
About the System

The Integrated Data Exploratory and Analytical SystemIDEASHello, my name is Dr. Ted DAmico and today Im going to be discussing a revolutionary new system designed to analyze research data.

The system is called the Integrated Data Exploratory and Analytical System, or IDEAS for short.1QuestionDoes your company have access to custom or syndicated research data relating to various brands or services?

Do most of these data go unanalyzed because you do not have the time, money or resources required to translate these data into meaningful information?

Are you dissatisfied with the traditional approaches and statistics that are used to analyze these data because they do not provide you with the information you need to make informed media and marketing decisions?

Before I discuss this system, however, I would like to ask you a few questions.2QuestionWould you like a system that improves upon the traditional approaches by using sophisticated analytical and statistical approaches which include regression, odds ratios, and concomitant usage analysis?*

When working with most large syndicated databases, would you like to be able to answer the following questions and literally thousands more without doing virtually anything?

*To find out more about these sophisticated analytical and statistical approaches, go to, click on the About Us page, and then click on the link New approaches for profiling brands and evaluating competitive strengths and weaknesses which is towards the bottom of the page . This will take you to an article written by Dr. Ted DAmico which was published in the August 2011 issue of Quirks Marketing Research Review.

3QuestionHow loyal are my brand's users?

How does my brand's loyalty rate compare to the loyalty rates of other brands in the category?

Which brands show the greatest interaction with my brand?

Which competing brands are my brand's users using at a disproportionately high rate? Disproportionately low rate?

Which brands pose the greatest threat to my brand in the marketplace?

Which brands represent the greatest opportunity for future growth?

Which publications, websites, and TV programs have the greatest reach against my brand's users? QuestionWhat are the demographic, psychographic, and media profiles of my brand's users?

What demographic, psychographic, and media measures best predict whether people use my brand or a competing brand?

What other measures are strongly predictive of brand usage?

What are my strengths and weaknesses versus each of my competitors?

For each competing brand, what measures best determine whether people use my brand or the competing brand?

For each measure in the analysis, how does my brand stack up against its key competitors and against all brands in the category?

QuestionWould you like these prior questions to be answered using written text and presentation quality charts and tables?

Would you like a system to be able to take a simple cross-tab and translate it into an insightful, beautifully illustrated PowerPoint:Executive summary, Reference manual, andCompetitive strength analysis?

Would you like a system that is able to automatically generate an Excel file that answers more than 100,000 questions and literally talks to you if you do not understand a table or marketing term?6Introducing IDEASIf your answer was yes to the previous questions, then The Integrated Data Exploratory and Analytical System (IDEAS) ideally suits your needs.

The Global Component of this system transforms "cross-tabulated" data for a given target brand, media vehicle or analytical group into insightful and beautifully illustrated PowerPoint reports and a talking Excel file that answers thousands of questions with either a presentation quality chart or table.

The Quick Insights component of the system also uses cross-tabulated data as its input and its output is similar to that provided by the Excel file discussed above. However, unlike the global component which requires that the input cross-tab be processed by DAmico Associates, the Quick Insights Component enables the user to directly import any cross-tab directly into the system.

7Example of an Input Cross-tab for Global Component of IDEAS The input crosstab is processed by DAmico Associates and returned to the client with three PowerPoint outputs and a talking Excel file.

This is an example of an input cross-tab for the Global component of IDEAS

As you can see, this cross-tab consists of columns and rowsIn an IDEAS cross-tab you can have up to 200 column and 4,500 rows.

The columns are the items you want to compare. They could be brands of toothpaste, magazines, websites, TV networks, makes of cars, demographic segments or any other analytical grouping

The rows are the measures on which the columns are compared. The measures can be divided into as many as 30 separate categories.

In the present example, we have demographic measures, psychographic measures, and magazine measures. You could also have 27 additional categories. For example, you can include measures relating to leisure activities, stores shopped, real estate owned, etc.

The input crosstab is processed by DAmico Associates and returned to the client with three PowerPoint outputs and a talking Excel file.

8If you would like to view some of the output provided by IDEAS, go to the Sample Output Page and then click the link that says Sample Output Summary (Narrated Presentation)
