest in international competitiveness.
South Korea operates with a national curriculum and teachers must follow the same curricular activities whether in a rural village or the urban capital of Seoul.
6. Backgroundcont:
There is fierce competition to gain acceptance into the top universities. Most students attend private tutoring sessions after school or a Cram School often times until 2 in the morning.
Often times, students sleep during normal class in order to be wide awake for their tutoring sessions.
Students from rural areas move to the urban areas so they can gain access to the better schools. Those with the financial means gain access to the Cram Schools.The focus becomes one of intense energy, dedication, and self-sacrifice.
7. Lesson Plan Objectives
Introduce students to Korean culture and how it differs from the U. S.
Help students learn about Koreas geography, and basic terms
Help students learn about the importance of education in South Korea
Understand the role and popularity of Cram Schools and other private tutoring opportunities
Analyze the pros and cons of Cram Schools on South Korean students
Students will be able to effectively look at pressures facing American students to make increased gains academically
8. Materials

  • paper or cloth flags

9. worksheet #1 (customs) 10. worksheet #2 (explanations of customs) 11. 11 x 18 paper/glue 12. video on Korean cultureDAY 3-4: GEOGRAPHY

  • world map

13. atlasses