Page 1: Ignite -if you give a kid a camera (with notes)

If You Give A

Kid A Diane Cordell

“kid with camera” by Eddy Pula

Hi! I’m Diane Cordell, a semi-retired Teacher Librarian. Photography is my Passion - and I love to share this passion with students. Today, I ask you to consider what might happen...If You Give a Kid a Camera!

Page 2: Ignite -if you give a kid a camera (with notes)

“Baby Girl White” by dmcordell

Even before birth, a digital footprint is being created for children. Over the course of a lifetime, their image will be captured thousands of times.

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“Roots” by John Carleton

Photographs help to anchor a person in time and space. They strengthen family and community ties. They are a key component in building a sense of self.

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“I collect old cameras...” by Photography King If you give a kid a camera, you give them a tool for life. Suddenly, they become active rather than passive learners, creators rather than merely consumers.

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“High School Yearbook Photo” by stillthedudeabides

My students were always fascinated by our library collection of yearbooks. The photos they lingered over were not the posed, formal portraits. What they searched for and shared most often...

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“Last day of school 2010” by massimo ankor

...were the livelier, informal shots. These young ladies are celebrating their last day of school. You can feel their joy! Which type of image do you think they will cherish more, in later years?

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“365 2009” by JSFauxtaugraphy

If you give a kid a camera, you give them power to create and tell their own story. The 365 Photo-a-day challenge provides the framework for a visual journal capturing the people, places and things that form the mosaic of a life.

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iAm Collection

The iAm Collection helps teens construct the “Story of Me.” The basic elements consist of creating a personal “brand,” then crafting a resuME. Photos are key components of the project.

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NeverSeconds blog

This 9-year-old British student, Martha Payne, took pictures of her school cafeteria lunches, then blogged the images, with commentary. Martha’s activities demonstrate Student Voice, self-advocacy, and authentic learning.

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Screenshot of Project homepage

Recognizing the value of photography as both a creative and and emotional outlet, the New Orleans Kid Camera Project provided cameras to young Katrina survivors as tools of therapy and empowerment.

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“Patrick Page_1” by Miss. Murrell

Digital images can be used to convey information in an engaging, memorable way. This student storyboard uses humor to reinforce the traditional “No Gum” rule. The point is effectively made!

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1932/2010 by Alan Light

Iowa Cities by Alan Light

“Caldwell House, Then & Now” by Roadsidepictures





Photographs are easily integrated into curricular areas, like social studies or English Language Arts. As part of community service projects, images can record local history and document our time for future generations.

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“Japanese School Uniforms” by Danny Choo

Images transcend language and geographic boundaries. While school uniforms are the norm in some countries, they aren’t standard in the U.S. This photo might spark some interesting cross-cultural conversations!

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“Shayla’s Birthday” from FaceBook

Photographs immortalize life’s unexpected moments. When my rural students invited city friends to visit a family farm, the desire, on both sides, to record the experience led to some interesting photo captures.

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“Photo archives, The Free Library of Philadelphia” by dmcordell

As librarians, we understand that libraries need to serve as more than repositories for artifacts. While preservation is important, libraries can, and should, perform other functions.

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“Lens of Youth display in the Teen Zone” by Mosman Library

Libraries should include spaces to dream, to reflect, to create, to share, incorporating maker and exhibition spaces, where students can pursue their passions and craft their own artifacts. Entries in “The Lens of Youth” photography competition were displayed in this library as works of art in their own right.

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“Photo Booth, Revisited” by hopeleslie

The images that students create should include more than just Facebook “selfies.” We need to provide young people with the tools, skills, and time to chronicle their generation, curate their own personal story.

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“Photographer in the making” by Nina Matthews Photography

Photography is a way of touching, feeling, observing, understanding. It encourages students to look deeper, look “differently.” So - please - give a kid a camera, and get out of the way!

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“A tiny spark to set it off! And EXPLODE! Ignite the dark, illuminate the unknown” -Four Year Strong

“Strike” by Andrewthecook

You might ignite a passion that will last a lifetime.“A tiny spark to set it off! And EXPLODE! Ignite the dark, illuminate the unknown”

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Diane CordellWhat I'm Thinking: I'm Tweeting: Photos: Slidedecks

65 years separate us, but my granddaughter and I will be able to share our lives in and through photos. You had better believe that I will be giving THIS kid a camera!Thank you.