Download odp - Idea for documentary 2


Subject matter:

Bullying is a serious problem it can happen to anyone weather your young or old; it can happen in the home, school and even in the work place. This documentary will be focusing on bullying in teenagers life's and how they cope with it and how they can stop it from happening again and the rights and wrongs to do when you are being bullied.

I will interview some teenagers from different areas of London and I will ask personal questions about their ordeal and if so contain their identity for safety purposes, also I will give them and the audience information about help lines and what to do in certain situations. I am targeting teenagers as my target audience because I believe teenagers do not have enough help and information to help them and in some situations they are too scared to ask for help so by making this documentary this will not only help those involved in the documentary it will also help the viewers watching it.

The mode of address I would use would be direct because I want to get the message across the the viewers and also because if you use slang while interviewing this subject you might come across as a bit disrespectful.The purpose of this documentary is to tell teenagers that there is help out there and you don't have to be afraid to ask or tell someone you are being bullied and also to make teenagers realise that some things they may say to other people may offend them in some way and so it is best to think before you speak because your words may hurt someone even if it was unintentional.The length of this documentary will be around five minuets because I think that is enough time to get the message across to teenagers because they loose interest when things drag on too much so by making it a short documentary teenagers will sit and watch it and will not get bored.
