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You are in the drivers seat but God has the map !

When life knocks you to your knees, pray there !

Courage is not absence of fear but the mastery of it

Write your plans in pencil give God the eraser

Today is a gift from God its called the present

Give Satan an inch and hell become a ruler !

He who kneels to God can stand up to anything

The one who angers you controls you !

The heaviest thing to carry is a grudge

Remember-it wasnt raining when the ark was built

Happiness is an inside job !

Worry is a waste of the imagination !

Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it !

A clean conscience makes a soft pillow.

Focus on a good life not a good living

Amazing Grace - FluteNative Flute Version(None), track 481995Hymn139238.42eng - Other versions at iTuneseng - 000005A9 00000000 00000F63 00000000 0001ADF5 00000000 00003E71 00000000 0001ADF5 00000000