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Recursion in Hardware: Applicability and Implementation Strategies

Bruno Pimentel Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics

University of Aveiro / IEETA Aveiro, Portugal

[email protected]

Abstract—It is widely accepted that, for certain classes of algorithms, recursion provides clean, concise, elegant, and robust designs that are easy to conceive, understand, and modify with minimal design costs. Its advantages and disadvantages when compared to iteration are well known in software applications. Strategies for implementing recursion in hardware have started to be proposed only recently and they may lead to different results, not only when compared to recursion in software, but also with each other. This paper illustrates the applicability of recursive algorithms in solving computationally intensive problems, namely with the implementation of backtracking search algorithms. Then, a careful analysis of the most relevant strategies for implementing recursion in hardware is carried out, highlighting and comparing the advantages and limitations which can be found amongst them.

Keywords-recursion; hardware; backtracking search algorithms; implementation; applicability.

I. INTRODUCTION Within the software applications domain, recursive and

iterative algorithms have been subject to comparison for a long time and therefore concrete comparison results in this area are already well-known. On the one hand, it is widely accepted that, for certain classes of algorithms, recursion provides clean, concise, elegant, and robust designs that are easy to conceive, understand, and modify with minimal design costs (namely design time). On the other hand, recursive algorithms in software are generally considered slow and very memory-consuming [1] when compared to iterative ones. Although some authors believe that inappropriate examples are sometimes used to reinforce such disadvantages [2], the latter are widely accepted. As a consequence, the use of recursion in software is quite often avoided, even when implementing algorithms that are inherently recursive. In fact, methods for transforming general recursion into iteration have been extensively studied [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].

Despite this widely accepted heuristic indicating that recursion is generally less advantageous than iteration, in software, the suitability of recursion (versus iteration) has been found highly dependent on the class of the implemented algorithm. When applying a divide-and-conquer approach, the original problem is replaced with similar smaller problems. With this approach, recursion is known to be most efficient [2] and therefore arguably advantageous when compared to iteration.

Implementing recursion in hardware deals with platform features and limitations which are different from those dealt with in software. For instance, general purpose computers generally offer wide allocable memory space (which is of great use for keeping ever-changing size stacks) but, on the other hand, do not support parallel execution (which speeds up the completion of sets of independent operation sequences). However, the opposite scenario unfolds for hardware implementations. This means that the pros and cons of using recursion (versus iteration) in hardware applications can be quite different from the results achieved in software applications.

Strategies for implementing recursion in hardware [1, 10, 11, 12, 13] have started to be proposed only in 1999 and therefore very few results are available for comparison. Furthermore, these strategies implement recursion in different ways, which means they may lead to different iteration-versus-recursion comparison results.

Comparing any two algorithms can be carried out with 2 perspectives. From the point of view of the designer, there are pros and cons concerning the design process, such as design time, ease of modification, etc. These characteristics are generally independent from implementation issues (like programming/description language or computational platform) because they are related only to how the algorithm is described at a high-level of abstraction. These design-based comparison criteria are often considered subjective, as there are currently no known methods for evaluating them objectively. However, despite their subjectiveness, these criteria can be of great relevance to designers.

On the other hand, one can compare characteristics of the resulting solution, such as execution time, area/memory usage, etc. In this perspective, comparison results are very dependent on the implementation issues. Moreover, available CAD tools and the measurability of the solution properties grant objectiveness to these solution-based comparison criteria.

For a designer, more important than knowing which strategy for implementing recursion in hardware can generally be found the best is to know the pros and cons of each available strategy. The latter allow for choosing a strategy taking into account the criteria with the most relevance to the designer’s objectives.

The remainder of this paper is divided in 4 sections. Section II provides a brief definition of recursion, an overview of combinatorial search problems, in which recursion is widely used, and exemplifies how backtracking search algorithms can be used to solve them using recursion.

2009 Second International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-Electronics

978-0-7695-3832-7/09 $26.00 © 2009 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/CENICS.2009.23


2009 Second International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-Electronics

978-0-7695-3832-7/09 $26.00 © 2009 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/CENICS.2009.23


2009 Second International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics

978-0-7695-3832-7/09 $26.00 © 2009 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/CENICS.2009.23


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Section III describes different strategies for implementing recursion in hardware and then the pros and cons of each of those are examined in Section IV. Conclusions are presented in Section V.

II. RECURSION AND ITS APPLICABILITY Something is said to be recursive if it partially consists

or is defined in terms of itself [14]. Recursion can be applied and observed in many fields and, in problem solving, it is known to be an extremely powerful technique [15] which permits to decompose a problem into smaller sub-problems that are of the same form as the original problem [16].

Within the context of algorithm implementation, recursion is mainly used in the definition of procedures and structured data types. This paper focuses on the procedure-oriented kind of recursion but, in fact, recursive algorithms are particularly appropriate when the data to be processed and the problem to be solved are defined in recursive terms [14].

Recursion can be direct and indirect. A procedure that includes an explicit invocation of itself is said to be directly recursive. On the other hand, an indirectly recursive procedure is one that invokes some other procedure which directly or indirectly invokes the first one. For example, most recursive algorithms developed for solving combinatorial problems are directly recursive. Both kinds of recursion present essentially the same implementation challenges.

Combinatorial search problems are a good example for illustrating the applicability and advantages of implementing recursive algorithms in hardware in order to solve computationally intensive problems. Let us therefore consider an overview of such problems and a technique widely used to solve them.

A. Combinatorial Search Problems Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics with

increasing importance which can be described as the study of how discrete sets of objects can be arranged, counted, and constructed, according to specified constraints [17, 18].

Combinatorial search problems are divided in 4 types, depending on the kind of solution that is required [19, 20]:

• Decision problems, in which a question is to be answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’;

• Search problems, in which a question is to be answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and, in case the answer is ‘yes’, an n-tuple

1[ ,..., ]nx x that verifies the given constraints is to be provided;

• Enumeration problems, in which the number of different n-tuples

1[ ,..., ]nx x that verify the given constraints is to be found;

• Optimization problems, in which an n-tuple 1[ ,..., ] {0,1}n

nx x ∈ which maximizes the value of a specified profit-evaluating function (or minimizes the value of a specified cost-evaluating function) is to be provided.

A significant characteristic of combinatorial problems is their vast applicability, which is also the reason for their increasing importance. Algorithms for solving such problems are therefore getting a lot of attention today [21]. Applications of combinatorial problems can be found in Boolean expression simplification [22]; resource allocation [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]; mathematical logic, artificial intelligence, VLSI engineering, and computing theory [29]; automated reasoning, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, machine vision, database, robotics, integrated circuit design automation, computer architecture design, embedded systems, and computer network design [29, 30, 31]; microprogramming for application-specific embedded microprocessors and resource distribution [32, 33]; cutting stock systems [34, 35, 36, 37]; cryptography [38, 39, 40], broadband communications [41, 42], etc.

B. Backtracking Search Algorithms Most algorithms for solving combinatorial problems

have a top-down approach based on search trees [43]. Search trees are typically implemented by means of a backtracking mechanism [44, 45, 46, 47, 20]. In this context, the search consists of a multi-stage decision process in which some choice is made at each stage [48]. At every stage, a solvability test which takes the earlier choices into account is also performed and, under certain circumstances, such test can determine that some of those choices cannot lead to a solution. If this is the case, the algorithm restores the context belonging to the previous stage, i.e. it backtracks, in order to make an alternative choice. If all alternative choices based on that context have already been tried, the algorithm backtracks again. The process continues until the whole search tree is traversed or, in case the given problem is not an optimization problem, when a satisfactory solution is found. In either case, algorithms which follow this strategy are called backtracking search algorithms.

The Eight Queens Problem [49] is a classic combinatorial problem that is very appropriate for illustrating backtracking search algorithms. Let us consider a simplified version which consists of finding a way to place 4 queens in a 4 by 4 chessboard in such a way that no queen is able to attack another. In this problem, there is no distinction between white and black queens. Thus, in order to achieve a solution, no pair of queens can be placed in the same row, column, or diagonal.

In order to solve this problem, Bitner and Reingold chose the following strategy [46]: because exactly one queen must be placed in each column, a solution can be represented as a tuple

1 2 3 4[ , , , ]x x x x in which ix represents

the row of the queen placed in the ith column. They do not consider all possible combinations of queen placements; only those with one queen in each column. This way, all combinations with more than a queen per column (which are obviously not solutions) are excluded from the beginning.

Using this strategy, one can conceive a search process with 4 stages in which the value of

ix is chosen at stage i . Each choice is made amongst 4 possible values: 1 to 4 (which identify the 4 rows). As a result, a quaternary search


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tree with a depth of 4 levels is obtained. Fig. 1 depicts the part of that search tree which is actually traversed by a backtracking search algorithm that would follow this approach. At the root of the search tree, the 4-tuple variable which will provide the solution is completely unassigned. At each level, one of its elements is assigned and hence the variable becomes completely assigned when a leaf is reached. White circles correspond to legal partial queen placements which are therefore explored further. On the other hand, grey circles illustrate partial or complete queen placements which are illegal and therefore trigger a backtrack movement. The black circle is the leaf of the search tree in which a solution is found (see Fig. 1-t).

In order to better understand the traversed search tree and the reason for which some of its nodes correspond to illegal placements, the queen placements that are represented by the 4-tuples in Fig. 1-a to Fig. 1-t are depicted in Fig. 2-a to Fig. 2-t, respectively.

Recursion is often used to support backtracking. At any branch point of the search process, i.e. any non-leaf node of the search tree, choosing one of the alternative search branches corresponds to making a recursive call, whereas backtracking corresponds to returning from a recursive call. When backtracking, all the variables which define the search context must be re-assigned in order to restore the values they had when the corresponding recursive call was made.

Figure 1. The part of the search tree which would be traversed by the presented backtracking search algorithm

for solving the 4 queens problem

Figure 2. Queen placements represented by the 4-tuples in Fig. 1-a to Fig. 1-t

a) b) c) d)♛ ♛♛ ♛ ♛ ♛


e) f) g) h)♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛

♛♛ ♛♛ ♛

♛ ♛i) j) k) l)♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛

♛ ♛♛ ♛ ♛♛

♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛m) n) o) p)♛ ♛ ♛

♛ ♛♛♛

♛ ♛♛q) r) s) t)

♛♛ ♛ ♛♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛

♛ ♛♛ ♛ ♛


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A. Multi-thread and speculative execution Tsutomu Maruyama, Masaaki Takagi

Hoshino have proposed the following twoimplementing recursion in hardware: multi-and speculative execution [10]. Both of ththe implementation and optimization obacktracking search algorithms on the baand with the use of a logic stack.

Analogously to Bondalapati and Prasanmapping loops onto reconfigurable ar(optimized later in [51]), each of the piactivated for a different recursive call astages are activated simultaneously, and avoided.

While multi-thread execution is morealgorithms which require traversing the w(searching for the optimal solution), speculabetter suited for finding any solution (the fir

Later on, Maruyama and Hoshino hacompiler for generating pipeline circuits on and recursive programs written in the language [11]. Stacks are implemented usinmemory blocks, when available.

B. Recursive Hierarchical Finite State MacHaving the objective of developing an

design of virtual control devices that woproperties of extensibility, flexibility, Valery Sklyarov has proposed a technique Finite State Machines (FSMs) from hierarcspecifications (namely Hierarchical Graph S

Later on, Sklyarov has addressed some this Hierarchical Finite State Machine (HFproposed an enhanced version: the R(RHFSM) model [16]. The typical time caused by recursive invocations was reducexecuting the algorithm-related operationcontrol operations in parallel (see Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Parallel execution of algorithm-related opcontrol operations

The RHFSM model requires 3 stacks restoring module identifiers, state identifidata when performing or returning from hAs shown in practical applications of this these stacks can be implemented on built-insignificantly reducing the use of FPGA logi


i, and Tsutomu o techniques for -thread execution hem are aimed at of recursion in sis of pipelining

nna’s proposal on chitectures [50] ipeline stages is

and therefore all idle cycles are

e appropriate for whole search tree ative execution is rst that is found). ave developed a the basis of loop C programming

ng FPGA internal

chines approach to the

ould provide the and reusability, for synthesizing

chical behavioral Schemes) [12]. disadvantages of

FSM) model and ecursive HFSM overhead that is ced by means of ns and the flow

perations and flow

for storing and iers, and context hierarchical calls.

model [52, 53], n memory blocks, c.

C. Recursive function unrolling basreconfiguration and pipelining George Ferizis and Hossam El

method for mapping recursive funhardware which does not require sconsists of unrolling recursive fruntime reconfiguration and placing

Mapping a loop into a pipelinedof the methods earlier proposePrasanna [50, 51] (who also inspir11]) and by Weinhardt and Luk [5pushed the idea further in such acreated by recursive functions cainstead of arrays in case they cocalls. This approach led to a series which the authors had to address rather complex and resource consum

D. Recursion simplification and conIn contrast with the previo

approaches to implement recursionNinos and Apostolos Dollas have psolution [1]. The method is bsimplification procedure which reqcall state, the following preliminary

• Identification of the conditicondition which determinecall is to be activated;

• Identification of the locavalues which must be stowhen that recursive call iwhen returning.

After the recursion simplificatican be thought of as conditional flcondition for recursion is met, uponrecursive invocation, local data arand execution is sent back to the inFig. 4); after a recursive call has local data are restored from the brought back to the invocating state

Figure 4. Example of an originally recursivsimplification (from


Let us now examine the pros addressed methods. Such data is imselect the strategy which is most app

A. Multi-thread and speculative exeThe research [10] has show

execution of recursion calls leadsthan simple sequential execution wresource usage and clock frequency

sed on runtime

Gindy have proposed a nctions to reconfigurable stacks [13]. This method functions by means of g them into a pipeline. d linear array are the basis d by Bondalapati and

red Maruyama et al. [10, 4]. Ferizis and El Gindy

a way that the pipelines an be mapped as trees

ontain multiple recursive of significant challenges with techniques that are


nditional flow ous processing-oriented n in hardware, Spyridon proposed a data-oriented based on a recursion

quires, for each recursive y tasks: ion for recursion, i.e. the

es whether that recursive

l data, i.e. the context ored onto the data stack s activated and restored

ion procedure, recursion low (see Fig. 4): when a n testing in a state with a re pushed onto the stack nitial state (transition F in

activated the final state, stack and execution is

e (transition E in Fig. 4).

ve state diagram after recursion m [1])

DRESSED STRATEGIES and cons of each of the

mportant for designers to propriate for their goal.

ecution wn that multi-threaded s to higher performance with negligible hardware y overheads.


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Known limitations regarding these strategies concern the following issues:

• the maximum speedup equalling the pipeline’s depth [10, 1];

• the speed increase obtained at the expense of area utilization [1];

• the efficiency when handling recursive functions that call themselves multiple times [13].

B. Recursive Hierarchical Finite State Machines The RHFSM model allows for correct implementation of

both directly and indirectly recursive calls at the same time that it provides the advantages of modular and hierarchical algorithm decompositions which are generalized in software algorithm design.

Drawbacks that have been pointed out on the RHFSM model are as follows:

• The use of three stacks per algorithm implementation suggests greater utilization of logic or block memory vs. a conventional single stack solution [1];

• Either the stacks for keeping state and module identifiers are as large as the data stack, incurring significant area overhead; or the hierarchical invocation depth must be bounded to a lower stack size [1].

Both drawbacks lose their significance with algorithms which require higher amounts of context data to be kept in the data stack and also when the number of modules and states per module is lower. For instance, if the storage of a context data entry requires 72 bits and there are 3 modules and 8 states per module, then all information (context data, module identifier, and state identifier) could be stored in 77 bits. Moreover, if one wants to reduce the number of stacks (at the expense of algorithm clarity), then a single 77-bit wide stack can be used.

C. Recursive function unrolling based on runtime reconfiguration and pipelining In order for Ferizis and El Gindy to compare their

method’s performance with that of regular stack implementations, they have carried out experiments on the basis of 2 algorithms (Quicksort and Force Approximation) and reported high speedups [13]. However, it seems that the stack implementations have not been subject to any kind of optimization, and some design details, such as the synthesis tools and the language(s) that have been used were left unidentified.

The drawbacks which have been found in Ferizis and El Gindy’s approach are the following:

• Algorithm-generality limitation: area-related problems arise when mapping recursive functions with a process growth rate greater than 1 [13];

• Platform-specificity: it relies on run-time reconfiguration that is only available in certain FPGAs;

• High concept-to-implementation time span [1]: complex preliminary algorithm-specific analysis

must be carried out by the designer, as there is no known CAD tool available for the task, so far;

• Error-prone design: the complexity and diversity of the techniques that have to be used for solving algorithm-specific challenges raises the probability of making mistakes [1];

• Incompatibility with System-On-Chip (SOC) design [1]: because of implementation requirements, the design cannot coexist in the same reconfigurable component with other designs.

D. Recursion simplification and conditional flow Ninos and Dollas have reported (i) speedups of this

method compared to software implementations of up to 2.86 and (ii) relevant area occupation and clock speed enhancements compared to Sklyarov’s HFSM-based approach [1].

However, this data-oriented approach provides no support for indirect recursion. In fact, not even modularity is supported. Designers must describe the whole algorithm as a single function that is implemented by means of an FSM. Thus, unless the algorithm which the designer needs to implement consists of a simple directly recursive function, clarity and readability of the description become compromised.

Moreover, the recursion simplification stage can constitute a complex and time-consuming task for many algorithms. In particular, complex scenarios can lead to challenging identification of the local data. Thus, while there is no well-defined set of rules which assures correctness of this process, it is impossible to develop software tools for automatic (and, ideally, transparent) recursion simplification. This hard task must therefore be carried out by the designers, which might lead to mistakes.

V. CONCLUSION It is widely accepted that recursion provides important

design advantages for certain classes of algorithms. Combinatorial search problems are a good example for illustrating such advantages and the applicability of implementing recursive algorithms in hardware in order to solve computationally intensive problems. Combinatorial search problems are commonly solved with the aid of backtracking search algorithms, which in turn are usually implemented recursively. In this context, the search consists of a multi-stage decision process in which some choice is made at each stage. In case the algorithm detects that the previous choices cannot lead to a solution, the context belonging to the previous stage is restored, in order to try alternative choices. Choosing one of the alternative search branches corresponds to making a recursive call, whereas backtracking corresponds to returning from a recursive call.

When implementing any algorithm in software, the use of recursion instead of iteration can be better or worse, depending on the criteria that are chosen and the class of algorithm. In some cases, recursion provides clean, concise, elegant, and robust designs that are easy to conceive, understand, and modify with minimal design costs (namely design time). However, recursive algorithms in software are


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generally considered slow and very resource-consuming when compared to iterative ones. Strategies for implementing recursion in hardware have started to be proposed only recently and therefore very few results are available for comparison. Furthermore, these strategies implement recursion in different ways, which means they may lead to different iteration-versus-recursion comparison results.

Multi-thread execution and speculative execution are two techniques that aim for the implementation and optimization of recursion in backtracking search algorithms on the basis of pipelining and the use of a logic stack. Known limitations regarding these authors’ proposals concern (i) the maximum speedup equaling the pipeline’s depth, (ii) the speed increase obtained at the expense of area utilization, and (iii) the efficiency when handling recursive functions that call themselves multiple times.

The RHFSM model allows for correct implementation of both direct and indirect recursive calls at the same time that it provides the advantages of modular and hierarchical algorithm decompositions which are generalized in software algorithm design. It uses 3 stacks but averts the typical time overhead that is caused by recursive invocations by means of executing the algorithm-related operations and the flow control operations in parallel. Two drawbacks that have been pointed out on the RHFSM model have been found. One suggests that it requires significant utilization of logic or block memory when compared to a conventional single stack solution. The second states that either the support stacks are as large as the data stack, incurring significant area overhead; or the hierarchical invocation depth must be bounded to a lower stack size. However, a few remarks which render the relevance of these drawbacks low have been presented.

Ferizis and El Gindy have proposed a method for mapping recursive functions to reconfigurable hardware which does not require stacks and consists of unrolling recursive functions by means of runtime reconfiguration and placing them into a pipeline. This proposal has been inspired by research carried out by Bondalapati and Prasanna and some details are not very clear. Several disadvantages of this proposal have been pointed out.

Ninos and Dollas have proposed a data-oriented solution for implementing recursion in hardware which is based on a preliminary recursion simplification procedure. For each recursive call state, the condition for recursion and the local data must be identified. The drawbacks of this strategy includes the time-consuming and error-prone recursion simplification procedure, which is presently impossible to automate, and lack of support for indirect recursion and modularity, forcing designers to describe whole algorithm as single functions that are implemented with an FSM.

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