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Idioms and Phrases

1. Actions speak louder than words- What a person actually does means more

than what they say.

2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.- People have different ideas about what

is beautiful

3. Beggars can’t be choosers-When there is no choice one must be satisfied

with what one has.

4. Seeing is believing- You believe in what you see.

5. Blood is thicker than water- family relationships are stronger than any other.

6. Born with a silver spoon in the mouth- Having rich parents.

7. Every cloud has a silver lining- Every sad or difficult situation has a positive


8. Too many cook’s spoil the broth- if too many people are involved in doing

something they spoil the thing.

9. Familiarity breeds contempt- knowing somebody too well makes you lose

admiration and respect for them.

10. A friend in need is a friend indeed- A friend who helps you when you need

it is a true friend.

11. All that glitters is not gold.- Not everything that looks good and attractive is

actually good.

12. Money does not grow on trees- One should not use money carelessly

because one does not have a lot of it.

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