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The diagram below shows the average hours of unpaid work per week done by people in different categories. (Unpaid work refers to such activities as childcare in the home, housework and gardening.)Describe the information presented below, comparing results for men and women in the categories shown. Suggest reasons for what you see.You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer:The given column graph shows information on the amount of unpaid works done by men and women of different categories.As is presented in the illustration, married women who don't have children do the unpaid-works (gardening, child care and household works) 30 hours per week whereas married men do the similar unpaid jobs for about 18 hours per week. Women, who have one or two children do such work for 50 hours/week but the men from the same category do only 17hours (approximately) each week. The women who have more than 3 kids seem to work highest amount of unpaid works per week and that is nearly 60 hours. Surprisingly male from the same category work even less; amounting only 16 hours (approximately) of unpaid works.In summary, women do the most of the unpaid jobs compared to men and with the increased number of children this workload for women increases. This is possibly because more men than women get busy at paid job and women stay home more than men do. As a consequence, women have to do more unpaid jobs like childcare, gardening, cooking and household tasks than men.(Approximately191words)(This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)Tips for answering this Academic IELTS writing task 1:1. Look at the question carefully. It asks you to compare the result shown for men and women. So you should not only mention the figures given in the graph. Rather you should use comparisons. An example of comparison is: "The number of unpaid working hours increases for women with the increase of their children's number but that does not affect the total unpaid works done by the men."2. The question also asks you to suggest reason for what you see. So you would require to give reasons why the women works more unpaid works that men do and why their working hours in unpaid works increases with the number of total children.3. There is an interesting fact in the result of the bar graph i.e. men with more than 3 children work even less for the unpaid jobs. Mention this interesting fact in your writing.4. Since, no past year or month is mentioned in this bar graph, your answer should be in present tense. Example:Women spend more time on such unpaid household works than men do.Summary of the bar graph:This graph shows the total hour of unpaid jobs like child rearing, house hold works, cooking, cleaning, gardening etc done by male and female per week. The result of this graph is not related to the paid job of men of women. The result suggests that females spend more time on such jobs than men do. Again, female with more children works more hours than other females. Interestingly the numbers of hours men work in such unpaid works remain almost same regardless of their children number.Answers submitted by our students:

Answer 1:The given line graph compares the hours of non-paid jobs done by male and female with different number of child in an average week. As is observed from the graphs, women worked significantly more hours than men for the house hold works like child caring, gardening etc. Also the number of hourly works done as un-paid works got higher with the increase of child number.

As is presented in the line graph, married women work around 30 hours per week for household unpaid works while the men from same category work for only 18 hours. The works done by female with 1-2 children per week is more than 50 hours and with 3 plus children the work done by female is 60 hours. Interestingly, amount of unpaid jobs done by male does not change with the number of kids they have except for the men with more than three kids who works even less in unpaid household works.

In conclusion we can say that, the amount of unpaid works like household works and child caring increases for women with the increase of their kids number but for men this remain same. And female works significantly more hours for that type of house hold works than the men do.(Approximately208words)

The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. Leisure time in a typical week in hour: by sex and employment status, 1998-99.

Model Answer:The provided chart shows the number of leisure hours enjoyed by men and women in a typical week in 1998-99, according to gender and employment status. As is observed from the graph, the unemployed and retired men and women had more leisure time than the other type of people.

Among the full time employed people, men had about 45 hours of leisure time on an average per week compared to the 38 hours of leisure time for woman. No data is given for the part-time employed men and woman from this category enjoyed 40 hours of leisure time in a week. This figure is slightly more than the employed woman perhaps because of their employment nature.

Unemployed and retired people had the longest period for leisure activity both for men and woman and men had a bit more hours than the women. As expected the retired and unemployed people enjoyed about 78 to 82 hours per week which is longer than people from other employment status. Lastly housewives enjoyed approximately 50 hours of leisure time which is more than the employed woman but less than the unemployed and retired woman. The graph reflects that men had more leisure time from all status than woman which indicates that woman spent on more time working at home than the male.

The graph summarises that the male enjoy more leisure time than woman and employed people had less time for leisure activity than retired and unemployed people.(Approximately244words)Alternative Answer:The graph compares the amount of leisure time enjoyed by people of different employment level s in a typical week in the year 1998-1999.In the given column graph, no data has been provided for the part-time employed and house-staying men. For rest of the cases, Men have more leisure time than women of the same category. The highest amount of leisure hours are enjoyed by those, who are unemployed. Unemployed men had approximately 85 hours of spare time and women from the same category had about 83 hours. The retired people also enjoyed the same amount of leisure activities as did the unemployed men and women. On the contrary, full-time employed men had a total of 40 hours leisure time compared to about 37 hours of women from the same status. Finally woman with part-time job had 40 hours-time to spend as leisure time and Housewives had 50 hours leisure time.In conclusion, unemployed and retire people, both men and women enjoyed more leisure time than employed people and men compared to women had more time for leisure activities.(Approximately181words)Tips for writing answer for this Academic Writing Task 1:1. The given bar graph compares the data for the year 1998 and 1999. So your answer should be in past tense. For instance: Full time employed menenjoyedabout 44 hours of leisure time while the female of this categoryhadapproximately 38 hours of leisure time.2. Notice that no data for the house-staying husbands and part-time employed men are given in the graph. So mention that fact as well. Example: No data for the part-time employed men and house-staying men are given in the illustration....3. Observe that men and women of retired and unemployed categories had more free times than the employed people. This is an important fact of the graph. So mention this fact in your writing.4. Female had less leisure time than the men in the given categories. As this is an important factor of the graph, mention this and also give a hint that this might have happened because of the females engagement of household works, child rearing etc.Summary of the graph:Unemployed and retired people had more leisure time than the part-time and full-time employed men and women. Also, women enjoyed less leisure time than men as they have more involvement in household works. No data was given for the part-time job holding and house-staying male.Answers Submitted by IELTS Candidates:Answer 1:The given graph gives information on the number of leisure hours enjoyed by male and female with different employment status in an average week of the year 1998 and 1999. As is observed from the graph, male had more free times than female and employed people enjoyed less free hours than the unemployed or retired persons on an average.

The line graph compares the amount of leisure time enjoyed by people with different employment statuses and also compares the leisure hours between men and women. In a typical week of 1998 - 1999, full time employed men had more than 40 hours of leisure time compared to the 38 hours leisure time of women. Females with part time jobs had 40 hours of free time which is 2 hours more than the full time employed woman which is natural considering the job natures. No data for part time employed and house staying men were given in the illustration. On the other hand, unemployed and retired males had more than 80 hours of leisure time in a week while female of these 2 categories had around 78 hours of free time in a week. The amount of leisure time enjoyed by housewives was 50 hours which is less than the unemployed and retired females but higher that employed females.

In summary, the graph depicts that the male had more leisure time to enjoy than the female possibly because of the females involvement in household works and people without jobs had almost double leisure times than the employed population.(Approximately257words)

The chart shows the number of mobile phones and landlines per 100 people in selected countries.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information given.You should write at least 150 words."

Model Answer:The supplied line graph shows data on the number of cell phone and land phone users in 6 countries of Europe and American region. As is observed from the presentation that the number of land line users in Denmark, US and Canada are higher than the number of cell phone users in these countries. On the contrary, in Italy, Sweden, Denmark and Germany the cell phone users are higher in number than that of land phone users.In Italy, Sweden, UK and Denmark almost 80-90 percent people use cell phone. Among these six countries, Italian people are highest in percent in terms of cell phone usages whereas the highest percentages of land phone users are found in Denmark which is almost 90%.

The difference between cellphone and land phone users is highest in Italy and in Denmark these two types of users are almost similar. The lowest number of land phone users can be found in Canada.

In summary, North America has more Land phone users than their cell phone users and most of the European people prefer to use mobile phones over land phones.(Approximately186words)Tips for answering this writing question:

1. The graph does not mention any year from past so your answer should be in present tense. Example: Around 70% German people use mobile phones whereas the land phone users of this country are 60%.

2. Notice the fact that, in USA, Canada and Denmark, the number of land phone users are higher than the mobile phone users. In other four European countries, the opposite trends can be observed where cell phone users are more than the land phone users.

3. The data are given in percentage so mention them as percentage not absolute value.4. No past year is mentioned in the illustration, so use present tense to present your writing. Example: 90% Italian people use cell phone whereas only 41% of them use the land lines.

5. Mention which countries have the highest and lowest land phone and cell phone using percentage in your answer as these are two important facts are present in the graph. For instance: The highest percentage of cell phone users are Italian where as their percentage of using the land phone is lowest among the given countries. On the contrary, Denmark has the highest percent of land phone users and this percentage is lowest in Canada.Summary of the bar graph:The given graph compares the percentages of land phone and cell phone users in 7 different European and American countries. As is given on the illustration, the numbers of cell phone users are higher than the land phone users are in Italy, Sweden, UK and Germany. On the contrary, the land phone users are higher than cell phone users are in Canada, US and Denmark. Also, Italy has the highest percentage of mobile phone users and also the lowest land phone users. Finally, Denmark has the highest percentage of land line users and Canada has the lowest percentage of land phone users among the given 7 countries.Answers submitted by our students:

Answer 1:The given illustration gives data on the number of mobile and land phone users in six different countries namely: Canada, US, Germany, UK, Sweden and Italy.

As is presented in the chart Canada, US and Denmark have more land line users than the cell phone users while the opposite is true for Germany, UK, Sweden and Italy where the cell phone users exceeds the number of land phone users. In Canada, US and Denmark the numbers of cell phone users per 100 are consecutively 38, 48 and 71 while the land line users are 61, 38 and 87. On the other hand the remaining 4 countries have much more mobile phone users than the land line users. The Italian people use the highest percentage of land phones and lowest percentage of cell phones on an average. On the contrary, Canadians use the lowest number of cell phones per 100 people while the mobiles phone users are almost half of the total land phone users.

In summary, US and Canada have higher land phone users than the cell phone users while the European prefers to use cell phone than the land phones.(Approximately191words)

The diagram below shows the average hours of unpaid work per week done by people in different categories. (Unpaid work refers to such activities as childcare in the home, housework and gardening.)Describe the information presented below, comparing results for men and women in the categories shown. Suggest reasons for what you see.You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer:The given column graph shows information on the amount of unpaid works done by men and women of different categories.As is presented in the illustration, married women who don't have children do the unpaid-works (gardening, child care and household works) 30 hours per week whereas married men do the similar unpaid jobs for about 18 hours per week. Women, who have one or two children do such work for 50 hours/week but the men from the same category do only 17hours (approximately) each week. The women who have more than 3 kids seem to work highest amount of unpaid works per week and that is nearly 60 hours. Surprisingly male from the same category work even less; amounting only 16 hours (approximately) of unpaid works.In summary, women do the most of the unpaid jobs compared to men and with the increased number of children this workload for women increases. This is possibly because more men than women get busy at paid job and women stay home more than men do. As a consequence, women have to do more unpaid jobs like childcare, gardening, cooking and household tasks than men.(Approximately191words)(This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)Tips for answering this Academic IELTS writing task 1:1. Look at the question carefully. It asks you to compare the result shown for men and women. So you should not only mention the figures given in the graph. Rather you should use comparisons. An example of comparison is: "The number of unpaid working hours increases for women with the increase of their children's number but that does not affect the total unpaid works done by the men."2. The question also asks you to suggest reason for what you see. So you would require to give reasons why the women works more unpaid works that men do and why their working hours in unpaid works increases with the number of total children.3. There is an interesting fact in the result of the bar graph i.e. men with more than 3 children work even less for the unpaid jobs. Mention this interesting fact in your writing.4. Since, no past year or month is mentioned in this bar graph, your answer should be in present tense. Example:Women spend more time on such unpaid household works than men do.Summary of the bar graph:This graph shows the total hour of unpaid jobs like child rearing, house hold works, cooking, cleaning, gardening etc done by male and female per week. The result of this graph is not related to the paid job of men of women. The result suggests that females spend more time on such jobs than men do. Again, female with more children works more hours than other females. Interestingly the numbers of hours men work in such unpaid works remain almost same regardless of their children number.Answers submitted by our students:

Answer 1:The given line graph compares the hours of non-paid jobs done by male and female with different number of child in an average week. As is observed from the graphs, women worked significantly more hours than men for the house hold works like child caring, gardening etc. Also the number of hourly works done as un-paid works got higher with the increase of child number.

As is presented in the line graph, married women work around 30 hours per week for household unpaid works while the men from same category work for only 18 hours. The works done by female with 1-2 children per week is more than 50 hours and with 3 plus children the work done by female is 60 hours. Interestingly, amount of unpaid jobs done by male does not change with the number of kids they have except for the men with more than three kids who works even less in unpaid household works.

In conclusion we can say that, the amount of unpaid works like household works and child caring increases for women with the increase of their kids number but for men this remain same. And female works significantly more hours for that type of house hold works than the men do.(Approximately208words)

The graphs below show the types of music albums purchased by people in Britain according to sex and age.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Sample Answer 1:The three provided graphs represent data on the type of music albums purchased by the different age group and sex in England.As is observed, Rock music is most popular among the three music types mentioned here and people purchasing classical music album are mostly over 45 years.

In all cases, men purchase more music album than women. Rock and pop is most popular among young people while classical among the people over 45 years. The market of rock music is mainly dominated by men with a purchase record of 30% compared to 17% purchase done by women. From the first graph it is obvious that interest in pop music seems steady among the population who aged from 16 to 44 with 20% and after getting 45 years old people continue to buy pop type music albums.Among the population of 25 to 34 years old, the rock music is most revered and it reaches its pick. Opposite to the classic music graph, the interest in rock music keep falling after the 35 years age and a sharp fall after the age 45.(This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)Answer Submitted by IELTS candidates:Answer 2:The given charts present data on rock and classic music albums purchased by different age groups of British male and female. As is observed from the given illustration, rock music is more popular among the young people while classic music is preferred by the people over 45 years old.

According to the two bar graphs, more than 25% British male purchased rock music albums while less than 10% preferred classic music albums. Similarly 8% British female purchased rock music albums while 6% from this same category purchased classic music albums. This data depicts that more British men purchased music albums than woman.

According to age group, rock music is most preferred by the 25 to 34 age group who purchased around 31% rock music while they purchased only 16% classic music. British people from 16 to 24 years old purchased 30% rock music while their percentage for buying classic music is significantly less amounting only 1%. Rock music is also popular than classic music among the 35 to 44 years age group who bought 26% rock music albums compared to the only 3% classic music albums. But a completely different trend can be observed among the people over 45 years old who prefer classic music over the rock music. People from this age group purchased 20% classic music albums while the rock music albums they purchased amount only 8%.

In summary, young British males purchased comparatively more music albums that show that they are more interested in music than females of same age groups or male over 45 years old. Besides, rock music is more popular among young British while aged people like classic music.(Approximately275words)

The chart below shows estimated world illiteracy rates by region and by gender for the year 2000.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.

You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer:The given bar chart shows the approximate world illiteracy rates by gender and region for the year 2000. As is observed in the given column graph, in all cased, the illiteracy rate among women is higher than men. Developed countries have almost ignorable illiteracy rate and in the contrary, about half of the population in south Asia, Arab states and Africa are illiterate.The illiteracy rate in Latin America / Caribbean and East Asia / Oceania is only 1 percent (approximately), 10 percent and 14 percent (approximately) respectively considering both male and female. Sub-Saharan Africa, the Arab States and South Asia had rates of approximately 40%, 41% and 45%. Illiterate women are higher than the illiterate men in all the given countries.In the developed countries, the proportion of literacy among men and female is almost similar but the differences increased for Asia, Arab states and Africa. Among the given 6 countries, South Asian population are far more illiterate than any other country. (Approximately163words)(This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)Answer submitted by IELTS Candidates:Answer 1:The given bar graph shows the illiteracy rates of different regions of the world both for male and female for the year 2000. As is observed from the graph, South Asian, Arab and African countries have a very high rate of illiteracy while this percentage is very low in developed countries as well as in the Latin American countries. Besides, it is also observed that, female illiteracy rate is higher than male illiteracy rate in all part of the world.

As is presented in the graph, illiteracy rate among female is higher than male in all parts of the world. The illiteracy rate in South Asian, Arab states and in Sub-Saharan Africa is alarmingly higher than any part of the world. More than 50 female in South Asian and Arab countries are illiterate while this percentage is only 1 in developed countries. Around 30% male are illiterate in these two regions while this percentage is less than 1 in developed countries. The illiteracy rate in Sub-Saharan African countries is similar to the South Asian and Arab countries. East Asia and Oceania have less than 20% illiterate people while this rate is around 10% in Latin America/ Caribbean countries. Finally in developed countries, most of the people are literate as they have a very tine percentage of illiterate which amount less than 1%.

In summary, the South Asian, Arabian and Sub-Saharan countries have a severe illiteracy rate compared to any part of the world and female illiteracy rate is higher than the male illiteracy rate all over the world.(Approximately258words)

The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.

You should write at least 150 words.You should not spend more than 20 minutes on this task.Sample Answer:The given bar graph shows data on the type of transportation used to go to work and to return from the work in three different years. As is noticed from the given data, personal car has become the most popular mode of transportation for the office goers and over time the popularity of bus has decreased.

Initially in 1960, around 20% people used train, 7% people used car, 28% people used tube and around 40% people used bus to go to work or to return from work. After 20 years, the popularity of train and car increased while the popularity of tube and bus decreased. In this year, more people used train than any other transportation as their mode of office transportation. The least used type of transportation was the tube and personal car in 1980. Finally in 2000, the scenario changed and the car became the most popular mode of transportation which was used by more than 37% people. The second most popular transportation was tube while train and bus became the least preferred mode of transportation.

As is observed, people started preferring private cars over the public bus and train over the time.


The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Fig: (Pence Per Person)

(Consumption of farst food ingm.)Sample Answer:The given graphs show data on the money spent by British people on fast food items in 1990 and also present the consumption of three fast food items over 30 years.

As is presented in the bar graph, in 1990, British people with high income range spent more than 40 thousands on Hamburger per week which is higher than other fast food items. People from this income status spent only 16 thousand on Fish & Chips while they spent around 18 thousand on Pizza in a week. Again Hamburger was the most popular fast food item in the medium income earning people also. They spent over 30 thousand dollar on this food item while they spent only 25 thousand on Fish & Pizza and 11 thousand on Pizza. Finally among the low income group, the fish & chips was the most popular fast food item as they spend most on this item (17 thousand per week). Their expenditure of pizza was only 6 thousand per week while they spent 14 thousand per week on hamburger.

According to the line graph, people consume pizza more than any other fast food items in 1970. In this year UK citizens consumed more than 300 tons of pizza while the consumed only 100 tons of hamburger and fish & chips. The percentage of pizza consumption started declining and reached to only 200 tons on 1990. On the contrary, the popularity of the fish and chips reached to 500 tons in 1990 from the initial consumption volume of 80 tons. Finally the consumption of hamburger also increased over the year and reached to around 300 tons in 1990 from the initial amount of 20 tons.(Approximately280words)

The Bar graph bellow shows the Expenditure in Million Pounds on fast food items by income groups in UK.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer:The given bar graph shows data on the expenses made by the United Kingdom citizens for the fast food item in 1990. As is observed from the given data, people with high income group spent more money on fast foods and hamburger was the most preferred food among the high and average earning people.

According to the bar graph, the people who had high income did the maximum expense on the fast food items. Hamburger was the most preferred fast food items both for the average and high earning group people. More than 40 million pounds was expensed by the high earning people in this single fast food items. Two other popular fast food items among the high earning people were Pizza and Fish/ Chips for which the high earners expensed more than 15 million pounds in 1990.

Among the average earning people second most favorite fast food items was fish/ chips for which they made an expense of 25 million pound in this year. On the other hand, Pizza was the least popular item among the people of low income and they preferred fish/ chips and hamburger over the pizza.(This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)The graphs below show the Expenditure on Heath & Education, UAE as percentage of GDP and Infant mortality and life expectancy.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Sample Answer:The given graphs gives data on the percentage of GDP spent on health and education sectors in UAE from 1985 to 1993 and also shows the infant mortality and life expectancy of this country from 1970 to 1992.

As is observed from the first bar graph, UAE spent around 8% on health care and 10% on education of their GDP. After 5 years the expenditure on health decreased slightly while the expenditure on education increased by 4%. Finally in 1993, the percentages spent on both sectors increased and reached to 10% of GDP for health care and over 14% on education. This indicated the increased expenditure on both sector by the UAE government.

According to the second graph, life expectancy in UAE was 60 years initially in 1970 while the infant mortality rate was 70 per thousand. After 22 years, both of these situations improved and the life expectancy of UAE people increased to 71 years while the infant mortality rate decreased to only 20 per thousand.

In conclusion, UAE budget for health and education sector increased over the period and as a result the infant mortality rate has decreased and the life expectancy improved. (Approximately195words)

The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they receive from employers.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Sample Answer:The given graphs show the reason why students from different age groups study and also show the support they get from their employers.

According to the first bar graph, people who are under 40 years old mostly study for career while people over 49 years mainly study for their interest. Interestingly for the age group 40 to 49, there number of people who study for career and the number of people who study for interest is same. 80% students under 26 years old continue their study for having a good career while only 10% of this age group does that for subject interest. The percentage of students who study for career decreases with the increase of their age and a opposite pattern can be observed for the percentage of students who study for subject interest rather than career.

Based on the bar graph 2, more than 60% students under 26 years old get support from their employers for their education and this supports includes the time off and monetary supports they get. This percentage reduces with the increase of age and at 30-39 age group 32% get the support from the employers. After that the employers support for their employees education increases and reaches to 45% for the over 49 years age group.

In summary, most young people continue their study to have a career and as they grow up, their main reason of study becomes subject interest and the employees less than 30 years of age and over 49 years of age get more support from their employers than other age group.

The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they receive from employers.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Sample Answer:The given graphs show the reason why students from different age groups study and also show the support they get from their employers.

According to the first bar graph, people who are under 40 years old mostly study for career while people over 49 years mainly study for their interest. Interestingly for the age group 40 to 49, there number of people who study for career and the number of people who study for interest is same. 80% students under 26 years old continue their study for having a good career while only 10% of this age group does that for subject interest. The percentage of students who study for career decreases with the increase of their age and a opposite pattern can be observed for the percentage of students who study for subject interest rather than career.

Based on the bar graph 2, more than 60% students under 26 years old get support from their employers for their education and this supports includes the time off and monetary supports they get. This percentage reduces with the increase of age and at 30-39 age group 32% get the support from the employers. After that the employers support for their employees education increases and reaches to 45% for the over 49 years age group.

In summary, most young people continue their study to have a career and as they grow up, their main reason of study becomes subject interest and the employees less than 30 years of age and over 49 years of age get more support from their employers than other age group.

The chart below shows information about Heart Attacks by Ages and Genders in USA.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Sample Answer:The given chart shows data on the number of US people who got heart attach dividing in to three age groups. As is observed from the given information, men had more heart attack rate than female and both men and women over 65 years old had heart attack than younger age groups.Men had more heart attach rate than woman in all age groups. Firstly, 123 thousand men got heart attack compared to the 3 thousand female who fall under the 29 to 44 age group. Again, among the 45 to 64 years group, more than 400 thousand men got heart attack which was almost three times higher than the female of this age group. Finally, US people over 65 years old suffered from heart attack than other two age groups and that exceeded 300 thousand for female and 400 thousand for men. Women in 65+ age group suffered from heart attach significantly more than other age groups.In conclusion, more American male suffered from heart attach than women and this rate is highest among the people over 65 years old.(Approximately181words)The bar chart shows the number of visitors to three London Museums between 2007 and 2012.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

Model Answer:The provided bar graph compares the London museum visitors in three different types on museums from 2007 to 2012. As is presented in the graph, the National Gallery got popularity over time and the highest number of people visited those museums in 2007 and in 2012.According to the graph, initially in 2007 more than 12 millions people visited British museum while this number was more than 13 millions for Victoria & Albert museum and only 6.5 millions for National Gallery. The popularity of Victoria and Albert museum remain same in the next year while this decreased for the other two museums. The National Gallery museum visitors numbers remained increasing each year while the total number of museum visitors decreased in 2009, 2010 and in 2011. Finally in 2012, the National Gallery got the highest number of visitors amounting more than 15 millions while the number for British museum reached to about 13 millions and for Victoria and Albert Museum got 10 million visitors.In summary, National Gallery gained in popularity over time and more people visited the London museums in 2007 and in 2012 than they did in the years in between these two.

The bar chart below gives information about four countries spending habits of shopping on consumer goods in 2012.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer:The supplied bar chart compares the expenditure on consumer goods by the shoppers of four different countries namely Belgium, Spain, Austria and Britain for the year 2012. The chart shows the expenses in thousands of pounds for six main consumer goods.

As is presented in the graph, British people spent the highest amount while citizens of Belgium seems like spent the least amount in for the given six consumer products.For Console games citizens of these four countries expended around 150 thousand pounds on an average and British people spent more than other nations. The expenditure for outdoor game accessories was almost similar to the expenditure of console games. For the cosmetics, again British people spent more than other nations and the average expense was close to the game devices (console and outdoor). Similar expense pattern can be observed for the books and people of Belgium spent least amount for books among the four nations. The highest expenditure made by the given four nations was in camera and the expenses made by British, Austrian, Spain and Belgian were approximately 170, 166, 156 and 145 thousand pounds consecutively. These nations spent little less on toys which was the second most expenditure category.

inShare0The chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls In the UK, divided into three categories, from 1995 & 2002.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer:The given bar graph gives information on the telephone calls by the people of UK from 1995 to 2002. As is presented in the illustration, most of the UK citizens made local calls and over time the popularity of cell phones increased rapidly.

According to the bar chart, initially in 1995 more than 70 billions of minutes were spent by people who made local-fixed line calls while 37 billion minute was national and international fixed line calls and only 3 billion minutes were spent by people people made cell phone calls. The use of local- fixed line increased steadily until 1999 when it reached to 90 billion minutes and after that the number decreased each year and finally reached to 72 billions in 2002. The national & international-fixed dial call type increased each year and reached to 61 billions in 2002 from the initial figure of 38 billions in 1995. Finally the number of cell phone calls increased significantly each year which shows it increase in popularity over the period. In 1995, the mobile phone calls was only 2 billions minutes and in 2000 it reached to approximately 25 billions minutes. Over the next 2 years this number increased to 45 billion and that shows the popularity and increase of mobile phone usages of UK people over the period.

In summary, Mobile phone calls gained a significant popularity among UK callers and as of 2002, the local-fixed line calling is still the most used calling among UK people.

The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below. You should write at least 150 words.You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Sample Answer:The provided column graph represents information on travelers preferences of vehicles to go and come-back from work in a European city in three different years namely 1960, 1980 and 2000.

As is observed from the figure, car was the widely used mode of transport in the year 2000 than it was in other two decades: 1960 & 1980, and the number of people used to walk on foot earlier, gradually decreased over the time.

In 1960, almost 20 percent people used buses to and from workplaces and this percentage increased to almost 28% after 20 years in 1980. In the year 2000, the bus users fell to less than 20%. On the contrary , in case of private car, the users were only about 7% in 1960, which was the lowest among the 4 transportation systems, and this amount increased sharply in 1980 amounting 25% and in 2000 more than 38% , making it the most used form of transportation system. More than 27% people used bike in 1960 and in 1980 the number decreased slightly by 5% but in 2000 dramatically fall to about 7%. Finally 35% people used to walk to go to work and to return from there. But this foot-walkers number declined significantly at only 18% in 80'S and in 2000 at 10%, probably because of the increased uses of private car.

In conclusion, more people used to walk to travel to workplaces in 1960 but with the increased popularity of private cars this amount became tiny in 2000. (Approximately252words)(This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)Alternative Answer:The supplied bar graph gives data on different transportation systems people used in a European city in three decades: 1960,1980 and 2000 and compares how the habit of going to work and returning from there had changed over a 40 years of period.

As described in the graph, with the increased use of cars, peoples' habit of using bikes and walking on foots had decreased significantly over the time.

Initially in the year 1960, lots of people used to move either on foot or using a bike which were 35% & about 27% consecutively compared to only about 7% private cars and about 20% buses. After 20 years in 1980, the number of car and bus users grew up noticeably to 25% and to about 28%.The private car users grew more than 3 times over 20 years and in the same year people traveling on foot fell to less than half as it was in 1960 amounting only 18% of the total travellers. And finally in 2000, only 10% work-goers walked, only about 7% people rode a bicycle compared to 18% bus users and about 38% private car users. In 1960, majority of the people travelled to and from work on foot or using a car but the scenario became completely different after 40 years when most of the people used cars or buses.(Approximately224words)(This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)
